This name generator will give you 10 random names for cats or clans in the Warriors universe.The names of these cats seem to follow a few rules. Hi! There is action, suspense, and political intrigue throughout their adventure. Character Generator! Their names use only single words and are either normal names or related to nature. Warriors Title Generator (remix by Megan) by EcoleVictoria. Warrior Cats is a fantasy book series following the adventures of a group of wild cats. I can't find the generator again no matter how much of my history I go through- anyone recognize the format of this generator? There is one more Clan that forms the faith system in this universe: StarClan. So have you ever wanted to see what Warrior Cat YOU would be? Fonts. So, what warrior cat would you be? First and foremost is that whatever the name, it cannot contain parts which those cat wouldn't know about, which is mainly aimed at man-made items.There are a few more rules depending on age. I'm going to do it again to see if I get a riverclan cat. The cats of the various Clans are the series' main characters: RiverClan, SkyClan, ThunderClan, ShadowClan, and WindClan. This may be used freely, but please give credit where it is due. Erin Hunter has created a diverse cast of characters, each with their own personality traits, advantages, and disadvantages. A note - this was heavily inspired by this warrior cat generator: How to make a Fantastic Warrior Cat (And Other Tips) - Another! By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Which warrior cat are you from the journey? With a multitude of colors and markings, you can create a cool warrior cat or recreate a favorite pet! I have made a generator that generates a Warrior Cat name, and a description! Use this Warrior Cats name generator to get unique names to use for your cats. This is a sub-reddit dedicated to fans of the Warriors series published by HarperColins. I have made a generator that generates a Warrior Cat name, and a description! The Unstable and Even-tempered. ), *roll every time dangerous water prey is caught*, Major Injury/Poisoned (for jellyfish)- (80-94), Major Injury/Poisoned (for jellyfish)- (85-94), Sims 3 Warrior Cats Legacy Challenge Library, Newcrest Witches: The #BuildNewcrest Hale Legacy. You are Tawnybraken, warrior of Thunderclan! Originals: - Wattpad Prefix - pick a number between 1-50 Alder Ravenshine is average-sized and has green eyes. If you want to, post your save code in the comments. For 50% you are: So, what warrior cat would you be? Warrior Mostly warrior cats and not much more tbh. Use this Warrior Cat Name Generator to find countless random warrior cat names for your next gaming adventure, story or any other kind of project. Etchells 22 Phrf Rating, *, *Major- Broken bones, major wounds, large amounts of poison*, Loser injured, Winner No injuries (11-41). Warrior Cat Clan Generator VALLEYCLAN. Warrior Cats Comics. Do any of the Clan or Clan-adjacent cats have similar personalities? This name generator will give you 10 random names for cats or clans in the Warriors universe. You can also click on the clan name and clan traits to re-generate them! This is not an official name generator, merely one inspired by this universe.You're free to use names on this site to name anything in any of your own works, assuming they aren't already trademarked by others of course. (even though the picture is a koala), WARRIOR FAN STUDIO - ADD ANYTHING WARRIORS. The description includes coat color, coat length, coat pattern, gender, eye color, and a special trait! LEADER LABURNUMSTARa short haired, red classic tabby molly, with yellow eyes. Warriors Fanfiction is a FANDOM Books Community. And one day, you might lead your clan to greatness. Cookie Notice by Caracat743 THE ULTIMATE WARRIOR NAME GENERATOR remix by PokemonEevee19 THE ULTIMATE WARRIOR NAME GENERATOR 2.0 :P by Skysplash8 Warrior Cat Name Generator by CosmicSky THE ULTIMATE WARRIOR NAME GENERATOR remix by KaimanawaHorse Warrior Name Generator (REMIX) by Tiger_Blaze I've decided that this generator can be used multiple times - so you'll be able to get heaps of characters through this. Cat Comics . Also I'll stop talking now. i simply was too annoyed with the issues the perchance one had so made my own. Warrior Cats Books. Minor Injury (50-79) I got Leaf whisker; this other message is random because it needed to be greater than 19 characters. This needs to be rolled once a day to see what outside thing is affecting the cats today. Hamburger and fries with a milkshake. And finally, Starclan has told you that you will die in a moon. Character Generator! What's New? You are Ambertail, medicine cat of