Can't have enough of them. Les autres cookies non classs sont ceux qui sont en cours d'analyse et qui n'ont pas encore t classs dans une catgorie. Tenda eh Baba tenda Listen to Podcasts talking about Deborah Lukalu. Eh bwana wangu mita ku imbiya Gloire au Seigneur pour l'excellence de ce moment d'adoration et de louange!!! 2021 is already a great year, Halleluyah . Tenda, tenda, tenda! (There is none who is Tenda, tenda, tenda! We testify (Aya, yah, yah) Please kindly stay tuned and check your order status in User Center. Your email address will not be published. Response: Hakuna, hakuna, hakuna Mungu kama wewe Baba Now, this is what I call worshipnothing beats the pamoja-ness in it. Kuimba unaimba, ni mpaka kwa neema (We sing through His Grace), Huyu Mungu wetu (This our God) Limoblaze Tenda, tenda, tenda (Accomplish, Accomplish, Accomlish), Response: Tenda eh Baba, tenda (Accomplish, Oh Father, Accomplish) I honor the Grace. Music Lyrics accessible to everyone Any translaters in the house? Wa mapendo wa mapendo, Mungu wa mapendo ni Yesu ww (Of Love, of love, God of Love is Jesus) Kanye West (Kweli kweli, Mungu ni shefu) For all youve done, (There none who is my refuge) Wa milele wa milele, Mungu wa baraka ni Yesu we (Everlasting, God of blessings is Jesus) x3 Accomplish), Response: Tenda eh Baba, tenda May the Lord favor you. Stream and download millions of songs for FREE from your favourite artists. Mungu wa uzima (God of Life) Judikay You have successfully activated Boomplay 1 Month Premium. Quality: Reference: Anonymous. (We marry by His Grace) Mungu ni chefu, wa mataifa yote (God reigns supreme over all nations)x? (You stood by me) you stood by me when no one could. Ce site Web utilise des cookies pour amliorer votre exprience lorsque vous naviguez sur le site Web. Download Lyrics & watch Official youtube video "We Testify - by Deborah Lukalu". @Mary#TheQUEEN FM its true,just believe urself and practise.. Dear Deborah, I discovered this song and I love it too much. GOSPEL ARTIST DEBORAH LUKALU HAS OFFICIALLY ANNOUNCED HER CLOTHING BRAND The announcement came in when on her Instagram page she said she is officially launching her clothing brand called "Mungu ni Chefu" meaning "Supreme Authority". Phil Thompson Eh baba wangu mita ku imbiya Sinach To Him I give thanks, glory and honor. Ces cookies ne seront stocks dans votre navigateur qu'avec votre consentement. En cliquant sur "Accepter tout", vous consentez l'utilisation de Tous les cookies. Wewe ni chefu, wa mataifa yote (You are the supreme God over all nations)Huu ni chefu, wa mataifa yote (He is the supreme God over all nations)Mungu ni chefu, wa mataifa yote (God reigns supreme over all nations)x? Hakuna mwingine kimbilio langu Follow comments above. The Lyrics are the property and Copyright of the Original Owners Power power power packed, I am rejoicing for Jesus , I don't think I'll ever stop listening to this music #2021, Que le Nom de Jsus Christ soit lev jamais . Et quand on est transform par JESUS voici ce que a donne.Merci seigneur, merci papa.Chantre de l'ternel, choristes, instrumentistes, ingnieurs en son vous avez fait un travail vraiment bon. We testify (Aya, yah, yah) Juu yangu baba (Mungu ni shefu) Shetani asikuelewe tenda (That Satan could not understand, accomplish) Benjamin Dube (He says, and arranges) Lord we give You all thePraise, [Verse 1] If the Lord did not step in, where would we be. Hakuna, hakuna, hakuna Mungu kama wewe Baba We celebrate (Oh, oh, oh, oh) Mungu wa uzima (God of Life) (We manage our studies by His Grace) and educational purposes only, Please Rate this Lyrics by Clicking the STARS below, Please Add a comment below if you have any suggestions. Find the lyrics to any song, discuss song meanings, watch music videos and read artist biographies. . (Accomplish, Oh Father, Accomplish), Baba wa majabu (Amazing Father) Ive got to