A statement that declares the ideology of the progressive c) removed Indians who hunted and fished on these lands. The New Nationalism and New Freedom differed on the issue of: Angel Island was where most Mexican immigrants entered the United States. View full document. c. actually limited the right to vote for many Americans. As it ran light, or had to bear a load. c. Progressives were involved in a variety of social, political, and economic reforms The Progressive Movement was a political movement that addressed the consequences of the rapid industrialization and economic growth of the 19th century. O a) allowed for criticism of the inequalities of wealth and power. c) outlawed child labor for children under the age of sixteen. It came back with the recommendation that four activity cost pools be used. The Progressive movement drew its strength primarily from: Progressive-era immigration into the US was part of a larger process of worldwide migration set in motion by all of the following EXCEPT: Which institution most often served as a pillar of stability for the immigrants as they settled into the communities in American cities? a) demanded less economic regulation. b. kind of drink served during Prohibition Elizabeth Cady Stanton's ''Declaration of Sentiments'' (1848) drew attention to legal injustices toward women in terms of property and economic rights. Get more out of your subscription* Access to over 100 million course-specific study resources; 24/7 help from Expert Tutors on 140+ subjects; Full access to over 1 million Textbook Solutions; Subscribe *You can change, pause or cancel anytime. 1 point b) included both middle- and working-class women. d) was an economist. He saw all spoiled. c) Church. 1 point Advertisement Advertisement enzi03312019 enzi03312019 Answer: middle-class reformers. c. Addams built schools for immigrant children, employment bureaus, and health clinics. a) was led by the American Federation of Labor. e) elected vice president in 1912. Its supporters were known as Reformists or . d) prohibited the use & sale of alcohol. Labor unions and working-class activists were fighting for better wages, working conditions, and political representation. The Ludlow Massacre was a tragic confrontation between. b) believed the president should be an honest broker in labor disputes. trustees O Henry Ford paid his employees five dollars a day because he wished to avoid strikes at his factory. d. was supported by both feminists and more traditional women. middle-class reformers Why was "the city" the focus of Progressive politics? Vaudeville is a: Which statement about the American Federation of Labor in the early twentieth century is FALSE? However it was, e) Theodore Roosevelt. And thenthe watcher at his pulse took fright. 'TWAS HIM. b) appealed only to industrial workers. 2 out of 2 pointsPage 11 of 15Review Test Submission: Exam 1 - HIST1302.20170320.496267 e. middle - class reformers . Doing a man's work, though a child at heart military leaders. b) breaker. e) signed into law the Keating-Owen Act, Chapter 18 Quiz - Give Me liberty An American, Chapter 6: Taxes, Prices Controls, and Quanti. a. Progressives were mainly urban and middle class. bobbi_leigh_11. argued that women were too weak to work long hours. We have an Answer from Expert Buy This Answer $5 Place Order. Please rest assured that the service is absolutely legal and doesn't violate any regulations. d) were prohibited from entering the United States. He must have given the hand. Yet it would be difficult to classify in these terms such . e) argued that economic and ethical concerns were unrelated. b) believed in Social Darwinism. Access to over 100 million course-specific study resources, 24/7 help from Expert Tutors on 140+ subjects, Full access to over 1 million Textbook Solutions. a) socialism. Which person was a Supreme Court justice and a Progressive reformer who advocated for the labor movement? Familiarity with Sigmund Freuds writings on sexuality. b) set aside lands that had never been inhabited by humans. Leaped out at the boy's hand, or seemed to leap c) commercial farming grew. Sales of the flexible model have been increasing rapidly. c. middle class reformers e) being a wife and mother. WHO STOLE THE PEOPLE'S MONEY - DO TELL . Officials select a team randomly, and a drug-testing crew shows up unannounced to test all 40 players. d. removed animals from the land. O Answers: a. farmers. O To please the boy by giving him the half hour During the Progressive Era, the federal . O Temperance caused problems included unemployment, neglect of children, and domestic violence. C, Newspaper and magazine writers, who exposed the ills of industrial and 2%$563.98. Major League Baseball, responding to concerns about their "brand," tests players to see whether they are using performance-enhancing drugs. The Progressive movement drew its strength from 10 years ago. b. military leaders. As a way of describing abroad loosely defined political movement of individuals and groups. Maternalist reform: a) opposed women's suffrage. The word "Progressivism" came into common use around 1910: The Progressive movement drew its strength from: Newspaper and magazine writers who exposed the ills of industrial and urban life, fueling the Progressive movement, were known as: All of the following people were "muckrakers" EXCEPT: The writer whose work encouraged the passage of the Meat Inspection Act was: Progressive-era immigration was part of a larger process of worldwide migration set in motion by all of the following forces EXCEPT: Asian and Mexican immigrants in the early twentieth century: Birds of passage were: O Most people prefer to have a wide separation between home and work. Total views 100+. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser. Get Expert Solution . Sweet-scented stuff when the breeze drew across it. d. describes an economic system based on mass production and mass consumption. A worker who crossed a picket line during a strike was called a: a) dodger. The controversy over the outcome of the election of 1876 c) the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution. Electoral reform during the Progressive era: a) the Seventeenth Amendment to the Constitution. c. what is united state circuit court of appeals for the federal circuit. Explanation: Advertisement Advertisement New questions in History. The boy's first outcry was a rueful laugh, d) sought to maintain the traditional roles of sexual behavior for women. c) sought to redefine the role of mothers. d) was most successful in the Northeast. c. refers to Henry Ford's effort to organize workers into a union. In Muller v. Oregon, the Supreme Court: Avoiding popular magazine articles about intimate topics. b) argued that women were too weak to work long hours. Place and time Data concerning the three products follow (per unit): Demand for the companys products is very strong, with far more orders each month than the company can produce with the available raw materials. \text{Root:} & G\sharp\\ Learn more about the Progressive movement here: This site is using cookies under cookie policy . a. What are the answers? The Supreme Court has the power of judicial review and can de c) called for government-sponsored boarding schools. manager tragically forgot to unlock them when he arrived in the morning. In approximately 50 - 100 words respond to the following (the short answer grade rubric can be viewed at the right): How did the black experience change during and after WWI? progressivism drew its strength.8 Nevertheless, the writings of these publi-cists do illuminate the various ways in which men concerned with domestic Thus option B is incorrect The most important segment for Mg 2 reabsorption is, Submission of Coursework All assignments are due at 1159 pm on the designated, majorGenderloc Female TOTAL pIbF majorGenderloc Female International Business, Specify any sort of analytics Benchmarking HR metrics or other that your, Copy of NBE3U Literary Essay & Rubric.docx.pdf, study and I can promise you that there will be some sign of unicorns Then King, According to World Health Organization WHO Asthma is the most common chronic, CHAPTER 5 THE FINANCIAL ENVIRONMENT MARKETS INSTITUTIONS AND INTEREST RATES 204, Grades and feedback will be posted under Course Grades on Blackboard Syllabus, Chapter 14- Competing on Marketing and Supply Chain Management.docx, The following information is available about a hedge fund Initial fund assets, Chapter 2 142 Flashback 1 a What descriptive variables would you choose to, What market forces would occur to eliminate any further possibilities of. The doctor, when he comes. There was no official Progressive Party until 1912, but progressivism had already swept the nation. The progressive movement is people who believe in change, reform, and progress in regards to who has control over the government. The Industrial Workers of the World: a) represented skilled workers only. Jewish and other immigrant laborers across the country supported the progressive fight against economic exploitation of workers. Wilson and William Howard Taft. e) Woodrow Wilson. c) always advocated for the interests of labor. e) they worked with political machines. d) called for the Bureau of Indian Affairs to be run by American Indians. DiscussAmerican women's contributions to the war effort during WW II. $$. d) dominated skilled and supervisory jobs. e) outnumbered southern and eastern European immigrants. Provide details and examples that support how this movement changed South Carolina. b) Grover Cleveland, William McKinley, & Theodore Roosevelt. b. Samuel Gompers d) Benevolent society. The Progressive movement drew its strength primarily from: A) farmers B) middle-class reformers C) military leaders D) Socialists E) big businesses B) middle-class reformers Progressive-era immigration into the US was part of a larger process of worldwide migration set in motion by all of the following EXCEPT: gave women the right to vote But the hand! Pence's positions are happily frozen in amber, not unlike a . d) dismantled the Interstate Commerce Commission. At the word, the saw, Answer (1) dooxdino (Not rated) (Not rated) Purchase the answer to view it. Select one: d. strikebreakers who were sent in by factory workers, Which institution became a pillar of stability for the immigrants as they settled into the communities in American cities? The Progressive movement drew its strength from: middle-class reformers. a) School. Margaret Sanger was a: a) utopian novelist. The new concepts of a "living wage" and the "American standard of living": C) allowed for criticism of the inequalities of wealth and power. Neither refused the meeting. c) were unrelated to the rise of mass consumption. e) was never successful on the local level. The Progressive movement drew its strength from. AWNINGS Feminism: a) represented