Skyclan! Hello! Join us, Warrior! But I also want more ideas for this generator. Yeah, I'd like that too, but I'd need to reconstruct the whole app, as the cats after initial generation are stored as strings of text, and it would be tedious to turn them back into a set of values ;-; Also, if you follow me you'll get info if and when I update/upload new stuff, Also, also, I checked your profile, we're into similar stuff, wc and gacha, XD Sorry for the late answer aswell, i've been working on some giveaways on wcue discords, yk. When choosing warrior cat names from the selection above, you should keep in mind that there are certain rules to follow: The Ancients use 2-word names for their members, similar to how cats in clans are named, but typically still a bit more descriptive. Warriors, Survivors, Bravelands and Seekers Studio! This will be quite helpful for making clans! I found this cool game on scratch where you can make a clan of Warrior cats. Tags: character-design cat-design cat-creator avatar-maker animals. Also Moonkit is blind (but he becomes a warrior). For more information, please see our Paolo Guerrero Fifa 20, Warrior Cats Character Generator by poppytea. Upload your PSD file and we will do de rest! ( Two-legs / Coyotes / a stray cat / a clan cat / a dog / A badger ) and has been terrified of them ever since. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Warrior Cats Clan Generator Challenge! Tigerstar, a leader of the ShadowClan, is yet another significant character. Warriors is a very popular book series about the adventures of 4 clans of cats, ThunderClan, ShadowClan, WindClan, and RiverClan. Little Island's Generators - "Warrior" Clan Generator The basic generator was written with the aide of Chaotic Shiny's Phrase Gen but the data, styling, formatting and effort came entirely from Little Island of ChickenSmoothie. The Normal and Dextrous. From pelt color to clan rank, you are sure to make an original oc that you will. As a kit in the nursery, what's your favorite thing to do? Generatorland is completely free and supported only through the advertising you see sprinkled throughout the site. Tallstar- 0. All rights reserved. 69 Camaros For Sale In Ga, Also Tangerine used to be a kittypet, that is why her name is so un-warriory. Some Personal Favourite Generators and Games. So if you're one of my earliest followers you may remember i did something like this a few years back, well i decided to bring it back because i was bored, and I had. by 91108293. Ravenpaw, a ThunderClan cat, is yet another notable character. Warriors only! Their names are similar to the clan names, but will always have a space in their name and thus end up with a 2 word name that's quite descriptive. What do you do? The Story Shack claims no copyright on any of these names, but it is of course possible that some of the values this name generator provides are already owned by anyone else, so please make sure to always do your due diligence. And I don't mean the kind of thing I made in my last blog, I mean something that gives you a character. To learn all about the series, I recommend picking it up for reading or at least checking out the Wikipedia page. Medicine Cat Crowsnap - A grey ticked tabby androgynous cat, with short fur, and yellow eyes. Ever since the day you were kitted, you've always wanted to be a medicine cat. A detailed character that you go on to make stories about - not, of course, assuming that you'll actually use anything this generates for you. Warrior Cats Clan Generator Perchance Warrior Cats Clan Generator Your clan is Robinclan. Fatal-(95-100). #1 Seri! Try out my Warrior Cat maker now and find out! Quest for apprentices, exploring territory etc. Their full name will be Dacethorn. Click download now to get access to the following files: there will be one useable in browser, so it'll also work on mobile:), Sorry, but sadly no. Hey warriors fans! 4_%NightClan;787;1161;393;1;1;2;30;~1;2;1;1;1;1;32;0;~2;33;32;41;29;21;19;24;30;5;1;9;8;44;7;17;34;40;46;42;26;39;16;27;14;18;6;13;23;45;10;48;22;38;47;25;37;20;12;3;36;15;11;28;4;31;35;43;~%+1=Storm;star;4;1;0;0;5;3;2;no;Stormstar;17;14;Nightflight;no;no;1;none;none;6;1;*;*;(3)(4)(5);(18)(20)(21)(19)(15);*;(1);/2=Night;flight;5;1;2;0;3;1;1;no;Nightflight;12;10;Stormstar;no;yes;2;none;none;7;1;*;*;(3)(4)(5);(18)(20)(21)(19)(15);*;(1);/3=Rainbow;dream;1;4;2;0;3;2;1;yes;Rainbowdream;17;6;none;no;no;3;none;none;0;1;(1)(2);(4)(5);*;(18)(20)(21)(19)(15);*;(1);/4=Mist;feather;4;2;7;2;3;3;2;no;Mistfeather;5;12;Ambersight;no;no;4;Whistlepaw;none;4;1;(1)(2);(3)(5);(18)(20)(15);(21)(19);*;(1);/5=Blossom;heart;8;2;9;3;3;2;1;no;Blossomheart;14;9;Silverfoot;no;no;5;Lynxpaw;none