They are designed to be interchangeable with Siemens breakers (which you can confirm on their compatibility chart). Eaton also makes BR 1 breakers and accessories for these panels. is there a chinese version of ex. If youre replacing your breaker panel, you should check to see which type of breakers will work with your new breakers. The company sold the rights to this product line to Square D, which then sold it to Eaton Corporation. Therefore, you shouldnt hesitate to replace ITE with Siemens breakers. Other than quotes and umlaut, does " mean anything special? Eaton BR 1-inch load centers are designed for easy installation. Remember, knowing what breakers are compatible with Eaton can help prevent issues like fires. Other brands, such as Square D, introduced Homeline breakers. $5,900.00 + shipping. Most compatibility charts you consult will classify Eaton and Siemens as swappable breakers. If those brands dont include Eaton, they must find an alternative brand that is interchangeable with Eaton. Siemens and Eaton both have Classified breakers that go into QO panels. Get free shipping on qualified Eaton Circuit Breakers products or Buy Online Pick Up in Store today in the Electrical Department. However, just be mindful about your needed circuit breaker rating when utilizing either of these brands to replace the other. Eaton compatible breakers used in a residential setting can be practical options for different applications. Fuses, Circuit Breakers & Safety Switches. Eatons BR breakers are commonly used in panelboard, switchboard, motor control center, and busway applications. Are Eaton BR breakers compatible with GE? Homeline breakers are however NOT Classified to be used on other competitive panels. Does your panel have a manual? Went to HD today for a br230, empty shelf. The brand has a QD series breaker that can work in square D panels. Its possible that the two brands use different manufacturing lines. What do I do if FedEx delivered someone elses package. Match the size and voltage requirements when using Siemens breakers, as using the wrong breakers can have dangerous results. Crouse-Hinds breakers are ancient, so much so that some consumers may struggle to find one in their local store. The manufacturer of the breakers makes sure that their breakers are compatible with the panel. Siemens owns ITE. Normally THQL is cheaper, but it's rather useful for early GE panels that THQL breakers are not compatible with. The Eaton Cutler-Hammer 15 Amp 1 in. HD web site shows 3 stores in the state that have any available and none within an hour from me. To determine whether Eaton breakers are compatible with GE, check the UL classification. Siemens compatibility chart confirms this reality. During this tenure, I have gathered information related to electrical stuff like Generators, Circuits, Hydropower and Surge Protectors And I am writing this blog to convey information that I know to help you to get the best information out of it. This Eaton platform said the same thing. So now it basically comes down to Siemens and Eaton of that group and you already know the score on the Eaton BRs. . Bryant (originally Westinghouse, now Eaton "BR" series) was one of the "interchangeables", along with Murray / Crouse-Hinds (now Siemens), ITE (also now Siemens), and Sylvania / Challenger (also now Eaton BR). Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. But you may swap models like Square D breakers and those from some other companies with Eatons units without encountering issues. Regardless, Eaton breakers are physically and mechanically compatible with all breakers. Eatons AFCIs function by protecting electronic devices from arc faults, which may occur during events like thunderstorms or trees crashing into power lines. Does Cosmic Background radiation transmit heat? They can guide you accordingly. Exposed wires are dangerous because they are an electrocution hazard. The breakers are versatile enough to work in most interchangeable panels. How Long Does a Ballast Last? Is email scraping still a thing for spammers, Drift correction for sensor readings using a high-pass filter. In addition if the breaker starts a fire, an insurance inspector might trace it back to that breaker and find that it is not listed properly, they can deny the insurance claim. Certifications and Listings. Amazon, the Amazon logo, AmazonSupply, and the AmazonSupply logo are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates. If Square D is compatible with Cutler Hammer, theres no reason to assume that Eaton will reject Square D or vice versa. If you contact them, they will cite past accidents that occurred because the consumers in question used interchangeable breakers in square D panels. Therefore, using the specified breaker prevents potentially fatal malfunctions and accidents. EATON PRL3a 600 AMP 480V /277V Pow-R-Line Panelboard NEMA 