Whilst edible when cooked properly, it can cause gastric upset if raw. DISCOLO, BOLETUS LURIDUS VAR. Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh. It is found in Northern Europe and North America and is commonly known as the scarletina bolete, for its red pores (yellow when young). The European species are formerly known as Boletus discolor, and Boletus luridiformis, Boletus erythropus, and Boletus queletii have been merged into a single species that is now called Suillellus (maybe Neoboletus) queletii. discolor (Qul.) . Cette espce a t dcrite en 1844 par Friedrich Wilhelm Gottlieb Rotskof (1770-1848). Boletus erythropus (Christian Hendrik Persoon, 1796), sin. , , . Soorten. Sie sind vor allem bei lteren Exemplaren etwas gelatins. luridiformis, but has not blueing flesh. 1974. discolor), stipe surface blueing when bruised. That is now the first valid description of the taxon and is the basis of the current name (the basionym). Ils ont un chapeau rond devenant convexe mesure quils vieillissent. and (for var. Neoboletus praestigator is a large solid fungus with a bay-brown hemispherical to convex cap that can grow up to 20cm (8in) wide, and is quite felty initially. Cyanoboletus pulverulentus (Opat. Grayish- to yellow-brown cap may crack w/age esp. 1. Les terminaisons des cellules sont cylindriques ou un peu en forme de massue. The new form Suillellus queletii f. discolor and the new combinations Suillellus queletii f. junquilleus and Neoboletus luridiformis var. Synonymy: Boletus discolor (Qul.) De betraktas inte lngre som separata taxa och har drfr slagits ihop. Klobouk je v mld lut nebo lutozelen, s vkem dostv rezav ndech se hndmi skvrnami. . Dermek, Kuthan & Singer Boletus erythropus subsp. Boletus s. l. In: Fungi Europaei. I Boleti. The tubes are yellowish-green, and become blue quickly on cutting. This indicated that it needed to be placed in a new genus. The cap colour of this often massive bolete is very rubropileus, Boletus erythropus. of the stem of Neoboletus luridiformis. Hib kov odbarven ( Boletus luridiformis var. : Boletus erythropus, Neoboletus luridiformis[2]) ist eine Pilzart aus der Familie der Dickrhrlingsverwandten (Boletaceae). Cap up to 12 cm, hemispherical, later convex to flat-convex, velvety or smooth, pale brown to dark brown, sometimes dark brick coloured, darkening when bruised (var. Phylum: Basidiomycota - Class: Agaricomycetes - Order: Boletales - Family: Boletaceae Distribution - Taxonomic History- Etymology - Identification - Culinary Notes - Reference Sources. http://domenicus.malleotus.free.fr/f/bolet_a_pied_rouge.htm, https://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Bolet__pied_rouge&oldid=198822556, Taxobox utilisant la classification selon Catalogue of Life, Catgorie Commons avec lien local identique sur Wikidata, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. Genus: Neoboletus Genus 2: Boletus Genus 3: Sutorius Species: discolor (in the sense of American authors, since the species name will change in the next few years. (photo B. Assyov), Fully developed fruitbody of Boletus luridiformis var. Rank: Subspecies Taxon key: BMSSYS0000020570 Taxon version key: BMSSYS0000020570 Language: Latin Entered by: David Mitchel (2002-05-16) Status: DEPRECATED. Scale bar = 10 m (photo B. Assyov). Lomblevel s fenyerdkben, fleg bkkk s lucfenyk alatt, valamint lpokon, a magasabb hegyvidkeken is megtallhat. Tubes easily separable from each other, not tearing apart. Atlante pratico-monographico per la determinazione dei boleti. Suillellus satanas has a chalky white cap and a bulbous stem covered in a bright red net pattern on a yellow background; it is = Neoboletus luridiformis (Rostk.) and Boletus discolor Boud. Oryginalny opis Boletus erythropus Pers. Found in W. Va. or the Central Appalachians, FILTER SET #5: CAP FLESH (CONTEXT) FEATURES, My Mushroom is Mature & Its Pores are Tiny, Primary Cap Color is: 3- Red, Pink, Purple, or Orange, Primary Cap Color is: 4- Some Shade of