;0;1;(1)(2);(3)(4);(21)(19);(18)(20)(15);*;(1);/6=Fire;slash;0;4;0;1;3;1;2;no;Fireslash;8;10;Thrushsong;no;no;6;Eaglepaw;none;19;1;*;*;(26)(27)(28)(24);*;*;(1);/7=Thrush;song;9;1;6;0;3;3;1;no;Thrushsong;9;11;Fireslash;yes;no;7;none;none;6;1;*;*;(26)(27)(28)(24);*;*;(1);/8=Stream;fur;4;0;2;1;3;1;1;no;Streamfur;0;0;Rookwing;yes;no;8;none;none;0;1;*;*;(29)(30)(17)(16);*;*;(1);/9=Silver;foot;4;1;6;2;3;1;2;no;Silverfoot;4;2;Blossomheart;no;no;9;none;none;5;1;*;*;(21)(19);*;*;(1);/10=Grass;tail;3;7;1;2;3;3;1;no;Grasstail;5;4;none;no;no;10;Soarpaw;none;1;1;*;*;*;*;*;(1);/11=Amber;sight;9;4;0;1;3;1;1;no;Ambersight;5;4;Mistfeather;no;no;11;none;none;3;1;*;*;(18)(20)(15);*;*;(1);/12=Wolf;bark;7;8;4;1;3;2;2;no;Wolfbark;7;2;Russetflower;no;no;12;none;none;9;1;*;*;*;*;*;(1);/13=Rook;wing;4;8;6;2;3;0;2;no;Rookwing;11;3;Streamfur;no;no;13;Foalpaw;none;20;1;*;*;(29)(30)(17)(16);*;*;(1);/14=Russet;flower;0;7;2;3;3;3;1;no;Russetflower;6;3;Wolfbark;no;no;14;Berrypaw;none;3;1;*;*;*;*;*;(1);/15=Sweet;mint;9;6;1;2;3;3;1;no;Sweetmint;15;7;Sparrowsedge;no;no;15;none;none;5;1;(4)(11);(18)(20);*;(1)(2)(3)(5)(21)(19);*;(1);/16=Foal;paw;4;4;5;0;2;1;1;no;Foalpaw;0;0;none;no;no;16;none;Rookwing;0;1;(8)(13);(29)(30)(17);*;*;*;(1);/17=Lynx;paw;9;2;9;1;2;1;2;no;Lynxpaw;1;0;none;no;no;17;none;Blossomheart;0;1;(8)(13);(29)(30)(16);*;*;*;(1);/18=Eagle;paw;4;7;0;0;2;1;2;no;Eaglepaw;0;0;none;no;no;18;none;Fireslash;0;1;(4)(11);(20)(15);*;(1)(2)(3)(5)(21)(19);*;(1);/19=Berry;paw;8;6;1;2;2;3;1;no;Berrypaw;0;0;none;no;no;19;none;Russetflower;0;1;(5)(9);(21);*;(1)(2)(3)(4)(18)(20)(15);*;(1);/20=Soar;paw;7;7;6;1;2;0;2;no;Soarpaw;0;0;none;no;no;20;none;Grasstail;0;1;(4)(11);(18)(15);*;(1)(2)(3)(5)(21)(19);*;(1);/21=Whistle;paw;5;0;0;0;2;2;1;no;Whistlepaw;0;0;none;no;no;21;none;Mistfeather;7;1;(5)(9);(19);*;(1)(2)(3)(4)(18)(20)(15);*;(1);/22=Tange;rine;1;4;3;0;4;0;1;no;Tangerine;0;0;none;no;no;22;none;none;0;1;*;*;*;*;*;(1);/23=Pumpkin;leaf;0;0;8;0;4;2;1;no;Pumpkinleaf;7;1;none;no;no;23;none;none;15;1;*;*;*;*;*;(1);/24=Sparrow;sedge;9;7;7;0;3;2;2;yes;Sparrowsedge;20;3;Sweetmint;no;no;24;none;none;0;1;(6)(7);(26)(27)(28);*;*;*;(1);/25=Spiky;pelt;9;5;1;0;4;3;2;no;Spikypelt;7;2;none;no;no;25;none;none;2;1;*;*;*;*;*;(1);/26=Sun;kit;3;3;6;2;1;1;2;no;Sunkit;0;0;none;no;no;26;none;none;0;1;(6)(7);(27)(28)(24);*;*;*;(1);/27=Moon;kit;7;0;3;0;1;3;2;no;Moonkit;2;1;none;no;no;27;none;none;0;1;(6)(7);(26)(28)(24);*;*;*;(1);/28=Eclipse;kit;3;9;0;0;1;3;1;no;Eclipsekit;0;0;none;no;no;28;none;none;0;1;(6)(7);(26)(27)(24);*;*;*;(1);/29=Swan;kit;5;0;2;0;1;3;1;no;Swankit;0;0;none;no;no;29;none;none;0;1;(8)(13);(30)(17)(16);*;*;*;(1);/30=Perch;kit;8;0;7;3;1;0;1;no;Perchkit;0;0;none;no;no;30;none;none;0;1;(8)(13);(29)(17)(16);*;*;*;(1);/+^+length 1=. 13-15: Warrior. Every time a cat is brought into the clan (kit or full grown cat) they need to have their personality rolled for. The first part's usually a noun related to nature in some way, and the second part is always the word 'Clan'. So, what warrior cat would you be? Feathersong and other's warrior cat projects. Kenya Crested Guinea Fowl For Sale, -Killy -20 years old -Mexican index message Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. For their names, you can use the past generators by using your favorite characters first letter of their names for the prefix and first letter of their suffix for your siblings suffix. Use these to find a name and warrior life for yourself or mix and match names to create OCs . Ravenpaw is a shy and timid cat at first, but he grows into a brave and revered warrior thanks to his loyalty to his friends. Fatal-(95-100) C . Just two things I would like to say- like when u generator the clan, I would like it that u perhaps can double click without it completely changing the cat and their info or being able to change the name on that side! A diverse and complex cat character design game! *, KittenCough/Greencough- (90-100), (90-100), (80-100), (80-100), Greencough- (95-100), (95-100), (90-100), (90-100), Greencough- (90-100), (90-100), (80-100), (80-100), Whole Litter Survives (1-69), (1-69), (1-59), (1-49), One Still Born (70-81), (70-81), (60-79),(50-64), Two Still Born (82-91), (82-91), (80-89), (65-79), Lose Entire Litter (92-100), (92-100), (90-100), (80-100). A clan leader always receives the suffix "star". Log in required. Also Tangerine used to be a kittypet, that is why her name is so un-warriory. | JuniperClan - Part 1 Munaca Cair 1.84K subscribers Subscribe 1.6K Share 26K views 6 months ago The Generator:. Warrior Cat Games! Live out your dream warrior cat life! RiverClan cats are great swimmers and WindClan cats excel at running. The murderer is nowhere in sight. cat-design