3R Cutler Hammer 72in. Eaton Breaker Compatibility-Which breakers are interchangeable? Volts Amps Watts Formula. Is there a website I can look this up, or can anyone help me? The cutler hammer is compatible with square D. Cutler hammer is compatible with Murray. I am an architect with over 5 years of experience in the design and installation of interior and exterior design projects. Keep in mind that Eaton and Cutler Hammer are the same because Eaton bought Cutler Hammer. rev2023.3.1.43269. Due to their popularity, you can easily find a replacement of a GE breaker if your old one is broken or damaged. Theres an argument to be made for replacing Eaton breakers with Bryant or vice versa. You can tell by looking at them. Keep this in mind before you interchange breakers. UL will cheerfully certify a breaker for a competitor panel. The most popular adapter is the GE GHB breakers. But if that is true, how can you ensure that brands like Homeline and Westinghouse are compatible with Eaton? Since then, Square D (Schneider) has come out with the "Homeline" series that follows the same mounting and bus connection format so they COULD HAVE BEEN interchageable with all of the others, but they came out AFTER the Classified listing program so they are not mentioned under that old interchangeable concept. The number of breakers can max out to 30-42, . upgrading to decora light switches- why left switch has white and black wire backstabbed? YEARS AGO, it wasn't this strict and many different brands of breakers were known as "interchangeable". This is the case when a homeowner is replacing one or adding a new circuit. Manufacturers go out of business every day. GE and Siemens circuit breakers are commonly known as a good match and interchangeable. If the mountain styles vary, you cant use the breaker, regardless of whether or not the breaker and panel have matching specifications. If youre not sure whether or not a specific breaker works in a Square D panel, try to keep the following mind: Does the design of the new breaker fit the physical requirements of the panel? You also have homeowners that use other breakers instead of Eaton because those other breakers are cheaper. Copyright 2023 Conquerall Electrical Ltd. Eaton Breaker Compatibility-Is Eaton and Siemens breakers interchangeable? The PANELS will never list the other possibilities, the PANELS are only listed with the brand of breakers that matches the panel. They dont want that. If you cant definitively prove that the breaker is square D, probably because it doesnt have a nameplate, take it to a retailer. Theyre back ordered and retailers/supply houses are on alottments. Heres Why, Why Do Extension Cords Get Hot? Identify the application you want to run and find the wattage. That's not what he said he was going to do now is it smartellic. So continue reading to gain additional insight into this brands products. Residential Circuit Breakers. Both types of breakers are UL-listed. Theyre not interchangeable with Siemens breakers, and theyre compatible with Cutler-Hammer breakers. Eaton and Siemens breakers are similar in size and shape, but you need to match the voltage and size. The answer is also yes. Panels usually list all of their accepted breakers on a sticker inside of it or on the cover, but you're basically just going to see what the other posters suggested. What is the Difference Between Eaton Br and Cl Breakers? Buyers should also be aware of the different models under this type, such as: Unlike low-voltage air circuit breakers, medium-voltage variants can handle voltage ratings higher than 600 volts. BR or bust. Eaton breaker compatibility is quite extensive as you can interchange circuit breakers from this company with those from other brands like: Circuit breaker installers may consult a compatibility chart to reduce the risks of potential hazards that might otherwise come from putting in the wrong model. It uses the NECs regulations to defend its position, specifically section 110-3(b), which prohibits people from using breakers for applications for which they are not listed. What Size Conduit for 6/3 Wire? The company has a better understanding of its breakers technology than anyone else. The Asea Brown Boveri company stocks breakers compatible with ITE panels for industrial applications. I'm redoing my Jayco camper wiring completely, and I might not reuse my Eaton box that has Westinghouse breakers. However, the Cl230 breakers are compatible with most Murray breakers. Does Cast a Spell make you a spellcaster? Therefore, they are better placed to determine whether other brands are compatible with them. Some possible benefits that you can experience with these models are: The company began with Joseph Eaton in 1911. Are Eaton and Cutler-Hammer breakers the same? The answer is simple: the same company owns the production rights for both Eaton and Westinghouse. BR breakers are generally used in panel boards or load centers. How Much Does It Cost to Install a 240v Outlet in Garage? 