Brown, Primary Cap Color is: 5- Black, Dark Brown, or Dark Gray, Primary Pore Color is: 2 - Yellow to Gold, Primary Pore Color is: 3 - Red, Pink, Purple or Orange, Primary Stem Color is: 2- Yellow to Orange, Primary Stem Color is: 3- Red, Pink, Purple, or Orange, Stem: 7- Is Notably Dotted and/or Spotted, Primary Cap Color is: 1- White, Buff, or Light Gray, Primary Cap Color is: 2- Yellow to Orange, Cap Texture is: 2- Viscid, Sticky, Slimy or Slick, Cap Texture is: 3- Wrinkled, Pitted or Corrugated, Cap Texture is: 4- Cracked Beyond Environmental Effects, Primary Pore Color is: 1- White, Buff, or Light Gray, Primary Pore Color is: 2 Yellow to Gold, Primary Pore Color is: 3 Red, Pink, Purple or Orange, Primary Pore Color is: 4 Some Shade of Brown, Primary Pore Color is: 5 Black, Dark Brown, or Dark Gray, My Mushroom is Mature & Its Pores are Huge, Primary Stem Color is: 1- White, Buff, or Light Gray, Primary Stem Color is: 4- Some Shade of Brown, Primary Stem Color is: 5- Black, Dark Brown, or Dark Gray, Stem: 2- Is Viscid, Sticky, Slimy or Slick, 1. (Boletus erythropus) ( ) . - , . Boletus luridiformis was long time known under the name Boletus erythropus, but due to misfortunate confusion in the past it will have to be abandoned in favor of Boletus luridiformis. Orange at first, the round, crowded pores soon [eds.]. FirstNature; Neoboletus luridiformis (Rostk.) Boletes, fungi mushrooms Images Pictures, List of Boletes, fungi mushrooms - Nature Images - NaturePhoto It is also widely distributed in North America, and is especially common under spruce in its range from Northern California to Alaska. Falscher Schwefelrhrling (BOLETUS JUNQUILLEUS) = Stiel niemals mit roten Flocken, Flocken eher fein und immer gelb. Costantin & Dufour Boletus erythropus subsp. The genetic analysis published in 2013 showed that B. luridiformis and many (but not all) red-pored boletes were part of a dupainii clade (named for Boletus dupainii), well-removed from the core group of Boletus edulis and relatives within the Boletineae. Cette espce rare pousse sous les feuillus, principalement sous les htres et les chnes. Neoboletus luridiformis. During the next 200 years or so, this name was used extensively for the species which is the subject of this article, and which (as well as a red stalk) has red pores. & Singer, R. 1976. The specific epithet luridiformis suggests that this species is similar in form to Suillellus luridus. Die Rhrlinge. Aka Red foot bolete, dotted stemmed bolete. Verlag Mykologia, Luzern. Another similar bolete previously known as Boletus luriformis var. Cuticola opaca, vellutata di colore bruno scuro, spesso con riflessi azzurri. Krieglst. Mit Melzers Reagenz zeigt das Fleisch keine Reaktion (inamyloid). Other Information: Pale yellow flesh quickly blues. Kartan visar fynduppgifter frn Artportalen: Karta | Fyndlista | Bildgalleri | Fenologi. discolor , autrefois Boletus junquilleus , le Bolet jonquille est une espce de champignons ( Fungi ) basidiomyctes du genre Boletus dans la famille des Boletaceae . shutterstock. North American Boletes. The bottom line is this: these are beautiful mushrooms with massive flexibility in how they appear, and the nomenclature is completely fouled up. Pp. Buff stem w/fine brownish netting. Neoboletus luridiformis has a darker cap and darker yellow flesh than discolor, but both of these species have enormous flexibility in how they appear, so expect to have cases where they can be confused for each other. discolor), with darker rusty or brownish spots, blueing when bruised. Compare with Boletus luridiformis var. lower down. In Europe widespread and common. Boletus Dill. Wissenschaftlicher Name. Autorzy ktrzy preferuj oryginalny opis Boletus erythropus uywali nazwy Boletus luridiformis (oraz Neoboletus luridiformis) do opisu The generic name Boletus comes from the Greek bolos, meaning 'lump of clay', while the prefix neo- means new or young, and in taxonomy it is used to indicate a recent cladistic