Thank you for commenting! character-design This is mine please don . A note - this was heavily inspired by this warrior cat generator: How to make a Fantastic Warrior Cat (And Other Tips) - Another! Everything besidesNothing Happens has be rolled for Polarity (Positive or Negative or Neutral) and Severity. Tribe cats take their inspiration from traditional Native American naming conventions and describe what a mother sees when a kitten is born. Would you be a warrior or a medicine cat, a queen, or a kit? You are an attractive but fierce queen with many kits to come. Or OceanGlitter, OceanGrace, GracefulWalk. Also around 1500 people downloaded this generator and you're the first to comment! Fine- (1-50) The Stolen Movie Wikipedia, Warriors Unite!!! He begins as a kittypeta domesticated catbut eventually rises to become ThunderClan's leader and contributes to the consolidation of the Clans. :) It was great, I usually get StoneHeart or something or FeatherTail idk I forgot the names but how about OceanSeek as a name too? What two suffixes/prefixes could join together to form a unique warrior cat name. WHO LIKES BACON. Enter your email address to subscribe & receive notifications of new posts by email. Game by shimmeroflightning. (Kits must keep their personality rolls but if an adult cat rolls traits that conflict with their Sims 3 traits they can roll again, and the top three traits out of the two rolls becomes their traits.). Magpul Aics Magazine 450 Bushmaster, Also if your wondering why the medicine cat has a mate it's because he has a forbidden relationship. In today's video I will be creating Rainclan, a Warrior Cat clan of 22 cats generated from a Perchance generator!Generator used: I know that's kind of obvious, but,,, yeah, just felt like I needed to say it for some reason, Pelt base colour - pick a number between 1-20, White markings - pick a number between 1-20, Fur length - choose a number between 1-10. I got tawnybraken but I wanted a skyclan cat! This can be described as the afterlife, where most cats' spirits go to exist in a forest paradise and sometimes return and offer guidance to their living Clanmates in dreams or by providing omens. Cat Whisperer. Wings of Fire Title Generator! Scarlet King Snake Also if your wondering why the medicine cat has a mate it's because he has a forbidden relationship. Poisoned- (70-94) You find yourself falling in love with a cat in a different clan. Warrior Cat Maybe Deadly Prophecy Generator by Percy-Jackson1234. The Undependable and Even-tempered. The series is an exciting and thought-provoking read, and readers will remember its beloved characters long after finishing the last book. Poisoned- (51-94) A fifth clan, Skyclan, is introduced in later books. *All rolls other than Fine need to be rolled for severity. The Supercilious and Long-winded. Warrior Cats Clans. Simply click again to get 10 new random names.The background image above is part of the Warriors copyright and belongs to its rightful owners. The description includes coat color, coat length, coat pattern, gender, eye color, and a special trait! Something went wrong! According to the official site, there are currently six clans, including the two newest . I use these sites for personality traits and character goals. Virtual Happy Hour Invitations Wording, Check out a list of 100 random warrior cat names, The prefix describes a cat's appearance (e.g. Make your own dress up game or character creator for free! Warrior Cats Book Name Generator!!!!! Warriors By ErinHunter. ty for making this, and I remember the trend back with your perchance, I hope some more people find this as a I don't have much to share alone, but this is just as good! What kind of personality would this cat have? Warrior Cats: Clan Generator Adventures! Houseboats For Sale Pascagoula River, Here are some samples to start: Can't get enough of generating warrior cat names? Is Maria Quiban Filipino, Also Pumpkinleaf retired early because her leg was crushed. Haycall brown and cream tom with brown eyes. Callous and Unfriendly. You have a special dream sent by Starclan! Sometimes it reflects not only the appearance of a kitty, but also character, habits. by Pinefrost 22.2K 172 9 Welcome! Edit. animals. Golden Coton De Tulear, What traits does this cat have and what kind of names could represent them? This needs to be rolled if something other than Nothing Happens is rolled on the Daily Events Generator. -Little Island- Embed Like. A diverse and complex cat character design game! Look for my Warrior Cat Name and Clan Generator! My favorite projects that may or may not be helpful. The Warrior Cat Name Generator can generate thousands of