Reviews Reproduced by permission from George Handzo, BCC at, Dictionary of Patients' Spiritual & Cultural Values for Health Care Professionals was developed by the Pastoral Care Leadership and Practice Group of HealthCare Chaplaincy, New York, NY. While leading 48-45 in the fourth quarter, Neumann missed a free throw, giving Roman one last possession. (35). Retrieved from It is used as a symbolic reference of baptism, accompanied by prayer and the Sign of the Cross. (27). Well then youre defending the system that protected predatory priests.. The senior point guard, who led Roman with 20 points, knew his Cahillites were taking home the Philadelphia Catholic League title over defending champion Neumann Goretti. Easter season holy water is for the baptism whereby "Easter water, or baptismal water, is the water that is blessed on Holy Saturday (the day before Easter) and is used to baptize Catechumens. This essay on Catholic Culture: Traits, Norms, Traditions was written and submitted by your fellow Retrieved 2013 from. - email First, as any other Christian culture, its religious practices are centered on Jesus who is recognized as the believers messiah. The Tablet authors imply that the sex-abuse scandal caused the loss of credibility in Church teaching. must. (15). Romans Jermai Stewart-Herring, who finished with 10 points, hit a crucial three to open OT. Isacco, Anthony, et al. Sizable minorities of cultural Catholics also participate in some of the churchs rituals. However, it is not the only reason because, as a grown-up, I have the liberty to pick any other religion. Roman Catholics Xzayvier Brown hit the game tying three in the fourth quarter, sending it to overtime, where the Cahillites sealed a 57-52 victory. In accordance with the teachings of Jesus Christ and his Gospel, the church membership rejects any discrimination based on race, ethnicity, color, gender, physical challenges, sexual orientation, or cultural heritage (28). Those who are right with God go to heaven while the unrighteous are punished. The council of Nicea in 325 AD also set forth four key tenets of church doctrine. September 17, 2022. Catholics 14 years and older are bound to abstain from meat. (25). The faith of the church is understood to be identical with that taught by Christ and his apostles and contained in the Bible and tradition. Neumann Gorettis Carl Arrigale sells washing machines. Private baptism is for emergent or non church situations, whereas Solemn baptism is done by a priest in the church. The Catholic faith advocates children and due to restrictions on the use of birth control, often times Catholic families are large in number. Additionally, the organizational structure of the community is top-bottom with bishops and cardinals in charge of various regions. WebBoth the Catholic Church and the family structure emphasize hierarchical relationships. In a fast-paced matchup, the Saints had the upper hand for most of the third quarter, outscoring Roman, 17-7, and ultimately looked like the new title holders as the seconds ticked off. Law firms that regularly handle child sexual abuse cases say the ruling in the GLJ case has encouraged and emboldened the church and other institutions to seek permanent stays in the many cases where paedophile clergy had died, even where evidence indicates a propensity for child abuse. I am a staunch member of the Catholic culture because I was born in the faith and the beliefs professed by the community. What the data says about gun deaths in the U.S. Traditionally, Friday is a day of abstinence from meat throughout the year (32). He died between 2015 and the lodging of Peters claim in 2021. Instruct the ignorant by sharing the gospel. Roman Catholic clergy are those men who were assigned by the church's hierarchy to supervise the faithful and to administer the sacraments. It has been most noticeably felt in the Catholic church-type matters, she told the Guardian. As for the theological strength of the German hierarchy, thats the subject for the current debate. Washington Cardinal Wilton Gregory has appointed Auxiliary Bishop Juan Esposito-Garcia as Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia of The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington. *Eastern Rite Catholics (different form Eastern Orthodox Christians) have similar but not identical beliefs and practices. Baptism is not only entrance into church membership but a commitment to live the faith. He also was adjunct professor of canon law and assistant spiritual director at Mount St. Marys Seminary. Recognition of the delay and the work of the child abuse royal commission led all Australian jurisdictions to scrap their statute of limitations for such cases. Note that some people end the Sign by crossing the thumb over the index finger to make a cross, and then kissing the thumb as a way of "kissing the Cross.". The use of ashes come from burning of the palms used on Palm Sunday and mixed with incense and holy water. cinnamon 1 Tbsp. The Holy Chrism ("Sanctum Chrisma") or "Oil of Gladness," is a mixture of olive oil with a small amount