branch. odnosi si do Suilellus queletii, podczas gdy Boletus luridus erythropus (Pers. Boletus luridiformis var. Watling, R. 1970. and 20cm. C'est un champignon comestible - et mme excellent, condition de prendre la prcaution de bien le cuire car il est toxique l'tat cru ou sch. Neoboletus luridiformis, the Scarletina Bolete, is reported to be edible, but this mushroom is easily ad se mezi barevn a modrajc hiby.. Pi konzumaci je nutn del tepeln prava, ponvad syrov . Die Oberseite ist meist dunkelbraun gefrbt; selten ist sie heller braun oder mit oliven Anteilen getnt. Vol. Ang Neoboletus luridiformis sakop sa kahenera nga Neoboletus, ug kabanay nga Boletaceae. discolor Krieglst., was described in 1991 by Lothar Gundolf Krieglsteiner (born 1965); it has a paler cap and a less ruddy yellowish stem that is only very lightly patterned . Watling, R. 2004. British Boletes, with keys to species, Geoffrey Kibby (self published) 3rd Edition 2012, Dictionary of the Fungi; Paul M. Kirk, Paul F. Cannon, David W. Minter and J. Nordsvamp, Kopenhagen. Engel, H., Krieglsteiner, G., Dermek, A. A common species from the Mason-Dixon line up. So the use of this name for the red-pored mushroom was invalid. Coniferous, mixed and broadleaf forests, mycorrhizal with spruce (Picea) or beech (Fagus). 53. . The Scarletina Bolete is known to form ectomycorrhizal associations with both spruce (Picea spp.) Back by popular demand, Pat O'Reilly's best-selling 450-page hardback book is available now. , , . Synonyms of Neoboletus luridiformis include Boletus luridiformis (Rostk.) Die Sporen besitzen eine spindelige Form und messen 1218 4,56,5Mikrometer. Find diseases associated with this biological target and compounds tested against it in bioassay experiments. Im Schnitt zeigt sich eine dunklere Linie an der Kontaktstelle von Rhren und Hutfleisch und sein Rhrenboden ist orange-rot bis orange-gelb getnt. [11] It seems to prefer acid soils. 1. Yellow baby pores age to bright red & blue instantly. Blue-bruising yellow baby pores soon age to red. Flaming gold pores age toward greenish yellow, DNS, & may have bright red tints. Flesh variously coloured, changing or not when exposed to air. (2014-2018): selnk hub esk republiky 2018, esk . Similarity. Stay tuned! Nomi dialettali: Porcino nero, Bronzino, Arditu, Funciu di cerza, Testa nera, Porcino reale . Boletus luridiformis . discolor (Qul.) See the Science Notes), Common Name: Scarletina or Red Mouth Bolete. & Lannoy, G. 2004. pi chiaro, sull'ocraceo. Flesh lemon or pale yellow, blueing when exposed to air. (A hand lens may be necessary to distinguish luridiformis, has a darkish cap and a densely dotted ruddy stem. DISCOLO, BOLETUS QUELETII VAR. Der Flockenstielige Hexen-Rhrling (Neoboletus erythropus,[1] Syn. odnosi si do obecnego rozumienia Neoboletus erythropus. Flockenstieliger Hexen-Rhrling (2018)| Wikipedia; Neoboletus luridiformis; data dostpu: 2019-10-154. Boletaceae, Gomphidiaceae, Paxillaceae. Similar but has a red net pattern on its stem. Stains fingers yellow when handled. Read the facts at the end for more details about its scientific . Netzstieliger Hexen-Rhrling. Boletus pulverulentus is found under beech, lime Sweet Chestnut and oak trees, mainly in deciduous and mixed woodland but also . British Fungus Flora. esk mykologick spolenost; Hib kov; data dostpu: 2019-10-155. (An example is shown above.). Die Gattung Boletus in Europa. Dermek, A, Kuthan, J. The European species are formerly known as Boletus discolor, and Boletus luridiformis, Boletus erythropus, and Boletus queletii have been merged into a single species that is now called Suillellus (maybe Neoboletus) queletii. On acid soils under conifers, particularly spruces, and under beeches; and (var. Der Stickstoff-Gehalt beeinflusst das Wachstum kaum, lediglich auf stark stickstoffhaltigem Substrat ist er selten. . discolor Anon. [6] cebwiki Neoboletus luridiformis; cswiki Hib kov; dawiki Punktstokket indigorrhat; dewiki Flockenstieliger Hexen-Rhrling; enwiki Neoboletus luridiformis; eswiki Boletus erythropus var. Nova Scotian Boletes. Existuje jet tet, pechodov forma, nkdy nazvan hib kavkazsk, kter je nktermi mykology zavrhovn. Taxonomy information for Neoboletus luridiformis. Gelardi, Simonini & Vizzini).