5 Pack or More. It's a specialty breaker that is available only at Eaton dealers. Breakers are a protective electrical component that prevents damages done to electrical circuits and devices due to current overload or short circuit. A contributor to this Mike Holt forum thread ordered Bryant breakers but was sent Eaton and Cutler-Hammer, further cementing the idea that Bryant and Eaton are compatible and interchangeable. It is safe if the new breakers specs match those of your Eaton breaker. They can fit most panels. Floating Shelf Height: How High Should a Floating Shelf Be? In such cases, the breakers manufactured by them would be nearly identical but under different names. Please consult in your local licensed tradesperson. Siemens has Classified breakers that go into Eaton C-H panels. ITE WALKER WECO ATLANTA 200AMP 240V MAIN FUSE PANEL PULL OUT COPPER . If you have a breaker from a different brand and youre tempted to replace it with an Eaton product, check Eatons compatibility list. As youre wandering around your new home, you also start wondering why is breaker box on outside of house. NO DIY POSTS ALLOWED, Press J to jump to the feed. The Murray products will no longer be manufactured. In case you cannot get either GE or Siemens breakers, Eaton breakers are interchangeable with GE breakers of the same model number but you should also consider consulting with a professional electrician before making the final decision. Circuit breakers are an essential electrical component that is necessary to protect your electrical circuitry and delicate devices around your house from current overloads. Moreover, both companies sell replacement circuit breakers. If youre installing a Siemens breaker, you should check to see if it is interchangeable with other brands of breakers. According to this Eaton platform, the company has placed the Eaton name on many Cutler-Hammer products. Eaton has the upper hand when it comes to UL-certified circuits breakers and thus they are compatible with most other circuit breakers. Do I need to replace my electric panel to eliminate tandem breakers? Although circuit breakers are frequently replaced, you shouldnt assume that theyre interchangeable. You should always use breakers and panels from the same brand. However, this compatibility isn't one-size-fits-all, and there are restrictions on which Bryant breakers are compatible with Eaton and Cutler-Hammer. I completed my electrical engineering in 2014 and have been working since then. Contractors use the following steps to identify the correct wire gauge for a particular application: I love my job, and I have always wanted to offer others the necessary help so they can take care of their houses. Eaton Br breakers do not have any marking on the face, so its important to look for a sticker on the side. Each GE breaker model with a specific amp and voltage rating has an equivalent model in the Eaton brand. They function by cutting off the current flow if the current supply crosses the safe limit. You can reach out to Siemens to confirm your suspicions. They included Siemens in a list of brands you can interchange with their circuit breakers. However, electricity may cause disastrous incidents if any accidents occur due to electrical failure. Does the Homeline breaker fit in your Eaton panel? Most others are limited to their own breakers except Eaton, Siemens, Murray, and Cutler hammer BR interchange. Why does Jesus turn to the Father to forgive in Luke 23:34? Square D breakers are not compatible with Eaton breakers, but some others are not. You can check compatibility charts to see which brands are compatible with which others. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. The company made circuit breakers for decades. How do I stop my toilet flapper from closing too fast? But good luck finding them. and still going. The Sylvania breaker types QBH, BQL, BQLT, and BQGF were exclusive to Sylvania. Is it safe? It also has a different switch handle and UL file number. These brands later became Eaton or were acquired by another company. But their breakers are difficult to find these days because the brands popularity has declined significantly over the years, and so has production. $7,497.00 + shipping. Compared to a fuse, a breaker provides more long-term protection as it is extremely reusable. The final word on the subject is on the panel labeling itself, where it lists all allowed breaker types. In this , If a washing machine keeps tripping breaker, its often due to a number of reasons. These circuit breakers are used for overload and short-circuit protection of your electrical system. Eaton breakers feature a multi-dimension EM coil. This matters because Crouse-Hinds bought Murray at some point. Most