Dance and Testify Get Audio Mp3, Stream, Share, and be blessed. Lord we give You all thePraise, [Bridge 1] MINISTER CEDRIC KASEBA [OFFICIAL VIDEO], DEBORAH LUKALU - TENDA DANCE COVER | Colours Of Praise, DBORAH LUKALU | Je dis non |Worship and praise session, Deborah Lukalu et les artistes Maajabu - PAMOJA. You stood by me Ehhhhhh baba, ehhhh, ehhhh babababa We celebrate (Oh, oh) We testify (Aya, yah, yah) You Are My God (Live) Freke Umoh. Cette dame a un staff magnifique (elle+choristes+musiciens), merci pour ces merveilleux moments il n'y a que a qui passe en boucle chez moi depuis des jours deja . Yes, I have come to Testify Wa miujiza wa miujia, Mungu wa miujiza ni Yesu we (Of miracles, God of miracles is Jesus) THE WAY I LOVE AND ADMIRE THIS WOMAN OF GOD.. C'est ici o l'authenticit de la musique est dvoile,Tout est magnifique ici HUM le ciel est sur la terre!!! Travis Greene (Iyo yo yo yo oh) About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . I pray it happens one day. HOME; . Watoto tunasala, mpaka kwa neema (We pray through His Grace) The song came along with its Video Performance and Lyrics. God bless u guys . Last Update: 2019-03-11. The husband of widows) Hakuna mwingine kimbilio langu. Wa miujiza wa miujia, Mungu wa miujiza ni Yesu we (Of miracles, God of miracles is Jesus) Je Bwana Yesu Ni Mungu Part 3 Mp3 Download (44.56 MB), Download Je Bwana Yesu Ni Mungu Part 3 Music, Songs and Ringtone, Free Download Je Bwana Yesu Ni Mungu Part 3 MP4, MKV, FLV, 3GP, HD Video Hello Family, We are informing you that DL Ministries has Officially Launched a brand "Mungu Ni Chefu" on the 26th May at Gold Reef City for anyone who needs to order the #T-Shirt,#Hoddy #Cap and and. Payment is being processed by . God bless, Yess , God bless them and you too who are pronouncing the blessings, While having corona stress i listen to this song and i remember We have greater God, Il n'y a pas assez de gens qui parlent des musiciens ! Folabi Nuel This song is not currently available in your region. Un mot de passe vous sera envoy par courriel. Please wait while the order is being comfirmed. I am here to Testify Lord Mungu wa miujiza ni Yesu we God is using you so might Indeed there is no other God like him. is run by musical minds, and Beloved, I don't know you in person but God knows you. Congratulations! Hakuna mwingine Bwana wa wajane I am from Jamaica and I love African music. The most joyful-involved-active musicians I've seen in a long time!! Thanks, Your email address will not be published. Diploma uko nayo, ni mpaka kwa neema (You have a diploma through His Grace) Deborah Lukalu Tenda/Call me favour Lyrics (Paroles), A Luvungi, la population accueille Fatshivit en scandant : utapita, utapita, entendez il sera lu, il sera lu , Bunia : En attendant Martin Fayulu, le boulevard de Libration garni dune mare humaine, Intgralit : Concert Live de Cindy Le Coeur au Millionnaire Club, Affaire Vaseline : Mike Kalambay rpond enfin Zawadi, Koffi Olomide, Cindy Le Coeur en rptition de classe avec le Quartier Latin, Fabregas le Mtis Noir Gomme (Clip Officiel). ?Que dire que dire??? Someone has translated in the comments above Cette chanson est devenue une drogue pour moi. ), Ni wa uwezo, ni wa ushindi (He is of might and victory) Mungu wa salama (God who is our refuge) Ah ah ah Ni maajabu!Tosimba Maboko (Let us sing together now!) (Able of all, Hallelujah, Wanadamu hawakuelewa (tenda tenda tenda) Much love from Tanzania keep the fire burning Sis , Wouaouwww vraiment magnifique, que la gloire soit rendue Jesus. (Accomplish, accomplish, . Quelle onction d'adoration !! Mungu ni Shefu, wa mataifa yote. Video My Praise (feat. Hakuna mwingine kama wewe Baba (Ahaa, ahaaa), Please Rate this Lyrics by Clicking the STARS below Life is not the same again, [Chorus] We testify (Aya, yah, yah) Tenda, tenda, tenda Mungu wa Ngumiye Ni muumba wa yote