[6]. Download this stock image: Two small, young edible Neoboletus luridiformis mushrooms grow in a moss in a forest. Cappello: carnoso, 7-28 cm, emisferico, convesso, infine spianato. Krieglst., was described in 1991 by Lothar Gundolf Krieglsteiner (born 1965); it has a paler cap and a less ruddy yellowish stem that is only very lightly patterned with very fine red dots. Sonstige Unterschiede zur Typusform lassen sich nicht feststellen. Species: discolor (in the sense of American authors, since the species name will change in the next few years. Nkdy je uvdn jako samostatn druh, jindy jako . White pores age toward yellowish or light brown. Oak association & no red hairs at the stem base distinguishes from Neoboletus subvelutipes. Popis. Chemical reactions: hyphae of the flesh in the stipe base inamyloid with Melzers solution. discolor Species 5: chamaeleon (a provisional name used by Dr. Igor . , , , . Boud . Suffice it to say they are close relatives. We cannot offer definitive advice on the edibility of any fungi or plant specimens, especially based on pictures alone, as the risk of misidentification is too great. , , : 21:19, 26 2021, https://bg.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=_&oldid=10924032. Boletus luridiformis subsp. discolor (Qul.) discolor, which has similarly coloured fruitbodies, but features orange pores. The spore tubes are lemon yellow, but they very quickly turn blue-green when cut or bruised. Yellow to greenish flesh quickly blues. (photo I. Assyova), Fruitbody of Boletus luridiformis var. The Scarletina Bolete, Neoboletus praestigiator (known before as Boletus erythropus or luridiformis). of the Scarletina Bolete range between 7 and 15cm tall and have yellow flesh that instantly turns Stipe club-shaped, sometimes bulbous or tapering towards the base, whitish, cream or yellowish, covered with dense, large, red granules or (var. Grund DW, Harrison AK (1976). C'est une espce comestible bien cuite, un peu toxique crue[2]. Syracuse, New York: Syracuse University Press. 26 2021 . 21:19 . . The diameter at maturity varies between 8 and 20 cm. Estads, A. Apart from a pale area near the apex, a pattern of tiny red dots covers most of the stem of Neoboletus luridiformis. Some recent autorities reduce this species to a variety of Boletus luridiformis on the base of unpublished molecular studies. In 1796 Christian Hendrik Persoon described Boletus erythropus, deriving its specific name from the Greek ("red") and ("foot"), referring to its red-colored stalk. Agarics and boleti. That is now the first valid description of the taxon and is the basis of the current name (the basionym). 1: 25 (1970); fide Checklist of Basidiomycota of Great Britain and Ireland (2005), Dernire modification le 20 mars 2019, 17:00, https://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Bolet_jonquille&oldid=157719501. B. im Bayerischen Wald) genannt. (photo M. Danz), Fully developed fruitbody of Boletus luridiformis var. FWIW, DNA tests have now established that the hemlock loving B. subvelutipes really is a separate species even though it is hard to distinguish by morphology. Where the two species coincide it can be confused with the poisonous Rubroboletus satanas, which has a paler cap. Wouldnt that be nice? Libreria editrice Biella Giovanna, Saronno. In any case, this site plans to keep all three names (discolor, luridiformis and subluridellus) with separate entries until the mess gets cleared up by a proper article in a respected journal. Oft-netted stem. Fruitbody large to medium sized, boletoid, without veil and ring. Die auf Druck oder bei Verletzung des Fruchtkrpers auftretende Blaufrbung hngt mit der enthaltenen Variegatsure zusammen, die bei Zutritt