Hebrews 12:1-3 1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. He isnt talking about a 100 yard or 100 meters dash. WebWe need to run with endurance the race that is set before us. We choose to do our will instead of his. Now, they are seated in the grandstands and observe the race we are running tonight. They do it for a gold medal that tarnishes and
The single most important principle for running the race toward becoming a spiritual champion is: Spiritual transformation is not a matter of trying harder, but of training wisely. Last week we began talking about discovering and using our resources in our series on Dealing with Stress. We must be temperate in all things. This is why I was born." We are not alone. Keep going. Never give up. Do you realize the number of hours an Olympian trains? A. ext. Stay fit to win, May the peace of the Lord be with you. If these people could run their race, then so can we. It dominates your mind. We strive to finish strong in our faith. MOTIVATION FOR THE RACE Since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses [HEBREWS 12:1a]. Your boyfriend can be a distraction. As you endure day after day, Satan will whisper to you as he did to Job: "The righteous don't suffer. The Olympic Committee enlisted you to run, not a sprint, but a 26.2-mile endurance competition. o Strongholds - re-occurring destructive habits that ultimately lead to our demise. I It, too, becomes the central focus of your existence. 3. 9:25 HCSB). 4:8.). Forever! Doing so will result in distraction and defeat. 12:1-2 on several occasions Paul likened the Christian life to a race.. **politics,religion,sportsthirst for sportswe are in a race.. not a rest,its a racenot a frolic,its a fightword race is the word we get our word agony from.the discipline of an athelete, and the determination of a championimportant Hebrews 12:1-2, Denomination:
The race is a contest in daily progress toward Christ-likeness. Your girlfriend can be a distraction. Change). read more, Scripture:
Jobs can be a distraction. This need for training is not only for athletes; it is required for playing a musical instrument, learning a new language, or acquiring a new skill. I felt strong and energetic and my pace was quick and light. Prayer: How often are you talking with the Father each day? You Might Feel Like You are By Your Self, But Just Stay In The Race." He was charged with insanity Mark 3:21, 13. (Romans6:15-23), HOW PARADISE WAS REGAINED (Romans5:15-21), CHRISTS FORMULA FOR TRUE SPIRITUAL JOY (John13:1-17), JESUS CHRIST : THE HUMBLE SERVANT (John13:1-20), UNCHANGING REASONS FOR THANKSGIVING (Hebrews13:5-15), STEPS FOR STAYING IN THE RACE (Hebrews12:1-3), THE CURE FOR DISCOURAGEMENT IN THE RACE OF LIFE (Hebrews12:1-3), WILL JESUS CHRIST REALLY COME AGAIN? Family can be a distraction. It dawns on you: You cannot run a marathon. You begin to feel a rush of emotion. She and her husband, Shane, live in Mississippi. We have come together to honor the life and service of Meryl Wolfe, Mike Seilhammer, and George Gauker. It would not be unusual if some who hear me today are on the verge of dropping out. In athletics, only one can win a race. The first few steps felt easy, and my way was clear and bright. The Hebrew Christians were being strongly tempted to give up on following Jesus. While the destination is the same for everyone - a life like Jesus, the journey that gets us there is different for everyone. Jesus is the creator and sustainer of the universe. My goal in preaching this message is that when we reach the end of this race we might say with the Apostle Paul, I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. 2 Tim. Are you more like Jesus today than you were yesterday? (138). read more, Scripture:
The Bay to Breakers footrace is an annual event in San Francisco. ", Now unto Him who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above we can ask or think; according to the power that works in us. Your girlfriend can be a distraction. II. Christian/Church Of Christ, This is the seventh and final message in my NASCAR-themed "Finish Line" series, focusing upon living a faithful life and finishing a life of faith. We must not look at circumstances. Your community. Stay In The Race Scripture Hebrews Topic Series H.B. Get in the race. You are thinking since you're already on the ground, there's no point in getting back up. Doing so will cause distraction and defeat. Stay in the Race! in the Mexico City Olympics. {This Sermon Has been REVISED}, -----------------------------*The Book of Hebrews*------------------------------------------------------------------- The 12th Chapter------------------------------------- He Is Our Crown The good news is Jesus made us lightweight runners. Hebrews 12:1-3, Denomination:
After many weeks of chariot lessons he told the director, "I think I can drive the chariot all right, but I'm not at all sure I can actually win the race." that is first in a series; is to be at the end of a process. You picture yourself mingling with the elite athletes of the world. Worry can be a distraction. Look to Him this evening, get rid of those weights, strip off the besetting sins and make up your mind to run a patient race. You are on the team.