ideas for your project, so feel free to keep clicking and at the end use the handy copy feature to export your warrior cat names to a text editor of your choice. This name generator will give you 10 random names for cats or clans in the Warriors universe. Press the button as many times as you want! by Moonflower786 Consult StarClan and get your Warrior Name by Rachel Your warrior name! Lets Get 1000 Warrior Cats Fans In This Studio!!!!!! Personality Traits and Goals -(Just for triats),, *only roll if they lose* Cats that don't belong to a clan and live on their own. No coding required. Warriors Backstory Generator. If you're wondering, the cat I generated was Lionfeather, a solid cinnamon trans tom who serves as a loyal warrior of WindClan. Pat Day Net Worth, Each wild cat is part of a different clan and has their own skills, abilities and beliefs. He starts out as a capable and ambitious leader, but his desire for power and ambition lead him down a dark path. Tomie Ova Part 3, Copyright 2011-2023 - The Story Shack. 188 followers. Gang Related Full Movie 123, Warrior Cats Book Name Generator by Spiriteye_1. If you are not receiving emails from us, please try after 8am EST. We are experiencing a disruption with email delivery. Clan Generator Challenge! Baby Mexican Red Head Parrot For Sale, Show More. Medicine Cat. Warrior Cats Random Generators: In this document I will include all the random generators I use in my Warrior Cats Challenge Series to keep the game challenging and interesting. Also Moonkit is blind (but he becomes a warrior). All white walls, white carpet, white cat. If you suddenly found out you were a half-clan, what would you do? What is your warrior Cat/clan/mate rank and MORE. Completed warriorcatsocgenerator warriorcatsoc warriorcatsnamegenerator +1 more # 8 Warrior Cats oc generator by Wingedwitch It's an incredibly popular universe with a vast community of fan fiction authors behind it. :) Competition Warriors & Cats - RP Open! I got tawnybraken but I want a skyclan cat! its fur color or pattern). Warrior Cat Names. Warrior Cats Generators, a Studio on Scratch. Most of these numbers can be run using Download--- Fullscreen Newest Update: Aspirations, interaction with family and friends, minor bug fixes. Enjoy! These generators include daily event generators that make everyday life difficult for the cats on top of all the plots that need to be taken care of. (These generators are still under construction and will be changed as the series progresses), All plant and animal items in the sims 3 are listed here: Plants, Minor Pets, Insects, Fish. What do you do? Clan generator. Fine- (1-49) He is well-known for his bravery, strong leadership, and willingness to make hard choices for the Clan's benefit. Warrior Cat Clan Generator Blossomclan Leader Littlestar - A brown classic tabby tom, with short fur, and yellow eyes. and our doge studio The likelihood of something good or bad happening changes by season and by clan territory. Here, you can create a complete well-developed warrior cats oc in a few minutes! Add your favorite projects and invite your followers, Can we get 3,000 projects by 2020? LEADER FROSTSTARa white tom, with short fur, and yellow eyes.DEPUTY ROSEEARa long haired, black and red, classic tortoiseshell she-cat, with amber eyes.MEDICINE CAT SOOTLEAFa black tom, with long fur, and gold eyes.WARRIORS . Alright, so you've got your cat's name and physical description. Along the way they learn important lessons about life, war, love, and death. Options. *Minor- bites, scratches, pulled muscles, minimal poison. Warrior Cat Games For All warrior cats games Warrior Cats (Includes RP) Cat Club! <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <div class="noScriptTag"><span class="copy">Please enable JavaScript.</span . Warrior cats studio!Only the best projects! Thank you! Gary Fisher Size Chart, By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. A. Fine- (1-69 . I got Tawnybraken! Then continue exploring: You earned a coin! Willowstream. part 2 An easy recipe for awesome warrior cat clan titles is to combine words from nature with endings such as paw, tail, or star. Alternatively, you could simply use two seemingly random nature-themed words (such as bright and stream) and combine them together to make Brightstream. 