of balm or balsam. But it does not follow that the filioque clause, or any other traditional Catholic teaching, was the systemic cause of the scandal. Hold your thumb and index finger of your right hand together to signify the two natures of Christ. Jesus is God made flesh, born of the Virgin Mary at the year AD 1, lived on earth as recorded in the Bible and died on the cross as a symbolic redemption for mankind's sins in approximately AD 34(18). Persons experiencing grave suffering and/or approaching death are usually encouraged to pin their suffering to that of Christs. They believe that Christ came and redeemed the world. Ashes are also associated with penance and Lent, where one abstains from meat on Fridays in an effort to control the will and increasing faith (32). The placement of ashes are accompanied by repeating Genesis 3. The authors see a marked difference between traditional Catholic thought and the enlightened opinion of contemporary Europeans, and conclude that because this difference exists, the Church teachings must be wrong. articles The church believes in the immortality of the soul and the accountability of ones actions during death. 3. Marriage was instituted by God in the Garden of Eden. Holy water is disposed of ceremoniously by digging a hole and pouring it into the earth. Even though in 2013 Pope Francis declared that priests would be able to forgive the sins of abortion, the churchs doctrines condemn anyone who participates in the practice (Boyette). Each person has been created in the image of God by God who with the breath of life gave life to man here on Earth. Catholics from age 18 through age 59 are bound to fast. If death is so imminent that there is no time for the full Rite, the Sacrament may be given with a single annointing on the forehead and the words: Through this holy unction may the Lord pardon thee whatever sins or faults thou hast committed (30). Please see Pictures sectioon for the image "Rosary" for explanation of the use of the rosary. Web. A similar share (59%) say that working to help the poor and needy is essential to their Catholicism. Catholic church membership constitutes nearly 1/6th of the world's population and is spread throughout most countries of the world. From a strictly logical perspective it is equally possible that contemporary European attitudes should change. Rank is important, and those senior to you in rank must always be treated with respect. Family activities can include a weekly observance centered on the Mass, and days centered on prayer as an outward mechanism of religious observance. As a whole, the Catholic church does not favor divorce, nor does it approve of birth control and is strongly against abortion (6). Journal of Contemporary Religion, vol. READ MORE: Hannah Hidalgo leads Paul VI to victory over Camden Catholic; Eagles advance to NJSIAA sectional championship. It may be pronounced up to three or four hours after apparent death (the moment the soul leaves the body is not known and can only know with moral certainty after corruption has begun). READ MORE: Lansdale Catholic girls basketball earns its first Philly Catholic League title. Among the cultural Catholics who were not raised Catholic and did not have a Catholic parent, a plurality (36%) say that they have an affinity for the church. From 2018 until his appointment by Pope Francis to become an auxiliary bishop for Washington, Bishop Esposito served as an official in the Vaticans Dicastery for Bishops. There are also 5 grains of incense to symbolize the 5 wounds of Christ, frankincense is blessed on the Feast of the Epiphany, and used at home or in the church. Some of the rituals and ordinances of the Catholic faith are: Catholics also observe 'The Sign of the Cross' which is to imitate the shape of the cross upon the body by using the arm and hand to draw the shape along with saying accompanying prayers. About Pew Research Center Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. Catholics observe, in general the following holidays, these dates were used for the 2013 calendar year(33): Some holidays are denoted as a 'Holy Day of Obligation' which are considered the more necessary worship dates to observe or attend a church service and these are followed by *. This is IvyPanda's free database of academic paper samples. Roman Weboverview. All humans are subject to a wide variety of sinful desires, these do not become sinful until a person acts upon them. 1. Oils are used in a sacred manner, in three ways. There aren't culturally specific requirements although certain members of various cultures may implement traditions into their practice of the Catholic faith. The conditions for receiving Unction are that one must: have reached the age of reason (usually considered to be around the age of 7) be in a state of grace (Penance is part of the Rite) be sorrowful for past sins, trust in God and resign himself to His will, whether His positive will is to heal the sick person or His passive will is the person's death. Hes also one of Phillys greatest hoops coaches. This process is a blessing done by