Nigels wife. Throughout its Broadway run, the musical received a show-stopping standing ovation from audiences in the beginning of the first act! Nicks wife. In the lower and upper extremes of the bass voice, some basses can sing from C2 to G4. Sweet Charity - Piano Conductor Score.pdf. Beware of getting advance check and sending money back through Western Union, Moneygram, wire transfer. THOMAS NOSTRADAMUS (Male, 40s to 60s) A soothsayer who almost sees the future correctly. Casting (casting) a commercial networking service is not an employment agency, school, performing arts academy, management company or a talent agency. Nigel Bottom: Mid- 20's to late 30's male. Need extra help? An experienced British con artist who is sophisticated, suave, and elegant. Audition song suggestions for the Ensemble Characters (all vocal types) Townspeople, actors in Shakespeare and Bottom's troupes, Lord Clapham . You are now subscribed to our More Good Stuff maling list. var DISABLE_NAV_MORE = 1; Seeking a great comedic actress that sings very well. The historic Warner Theatre is pleased to bring world class concerts and theatrical events to the Torrington, CT area. Age: 30 to 50s Famous Singers with Soprano Vocal Ranges: Ariana Grande, D3 - B5 - E7 Billie Eilish, D3 - B4 - G5 Quartet, another bickering business man until he is united by the others by Harold Hill. Vocal range top: A4 Vocal range bottom: Ab2 . Sings "Sincere,". Our database has more than 8000 famous performers. A narrator type character. (artist vocal range) Title: Right Hand Man. Patron of the theatre. is ready for your stage! Original Key: Db Major. .wslide-caption-text {} Its become clear that nothings as amazing as a musical! _W.storeCurrency = "USD"; "postalCode": "06790", Please note: we are estimating the vocal range for the artists based on what we know about the songs they perform. Tenor solid to A4. Nicks sweet younger brother. . Something Rotten features large song and dance numbers, and a wacky cast of over-the-top characters, each given his or her own special moment in the show to shine. Description: Created by Grammy Award-winning songwriter Wayne Kirkpatrick, and screenwriters Karey Kirkpatrick and John O'Farrell, Something Rotten! Her father, Brother Jeremiah, is destructively conservative, which turns her love of the arts into a guilty secret that she gleefully shares with her new love interest. If requested, here are a few audition monologues for Something Rotten! #wsite-title {font-family:"Roboto" !important;letter-spacing: 4px !important;} This actor has the challenge of leading a 7-minute production number, A Musical.. A struggling writer who falls in love with Portia, a Puritan. Married to Alma. (Baritone), Nick Bottom- Male, mid 20s to 30s. Please prepare 16 bars of an up-tempo and a ballad, which show vocal range & quality. Also in the ensemble. LORD CLAPHAM: Older male. Lowest note should be lower than the highest, Highest note should be higher than the lowest. (function(){_W.setup_rpc({"url":"\/ajax\/api\/JsonRPC\/CustomerAccounts\/","actions":{"CustomerAccounts":[{"name":"login","len":2,"multiple":false,"standalone":false},{"name":"logout","len":0,"multiple":false,"standalone":false},{"name":"getSessionDetails","len":0,"multiple":false,"standalone":false},{"name":"getAccountDetails","len":0,"multiple":false,"standalone":false},{"name":"getOrders","len":0,"multiple":false,"standalone":false},{"name":"register","len":4,"multiple":false,"standalone":false},{"name":"emailExists","len":1,"multiple":false,"standalone":false},{"name":"passwordReset","len":1,"multiple":false,"standalone":false},{"name":"passwordUpdate","len":3,"multiple":false,"standalone":false},{"name":"validateSession","len":1,"multiple":false,"standalone":false}]},"namespace":"_W.CustomerAccounts.RPC"}); "@context": "", var STYLE_PREFIX = 'wsite'; Vocal ranges for solo or choral works may differ, as evidenced from the different . A bit loony. Gender: Male/Female 12th Annual International Playwrights Festival Submission Information. is a musical comedy with a book by John O'Farrell and Karey Kirkpatrick and music and lyrics by Karey and Wayne Kirkpatrick. "telephone": "860-489-7180", Tessitura - the range of your voice where you sing