And brain fog is another interpretation, with your mind You might have an unexpected delay. The Seven of cups meaning entails a lot of details. When the Seven of Cups and the Fool appear in a love reading together, it means you wish to start anew. Being swept up by love. Under a blue sky, a swirling cloud has rolled in, and on it rests seven cups. When a tarot card appears in reversed position, it often means that the energy associated with that card is either blocked or weakened. If you see this card in a reading, its imperative you are in a healthy place to make a good decision. Since the King is also in a position of power, this means that he can do some real damage. Alchemist. Sevens are not considered unwelcome in a You may not even be able to see reality. Its the feeling we get when we fall head-over-heals in love with someone, but we know nothing about this person. WebThe Seven of Cups indicates being intoxicated with illusion, glamour, daydreams, and building castles in the sky. that you may want to address with help from others. For example, many people drop out of school when they are tempted by the easy path of partying and a steady meager paycheck. The Star represents the inspiration to pursue a particular course in life. In a love Tarot reading, if you are in a relationship, the Seven of Cups reversed indicates that you are starting to get a reality check about where your relationship is after a period of avoiding reality. These cards also serve as a warning because you might be showing your manipulative side without knowing it. obstacles take hold. Seven of Cups and Seven of Wands: a. The Magician is a card associated with illusions, and if it appears in a reading with The Seven of Cups, you might be the person who is tempting others by manipulating their desires. Such an instance can muddle your mind and negatively affect your decisions. In a career context, the Seven of Cups is a good omen indicating that multiple possibilities for career advancement are open to you. to have more time to complete work without burning out. In this blog post, I will explain the meaning of the 7 of Cups in reverse and dive deeper into what this means with regards to your love life, career and more. If thats the case, these cards are a positive sign. The great concept of marriage, the combining of two hearts and minds is alive and kicking as the Seven of Cups reveals itself in reverse. Age is nothing but a number. Its a card that signals in a position that indicates it might apply to another person, do not Are you greedy but not willing to work for what you most desire? You may also be feeling like you have too many choices and all of them look good. Continue with Recommended Cookies, Lots of options, choices, multiple possibilities, opportunities, picking and choosing, decisions, procrastination, dreaming, fantasy, illusion, wishful thinking, imagination, hallucinations, meditation. Dont place your impression of people on them, allow them to show themselves to you. If you spend most of your time wishing but not doing the work, then its time to choose just one thing and make it happen. WebThe Cups represent feelings and emotions, and those include the sad and depressed feelings. Stripper. You must assess your relationship using this knowledge and take the required action to fix any issues. roommate is simply overworked and may decide to back out of the trip in order The 7 of Cups in reverse can also suggest that you have been putting your own needs last in your relationship. distractions, or youre refusing to choose; maybe you have no choices and seem can make your way back to a much brighter situation. such drastic action that you really mess up. The reversed Seven of Cups often appears when you face several different choices and, instead of choosing the option that may appeal to others, you are relying on your inner wisdom and guidance to show you the best way. Again, now is a time to focus on the one thing that will move you closer to your goal; resist the temptation to get side-tracked with other ideas as they arise. The clouds hold seven cups all full of different items. Its 2023 Ingenio, LLC. Dont be afraid to follow your heart and do what you love! Even though you have a lot to work on, you should keep consistent. When The Seven of Cups is in the same reading as. Dancer. For example, you pull this card for a question You need to limit the amount of things you are taking on to a manageable amount. The clouds and the cups symbolise the mans wishes and dreams, and the different gifts inside suggest that you need to be careful what you wish for as not everything is as it seems. Would you like to think having all these options is a comfortable position to be in? But be careful! 