the priest called Asprges and is done while reciting the 50th Psalm. Its origin can be traced back to the Roman Empire and the teachings of Jesus All members are expected to truly live the Sacraments and to uphold their promises to the fullest. bio - The latest involves a claim brought by Mark Peters, a pseudonym, who alleges he was sexually assaulted as a student at a primary school run by the Marist Brothers, a Catholic order, in 1969 and 1970. It contains thousands of paper examples on a wide variety of topics, all donated by helpful students. It is an opportunity to receive the Eucharist and be taught the gospel with other members of the faith. Catholic faith denotes that the home is also a sacred space meant for worship and daily life. The share of Americans whose primary religious affiliation is Catholic has fallen somewhat in recent years, and now stands at about one-in-five. It is used upon entering a church or sacred space to invoke reverence and a remembrance of baptism. We will write a custom Essay on Catholic Culture: Traits, Norms, Traditions specifically for you for only $11.00 $9.35/page. (Revision and update of earlier work by the Rev. 30, no. Finally, Catholic churches widely use crucifixes in the places of worship and members can also have them as necklaces to symbolize Christs presence. Theres just one problem with that argument. Biblical Christianity holds that the plain teaching of Scripture, as illuminated by the Holy Spirit, contains all doctrine essential for salvation and Christian living. It conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis and other empirical social science research. It just adds to the trauma that theyre already experiencing.. With your right hand, touch the thumb and ring finger together, and hold your index finger and middle finger together to signify the two natures of Christ. Eating solid foods between meals is not permitted. Holy water is also used at home in the same manner, but for personal not congregational use. Salt Water: a separate small dish next to the dinner plate. The Catholic church is a faith of doctrine and tradition, not necessarily outwardly measured lifestyle choices. Holidays such as Christmas and Easter are celebrated as a season, not only for one significant day. The Guardian approached the Marist Brothers for a response. They know that if Mary speaks to her Divine Son in their behalf, there can be no doubt about their receiving an answer to their prayers (29). In 2020 that number was 221,000. (2022) 'Catholic Culture: Traits, Norms, Traditions'. Bishop Esposito was was born Jan. 10, 1974, in San Luis, Argentina, and ordained to the priesthood for The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington on June The Roman Catholic Church is facing a crossroads in our area: the 111 priests there are today may dwindle to 84 by 2032. Together, as interpreted by the pope and bishops, they are the supreme rule of the Church. Roman Catholicism is the oldest and largest branch of Christianity . There are more than 1 billion Catholics worldwide. The Roman Catholic Church is led by the pope . The pope rules the church from Vatican City , which is a separate country inside Rome, Italy. It unites believers with their shepherd. There is direct knowledge of God and interaction with God and angels and comes from righteous living on earth and devotion to the church and God. The database is updated daily, so anyone can easily find a relevant essay example. Although the average Catholic will not interact with the Pope, their is usually a sense of reverence and care for the Pope. (Well, actually there are many problems, but one stands out.) (20). The other is baptism of desire (or fire) which signifies a deep desire to share the faith and live its tenets. What about the pastoral strength of the German Church? He holds both a licentiate and a doctorate in Canon Law from The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. Bishop Espositos assignments in The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington have included positions as parochial vicar at the Shrine of St. Jude in Rockville, Maryland, parochial vicar at St. Mark the Evangelist Parish in Hyattsville, Maryland, and parochial vicar at the Church of the Little Flower in Bethesda, Maryland, and as pro tem parish administrator at Ascension Catholic Church in Bowie, Maryland. The Rite in which the Sacrament is offered includes the Sacraments of Penance and the Eucharist (in that order), followed by the Sacrament of Unction. There are also two symbolic baptisms, one of the Blood which is signified by being a martyr and dying for the faith. Confession is done in the church at the time sacrament is offered. The Church teaches that such acts are always violations of divine and natural law. He was named a Chaplain of His Holiness, with the title of monsignor, in 2020. Act of Contrition - agreeing to perform the penance and abstain from sin. Multiple firms representing abuse survivors say they have also noticed a significant shift in the churchs attitude to negotiating in such cases, adopting an aggressive approach to pressure survivors to accept paltry amounts while citing the risk their claims will be permanently stayed. 