La rponse de Didistone aux congolais, Joseph Kabila et Olive Lembe, les grands absents de la messe papale Kinshasa. Alitenda mambo makubwa (He did amazing things) Masomo tunaweza, ni mpaka kwa neema (We manage our studies by His Grace) Montes encore au nom de Jsus-Christ! Merci DL pour cette chanson !Je l'coute chaque jour.. Nakupenda sana dadangu Debora Lukalu, Mungu azidi kukuinua kwa viwango vingine zaidi akutumie kama apendavyo yeye, karibu sana Tanzania tutafurahi kukwona, Mungu ni Shefu, DEBORAH LUKALU - TENDA/CALL ME FAVOUR LIVE |OFFICIAL VIDEO|, DEBORAH LUKALU - | TENDA/LIVE IN KINSHASA | OFFICIAL VIDIEO, Deborah Lukalu - Tenda (paroles et traduction), Live Recording MUNGU WA MAAJABU - Mungu wa Maajabu by Deborah Lukalu feat Mike Kalambay, DEBORAH LUKALU - MAAJABU (Live) | Colours Of Praise, DEBORAH LUKALU - GLORIOUS LIFE/CALL ME FAVOUR LIVE |OFFICIAL VIDEO|, Maajabu Talent I Guest surprise : Deborah Lukalu I Prime 5 : Chant Chorale, Deborah lukalu Tenda live Maajabu in Dallas drums cover by Christian Skybatt, L'entre de Deborah Lukalu, TENDA MEDLEY, Prime 5 Maajabu Talent, DEBORAH LUKALU - We Testify |Official Video|, Deborah Lukalu Gospel Worship Songs - We Testify, Glorious Life, Ma Consolation, Tenda -Gospel Songs, Sr. Princess Betu: TENDA/Sr. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); A Website seeking to make Gospel Wa miujiza wa miujia, Mungu wa miujiza ni Yesu we (Of miracles, God of miracles is Jesus) You'll lose your subscription if we don't have a working payment method for your account, so please check your payment details. Le cookie est utilis pour stocker le consentement de l'utilisateur pour les cookies dans la catgorie "Autre. Huyu Mungu wetu Huu ni chefu, wa mataifa yote (He is the supreme God over all nations) Mungu wa uzima (God of Life) For all you've done, Lord we give You all the praise. La joie pure fruit de l'Esprit Saint. Vous nous montrez que l' on peut donner quelque chose d' excellent notre Dieu . You have entered an incorrect email address! Tenda (Live) - DEBORAH LUKALU. Le saint esprit est le meilleur arrangeur du monde entier. Your email address will not be published. Ah ah ah, ni Yesu we (Ah, ah, ah, it is Jesus) (Accomplish, accomplish, accomplish! Mungu Wa Maajabu (Live) 10:21 (Kweli kweli, Mungu ni shefu) Lord we give You all thePraise {We testify (Aya, yah, yah) (Of miracles, Penda sana nyimbo zako Deborah Mngu akufanikishe katika huduma yoko, i love songs done in swaili language it make me feel african, born in zambia but having both perent being congoless i feel like this song connect me both spiritually and physically. WhatsApp. Love you Sister! Ah ah ah! (Accomplish, Accomplish, Ce cookie est dfini par le plugin GDPR Cookie Consent. (Accomplish, accomplish, accomplish! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Mungu ni Shefu, wa mataifa yote. Fabulous! c/mungu ni jemedari. Wanadamu hawakuelewa (tenda tenda tenda) Tenda eh Baba tenda. Hakuna mwingine Baba wa wajane. (Kwelli kweli, Mungu ni shefu) Response: Hakuna, hakuna, hakuna Mungu kama wewe Baba(There is no one, there is no God like You, Father)Hakuna, hakuna, hakuna Mungu kama wewe Baba(There is no one, there is no God like You, Father)Hakuna mwingine kama wewe Baba(There is none like You Father)Hakuna mwingine kimbilio langu(There none who is my refuge)Hakuna mwingine Bwana wa wajane(There is none who is the husband of widows). Nous utilisons galement des cookies tiers qui nous aident analyser et comprendre comment vous utilisez ce site Web. Deborah Lukalu - Tenda/Call me favour Lyrics (Paroles) 7 dcembre 2018. African Gospel Artist Deborah Lukalu released a new mp3 single from Live in KINSHASA ALBUM with the music video titled "Tenda". Mungu wa mapendo ni Yesu we I KNOW THIS SONG AT THE RIGHT TIME.. (Kweli kweli, Mungu ni shefu) (There is none like You Father) for Personal and Educational Purposes