And, since God knows no respect of purpose, He will be with you just as He was with Moses, Abraham, David or any of the others great heroes of the faith. My goal in preaching this message is that when we reach the end of this race we might say with the. The Hebrew Christians were being strongly tempted to give up on following Jesus. . Both of these passages speak of
Run in such a way that you may obtain it." He was tried before the high court of the land and tried with treason John 18:33. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. He had no home and no place to lay His head Mt. It is amazing how we can think that we are alone in the Christian journey. Hebrews 12:1-3, Philippians 3:10-14, Denomination:
Some runners carry kitchen sinks or push beds as they sprint down the street. We must seek him daily in his word and in prayer. 2:1-16), THE RESULTS OF MANS REBELLION (Rom1:24-32), WHEN A LITTLE BECOMES A LOT (John6:1-13), The Reasons for the WRATH of God (Rom1:18-23), What Every Christian Should Be (Rom1:8-15), Experiencing God Through Private Worship (John4:20-24), The Credentials of Paul Part 2 (Rom1:2-7), The Credentials of Paul Part 1 (Rom1:1), JESUS : The Great Soul Winner (John4:1-30), Can God Really Save Your Soul? (REPEAT 3xs) We will be rewarded if we run the race God has set for us and not the race He has set for someone else. Maybe life has thrown you some curve balls. ""To me, you won," his father said. February 25, 2021. If you have not experienced the rescuing grace of God, run to the cross. 4:13-16), WHY DO CHRISTIANS SUFFER? His was a race that lead Him around a track lined with hatred, bitterness, opposition and the desire to see Him dead. D. Consider His Resolve Verse 3 tells us that Jesus endured must to finish His race. The Hebrew writer gives us insight and direction of being a witness to others. 38:17-20), TRAVELING THE HEAVENLY HIGHWAY (Isaiah35:8-10), SOME TEARS OUR LORD WILL WIPE AWAY (Isaiah25:8-9), WATCHMAN, WHAT OF THE NIGHT? Then he rose from the dead and sat at the right hand of God to pray for us to fight sin and continue in faith. The second critical time in a marathon is at the halfway point. 4:15.). Energy is expended and none is left for the end of the race. February 25, 2021. Hebrews 12:1-3; Philippians 3:10-14 In fact, often the opposite is true, John 16:33. 12:2 Msg). Other times, a sinful desire to win crept into my heart. 24Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? Everyone runs; one wins. By focusing on that joy we can endure. The farther we are from sin, the closer we are to Jesus. 12:2 Msg). Speed is of utmost importance. David Wilkerson (1931-2011) September 28, 2017 Your ongoing trial may involve physical suffering, unemployment, children who rebel, faithless friends, mental distress, turmoil or pain. Every huff, every twinge of pain, and every prolonged day on earth is worth patiently enduring the journey to get to the finish line to get to Jesus. Back to your home, the Olympic Committee leaves. In the spiritual arena, this refers to anything that hinders our walk with God. ", You are surprised because the farthest you've run in years is from the couch to the refrigerator. WebStaying in the Race-Heb. If you have tripped and fallen, don't stay there.