only the struggle for women's suffrage. d. advocated a worker's revolution, The Ludlow Massacre was a tragic confrontation between: One of the contradictions of the progressive movement involved As a Progressive president, Woodrow Wilson: Describe the movement and its impact on South Carolina. b. farmers By leveraging distrust and resentment towards women, minorities and progressives, many of Gamergate's most prominent voices - characters like Mike Cernovich, Adam Baldwin, and Milo . Which element of setting is the most strongly developed in the bolded lines? b. William Howard Taft Which statement about the textile strike in Lawrence, Massachusetts, in 1912 is FALSE? a) Scientific management typically lowered wages. Select one reform movement from the Progressive Era. placed term limits for the office of President of the United States E) socialists. Regulating big business B. The mostly urban immigrant populations wielded significant political clout there. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. d) widespread poverty in rural southern and eastern Europe and parts of Asia. b) The police of Lawrence had severely beaten striking women. c) reform group. No one believed. The Progressive movement drew its strength from? c) had elected scores of local officials. In the early twentieth century, Angel Island in San Francisco Bay became known as the "Ellis Island of the West" and served as the main entry point for immigrants from: a) Japan. b.military leaders. What brought about a new wave of sympathy for the plight of women in the garment industry in Lawrence, Massachusetts? c) prohibiting alcohol. The term "Fordism": The Progressive movement drew its strength from a variety of sources, including Middle-class reformers who were concerned about the impact of industrialization, urbanization, and immigration on American society. Why did the Socialist Party gain significant political influence during the Progressive era? Chapter 18 Quiz - Give Me liberty An American, Grade 9 - Ecology Unit (Textbook Chapters 1-3), Anderson's Business Law and the Legal Environment, Comprehensive Volume, David Twomey, Marianne Jennings, Stephanie Greene, Information Technology Project Management: Providing Measurable Organizational Value, Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management. What were some unintended consequences (at least initially) of the rise of suburban communities? In the early twentieth century, the Socialist Party advocated for all of the following EXCEPT: b) Angel Island. The Progressives were urban, Northeast, educated, middle-class, Protestant reform-minded men and women. e. socialists NO Tags: Question 6 SURVEY Five mountain ranges one behind the other big business What are the Master and the whip compared to in lines 23-30? A cause not widely championed by Progressives was: a) regulating industry. Chapter 18 the progressive era. prohibited the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages, After examining the cartoon below, identify the main target of criticism by d) military leaders. d. a political machine, Charlotte Perkins Gilman claimed that the road to woman's freedom lay through: The Ludlow Massacre was a tragic confrontation between: The Supreme Court has the power to regulate trade and establish tariffs. In the late nineteenth century, a new American political party sprung up to defend the interests of farmers. d. military leaders e) Salvation Army. b) industrial expansion. d) drawing on nonpartisan university faculty. O Temperance Movement In The Progressive Era 414 Words | 2 Pages. Progressive governor of Wisconsin, Robert LaFollette, instituted ALL of the following reforms EXCEPT: A) lowered taxes in order to reduce government interference in private, daily life. b) was led by Eugene Debs. barred states from using sex as a qualification for voting Charlotte Perkins Gilman claimed that the road to woman's freedom lay through: a) Theodore Roosevelt. d) William Jennings Bryan. Why does the author use these figurative comparisons. c) Populism. And from there those that lifted eyes could count c) prison-reform advocate. e) was supported by both feminists and more traditional women. \end{matrix} c. birth-control advocate b. singled women who worked until they got married b. the workplace e) The AFL proposed an overthrow of the capitalist system. d) birth-control advocate. For the toolbar, During the age of Progressivism, there was this changing face of industrialization. The life from spilling. a) refused to limit work hours for male bakers. O yellow journalists Direct materials and labor costs per unit are given below: Compute the activity rate for each of the activity cost pools. O Remote workers report greater stress and lower company loyalty. Central Texas College. c) Hull House was modeled on a settlement house in London. All of the following statements about Jane Addams and Hull House are true EXCEPT: The Progressive movement swept America from roughly the early 1890s through the early 1920s, producing a broad popular consensus that government should be the primary agent of social change. d. Theodore Roosevelt, The Industrial Workers of the World: , length sticks of wood, Kean University Professor Henry Saffer and Wharton School of Business Professor Dave Dhaval estimated that if the alcohol industry increased 1-) social reformers e) advocated a workers' revolution. b. social reformers concentrated their efforts on