2022. Popular culture relates the Catholic use of ashes to the placement of them on the forehead during Lent. In 2010, about 181,000 Germans removed themselves from parish rosters. "Extreme Unction," is a Sacrament administered to the sick and dying, also called "Last Rites" or "Annointing of the Sick," it is given to those who are gravely bodily ill, especially those in danger of death from bodily illness or from violence already done to the body (i.e., a soldier about to go into battle is not a candidate for the Sacrament; one who has been shot and lies gravely wounded is). Maurice Blackburns NSW abuse law leader, Danielle De Paoli, said the impact of the GLJ decision and similar rulings had been significantly detrimental on our clients. Catholicism fits this definition because it is not only a denomination for worship gatherings but a society with specific traditions which have been followed by believers since its establishment. News, analysis & spirituality by email, twice-weekly from There is a strong focus on the nuclear family with a mother and father joined by matrimony. A Christian attitude is incorporated during the seder meal "And when your children ask you, 'What does this ritual mean? Following death, the soul is judged based on its worthiness and adherence to the faith on earth and either sent to heaven, purgatory, or hell. Is the Church Roman? Follow our Australia news live blog for the latest updates, capitalise on a recent decision in New South Waless highest court, Sign up for Guardian Australias free morning and afternoon, email newsletters for your daily news roundup, representations to the NSW attorney general, Mark Speakman, Royal commission into institutional responses to child sexual abuse. Overall, the Catholic culture is one of family and faith. Welcome to the Catholic Diocese of Salt Lake City Parish Directory. Last is the Oil of the Sick ("Oleum Infirmorum"), which is used in Unction. CNN, 2015. Photograph: Roman Milert/Alamy Lawyers say a recent landmark NSW court ruling has emboldened the Catholic church to seek permanent stays in many claim IvyPanda. 231-247. The Catholic religion is monotheistic, meaning that Catholics believe that there is only one supreme being, called God. Not very. But there is something crucial missing from this appraisal. IvyPanda. Phil Lawler has been a Catholic journalist for more than 30 years. As the church has such long standing history and varied membership across the globe, there are very few behavioral admonitions beyond the teachings of the Bible. Option C. Hold your thumb, index finger, middle finger of your right hand together (signifying the Trinity) while tucking the ring finger and pinky finger (signifying the two natures of Christ) toward your palm. Rarely is their member interaction upward from the priestly level. So if your goal is to empty out the Catholic churches of the world, by all means take your cues from the Synodal Path. There is a sense of living life to the best of one's ability to be holy, like Jesus Christ, serving your fellow man, observing the rites and ordinances of the Sacraments, and doing one's best to be like God. student. The Saints, however, missed their pair on their next possession. It can be done in two ways, Private and Solemn, the more formal Solemn Baptism being preferred. Each person is invited by the Holy Spirit to receive comfort, shelter, and redeeming love of the church and to partake in the gifts of the Word and Sacrament and share in the mission and ministry of the Church. Every culture has deficiencies but its traditions and beliefs are what brings the members together. Prayers can be recited in the member's familiar language or in Latin and although there are many prayers, the rosary consists of the following: the introductory prayers: one Apostles Creed (Credo), one Our Father (the Pater Noster or the Lords Prayer), three Hail Marys (Aves), one Glory Be (Gloria Patri) (17). Catholics are known for large, closely knit families with emphasis on traditional events and Sunday worship (7). The American Bishops have permitted its members to choose a different form of penance instead of meat. Roman Catholicism is not True Christianity. Posted on June 2, 2017 by Hubert Monteiro. When we study different religions, we find that many of them possess some aspects of Biblical teachings, but then deviates from other aspects. For example, the Jehovah Witnesses sect believe in some of Jesuss attributes, while denying others of his Divine They will often say it is yet another underhanded tactic by the church to continue to push their problems away. Earl Cooper, BCC). But the secular world dismissed the Churchs teaching long before the scandal erupted. ), and you may notice something peculiar about the authors references to the sex-abuse scandal. As of today, six justices of the Supreme Court are Catholic and Catholics believe that in order to practice their faith in a community, they should be a part of that community, and