(Romans7:1-6), SLAVES? We're sorry, an error occurred. They were merely common men and women who evidenced a profound faith in God. In the spiritual race you are running, don't quit. This race becomes the great passion of your life. 2 Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, Like the orange cones on the roadway that indicate the path of a long distant race, God has marked out a race distinctive for you that will take you on an adventure. But many who compete are anything but serious runners. (The video clip from Chariots of Fire may be shown here or just tell the story.) Endurance refers to patience, steadfastness, perseverance.
But run it with the hope that God wants you to have in Christ. Photo credit: Unsplash/Jonathan Chng. In a day when runners seem to be dropping out on every hand, there are times when it is easy to be discouraged about your own race. When runners are in a relay race, each runner goes all the way around the track and then hands off a stick (or baton)
c. Giving our attention to things like music, television shows, movies, etc that do not focus our minds on the Lord. Then, run, Christian run! Probably not! It also means putting away poor eating and sleeping habits. It dominates your mind. fig. They Have Received Their Reward These people ran their race and now they are able to rest in the Fathers presence. The race gives purpose to life, hope for the future, and a reward in glory. It is our personal responsibility to discover, discern, and develop it. Likewise, the great need for spiritual races is persistence. For our lesson today, we are looking at the life of King Solomon. Like the Scripture
In Hebrews, the writer reminds Christians to run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfector of our faith.. He stands strong in the Lord and runs his race, 1 Cor. WebWe need to run with endurance the race that is set before us. Moving Out In Endurance (All my sermons use illustrations from sermoncentral.com and the Scripture is NIV unless otherwise noted.) He took the burden of our sins and placed them on himself at the cross. Rick is a consultant, conference leader, communicator, and coach. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing, Dictionary of Biblical Languages with Semantic Domains: Greek (New Testament). You say to yourself, "This is the race I was created to run. Introduction- My job isnt to outrun you, my job is to run for Jesus, the race that He has planned for me to the best of my ability. Sermons on Staying the Course. but to finish that race and make it to the cross where he would pay the price for mans redemption. When we set our eyes firmly on him, we will not grow weary in the fight against sin and in the race to persevere in faith. 13:53-58; Luke 4:28-29. We will persevere by maintaining a Christlike attitude even in the midst of trials ( 1 Peter 2:21; 4:1; 1 John 2:6 ). But we cant make it to the finish line without looking to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. Maybe life has thrown you some curve balls. He was born to an unwed mother Mt. They Have Run Their Race These were people who ran the race they had been given. You suddenly realize that you still have as far to go as you've already run and you're already very tired. The Greek word means One who begins or originates, and thus it is translated author, founder, and pioneer in different versions. Foursquare, On Elijah's final day on Earth, he and Elisha go on one last road trip together and it's a journey we can all learn from, (Note for readers: There is a short Childrens Message at the beginning, followed by the sermon for an adult audience) We may not be aware of it yet, or perhaps the race hasnt been revealed by God. He endured until the end so that we might be saved. Back to your home and the U.S. Olympic Committee's invitation. A Greek-English lexicon of the New Testament and other early Christian literature. 1 2 3 4 Next For our lesson today, we are looking at the life of King Solomon. They endured unspeakable pain and suffering, still they ran.
He was able to look past the cross. 3 Tests Of Plagiarism: Do Your Sermons Pass Them. Get in the race. The Discipline of God Bible Study: Are you engaged in a regular time of Bible reading, devotion, and study? Hey, its all a matter of perspective anyway!). Else, it will entangle you, trip you and prevent you from finishing your race! We need perseverance as Christians. Some runners carry kitchen sinks or push beds as they sprint down the street. When the Bible calls them witnesses, it doesnt necessarily mean that they are watching every move we make. He decided who was disqualified and who was running well.). The activities of prayer, Bible Study, worship, service, evangelism, stewardship are among the needed the disciplines for running the spiritual race. I felt strong and energetic and my pace was quick and light. The Race of Faith Please see below for details. Salvation PRAYER ( In PowerPoint Format), A2.1 Powerful Prayers in the War Room by Daniel BLancaster, A2.2 Define your DESTINY through PRAYER by SueCurran, A2.3 The Hidden Power of PRAYER and FASTING by MaheshChavada, B1. Therefore, let us run with patience the race that is set before us! Time and time again The Scripture exhort us to persist and endure. WebRunning the Race That Is Set Before Us Unleashing Gods Truth, One Verse at a Time Since 1969 Listen Now About Broadcasts Resources Store Apps Blog Devotionals Sermons Donate Search Play Add to
Playlist Download MP3 Reset PDF Related Series: Also Available: Available to Purchase: Available Translations: Stand With Us Your girlfriend can be a distraction. 2. 1 2 3 4 Next For our lesson today, we are looking at the life of King Solomon.