most comfortably. Brian d'Arcy James, John Cariani, 'Something Rotten' Male Ensemble 2:44 3 Right Hand Man Heidi Blickenstaff, Brian d'Arcy James, John Cariani 2:43 4 God, I Hate Shakespeare (Reprise) Brian d'Arcy James 1:30 5 A Musical Brad Oscar, Brian d'Arcy James, 'Something Rotten' Ensemble 7:47 6 The Black Death 'Something Rotten' Ensemble 1:15 7 . Find your vocal range Voice types Throughout its Broadway run, the musical received a show-stopping standing ovation from audiences in the beginning of the first act! "addressRegion": "CT", Seeking traditional dancers and quirky character types who are strong singers and dancers (must tap), Central Piedmont Theatre Fall Auditions 2021, Ken Ludwigs Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery Character Breakdown, Sense & Sensibility Coming April 9th -18th. Please Dont Touch Me Young Frankenstein, The History of Wrong Guys Kinky Boots. Created by Grammy Award-winning songwriter Wayne Kirkpatrick, and successful screenwriters Karey Kirkpatrick and John O'Farrell, Something Rotten was lauded by audience members and critics alike, receiving several Best Musical nominations and hailed by Time Out New York as "the funniest musical . Launched in January 2014, is a volunteer-run website providing Audition Listings for the Dallas/Fort Worth theatre community. All rehearsals will take place in the rehearsal studios at the Imperial Theatre. Want more songs? Welcome to the Renaissance and the outrageous, crowd-pleasing musical farce, Something Rotten. WILLIAMSHAKESPEARE: 30s to 40s, male. The content is provided without warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability. Ensemble- Various ages/ethnicities. Song Database "@type": "GeoCoordinates", October 2015 GET THE PASSWORD FROM MRS. DEAPO. Male-identified. The New York Post. Two brothers set out to write the world's first musical in this hilarious mash-up of sixteenth-century Shakespeare and 21st-century Broadway. #wsite-content div.paragraph, #wsite-content p, #wsite-content .product-block .product-title, #wsite-content .product-description, #wsite-content .wsite-form-field label, #wsite-content .wsite-form-field label, .blog-sidebar div.paragraph, .blog-sidebar p, .blog-sidebar .wsite-form-field label, .blog-sidebar .wsite-form-field label {} _W.customerLocale = "en_US"; Casting is subjective and completely based on someone elses opinion. function initCustomerAccountsModels() { initEvt.initEvent('customerAccountsModelsInitialized', true, false); * That said, if youve specifically been asked to sing a song from the show, you can find the sheet music for the best possible audition songs below. Audition Songs Spotify Playlist. Brother Jeremiah- Male, 40 to 50s. Casting does not engage in procuring, offering, promising, or attempting to procure employment or engagements for artists. _W.isCheckoutReskin = false; Seeking a comedic actor with a killer pop/rock voice, tap dance skills a plus. Heres a list of the musical numbers in Something Rotten!,along with which characters sing in each of them. Sweet and a little awkward. Vocal range for Soprano goes from C4 (middle C) to A5. Dancers also included in the ensemble. Over-the-top and cocky, a true rock star of his time. Nick's younger brother. A struggling renaissance writer at the end of his rope. November 2017 Hes flamboyant and extremely posh. We would love to hear all about it in the comments! Rehearsals will take place on Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday evenings from 6:30pm 9:30pm, beginning on Sunday, February 6th. She loves Nick despite his past lack of success. He is younger, gentler, and coming into his own. "address": { cast album while reading through the synopsis. Gender: Female Every role is important, and you will earn valuable experience in a show. Clarissa Hailsham-Brown . Let Performer Stuffs expert musical theatre audition song coaches find your perfect audition song for the musical theatre knockout, Our recommendations come with links to purchase sheet music or an audition cut found on Something Rotten! The show dates are March 4-21 with full capacity seating or February 25-March 21 with social distanci Thank you for your submission. Portia is a young Puritan woman who encounters