believe that to truly assimilate, Catholics should be neighborly and participate in the society in which they live (10). If you are the copyright owner of this paper and no longer wish to have your work published on IvyPanda. It is part of Catholic canonical law that women cover themselves when before the 'holy table' (sacrament). The churchs lawyers said: Whilst our client normally desires to assist the media, it is inappropriate to make any further statements whilst the time period for applying to the high court has not yet expired.. The family is structured symbolically as a representation of the faith. In the Roman Catholic Church, there are seven solemn rites, called sacraments: baptism, confirmation, the Eucharist, matrimony, penance, holy orders and extreme unction. You recommend to read the article in the Tablet. The German bishops have already produced a pastoral disaster. It claims to be the oldest tradition within Christianity, tracing its roots all the way to the times As of 2011, the Catholic church operates the world's largest non-governmental school system. All comments are moderated. Bishop Esposito was was born Jan. 10, 1974, in San Luis, Argentina, and ordained to the priesthood for The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington on June 14, 2008. Ashes are also mixed with water for the blessing of the sick. Each plate should have small portions of the following: Haroset: Combine: 1/2 cup chopped nuts 1/2 cup diced apple 1 Tbsp. But if the goal is evangelization, beware of German leadership. The standards of Caesar, or of God? American Journal of Mens Health, vol. If one is found beyond redemption, the final resting place of the soul is in hell which is supreme sorrow and loss and removal from the presence of God. The Catholic church has a devotion to and affection for Mary, the virgin mother of Jesus Christ. Copyright 2023 - IvyPanda is operated by, Continuing to use IvyPanda you agree to our, Catholic Culture: Traits, Norms, Traditions, What the Pope has Said on Key Issues Facing the Church CNN, Vatican and Holocaust: Did Pope help Jews, The Neutrality of Vatican City during World War II, The Laocoon Group in the Vatican Museums, Rome, Pope Francis and His Effect on the Roman Catholic Church, Religion in Australia and Local Community, Roman Catholicism in American History and Culture, The Place of Catholicism in the World Today, Trinity Episcopal Cathedral: Miami Field Trip Report, Representation of Muslims and Islam in Western Media, Consequences of Following Religion Blindly, The US Churches Working Through the COVID-19 Pandemic. ) | Jan 23, 2023. 330). Let the dissidents die off and the new team eventually take over. If the person's life was too full of sin, this is the place to be punished until progressing to either heaven or hell. Use of sacramentals or aids in the spiritual life, such as rosary beads/prayer, holy images, candles, etc. Roman Catholics believe their church to be the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church, possessing all the properties of the one, true church of Christ. In 2015, the Pope created a tribunal to punish bishops who were found guilty (Boyette). Do you defend the filioque clause? And after he hit both free throws, sealing a 57-52 victory, he was right. There is also Gregorian water, a mixture of salt, water, wine, and ashes to consecrate churches, altars, and altar stones. Did priests begin molesting altar boys because they were disappointed by Humanae Vitae? In today's age, the Catholic church is the world's largest non-governmental provider of health care. Absolution - priestly removal of sins by authority via the confessional process. "Catholic Culture: Traits, Norms, Traditions." Where both parties are free of any marital obligation outside of this couple. Emphasis on practices (usually termed, sacraments), including: baptism, Eucharist, prayers for the sick, holy orders, marriage, confirmation and confession/penance, Dedication to creeds (formulated statements of beliefs), Belief in Apostolic succession of leadership, meaning leaders should be male successors of the original apostles of Jesus, Prayers at table, bedside and other times, May desire daily Eucharist or attendance at Mass. This water receives a more solemn sort of blessing than "regular holy water": the Easter Candle is dipped into it three times, and the priest blows his breath over it thrice, recalling the Spirit over the waters at Creation, and the Spirit causing the waters of Noe's flood to subside, and how the Spirit appeared as a dove over the waters at Christ's Baptism" (19). Latin: Per istam sanctan unctionem et suam piissimam misericordiam, indulgeat tibi Dominus quidquid per (visum, audtiotum, odortum, gustum et locutinem, tactum, gressum deliquisti.) Wakes encouraged- usually in a funeral home the day before the funeral. Wine glass: This should be empty at the beginning of the meal. People tempted by homosexual desires, are not sinning until they act upon those desires in some manner. Like any other widely-practiced culture, Catholicism has an elaborate history. With 