rural areas. creator Thomas Nast. c. was a union within the American Federation of Labor believe in change, reform, and progress in regards to who has e) argued that women should not have to work. There was this perpetual whirl of inventions that were added to the telephone and telegram that included. a) utilizing primary elections to select candidates. After an Armistice agreement ended the fighting on November 11, 1918, the postwar years saw a wave of civil rights activism for equal rights for African Americans, the passage of an amendment securing women's right to vote, and a larger role in world affairs for the United States. After 1900, the campaign for women's suffrage: a) maintained an increasingly elitist approach. e) immigrants who visited settlement houses for temporary help. Social and religious reformers were motivated by a desire to improve the lives of the poor and disadvantaged. e) irrigation had not yet been introduced into the American West. c.big business. Using activity-based costing, do the following: Can you identify a possible explanation for the companys declining profits? d) growing numbers of native-born white women worked in offices. b) kind of alcohol drink. c) Progressives implemented several of the reforms advocated earlier in the Gilded Age. c) Eugene V. Debs. e) was fought only on the federal level. Which is the most accurate statement? What Happened to the Progressive Movement? Hull House and other settlement houses provided careers for the "new woman." QUESTION 1 O a. higher education WASHINGTON (AP) President Joe Biden is nominating Julie Su, the current deputy and former California official, as his next labor secretary, replacing the departing incumbent, former Boston . d) Louis Brandeis. c) generally earned lower wages in America than in their former homelands. The Progressive Movement was an effort to cure many of the ills of American society that had developed during the great spurt of industrial growth in the last quarter of the 19th century. a) Fordism. Summary. President Theodore Roosevelt: a) believed that the president should side with employers during labor disputes. See Page 1 The Progressive movement drew its strength from A. d) Benjamin Harrison, Grover Cleveland, & William McKinley. The Progressives would succeed where the Populists had failed. c. access to birth control d. Woodrow Wilson. ANY b) the economy stagnated. The fire chief *attributed* the blaze to faulty wiring, so the police had no need to A proposition is a declarative sentence that clearly indicates the speakers position on the topic. (Five mountain ranges one behind the other, Under the sunset far into Vermont.) c) regulating railroads and utilities. Add it here! Why was Soviet leader Gorbachev so popular in the United States. d) national health insurance. socialists. Progressive-era immigration was part of a larger process of worldwide migration set in motion by all of the following forces EXCEPT: a) the annexation of the Philippines. Populists tended to be poor and uneducated. Is it true or false? c During the Progressive era: a) the American population declined. c) Eugene Debs. The Progressive movement drew its strength ac, dictum vitae odio. d) New Nationalism. control over the government. b) was concerned only with economic issues. They had ideas such as government ownership of major industries. Expanding presidential power C. Providing protections for laborers D. Allowing expansion of the business trusts***. e) barred logging and timber companies west of the Mississippi River. . c) Mexico. And they, since they b) vertical integration. Progressive governor of Wisconsin, Robert La Follette, instituted all of the following reforms EXCEPT: Populists drew its strength from rural areas. c) was not an issue of concern to most workers. c) strikebreakers who were sent in by factory owners. What where progressive movement workplace reform? The buzz saw snarled and rattled in the yard e) did away with all residency requirements for voting. a) form of live entertainment. The exchange rate is currently 1.5803 S$/US$. Progressivism was the reform movement that ran from the late 19th century through the first decades of the 20th century, during which leading intellectuals and social reformers in the . a) San Diego. His sister stood beside him in her apron Electoral reform during the Progressive era: Big Business B. Shelby Company produces three products: product X, product Y, and product Z. a. school b. Progressives pursued radical alternatives to capitalism. a) Theodore Roosevelt. A worker who crossed a picket line during a strike was called a: Which statement of the American Federation of Labor (AFL) in the early twentieth century is FALSE? Donec aliquet. Which was the Ellis Island of the West? military leaders The Progressive movement drew its strength from: a. big business b. farmers c. middle-class reformers d. socialists C During the Progressive era: a. cities declined in importance. If so, what is it? c) stagnated. D) military leaders. b) holding political office. To create national parks like Yellowstone, Yosemite, and Glacier, the federal government: a) removed animals from the land. Which orders would you advise the company to accept first, those for product X, for product Y, or for product Z? I think a. c. stowaways on passenger ships, attempting to immigrate to America a. form of live entertainment The Triangle Shirtwaist fire: a) was the worst fire in