only. She is a blessing to this kingdom. Mme tant allonge je danse ce chant, partout y compris la douche. Ni muweza wote kweli, ni muumba wa yote (He does all, creator of all things) Untuk melihat detail lagu We Testify Mungu Ni Chefu klik salah satu judul yang cocok, kemudian untuk link download We Testify Mungu Ni Chefu ada di halaman berikutnya. Her ministrations have been a blessing to my life. Imisebenzi Yakho Lyrics by Ntokozo Mbambo, FOR MY GOOD Lyrics by Ayanda Ntanzi and Ntokozo Mbambo, KUMAMA Lyrics by Grace Lokwa ft Moses Bliss, ALL POWERFUL Lyrics by Joyous Celebration. (That surpasses human understanding) Mungu wa baraka ni Yesu we (Everlasting, God of blessings is Jesus) x3 Yoruba Gospel. No one can do the things you do. Live Recording MUNGU WA MAAJABU - Mungu wa Maajabu by Deborah Lukalu feat Mike Kalambay . Salut!! For all youve done, I cant deny your Love for me Deborah Lukalu - We Testify Lyrics Yes, I've come to testify No one can do the things you do Always on time, you're never late I've got to stand and testify Lord This miracle has worked a way (Come on, stand up on your feet and say) (We testify) a-ya-ya-ya (We celebrate) Lord For all you've done, Lord we give You all the praise (Ooh we testify) a-ya-ya-ya (We celebrate) Lord (Ooh) for all you . Please check your balance and then try again. wewe Baba(There is no one, there is no God like You, Father)Hakuna, hakuna, hakuna Mungu kama wewe Baba(There is no one, there is no God like You, Father)Hakuna mwingine kama wewe Baba(There is none like You Father)Hakuna mwingine kimbilio langu(There none who is my refuge)Hakuna mwingine Bwana wa wajane(There is none who is the husband of widows)Wewe ni chefu, wa mataifa yote (You are the supreme God over all nations)Huu ni chefu, wa mataifa yote (He is the supreme God over all nations)Mungu ni chefu, wa mataifa yote (God reigns supreme over all nations) x?Alitenda mambo makubwa (He did amazing things)wanadamu wahakuelewa tenda (That human cannot understanding)Tenda, tenda, tenda (Accomplish, Accomplish, Accomplish )Response: Tenda eh Baba, tenda (Accomplish, Oh Father, Accomplish)Baba wa majabu (Amazing Father)Mungu wa uzima (God of Life)Mungu wa salama (God who is our refuge)Bwana wa wajane (The Husband of widows)Alitenda mambo makubwa (He has done great things)Shetani asikuelewe tenda (That Satan could not understand, accomplish)Tenda, tenda, tenda! Masomo tunaweza, ni mpaka kwa neema (We manage our studies by His Grace) muito lindo as coisas que Deus faz aleluiaaaaa Glria a Deus. Wewe ni chefu, wa mataifa yote (You are the supreme God over all nations) Huu ni chefu, wa mataifa yote (He is the supreme God over all nations) . Wewe ni chefu, wa mataifa yote (You are the supreme God over all nations) 05. wanadamu wakakuelewa tenda (That surpasses human understanding) There are 60 lyrics related to Mungu Wa Maajabu By Deborah Lukalu. By using this site, you agree to our. Dunsin Oyekan *le choeur (la chorale) et non pas le coeur (l'organe vital). Of how you took away my shame. Wa milele wa milele, Mungu wa baraka ni Yesu we (Everlasting, God of blessings is Jesus) x3 Alitenda mambo makubwa (He did amazing things) Hakuna hakuna, Hakuna Mungu kama wewe Baba. Stream and Download this amazing mp3 audio single for free and don't forget to share with your friends and family for them to be a blessed through this powerful & melodius gospel music, and also don't forget to drop your comment using the comment box below, we . Masomo tunaweza, ni mpaka kwa neema (We manage our studies by His Grace) Hakuna mwingine This is my day of Victory (Ahaaa..) All rights belong to its original owner/owners. Am inspired by your excellent praise ma ma ma mah!May the Lord guide and favour you for encouraging me to praise Him. The duration of song is 00:10:19. (He did amazing things) That day the world will be disbanded and we'll enter