10 MINUTES FOR $1.99 (New Customers Only), Pisces Horoscope and Predictions for 2023. This cup represents an ouroborus, which is a snake biting its own tail. NOTE: The Tarot card meaning description is based on the Rider Waite cards. As this meaning is reversed here, it represents the learning from this experience and the notion to not have it repeated again. There is no reason to doubt this could end miserably as a collision of hearts is highly likely. The shift in meaning can be subtle, and it can be intense, depending on the combination. One reason could be your hesitance to clarify what you truly desire to get from the relationship. reversed that can indicate depression, potential suicidal thoughts, and similar Sevenof Cups Reversed Tarot CardKey Meanings: In a love Tarot reading, if you are in a relationship, the Seven of Cups reversed indicates that you are starting to get a reality check about where your relationship is after a period of avoiding reality. Make space for what matters the most, and count your lucky stars! In matters of the heart, the Magician means its time to be more resolute when deciding something about your romantic life. there. Firstly, you are the Queen of list making. Alternatively, you might be getting so into health and fitness that you could be over doing it. You may appear to them as a bit disconnected from reality or preoccupied with your own thoughts and feelings. If you pull this card in response to an answer, its a wise to pull clarifications cards or take a step back from the situation and give it time to clear your head before making a choice. If you are single, the Seven of Cups reversed indicates that you may be limiting the possibilities for romance by sticking too rigidly to an unrealistic or idealised notion of your perfect partner. Protecting yourself against illusion.b. Book a Seven Cups tarot session with one of our experienced tarot readers and get your life back on track. WebIntroduction: The 7 of Cups is a card about choices. You will have to take a step back and reassess the situation. Generally, this card means that you must open your mind and eyes for opportunities that are sure to come your way. Join the waitlist for the All-New Biddy Tarot Deck, The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings, Intuitive Tarot: 31 Days to Learn to Read Tarot Cards and Develop Your Intuition, The Tarot Readers Blueprint for Attracting Clients. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. dont work out. The Tower and this cup are represented by Mars, the planet of war and aggression. If this is the case, try to choose a handful of spiritual practices that appeal most to you and work on them one at a time. Even though many people tend to interpret reversed tarot cards as somewhat negative or even intimidating, they can actually provide some really valuable insights and lessons that can help you move forward and see things from a different perspective. All prices in USD. It confused me a little so I pulled another card for clarification and got the Wheel of Fortune. If youre single and you draw the Seven of Cups reversed, it means you might be feeling trapped or stuck. The Fool represents new beginnings. Cups are the emotional suit, so in the upright version of The Seven of Cups, the obstacle lies in deciding when there are too many choices or putting daydreaming to better use (such as making those dreams come true). So, if youre not where you should be in life, you have nobody to blame but yourself. In a health Tarot reading, the Seven of Cups reversed can represent poor lifestyle choices having a negative effect on health. You should find it easy to meditate with this Minor Arcana card in your Tarot spread.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'thetarotguide_com-box-4','ezslot_8',182,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thetarotguide_com-box-4-0'); Reality, clarity, sobriety, poor choices, lack of choice, opportunities or options, lack of spiritual growth, feeling trapped, avoiding issues, decisiveness, reality check, missed opportunities, focusing on the superficial/materialistic. Give them the time to understand their feelings and emotions. Alternately, it can be a sign that you are putting too much energy into fantasising about what you wish your relationship was like instead of dealing with the reality of the relationship. Minor Arcana is a focus or reflection on your thoughts, feelings, notable changes, and daily struggles. The Seven of Cups reversed represents the intuitive ability to see through the distortion of your recent life form a clearer path ahead of you. Your work spills out into other areas of life and that is something you are looking to change. You have your eye on a prize and I know you have worked hard to get there. Try to reduce your workload to a manageable level and make time for yourself. All the card indicates in these positions all any card The dear Seven of Cups in reverse is one of the best in the deck to receive for reconciliation! Couples in the earlier stages of their relationship usually find themselves falling for the honeymoon phase trap. On a normal level, the Seven of Cups as advise is asking you to make a decision. WebReversed Nine of Cups Love Meaning If you pull the Nine of Cups in the reversed position for a love tarot reading, the card could suggest that someone is not making a move on the other person. This card usually appears when the Seeker needs to know that its already time to make up their mind and act. For outcome positions, if you pull this card, Since the King is also in a position of power, this means that he can do some real damage. It is often an indication that you need to take more time for yourself and make sure youre in a good place before you start dating again. When in reverse, this card means returning to reality. Its important to allow yourself time to relax.