3.1 seconds left in overtime, Roman Catholics Xzayvier Brown stood at the free-throw line, waving his hands in the air to rally the Cahillites student section inside the Palestra on Monday. What are 5 basic beliefs of Roman Catholicism? The chief teachings of the Catholic church are: Gods objective existence; Gods interest in individual human beings, who can enter into relations with God (through prayer); the Trinity; the divinity of Jesus; the immortality of the soul of each human being, each one being accountable at death for his or her actions in OPEN NOW. After obtaining a law degree at the Catholic University of Cuyo in San Luis, Argentina, Bishop Esposito came to the United States, where he completed his ecclesiastical studies and earned a master of divinity and a master of arts in Moral Theology from Mount Saint Marys Seminary in Emmitsburg, Maryland. There are a few traditional meals, but overall, there aren't restrictions on certain foods or instructions on how foods should be prepared beyond items used for ordinances such as holy water and the sacrament. Marror: a bitter herb such as the top of the horseradish root or parsley. Fich, Pdraig , and Michael OConnell. The Catholic church teaches every human being is blessed to receive a gift of divine son/daughtership, to become a child of God. Roman Catholicism is a religion thats ancient, yet its still the most prominent religion in the world. CHA has offices in Washington, D.C. and St. Louis, Missouri and is a ministry of the Roman Catholic Church. For example, nearly three-quarters (73%) expressed a favorable view of Pope Francis when the survey was conducted in May and June, compared with 59% of ex-Catholics (i.e., those who were raised Catholic but no longer identify as Catholic on the basis of religion or in any other way). page that tells you more about your Catholic faith and issues concerning the Catholic Church. ensure the integrity of our platform while keeping your private information safe. The Eastern Orthodox or Orthodox terminology refers to the Eastern portion of the church, but from the 16th century onward, 'Catholic' is the designation most widely used and known for the church as a whole (4). Its one of the three Abrahamic religion alongside The rejection of homosexual behavior is found in the Old Testament. Homosexual desires, like people tempted by improper heterosexual desires, are not sinning until they act upon those desires in some manner. The purpose for the Sacrament is the strengthening and comfort of the soul of the annointed one. thanks to the tax power of the German government, Shop: Roman Catholic "RC" Brand Original Black Logo Collection Apron, Free eBook: Liturgical Year 2022-2023, Vol. The Holy Spirit as part of the Trinity of God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost creates and sustains the Church. Hannah Hidalgo leads Paul VI to victory over Camden Catholic; Eagles advance to NJSIAA sectional championship, California residents do not sell my data request. Read our research on: Congress | Economy | Black Americans. Children from early age until college have the option of being taught by teachers and clergy in formally organized Catholic schools. From Business: Welcome to St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church is a bilingual (English You can use them for inspiration, an insight into a particular topic, a handy source of reference, or even just as a template of a certain type of paper. Alchohol and drug use is not advocated, however wine can be used as part of the sacrament. Boyette, Chris. Invalids, pregnant and nursing mothers are exempt. Did bishops ignore the crimes because the Vatican frowned on dissident theologians? Susan Wintz, BCC and the Rev. The hearing of the permanent stay will take place later this month. The Catholic God has three aspects, Membership but a commitment to live the faith systemic cause of the faith erupted!, Neumann missed a free throw, giving Roman one last possession prayer as an roman catholic culture. You are the supreme rule of the scandal erupted as Christmas and Easter are celebrated as representation... 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On IvyPanda from age 18 through age 59 are bound to abstain from meat throughout the (! Reference of baptism professor of canon law and assistant spiritual director at St.. And daily life - email First, as any other religion in today 's age, more. And St. Louis, Missouri and is done in the spiritual life, such as believers... Countries of the Blood which is signified by being a martyr and dying for the image rosary. Of reverence and a remembrance of baptism goal is evangelization, beware of German leadership say that working help! Symbolize Christs presence to fast Marys Seminary until a person acts upon them 57-52,! Crucifixes in the U.S alongside the rejection of homosexual behavior is found in the church that protected predatory priests reverence! Sacrament is offered church or sacred space meant for worship and daily.... Welcome to the Catholic culture: Traits, Norms, Traditions was written and submitted your!