into paradise. Jai la chair de poule rien quen lcoutant. Mungu wa uzima (God of Life) Unaye Niheshi Misha Dr Tumi Baba wa majabu (Amazing Father) (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); A Website seeking to make Gospel (Come on say you are the love) you are the love that never leaves. Nathaniel Bassey Vous avez entr une adresse e-mail incorrecte! mungu ni chefu We Testify - Deborah Lukalu. Try Now . Dont understand a word BUT still know God is being glorified! (Yele leh, leh, leh, leh, leh, leh) Mungu ni chefu, wa mataifa yote (God reigns supreme over all nations)x? (Kweli kweli) Be Blessed, si j'avais les moyens j'allais l'inviter en cte d'ivoire tellement c'est beau de louer le Seigneur Jsus. Ndoa tunapata, ni mpaka kwa neema (We marry by His Grace) Frank Edwards We celebrate (Oh, oh, oh, oh) (He says, and arranges (.?. Ametenda mambo makubwa!!! Diploma uko nayo, ni mpaka kwa neema (You have a diploma through His Grace) Baba wa wajane (The Husband of widows), Alitenda mambo makubwa Les cookies ncessaires sont absolument essentiels au bon fonctionnement du site Web. Ah ah ah, ni Yesu we (Ah, ah, ah, it is Jesus) Il ne stocke aucune donne personnelle. DOWNLOAD MP3: Deborah Lukalu Tenda + VIDEO, Toluwa R. Adelekun The Name of Jesus Christ (Mp3 Download, Housefires If I Could Have Anything (Mp3 Download & Lyrics), Austin Stone Worship Something Greater (Mp3 Download, Lyrics &, Hillsong Worship Man Of Sorrows (Mp3 Download, Lyrics & Video), Crowder Good God Almighty (Mp3 Download, Lyrics & Video), I don't understand ! This is another definition of God's power, Frere David vous aussi depuis le maroc vous nous faite du bien, Bien dit mon frre je l'aime. Tellement, I'm here for the first time and I love this swahili medley. Freke Umoh. Ehhhhhh bwana I've got to stand and testify LORD. (There is no one, there is no God like You, Father) Every time i listen to her i feel so blessed and cant help but dance for my GOD. For all youve done, Joe Praize (You bear children, through His Grace) Kuimba tunaimba, ni kwa neema (We sing by His Grace) ), Ni wa uwezo, ni wa ushindi (He is of might and victory)Ni muweza wote kweli, ni muumba wa yote (He does all, creator of all things)Kuimba tunaimba, ni kwa neema (We sing by His Grace)Watoto tunasala, mpaka kwa neema (We pray through His Grace)Ndoa tunapata, ni mpaka kwa neema (We marry by His Grace)Masomo tunaweza, ni mpaka kwa neema (We manage our studies by His Grace)Diploma uko nayo, ni mpaka kwa neema (You have a diploma through His Grace)Watoto unazaa, ni mpaka kwa neema (You bear children, through His Grace)Kuimba unaimba, ni mpaka kwa neema (We sing through His Grace), Huyu Mungu wetu (This our God)Anajisema, anajipanga/anajibwaga (?) Get up to 4 months free . they are accurate before approval, All lyrics are property Sister tu fais la fiert du royaume de Dieu et de notre peuple! Tenda by Deborah Lukalu at Baptist church Nairobi Kenya- High energy praise, SR DEBORAH LUKALU - TENDA/CALL ME FAVOUR |LIVE CMP| DCEMBRE 2020, Deborah Lukalu - Tenda (LWAG Judah Praise), DEBORAH LUKALU - FAITHFUL GOD | OFFICIAL VIDEO |. Allluia, The song Tenda just takes me to THAT zone!!. Minister GUC Tenda eh Baba tenda Really blessing. Jesus Is Born (Accomplish, accomplish, accomplish! Naviguez sur le site Web utilise des cookies tiers qui nous aident analyser et comprendre vous... Him I give thanks, glory and honor ah, it is Jesus ) x3 Yoruba Gospel Sinach Him! L'Excellence de ce moment d'adoration et de louange!!!, Yesu! The song tenda just takes me to praise Him ' on peut donner quelque chose d excellent. Le consentement de l'utilisateur pour les cookies all Lyrics are property Sister fais... Pour les cookies dans la catgorie `` Autre la douche Boomplay 1 Month Premium ; we (. Que l ' on peut donner quelque chose d ' excellent notre.. 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