Nigel in town one day., Written by Karey Kirkpatrick & John OFarrell, Music and Lyrics by Karey Kirkpatrick & Wayne KirkpatrickCo-Director & Choreographer: Michelle MejaskiCo-Director & Vocal Director: Angelina Anello-Dennee. .wsite-elements.wsite-not-footer:not(.wsite-header-elements) h2, .wsite-elements.wsite-not-footer:not(.wsite-header-elements) .product-long .product-title, .wsite-elements.wsite-not-footer:not(.wsite-header-elements) .product-large .product-title, .wsite-elements.wsite-not-footer:not(.wsite-header-elements) .product-small .product-title, #wsite-content h2, #wsite-content .product-long .product-title, #wsite-content .product-large .product-title, #wsite-content .product-small .product-title, .blog-sidebar h2 {font-family:"Droid Sans" !important;font-weight:400 !important;text-transform: uppercase !important;letter-spacing: 1px !important;} Not available in the UK or Australia. var STATIC_BASE = '//'; Nostradamus We are asking all prospective auditionees to prepare the following: 1. Copyright 2023 by Cascades Theatrical Company - Cascades Theatrical Company is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. She dresses up like a man to prove she can be an actor. "areaServed": { Seeking a great comedic actor that sings very well. "geo":{ Any individual's voice can perform over a range of one and a half to more than two octaves. Seeking a great comedic actor that sings and dances very well. Vocal range top: A4 Nick Bottom A struggling renaissance writer at the end of his rope. The number next to that letter tells you which octave you're singing in (the 3rd and 5th octave in this case). Ageless!!! A writer. A common vocal range for female singers is Soprano. Vocal range bottom: A2 He becomes an investor in their musical. Nigels older brother. Then, Brother Jeremiah enters and finds Portia drunk, yelling that she said she would be reading her bible. "Goodnight Ladies," "It's You," "Lida Rose," and all Chorus numbers. .fancybox-title {} Vocal Part(s) Nick Bottom. .wsite-footer blockquote {} January 2019 SOMETHING ROTTEN! Rock tenor solid to A4. August 2017 Sweet Smell of Success - Complete Score.pdf. June 2017 (HIgh baritone/tenor). Set in 1595, the story follows the Bottom brothers, Nick and Nigel, who struggle to find success in the theatrical world as they compete with the wild popularity of their contemporary William Shakespeare . Masks will be worn at all times during the rehearsal process. Musical Above's dead sister. was lauded by audience members and critics alike, receiving several Best Musical nominations and hailed by Time Out New York as "the funniest musical comedy in at least 400 years". Character Breakdown (Age of character listed not age of actor) Nick Bottom: 30's to 40's male. Young princess from Khun family. He holds a grudge against Shakespeare. PORTIA: 20s to 30s, female. Also, if you tap dance, please bring tap shoes to the Dance call. Vocal range bottom: G3 Nicks wife and Right Hand Man. October 2016 After collecting your materials and getting familiar with the show, its time to move forward with the actual preparation. Fake Princess. Copyright 2023 Pioneer Theatre Company at the University of Utah. Seeking a great comedic actress who sings very well. A renaissance rock star. She dresses up like a man to prove she can be an actor. December 2015 Mr Musnik - 45 -65, middle-aged, old enough to "adopt" Seymour as his son; strong character actor with some singing; vocal range: G2-G4; Seymour's boss and father figure; he owns a failure of a run-down East Side florist shop; under a gruff and blustery exterior he cares about Audrey and Seymour; a good man at heart, but overcome by the . Lord/Lady Clapham All auditionees will need to participate in the dance call, either before or after their vocal audition. .galleryCaptionInnerText {} EPA - Open Singer Call (Principal & Chorus for Something Rotten & Holiday Inn) Sunday, July 14th, 1:00pm - 9:00pm (dinner break 5-6pm) Please sing from the callback material available at under the " Audition Sides " tab. Nigel is the heart and poetry behind the Bottom brothers who relies heavily on Nick and Beatrice to ground him. When a local soothsayer foretells that the future of theatre involves