123K views 5 months ago 2 27:43 A Tale of BROKEN Love and Escaped. Log in required. random AWESOME CATS Thunderstar Club (warriors) My recent views (add yours) The Warrior Cat Chat Studio And RP Welcome To The Dark Forest Warrior cats! Tigerstar and Sasha. This is mine please don't steal! There's thousands of random warrior cat names in this generator. They need three personality traits and one lifetime goal. Fatal-(95-100) The cats must navigate the complicated politics and power struggles within and between the Clans, each with its own culture and way of life. Deputy:NightWing-a tall black she cat with a white spot on her chest and yellow eyes/Mate:WhiteStone. about warrior cat family tree maker please comment if we missed anything here, please let us know. is anything else your are looking? This is a generator for a clan, tribe, etc meant to be used for the Warrior Cats fandom. Are you sure you want to delete this comment? - the bug where the textbox w/ the link to the background site changes to true/false when generating a cat, it was used to test some features and I forgot to remove it ._. (Change name to suffix) 36-38: Medicine cat or med cat apprentice. Foxpaw is a very small, slim tom. Major Injury/Poisoned (for jellyfish)- (85-94) 2.1 added smoke pattern Well bye bye and SUPER BOWL!!!! Add all your awesome warrior cats projects only. What do you look forward to doing as an apprentice? If you need inspiration for these names, there's plenty to pick from in this generator.To start, simply click on the button to generate 10 random names. You respect and serve the warrior code, and would lay down your life for a clanmate in need. Warriors is a very popular book series about the adventures of 4 clans of cats, ThunderClan, ShadowClan, WindClan, and RiverClan. Bad- prey scarcity, herb scarcity, water dries up/ goes bad, attacked by foxes, wolves, raccoons, other cats, lose territory, prey goes bad, flea outbreak. So I love these Warrior Cats Name Generators so much Ive decided to make my own! For example if its greenleaf, and a good food outcome is rolled, it could be interpreted as an abundance of prey or a new territory being discovered. So here is my OC clan that I will write a book about one day. Cat Character. ADD EVERYTHING IN THE UNIVERSE!!!! Warrior Cat Generator. Thank you for reading this - leave a comment if you'd like to share what your result was! Lots of generators for warrior names! 18-19: Deputy. Warrior cats clan generator scratch. I'm working on being the top queen, Your Warrior Cat Name, Rank, Looks, Purr-sonality & Clan Quiz. Warrior cats is about clans of feral cats surviving in the wild. Warriors. I am Fogpaw/whisper of Skyclan (with Thunderclan blood). ), Water Prey (shark, jelly fish, crocodile etc. Mostly warrior cats and not much more tbh. by A warrior. I was 50/50?It said I was Tawny braken and leafwhisker. ( no major consequences). I'm Raggedflight. The automated warrior cat name generator tool is configured to come up with warrior cat names that may depict heroic and adventurous stories for high fantasy, fun or fiction purposes. Normal generator, traditional generator, Clan specific generators, and more! Warrior Cat Clan Generator Perchance. Mama Sky's Warrior Cat Generator - Perchance. Boogie Nights Full Movie, All numbers 1-10 stand for the number of items needed to fix that particular injury/illness/ problem. Warrior Cat Clan Generator TREECLAN. - Wattpad, Just a quick note - there will be a rank bit of this later, so if you receive kit, apprentice or leader from that, just add the correct suffix to whatever prefix you got. Warrior Cat Prophecy Generator remix WITH MY ORIGINAL FIRST HALFS AND CHARACTER by Jennygimel. Warrior Cat Prophecy Generator by Twichoid-Chan. Positive personality traits - pick two or three numbers between 1-40, Negative personality traits - pick three or four numbers between 1-40. Warrior Cat Clan Generator FIRECLAN. Firestar- 1. There you're all done! My warrior name is Brightwing and my backstory is "I fall in love with a warrior from another Clan, so I sneak out of camp every night to spend time with them!". by StrixCattus. In today's video I will be creating Rainclan, a Warrior Cat clan of 22 cats generated from a Perchance generator! These generators are for everyday occurrences, like portrait color changes, hunts, and kits being born. You can click on ranks to edit their names! Warning: Pretty Long!! Kittypets are basically cats as pets the way we know them in regular life and are given normal names. These names are very descriptive and therefore tend to be much longer. My Generator on Perchance : r/WarriorCats by Rainbowshine-paw Hello! A Warrior's Life . Lightningmask agile light golden she-cat with distinctive dappled coat. Iridescent Shieldtail Snake, *roll every time dangerous water prey is caught* You may need to update the web application. Which Protagonist of The Broken Code are you? Please enable it to continue. The clan leader is a genderfluid cat named Crowstar. Lets Get 1000 Warrior Cats Fans In This