von Luftsauerstoff durch Oxidasen zu Hydroxychinonmethid oxidiert wird, dessen Anion1 die Blaufrbung verursacht. BOENA keeps subluridellus, an American name, as a separate species while declining to move it over to Neoboletus. pseudosulphureus are proposed. Der Stiel wird zwischen 5 und 15Zentimetern lang und 2 bis 5Zentimeter dick. Someday the science will give us clarity, and hopefully include the other hard-to-distinguish red pored, blue staining lookalikes such as B. subluridus, B. rufocinamomeus and B. flammans, the one now known as Suillellus luridus, the several moved to Rubroboletus, and the brown-pored blue-stainers vermiculosus and vermiculosoides. discolor, reducing it to mere synonym of B. luridiformis on the base of unpublished molecular studies. 1951. Boletus luridiformis (Friedrich Wilhelm Rostkovius, 1844), Neoboletus luridiformis (Gelardi, Simonini & Vizzini, 2014) este o specie de ciuperci comestibile din ncrengtura Basidiomycota n familia Boletaceae i de genul Boletus care coabiteaz, fiind un simbiont micoriza (formeaz micorize pe rdcinile arborilor), numit . Der Netzstielige Hexen-Rhrling ( Suillellus luridus [1], Syn. It doesnt help that different reactions to both Ammonia and KOH have been reported for the different color variations even when the DNA is identical. discolor) m klobouk spe lutookrov a na teni je spe oranov ne syt erven tekovan. Boletus luridiformis var. Wojewoda W., 2003 Checklist of polish larger basidiomycetes. Questo da Index Fungorum: Current Name: Neoboletus luridiformis (Rostk.) Der Flockenstielige Hexen-Rhrling ist ein Mykorrhiza-Pilz, der vor allem mit Nadelbumen, in erster Linie Fichten, in Symbiose lebt. be confused with poisonous species such as Rubroboletus satanas, the Devil's Bolete. - . Preferred name: Boletus ; Authority: Linnaeus ; Taxonomy. Seltener, meist im Flachland,[6] steht er mit Laubbumen wie Rotbuchen oder Eichen in Verbindung. Ces tubes sont termins par des pores rouge sang devenant orangs et puis jaune orang, qui bleuissent lorsqu'on les touche. [citation needed] Other common names is: red foot bolete, dotted stemmed bolete, dotted stem bolete. JUNQUILLEUS) = Stiel deutlich bis schwach rot beflockt, Kappe mit Gelbtnen, Rhren unvollstndig rot = gelbliche Farbformen. Boletus aereus. IRMNG (2021). Nonetheless, here I . ined. (B. luridus) . Long, oft-curved, oft-ridged, pale-cap-colored to brownish stem. Should always be well cooked - mildly toxic raw. Suffice it to say they are close relatives. Comme le bolet pied rouge, le bolet jonquille est comestible condition de prendre la prcaution de bien le cuire car il est lgrement toxique sil est consomm cru. luridiformis), or pale yellow to yellow with scattered fine, pale orange, orange or rusty granules, reddish vinaceous in the base (var. discolor anon. There is a lot of disagreement in the treatment of this taxon. Habitat. New combinations in Boletaceae and Gomphidiaceae (Boletales). Roy Watling & Hills, A.E. discolor, autrefois Boletus junquilleus, de son nom vernaculaire franais, le Bolet jonquille est une espce de champignon basidiomycte du genre boletus dans la famille des Boletaceae. Le Bolet pied rouge pousse dans l'hmisphre nord, sur le sol dans les bois (aussi bien dans les rsineux que les feuillus), de l't la fin de l'automne. Yellow stem often has a red or orange-red zone in the middle, & blues when bruised. Note again the pale colours and the fine granules on the stipe. & Krnzlin F. 1991. Berkeley, California: Ten Speed Press. Edinatura, Milano. Pores usually small and rounded. Auf Druck laufen die Poren ebenfalls blau an. discolor Qul. Neoboletus erythropus, Boletus luridiformis var. A. Stalpers; CABI, 2008. Die Poren sind orange bis rot gefrbt. Czy borowik ceglastopory moe by trujcy? Neoboletus luridiformis is reported to be edible but could The diameter at maturity varies between 8 In Europe uncommon, more often encountered in south. Es besitzt keinen bestimmten Geruch und schmeckt mild. Galli, R. 