singing, dancing and acting at the same time, Nick and Nigel set out to write the worlds very first musical. He charismatically opens the first and second acts in song. Roles include: Townspeople, Troupe, Man Servants, Crowd, Chorus, and more. Shakespeare This estimate is just based on the highest and lowest known pitches from the songs we have in our database. (rock tenor) Thomas Nostradamus- Male, 40s to 60s. The Minstrel will not only sing the opening number, but also play other side characters . Something Rotten is set in the 1590's. Brothers, Nick and Nigel, are desperate to write a hit play but are stuck in the shadow of William Shakespeare, the Renaissance Rockstar. Gender: Male Over the top with a huge ego. January 15 & 16 | 2023 | 7:00 PM Doors open at 6:30 PM > Fill out Audition Forms REHEARSALS January - April | 2023 PUBLIC PERFORMANCES March 31-April 15 | 2023 TO AUDITION Please prepare and memorize a contemporary musical theatre song (around 1 min in length) that shows your vocal/acting range. Mezzo with belt (D3-D5). Sweet Charity - Libretto.pdf. #wsite-title {font-size:14px !important;} Nigel Bottom IBDB provides records of productions from the beginnings of New York theatre until today. Gender: Male/Female The modern pop soprano typically has a soprano vocal range of B3 - C6. The Cast of Something Rotten! December 2016 .wsite-menu-default a {} Age: 25 to 40s Watch highlights of William Oser as Brother Jeremiah in Providence College's production of Something Rotten. Character Breakdown }}, .wsite-menu-default a {} .wsite-not-footer blockquote {} Character Descriptions. Vocal range bottom: Ab2 He holds a grudge against Shakespeare. Something Rotten Character Breakdown Please note-this is a guide only as we will cast based on talent Shakespeare Over the top with a huge ego. Please note:This post contains affiliate links. : "Actor!" in Audition Monologues for Young Men . Do not send money to anyone. Part Size: Lead. March 2016 Incredibly jealous of the success of William Shakespeare and will do anything to beat him. June 2016 December 2019 Performances will be on: May 20th, 21st, 25th, 26th, 27th, and 28th at 7:30pm. If a characters sections are broken up into two parts, please prepare both. When a local soothsayer foretells that the future of theatre involves singing, dancing and acting at the same time . 423 West 55th Street Second Floor New York, NY 10019 Phone: (212) 541-4684 Fax: (212) 397-4684 Something Rotten! {"navigation\/item":"
  • \n\t, January 2020 Nigels older brother. Note: these definitions, from the New Harvard Dictionary of Music, are used in music cataloging, using the Library of Congress Subject Headings and RDA. Seeking a great comedic actor that sings well. })();, Also, as youre picking out a song, these links may be helpful: The Something Rotten! 2001 - 2023, The Broadway League, All Rights Reserved. "@type": "EntertainmentBusiness", With long golden hair and modest dress, she emanates innocence and holiness. "sameAs":"", February 2016 Something Rotten! Seeking a comedic actor who sings and moves very well. Any / Vocal range top: C#5 / Vocal range bottom: C4. Just keep in mind that if you audition for a specific character, you still might not be chosen for that particular role. Gender: Male Age: 30 to 40s Produced by Kevin McCollum, Broadway Global Ventures, CMC, Mastro/Goodman, Jerry & Ronald Frankel, Morris Berchard, Kyodo Tokyo, Inc., Wendy Federman, Barbara Freitag, LAMS Productions, Winkler/DeSimone, Timothy Laczynski, Dan Markley, Harris/Karmazin, Jam Theatricals, Robert Greenblatt and Jujamcyn Theaters (Jordan Roth: President; Rocco Nick Bottom Tenor: B2-G4. Show Essentials 10 Roles Difficulty in Original Key: Difficulty in optimal Key: Something Rotten! Welcome to the Renaissance and the outrageous, crowd-pleasing musical farce,Something Rotten. Role: Protagonist. Initial auditions will be primarily singing (You may be asked to do a short reading). Sweet and a little awkward. William Shakespeare- Male, mid 20s to 30s. '': `` 860-489-7180 '', name: Nick Bottom a struggling Renaissance writer at the end his. Here are a few audition monologues for Young Men star of his rope process too.... 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