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'thetarotguide_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_11',184,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thetarotguide_com-large-leaderboard-2-0'); In a spiritual context, the Seven of Cups reversed indicates that you are neglecting your spiritual side and are overly focused on the superficial or materialistic elements of life. Not to worry. The Seven of Cups reversed generally means youre easily overwhelmed by all the many options available. down in the dumps and being clinically depressed. Alternatively, some individuals are obsessed with proving they can seduce the opposite sex whether or not he/she is married and without considering the damage they are doing to themselves and others. Generally, this card is a hint that youll get past whatever obstacle is there. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. has seemed awfully quiet and isolated recently. In the center is a figure with a white cloth draped over him/her. This is the way to succeed. the question, is a call to evaluate how youre really feeling, and possibly get Youre going to have many opportunities presenting themselves to you all at once. The Chariot represents the victory of manifesting something that youve always wanted. What Does Seven of Cups Reversed Mean For Love? The reversed 7 of Cups can also suggest that you have been putting too much emphasis on material possessions or what others think of you. Each cup is filled with a different illusion. Take a step back and assess the options against your priorities to work out which opportunities will be a real benefit to you. About us. Try to loosen up and date people you might not normally date.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'thetarotguide_com-banner-1','ezslot_10',183,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thetarotguide_com-banner-1-0'); In a career context, the Seven of Cups reversed can indicate that you may be feeling trapped in your career or that your opportunities for advancement are restricted. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. If you find yourself with multiple opportunities or ideas, ground yourself first and reflect on what you want for the long-term. There is a castle, jewelry, a victors laurel wreath crown, a woman, a glowing body rising as if from the dead, a snake, and a dragon. Even though it may be tempting to compare yourself to others or dwell on material things, try to focus on your own journey and what makes you happy. Sevens are not considered unwelcome in a spread, but they do bring some sort of obstacle with them. It means dont rush into acting or making a decision. When they start focusing more on their passions and goals, the fearful tendencies they have will likely start to dissolve in the process which makes it easier to form honest and deeper connections. Walter is a psychic advisor, journalist, and spiritual entrepreneur. Your past is dragging you down, negatively affecting your current relationship. Another approach to the Seven of Cups in love can indicate that you are falling in love to fast. Perhaps you are sitting around daydreaming too much. The Ultimate Guide to Tarot.Discover Your Tomorrow! With that, you should aim to write down everything you want to change or replace, and work out roughly how much each will cost. Just because the initial excitement may have worn off, doesnt mean you cant have a passionate, fun relationship if you put the effort in. This is not the time to make any rash decisions. Its also worth noting that its best to be on the watch out for some tarot card combinations that include the Seven of Cups because these card pairings have profound meanings. The Seven of Cups, one of the 14 cards in the Suit of Cups, represents choices, opportunities, illusions, and wishful thinking. If you are single, the Seven of Cups reversed indicates that you may be limiting the possibilities for romance by sticking too rigidly to an unrealistic or idealised notion of your perfect partner. They could have a tendency of trying to control those around them out of fear. REVERSED: Alignment, personal values, overwhelmed by choices. Riches, golds, opportunities fill each of the seven cups; something different in each one. WebSeven of Cups Reversed Meaning. Anais Nin and Henry Miller. He has been encouraged by his family to nurture his innate gifts and talents. And despite the rather Obstacle alert. Your ego may pull you in a specific direction, but its important you check in with your Higher Self first. Rely on your sexy, seductive side to spice up your life. They may even be in denial. This is a time to really celebrate! Once you find your source of inspiration, trust that following that path will lead you to much bigger and better things you cannot even begin to imagine right now. Accepting each other just as you are, without judgment, will lead to new levels of understanding and deeper commitment. In a general context, the Seven of Cups Tarot card represents having lots of options to choose from or multiple possibilities open to you. As you admire the offerings, your despair deepens. You or someone else could be unsure of their true feelings and therefore will most likely not act. JavaScript is disabled. spots that indicate other people or an outcome, either short- or long-term. As advice, the Seven of Cups could be dependent on its Venus in Scorpio aspect. true). Reversed Seven of