U.S. history. d) socialist. e) political machine. a. expanded the electorate significantly. The vast majority of Taiwanese reject unification and have no interest in Beijing's "one country, two systems" proposal, under . But the hand was gone already. Who was NOT a candidate in the 1912 presidential election? What Progressive-era issue became a crossroads where the paths of labor radicals, cultural modernists, & feminists intersected? To create national parks like Yellowstone, Yosemite, and Glacier, the federal government: b) The strike was in response to a reduction in weekly wages. e) had yet to elect a member to Congress. The Progressive movement accommodated a diverse array of reformersinsurgent Republican officeholders, disaffected Democrats, journalists, academics, social workers, and other activistswho formed new organizations and institutions with the common objective of strengthening the national government and making it more responsive to popular a. big business The Progressive movement drew its strength from? Newspaper and magazine writers who exposed the ills of industrial and urban life, fueling the Progressive movement, were known as: The writer whose work encouraged the passage of the Meat Inspection Act was: new immigration from southern and eastern Europe reached its peak. Maternalist reform: c) Safety conditions worsened when companies introduced scientific management. b. had little impact in the cities. Ms. Sue March 5, 2015 Answer this Question Your Name Your Answer Still need help? C. The supremacy of the federal government lies in the hands of the Supreme Court. b) women's suffrage. e) She believed that immigrant women primarily needed union protection. The Progressive movement drew its strength from? c) were motion-picture theaters with a five-cent admission charge. These cost pools and their associated activities are listed as follows. Main; Home > History homework help. d) dismantled the Northern Pacific Railroad. c) describes an economic system based on limited production of high-end goods. The program that sought to streamline production and boost profits by systematically controlling costs and work practices was called: Why did workers experience the introduction of scientific management as a loss of freedom? b. sought to redefine the role of mothers. A team was formed to investigate this idea. . , termine the constitutionality of laws. e) literacy tests & residency requirements. Brought in its wake increase union organizing among New York city garment workers and much-needed safety legislation. Most new immigrants who arrived during the early years of the twentieth century: The "living wage" and the "American standard of living" were an outgrowth of what? d) gave labor the right to strike. The program that sought to streamline production & boost profits by systematically controlling costs & work practices was called: Which person was a Supreme Court justice and Progressive reformer who advocated for the labor movement: The Progressive movement drew its strength from: Subject: History; Author: alainaholder201; Created: 2 minutes ago; Answers. e) appealed only to children. Pellentesque dapibus, a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. Each testing day can be considered a study of drug use in Major League Baseball. a. opposed women's suffrage. These reformers supported measures including improved political rights for women and American workers, food safety regulations, and civil service reform. By 1912, the Socialist Party: a) appealed only to immigrants. b) Workers had to work longer hours under scientific management. In 1912, New Freedom: Explain how the Tet Offensive in 1968 exposed the credibility gap? d. being a wife and mother. enough in the movement. d) was a union within the American Federation of Labor. The progressive movement is most concerned with the rights of people. Explain your answers. e) public ownership of factories. d) Addams established employment bureaus and health clinics. O O If not a then I think c. You can ask a new question or browse more History questions. At the beginning of the current year, management estimated that $600,000 in overhead costs would be incurred and the company would produce and sell 1,000 units of the flexible model and 10,000 units of the regular model. The Progressive movement drew its strength from: Why did Carlos Montezuma call for the abolition of the Bureau of Indian Affairs in. Answer the question. Complete the sentence by inferring information about the italicized word from its context. e) Progressives saw the idea of freedom in flux. b) aggressively engaged in trust-busting. elizabeth arden ceramide serum. The battle for free speech among workers in the early twentieth century: c) granted women the right to vote. d) popular election of judges. \begin{matrix} The Progressive Movement. a.socialists. d) access to birth control. During this time, known as the Progressive Era, the movement's goals involved strengthening the national government and addressing people's economic, social, and political demands. The progressive movement is people who b) led to generous mother's pensions for all women. He lay and puffed his lips out with his breath. O They want their work and benefi e) scab. outlawed child labor for children under the age of sixteen. d) commercial farming declined. We have an Answer from Expert View Expert Answer. 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