compatibility charts you consult will classify Eaton and Siemens as swappable breakers. i have a Eaton Cutler Hammer panel that uses BR type of breakers (and a few other Eaton types), but most of the breakers are BR type. Simply look at what breakers are allowed (listed) to be installed in that load center. The breakers are versatile enough to work in most interchangeable panels. Eaton Breaker Compatibility-Eaton breakers are UL-certified circuit breakers. Murray. Cutler Hammer and Eaton circuit breakers, along with other products from both brands, are compatible. However, there are a few key points that determine whether two breakers are compatible or not and those factors have been listed below: Over time, many manufacturers have bought the production rights to other manufacturers or have been bought by a company that owns the rights to both or more companies. Siemens breakers can work in the place of square D. The brand has a QD series breaker that can work in square D panels. Does It Actually Need to be Conduit? Some manufacturers void warranties when you install a breaker from a different brand. Eaton breakers: The Eaton breakers and GE panels both fit, which means the Eaton breakers are compatible with the GE panels. Nesting Box Height: How High Should a Nesting Box Be? Unless the panelboard is specifically labeled as Square D, you cannot use other breakers. If youre lucky, the wrong breaker wont even fit in your Eaton panel. Eaton is a mega-company that acquired the rights to Cutler-Hammer and is now the leading manufacturer of breakers. Yes, some Eaton breakers can be compatible with Murray. Answer (1 of 2): They should fit the Eaton panels perfectly, with no problem whatsoever. Old circuit breaker brandsView 1 . The recall affected the Challenger 15 and 20-amp single-pole HAGF ground-fault-interrupter circuit breakers. Some other popular brands of breakers arent compatible with Eaton breakers. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Are eaton and ge breakers interchangeable? Electricians may even lose their licenses. If its not, you may want to choose a Siemens QD breaker instead. What Gauge Extension Cord for a Space Heater? It also verifies that users can install this brands circuit breakers to panels from other companies like: If you install the wrong breaker brand, the warranty of your panel and the breaker itself may be nullified. They replace a dead breaker with Eaton because their previous breaker was discontinued. Trying to Find Compatible 15A Tandem Breaker for Older Electrical Panel, Manually joining SquareD Homeline mini breakers. PortablePowerGuides is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. Westinghouse had a low-voltage air circuit breaker line. Do not use in series rated systems with those panelboards shown in this compatibility list. Therefore, most contractors wont hesitate to interchange a UL-Classified breaker with square D. Square D warns people against using interchangeable breakers. You have no way of knowing whether or not a breaker from a different brand will work appropriately and efficiently in your service panel. Indeed, those are fundamental questions since there are many things to consider when buying , Having the best soldering iron for electronics makes a world of difference to both professionals and hobbyists alike. They dont realize that cheaper breakers are also less reliable. What Is the Standard Height for Kitchen Counter Outlets? (4 Steps), How to Secure Extension Cord to Wall? Besides that, Westinghouse has also discontinued production of many models of its circuit breakers making an exact replacement much difficult. They are not compatible with GFCI breakers. What are some tools or methods I can purchase to trace a water leak? If you are getting a replacement breaker it has to be of the same capacity, if you get the breaker of the wrong capacity then it could risk your circuitry to fire hazards. You can trust any compatible breaker UL suggests because they test these products before recommending them. Although its recommended to stick to Siemens breakers for your Siemens panel, Eaton circuit breakers are an exception. Copyright 2022 YourNiftyHome | About Us | Contact Us | Privacy Policy | Disclaimer | Affiliate Disclosure. Both types are known for their overload protection, and you can use them for different types of applications. , When driving at night, I like to have bright headlights that can pierce through the darkness. You can swap them without incurring negative consequences. Of many of those breakers manufactured by Eaton, there is a classification of breakers called Eaton BR which was previously Westinghouse Bryant but now is rebranded to Eaton BR. But the item inside the package has not changed. Using a breaker in an electric panel from the wrong brand is not safe. Bryant, Challenger, GE I believe sometimes fit, but aren't listed for the application. I was told that Eaton is an off brand of GE, and that the breakers are compatible. However, if a situation arises that you cannot get a GE breaker immediately and you are in a time constraint then you should look for a replacement breaker of another manufacturer. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Many good soldering iron kits now come with a complete set of , Whether youre a pro or just a casual hobbyist, investing in your work by having the best soldering station for electronics, DIY repairs, and the like makes a lot of , Electricians need a ton of effort when it comes to tidying up their work desk. Therefore, you can use Westinghouse breakers in Eaton panels and vice versa. Fit indoor/outdoor generator. Cutler hammer and square D breakers are essentially the same product with a different nameplate because the companies that make both breakers owned the rights to the same product line at some point. Double-Pole Type BR Replacement Circuit Breaker is UL-listed and compatible with Westinghouse, Challenger and Bryant load centers. Old manufacturers of circuit breakers, such as Zinsco/Sylvania, Federal Pacific, Wadsworth, and Challenger, Pushmatic, went out of business and were succeeded by new manufacturers of panelboards that were technologically advanced. Can I use this tire + rim combination : CONTINENTAL GRAND PRIX 5000 (28mm) + GT540 (24mm). If the wrong breaker is used it could fail to break (shut off power) during a surge. PortablePowerGuides is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Before Cutler-hammer, now known as Eton, purchased Whitewesting, Bryant operated as a subsidiary of Whitewesting. They also assign the breakers unique mounting systems. If you cant find Eaton breakers, can you replace them with other brands? On the market, there are home and commercial circuit breaker panels. Not all ITE breaker models are interchangeable with Siemens models. Specified breakers are breakers that have been tested and listed for a panel by the manufacturer. Circuit breakers with UL-classification means they are mechanically and electrically interchangeable and compatible with breakers of other companies which are also UL-classified. Eaton also sells UL-classified and commander breakers. Both companies produce breakers that are largely interchangeable, but the key is knowing which brand is compatible. Eaton's AFCIs function by protecting electronic devices . Could they make it any smaller :rant::rant::rant: ??? When and how was it discovered that Jupiter and Saturn are made out of gas? Therefore, due to ownership of production rights the breakers are almost the same just with different names. If you dont choose the correct breaker, it will cause your panel to have poor bus stab contact and may arc. link to Can You Wire Lights With 12/2 Wire? QO breakers can only fit QO panels. Cutler-Hammer. Murray is a sub-brand of Siemens, which is good because Siemens is compatible with various brands, including square D. They have the same mechanics, boasting a sturdy construction and reliable operations. Circuits in wet locations require GFCI breakers. You need to ensure that the model numbers match exactly if you want to prevent any issues. Consider the classifications recommended by the panel manufacturer. Siemens owns Crouse-Hinds. If you are in the market for new breakers, you might be wondering if Eaton and Cutler Hammer breakers are the same. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. (Explained). look for local electrical supply houses or order online. As a result of rights ownership, there are nearly identical breakers with four different nameplates on them: Westinghouse. They are also designed to protect wires leading to individual electrical loads. Can You Plug an Extension Cord Into an Extension Cord? j BAB breakers are not DC rated. PortablePowerGuides is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. What Happens If You Use The Wrong Breaker? Visit Stack Exchange Tour Start here for quick overview the site Help Center Detailed answers. Since then switchboard, motor control center, and I might not reuse my Eaton box that has breakers... Single-Pole HAGF ground-fault-interrupter circuit breakers with UL-classification means they are compatible quotes and umlaut, ``! Breakers of other companies which are also less reliable and efficiently in your Eaton Compatibility-Is. To interchange a UL-Classified breaker with Eaton are ancient, so its important to look for a br230, Shelf. A list of brands you can not use in series rated systems with those panelboards shown in this list! Companies with eatons units without encountering issues why, why do Extension Cords get Hot a breaker an. And Westinghouse are compatible with GE, and so has production circuitry and delicate devices around your from! 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