1998. Science Notes: The European species formerly known as Boletus . Vol. ISBN 978--8156-0588-1. [4], Der Netzstielige Hexen-Rhrling (Suillellus luridus) weist am Stiel eine netzartige Zeichnung auf. White stem yellows going up w/white-yellow netting by cap. Tak samo jak klasyczna posta, sinieje jednak pod wpywem dotyku lub skaleczenia. Boletes of Eastern North America follows this by merging the American discolor into luridiformis despite the European names, and using Neoboletus as the genus. discolor. Triage (A Synoptic Key) for North American Boletes, Cap Flesh (Context) Filters Description, 5. Wartoci odywcze borowika ceglastoporego. Whilst edible when cooked properly, it can cause gastric upset if raw. Die Rhren sind gelb und besitzen einen Olivton. Alessio 1985 (sinonimo) Descrizione dello sporoforo. Flaming gold cap & stem. The pores of the tubes start out yellowish and become increasingly reddish brown with age. 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A provisional name used by Dr. Igor formerly known as Boletus erythropus 5 und 15Zentimetern und! ; Neoboletus luridiformis var is found under beech, lime Sweet Chestnut and oak trees, mainly deciduous! 5Zentimeter dick in Symbiose lebt B. Assyov ). [ 6 ] steht er mit Laubbumen wie Rotbuchen oder in! Hardback book is available now zwischen 5 und 15Zentimetern lang und 2 bis 5Zentimeter dick 450-page hardback is! It in bioassay experiments the facts at the stem of Neoboletus luridiformis ; data dostpu: 2019-10-154: European... Developed fruitbody of Boletus luridiformis ( Rostk. is known to form ectomycorrhizal with! The species name will change in the stipe a darkish cap and a densely dotted stem...: 21:19, 26 2021, https: //bg.wikipedia.org/w/index.php? title=_ & oldid=10924032 European... De massue necessary to distinguish luridiformis, has a red or orange-red zone in the stipe long, oft-curved oft-ridged! Stark stickstoffhaltigem Substrat ist er selten under beech, lime Sweet Chestnut boletus luridiformis discolor oak trees, mainly in and!, crowded pores soon [ eds. ] = 10 m ( photo B. )... & may have bright red tints description of the current name ( the basionym ). [ ]. Laubbumen wie Rotbuchen oder Eichen in Verbindung over to Neoboletus, 2003 Checklist of polish larger.! Name used by Dr. Igor mushrooms boletus luridiformis discolor in a new genus Fully fruitbody. Sie heller braun oder mit oliven Anteilen getnt, [ 1 ] Syn ) for North American Boletes cap., nkdy nazvan Hib kavkazsk, kter je nktermi mykology zavrhovn im zeigt. Kontaktstelle von Rhren und Hutfleisch und sein Rhrenboden ist orange-rot bis orange-gelb getnt ) = Stiel deutlich bis schwach beflockt... Luridiformis mushrooms grow in a new genus from Neoboletus subvelutipes luridiformis, has paler., & blues when bruised, un peu toxique crue [ 2 ] book available... 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X27 ; ocraceo particularly spruces, and become blue quickly on cutting combinations Suillellus queletii discolor...: Neoboletus luridiformis [ 2 ] ) ist eine Pilzart aus der Familie der Dickrhrlingsverwandten ( Boletaceae ). 6... Exemplaren etwas gelatins Neoboletus luridiformis include Boletus luridiformis var sull & # x27 ; ocraceo nkdy Hib!, stipe surface blueing when bruised des pores rouge sang devenant orangs et puis jaune orang, qui lorsqu'on! Turn blue-green when cut or bruised under conifers, particularly spruces, and become blue quickly cutting! Carnoso, 7-28 cm, emisferico, convesso, infine spianato: Boletus ; Authority: Linnaeus ;.! Tearing apart a variety of Boletus luridiformis var this indicated that it needed to be placed a. Orange-Red zone in the sense of American authors, since the species name will change in stipe. Esk republiky 2018, esk spindelige form und messen 1218 4,56,5Mikrometer jednak pod wpywem dotyku skaleczenia. At the stem of Neoboletus luridiformis [ 2 ] Funciu di cerza Testa. G., dermek, Kuthan & amp ; Singer Boletus erythropus indicated that needed.