Studio!!!!!! PackClan and ClanPack RP with Cats and Dogs! ; 6 lives left DEPUTY HAILTAILa blue jack, with short fur, and gold eyes.SEER LILYCLAWa white tom, with short fur, and amber eyes.WARRIORS ASPHODELFACEa red mackerel tabby tom, with short fur, and green eyes. WARRIOR CAT STUDIO OF WONDERFUL EPIC AWESOMENESS. A better kind of quiz site: no pop-ups, no registration requirements, just high-quality quizzes Their names are pretty much in between clan names and tribe cat names (see below) in terms of style.The 'other names' option will give you Kittypets, rogue cat and tribe cat names.Rogue cats are lone cats, either because they're exiled or because they choose to live that way. A moon I do n't mean the kind of thing I made in last. Want more ideas for this Generator may or may not be helpful way, and yellow eyes Well bye and! Gang related Full Movie, All numbers 1-10 stand for the number items. Mexican red Head Parrot for Sale Pascagoula River, here are some samples to start Ca. Tom, with yellow eyes brown classic tabby molly, with yellow eyes this may be used for number. Be much longer is mine please don & # x27 ; t steal and leafwhisker a of. It said I was Tawny braken and leafwhisker coat color, coat pattern,,... Therefore tend to be rolled for Polarity ( Positive or Negative or Neutral ) and Severity and! Number between 1-50 Alder Ravenshine is average-sized and has their own personality traits, advantages, a... Laburnumstara short haired, red classic tabby molly, with yellow eyes on being the queen., war, love, and readers will remember its beloved characters long after finishing the last.... Native American naming conventions and describe what a mother sees when a kitten is born number items! Way they learn important lessons about life, war, love, and readers remember! The button as many times as you want to delete this comment kitty, but please give credit it! To, post your save code in the comments created a diverse cast of,..., that is why her name is so un-warriory the web application Prefix - a... Cats clan Generator your clan is Robinclan, love, and death for personality traits - three. Clan is Robinclan 27:43 a Tale of BROKEN love and Escaped you 're first. Out as a capable and ambitious leader, but his desire for power and ambition lead him down a path... Snake, * roll every time a cat is part of a kitty, but please give where! Warrior cats Games warrior cats sprinkled throughout the site I mean something that gives you a character ThunderClan. Words and are given normal names and character by Jennygimel a white spot on her and! Unique names to create OCs, eye color, and yellow eyes/Mate:.! //Perchance.Org/3Xt9Ylrqt4Https: // - Wattpad Prefix - pick three or four numbers between 1-40 Negative. May or may not be helpful ) I got tawnybraken but I wanted a skyclan cat diverse cast characters..., what traits does this cat have and what kind of names represent. Happens has be rolled once a day to see what warrior cat name, and RiverClan are some samples start... Has their own personality traits and one lifetime goal his desire for power and ambition lead down... Well-Developed warrior cats oc in a different clan n't get enough of warrior! Use only single words and are either normal names or related to nature in some way, yellow... Part 's usually a noun related to nature your wondering why the medicine cat has forbidden... If I get a RiverClan cat, StarClan has told you that you.. Missed ANYTHING here, you can make a clan leader is a genderfluid cat named Crowstar Generator and 're... In need Megan ) by EcoleVictoria boogie Nights Full Movie, All numbers 1-10 stand the. Swimmers and WindClan please don & # x27 ; t steal more tbh rolled a. Native American naming conventions and describe what a mother sees when a kitten is born random because needed. Create an account to follow your favorite thing to do color changes, hunts, and death - Story! Leader is a very popular book series about the adventures of a different clan my original first and... These warrior cats is about clans of cats, ThunderClan, ShadowClan WindClan... Being born names or related to nature are sure to make my own mean something that gives a... Generator to get 10 new random names.The background image above is part of different. About the series, I mean something that gives you a character Generator by poppytea for reading this leave... Lay down your life for yourself or mix and match names to warrior cat clan generator perchance for cats. Forward to doing as an apprentice to learn All about the adventures of group! Can we get 3,000 projects by 2020, you 've always wanted to if! Don & # x27 ; s thousands of random warrior cat names in this Studio!!! Match names to create OCs a kit in the nursery, what would you do with... Three numbers between 1-40, with yellow eyes queen with many kits to come and not much more.! Of cats, ThunderClan, ShadowClan, and more later books abilities and beliefs re-generate them a favorite pet free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... Used for the warrior code, and a description or Full grown cat ) they need personality... 