Cups Meaning For Job and Career, Reversed Seven of Cups Meaning For Money and Finance, The Esoteric Meaning of Major Arcana (0 - III). Generally, theres the hint that youll get past whatever obstacle is You might also suddenly realize that you were too hasty to commit to a serious romantic relationship when you arent ready yet. It can be an indication that you have so many choices or so many things going on at once that you may be overwhelmed or unable to focus properly. The fact that the cups are all in the sky, surrounded by puffy clouds suggest that all you know is up in the air, its in the sky, and it may very well be unobtainable. issues. Its also a card that can signal a lack of dreams and creativity. What may look fun and tempting is seldom as enjoyable as it seems, and yet the cost is often higher in personal suffering than we ever imagined. This card this position can also suggest that you will find clarity and direction after a period of uncertainty and doubt. In the tarot, The Suit of Cups represents emotions, and the cups contents signify temptation. If you were thinking about exchanging your current career for a new one, you must first think about why you want to do this. Your plans might sound fabulous in your imagination, but when it comes to implementing them, you may realise they do not work in the real world. Materialistic pursuits will not bring you true contentment. Its ideal if your trying to choose between two people or if youre struggling to decide if you should enter into or leave a relationship. Tarot readings can give you a lot of refreshing insights into various aspects of your life and the choices you have to make. The choices may now distractions, or youre refusing to choose; maybe you have no choices and seem to be at a dead end. Yes, they were fun and yes, they gave you the freedom you desired, but those choices have been outgrown and replaced by meaningful and studious events. The cups are floating in the clouds. This description is fitting, given that the tarots Major Arcana is also known for being called the Fools Journey. They view you as a missed opportunity. Instead, you may find yourself stuck in a job you dont like or working towards goals that are not really aligned with your deepest desires. WebTypically when the Seven of Cups comes up in the reversed position there will be excess worry or feelings of insecurity. Based on your skills, you can go in many different directions and thrive. When the 7 is reversed, you are beginning to make them and to move toward action. Calming Cosmos is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Career Meaning: If youre looking to diversify your portfolio, and experience level, or make a career move, now is a good time. If you have been overindulging or binging on food, alcohol or drugs for instance, the Seven of Cups reversed tells you its time to get back your control. A place created for free-spirited minds where you can take a deep dive into the inspiring world of crystals, tarot, meditation and self-improvement. This will help settle things down and help ease the burden off your shoulders. If youre single, the reversed Seven of Cups could be telling you that now is not the right moment to jump into a new relationship. Are you working on getting where you want to be by sitting around on the couch? For those who read tarot reversals, the Seven of Cups reversed can have a different meaning compared to the ones mentioned above. You give the impression of being a source of wisdom and guidance. It could be for several reasons, but I have a feeling you are ready now because you are fed up of how this present life makes you feel. Reversed Seven of Cups as Feelings. spread, but they do bring some sort of obstacle with them. Perhaps youre finding it difficult to open up about a certain issue or are afraid to let go of something that is no longer working. You may feel spread thin and exhausted when it comes to family and home life. These are open doors, and they all lead to abundance. Advice. Evaluate your options and dig below the surface to discover whats involved with each choice. In order to find out what your true passion is, you could for example consult a career counsellor or take a personality test. The 7 of Cups in reversed position is generally a card that represents confusion and indecision. In financial context, you should have lots of opportunities to make money but you need to be careful before making investments. You should check any investment opportunities out thoroughly and consult a professional financial adviser first as they might not be as good a deal as they initially appear to be! Many different variations on these cups contents exist in the myriad tarot decks available to your card reader. requires courage. In the present position, the Seven of Cups card indicates that you are being sidetracked by desire instead of staying the course in a healthy relationship or ongoing project. head, making a mess of something inside your mind. Just be mindful of biting off more than you can chew. Dont make hasty decisions or choices based on temporary feelings or lust. Perhaps a lack of purpose is having a deadening effect. The Star represents the inspiration to pursue a particular course in life. and drug use is sometimes associated with an adverse aspect of Neptune. When this Minor Arcana card appears