(Ill. Have any of you ever suffered to that degree? I wanted to win, and I wanted him to want me to win, too. o Jesus is the starting line and the finishing line at the same time!
Jennifer Brogdon is a stay-at-home mom who ministers to college athletes and international students. Seven times in the book of Hebrews, the author captures the heart of Christianity in a simple, wonderful command: draw near. Jobs can be a distraction. Never give up. Solomon was the son of King David. (view less). Your boyfriend can be a distraction. Nazarene. A Closer Walk with God. In the 440, he got off to a bad start. We need perseverance as Christians. 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 MSG
15:58.). This is no ordinary race. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. (LogOut/ Verse 2 tells us He is the founder of our faith. All of our resources exist to guide you toward everlasting joy in Jesus Christ. There are so many things and people that try and take us from Gods purpose in our lives. (electronic ed.). It is an active word that tells speaks of a person who has a spirit in him that stands up and faces the trials of life. I would only be able compete in a triathlon by training for a triathlon. We need to keep our eyes on Jesus, who stands at the finish line waiting for us to complete the race. Evangelical/Non-Denominational, This Christian life we live is a race, make sure you are in the best of shapes always. When trials come, there may be the temptation to drop out for a while and let others do the running. David Wilkerson (1931-2011) September 28, 2017 Your ongoing trial may involve physical suffering, unemployment, children who rebel, faithless friends, mental distress, turmoil or pain. Consider His Race His was a hard race that began in poverty and ended in pain on a cross. The lighter the endurance runner, the swifter the runner. Clearly, a diet of ice cream and cake mixed with four hours of sleep is a recipe for disaster leading up to a race. 1Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin
The same is true in the Christian life. The temptation is to run too fast too soon. Jesus Christ Himself is our greatest role model for There are so many things and people that try and take us from Gods purpose in our lives. Sometimes, I possessed pure motives and would end my prayer with wanting Gods will to be done more than mine even if that meant the dreadful loss. the capacity to hold out or bear up in the face of difficulty, patience, endurance, fortitude, steadfastness, perseverance, , having the same conflict which you saw in me a spiritual battle). TOZER(PDF), C4. Maybe in your race you've been knocked off your feet a few times. WebHow To Stay In The Race? The day when He would be in Heaven with the redeemed of the ages. Runners call it "hitting the wall." Like the marathon run, this race has no time outs, no breaks, no intermissions, and no halftimes. Friends. Bible Truths and LIFE Applications 1 Kings 11:4-11, 1 Kings 11:4, Denomination:
3. Verse 2 tells us He is the founder of our faith. This is my destiny. b. The day when salvation would be ultimately completed, sin forever destroyed, Satan forever banished and perfect righteousness would rule in every heart. We are instructed to run and keep on running. Hey folks, He suffered more than you or I can grasp. But we, like runners, must lay aside hindrances of our endurance. Text: Hebrews 12:1-3 1Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, 2Looking unto Jesus the author and Life like Jesus today than you were yesterday charged with insanity Mark 3:21, 13 down the street my.. Land and tried with treason John 18:33 tried with treason John 18:33 his Resolve Verse 3 tells us he the. More like Jesus today than you were yesterday Jesus endured must to his! 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