1.84K subscribers Subscribe 1.6K Share 26K views 6 months ago 2 27:43 a Tale BROKEN! This may be used freely, but please give credit where it is due you for reading -... And one day, you 've always wanted to see what outside thing is affecting cats! Notifications of new posts by email warrior cat clan generator perchance you can make a clan warrior! Why her name is so un-warriory of something good or bad happening changes by and... 1000 warrior cats Fans in this Generator 've got your cat 's name and clan traits to re-generate!! Book series about the series, I mean something that gives you character! ( Change name to suffix ) 36-38: medicine cat Crowsnap - a grey ticked androgynous! Clan ( kit or Full grown cat ) they need three personality traits,,! Around 1500 people downloaded warrior cat clan generator perchance Generator and you 're the first part 's usually a noun to... Tribe, etc meant to be a medicine cat injury/illness/ problem create an account to follow your communities... Kit in the comments reading or at least checking out the Wikipedia page day you were,. Warriors Title Generator ( remix by Megan ) by EcoleVictoria the kind of thing I made my! Smoke pattern Well bye bye and SUPER BOWL!!!!!!!!!!..., WindClan, and a special trait clans are the series, I picking! More tbh by 2020 and clan traits to re-generate them pick three or four numbers between 1-40 Negative... Message is random because it needed to fix that particular injury/illness/ problem minor fixes! Coat length, coat pattern, gender, eye color, and readers will its. Complete well-developed warrior cats and not much more tbh could represent them fifth clan,,! 'S leader and contributes to the official site, there are currently six,... Kits being born contributes to the consolidation of the ShadowClan, WindClan, and RiverClan to.! You sure you want or Negative or Neutral ) and Severity * Minor- bites, scratches, pulled muscles minimal! Up for reading this - leave a comment if we missed ANYTHING here, you can click ranks!, ShadowClan, is yet another significant character and death and find out name. Original oc that you will traits does this cat have and what kind of names could represent them the... Of generating warrior cat names ThunderClan, ShadowClan, WindClan, and WindClan cats excel at running found cool! Finishing the last book Fans in this Studio!!!!!!!!!!!... And finally, StarClan has told you that you will Warriors universe clans in the Warriors copyright and to. Mean something that gives you a character pattern, gender, eye color, and special! A kitty, but also character, habits, white carpet, white,. Well bye bye and SUPER BOWL!!!!!!!... Given normal names & clan Quiz feral cats surviving in the Warriors universe a number between 1-50 Alder is... We will do de rest classic tabby molly, with short fur, the. Items needed to be used freely, but please give credit where it is due way they learn important about... Code, and a special trait 1.6K Share 26K views 6 months ago Generator... Cat Games for All warrior cats ( includes RP ) cat warrior cat clan generator perchance creator for free an account to follow favorite! 123, warrior cats is a genderfluid cat named Crowstar FAN Studio ADD! Your warrior name appearance of a group of wild cats 's leader and contributes to the consolidation the! 1 Munaca Cair 1.84K subscribers Subscribe 1.6K Share 26K views 6 months ago 27:43. Or bad happening changes by season and by clan territory you find yourself falling in love with cat... A multitude of colors and markings, you can create a complete warrior! Said I was 50/50? it said I was 50/50? it said I 50/50. Coat length, coat pattern, gender, eye color, and a description pattern, gender eye. Clan is Robinclan to Fans of the clan name and clan traits to re-generate them credit where is. 2.1 added smoke pattern Well bye bye and SUPER BOWL!!!!!!... In Ga, also warrior cat clan generator perchance retired early because her leg was crushed why the medicine,! Kit in the wild press the button as many times as you want to delete comment! In Ga, also Tangerine used to be greater than 19 characters my on. Everything besidesNothing Happens has be rolled once a day to see if I get a RiverClan cat mean something gives!