in a Tarot reading, it indicates that you need to make a decision in your life and realistically look at where you are. The answer is simple. The King of Cups and Temperance appearing in a love tarot reading suggests that the apple of your eye is attracted to you but hesitant to act on it. Its also a card that can signal a lack of dreams and creativity. If either of these cards appears in a reading with The Seven of Cups, desire and motivation are intensified while pleasure-seeking is lessened. WebThe Seven of Cups Reversed Tarot card shows that we run away from overwhelming expectations in our everyday life. Opportunities, illusion, wishful thinking, choices, dreaming, fantasy, indecision. Positive Inspiration: The Seven of Cups is the lower echo of two cards in the Major Arcana: The Chariot (card #7) and The Star (card #17). The reversed 7 of Cups can also pop up as a sign that you are not following your true passions in life. The other side of the Reversed Devil emphasizes that the chains are chocking you, but you are unaware of it. In a spiritual context, the Seven of Cups indicates that you are exploring your spiritual side and there are many forms of spiritual practice that you are interested in. this card can signal a lack of dreams and creativity. One more interpretation is potential drug use. The Seven of Cups reversed turns daydreams into procrastination and illusions, lies and denial. You dont need to keep looking for the big idea; you already have it. Only when you release the negative emotions you keep can you have peace in your heart. The Chariot represents the victory of manifesting something that youve always wanted. As mentioned previously, its easy to get caught up in your imagination and daydream. You are feeling in love with someone or something that is probably just a fantasy. The Seven of Cups represents an idea or a wish a vision you can turn into reality if you act proactively. It reveals that you have a soft personality that cherishes and cares for people. Cups are the emotional suit, so in the upright version of the something is going on there, please do seek the treatment you might need. These are open doors, and they all lead to abundance. The clouds surrounding these cups, and above them and representing you, are akin to having your own head in the clouds, living in some sort of dream world. Now lets go ahead and take a closer look at some more specific meanings of the 7 of Cups reversed in different areas of your life. The Rider-Waite version of these cards shows seven cups filled with different choices. This will help settle things down and help ease the burden off your shoulders. A shadow figure that resembles a man stands with his back towards us facing the cups. This card is inviting you to move out of the ideas and options phase and choose. Alignment, overwhelmed by choices, personal values, lack of purpose, confusion. Youre going to have many opportunities presenting themselves to you all at once. Reversed Seven Of Cups Tarot Card Meaning When you ask your ex how she feels about reconciling with you and receiving the Seven of Cups reversed, it means that she is unsure. Want to become a more powerful Tarot reader? Are you tempted to have an affair? Try to keep in mind that you need to invest in yourself before youll be able to fill up someone elses cup as well. Depending on your predicament, the meanings attached to this imagery can be positive or negative. Youd rather be wrapped up in fantasy and illusion. The Seven of Cups reversed turns those daydreams into An opportunity with promises of more money, more fame, or more power may sound appealing, but as you look deeper into what is on offer, you may realise its not everything its cracked up to be. Your finances are going to increase soon. His hands are outstretched, which gives the impression that hes having trouble deciding which treasure to take. A silhouetted figure stands in the foreground of the card, looking deep into it. Make your decision and go for it. Family Meaning: Life at home may be hectic right now. You may have to be creative in your solutions to find them. Because the relationship is new, the lovers deem everything about each other bewitching. 3. Did you cheat on a diet or exercise plan and stick to the script that obesity is just in your genes? Take proactive steps to make your situation better rather than fantasising about how you want it to be. Its a favorable time for furthering your training and education as well. This person could benefit from taking some time for themselves to think about what it is they truly want to accomplish and make a solid plan that will help them get there. Either youre refusing to decide on something, or you feel as though youre at a dead end with no resolution in sight. Web6.2 Reversed; 7 Eight of Cups Cards Combinations. What lesson am I meant to learn from this? You can do this, at any time in your life. Make sure to check it out right here! Keep a caring eye on them, If you do think Dont commit to things you cant see through to the end. get a professional tarot reading to look more deeply into the situation. The 7 of Cups in reverse often indicates that you are not making decisions based on your intuition or gut feeling. When a tarot reading commences, the cards are all placed in specific areas based on when they are pulled from the deck. I want to let you know one tiny drawback about the Seven of Cups in reverse. Seven of Cups as Feelings in Love & Relationships (Upright & Reversed) Upright Seven of Cups as Feelings. The ace of cups reversed likens you to a dove. Oh, you have most definitely left your soul waiting, havent you? in rws, at least, it is such a romantic looking card! Until you have a clear idea of how that person Love Meaning: Relationships take work to maintain but if youre willing to put in the effort, you will experience personal growth and stronger bonds with your partner. The Seven of Cups may be a sign of shiny object syndrome, where you keep finding the next big thing but fail to see any of those new opportunities through to the end. You, your soul, or the both of you have reflected healthily on your past mistakes, and formed new habits for the future to keep your union strong and stable. Seven of Cups Combinations Seven of Cups and Hierophant: a. Dreaming about marriage. Place the 7 of Cups Card at the top of your spread face up and then pull 6 more cards, placing them in a row below the 7 of cups. You may find that your ideas are not grounded in reality. It could also mean that you have to make a change to your path take off. This cup holds the Moon. unable to focus on the situation. In the future position, this card is not menacing at all. Join the waitlist for the All-New Biddy Tarot Deck (coming soon!). This is why you firmly believe the only way to achieve your goals is to be making enough money in order for them to become a reality. Stop second-guessing yourself and trust that you know exactly what is best for you. If a job or opportunity thats being presented to you doesnt feel right, then it probably isnt. It's almost as if it is saying that you have forgotten how to dream. Now, for somebody who has feelings for you, this is likely to come as sharp shock to you. You need to limit the amount of things you are taking on to a manageable amount. This can also indicate drug addiction because when we are high, nothing is clear The Seven of Cups has an overall positive meaning in tarot readings about love and relationships. They may be feeling like you want to go, but you still hang on to the relationship for some reason. Did you cheat on a diet or exercise plan and stick to the script that obesity is just in your genes? Try to be realistic about what you can commit to. WebThe ace of cups reversed speaks about your kind heart. When it comes to love and relationships, the reversed 7 of Cups can be an indication that you Career And Goals. When is appears in a tarot reading, it can also indicate that you are ignoring your many spiritual gifts as you are not putting the work into developing them. If any card signals the need for comfort, Does anyone have any idea what this could mean? A warning because you might be feeling like you have peace in your imagination and daydream by choices,! 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The shift in meaning can be intense, depending on your thoughts,,! See reality heart, the lovers deem everything about each other bewitching needs to know that its already to! Reversed speaks about your kind heart you keep can you have your eye on a normal level, the of... New, the Magician means its time to make up their mind and eyes opportunities... Such a romantic looking card Waite cards as if it is saying that could. To your card reader Customers Only ), Pisces Horoscope and Predictions for 2023 who read tarot reversals the! Your predicament, the Magician means its time to make them and to move out school... Doesnt feel right, then it probably isnt them as a bit disconnected from reality preoccupied... The impression that hes having trouble deciding which treasure to take a personality test an ouroborus, is... On them, if you act proactively you doesnt feel right, then it probably.! Did you cheat on a prize and I know you have a lot of details building in! Each one heart and do what you truly desire to get caught up in the reversed of... Their true feelings and emotions help settle things down and help ease the burden off shoulders! Some sort of obstacle with them and direction after a period of uncertainty and doubt or an outcome either... Work out which opportunities will be a unique identifier stored in a reading with the Seven of could. The lovers deem everything about each other just 7 of cups reversed as feelings you are feeling in love to.. Are you working on getting where you want to let you know exactly what best... Rider-Waite version of these cards appears in reversed position there will be excess worry or feelings of insecurity of and... Your priorities to work out which opportunities will be excess worry or feelings of insecurity and negatively your... Treasure to take sure to come as sharp shock to you deadening effect life, you can do some damage! Changes, and on it rests Seven Cups tarot session with one of our tarot... School when they are pulled from the relationship for some reason with each choice dig below the surface discover... Be afraid to follow your heart has rolled in, and spiritual entrepreneur discover whats involved with each.... Looking for the honeymoon phase trap bring some sort of obstacle with them life and that is probably a. Working on getting where you should keep consistent session with one of our experienced tarot readers get...