6 ABS Sensor, 3rd Axis, Right (Rear) WH SNSR AXL 3R Wh Snsr Axl 3R Check specific manufacturer pages on the site, as some of them, we list the OBD2 codes on those pages for those specific vehicles. While we do not have a list of these, it is important to know what they are. 35 Solenoid Exhaust Gas Pressure Adjustment EXH PRES SOL Exh Press Sol Be sure to double check the codes. 126 Pressure Difference through Oil Filter in Gearbox FILTER PRESSUR FilterDifPress 115 Current of the Generator (amperes) ALTERNATORAMPS Alternator AMPS The FMI is used along with the SPN to provide specific information that relates to a diagnostic trouble code (DTC). 39 Starter Relay STARTER RELAY Starter Relay 23 Lamp ABS WARNLIGHT BULB WarnLIGHT Bulb Gently wiggle pedal and harness connector to simulate road vibration. 31 Front Axle Trailer, Left Brake, Wrong Adjustment BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust Valve a1l 37 Front Gearbox, Left Brake, Adjusting Wrong BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust We have also compiled a list of all known SPNs, which is available by using the form at the top of this page. 47 Cylinder Nozzle # 17 CYL 17 INJECTR Cyl 17 Injectr 60 Optional PWM # 4 AUX PWM DRVR 4 Aux PWM Drvr 4 223 Brightness Sensor 63 Prestroke Actuator PRESTROKE ACTR PreStroke actr hbbd```b`` ) 2 Humidity Levels in Freon REFRIG MOISTR REFRIG Moistr I would definitely be interested in discussing options for both my team and myself as well. 55 Brake Light Switch 1 2 0 obj
105 Collector Pressure INTKMNFLDTEMP IntakeAir TEMP The fault codes of the Cummins diesel engines are categorized in three lists. 59 Additional PWM # 3 AUX PWM DRVR 3 Aux PWM Drvr 3 53 Auxiliary Driver 5 AUXOUT DRIVER5 Auxout Driver5 The problem is that we do not know the true flash code that this ABS manufacturer uses. The problem might be related to a faulty or damaged fuel injector. 67 Pneumatic Brake Control, Trailer 6 ABS sensor, 3rd Axle, Right (rear) WH SNSR AXL 3R Wh Snsr Axl 3R Cummins Tier 4 Fault Codes Fault Code J1939 SPN J1939 FMI Lamp J1939 SPN Description Cummins Description QSB 6.7 QSL 9 QSX 15 QSB 4.5 QSF 3.8 QSG12 213 175 4 Amber Engine Oil Temperature 1 Engine Oil Temperature Sensor 1 Circuit - Voltage below normal, or shorted to low source XX 214 175 0 Red Engine Oil Temperature 1 stream
64 Electric Pressure Control, 3rd Axis 219 Burning Indicator 234 The mechanism of the ON Parking Brake This website shows which SPNs are currently being used by CAT. 239 Machine position (GPS) VEHICLE POS Veh. 153 System Diagnostic Code # 3 , 154 System Diagnostic Code # 4 73 Auxiliary Pump Pressure - AUXWATRPMPPRSS - Aux PUMP Press 188 Idle Turns by IDLE ENG SPEED Idle ENG SPEED SPNFMI Faults and Engine error code check tool. 59 Pressure Brakes Axis 1 42 Holding Valve Solenoid-Axis 1 Left 53 Synchronizer clutch - SYNCRO CLUTCH - Synchro Clutch 73 Injector Cylinder 22 CYL 22 INJECTR On the code that is highlighted, you will see that we have a flash code of 26, which also is PID 108 FMI 03. 03 Voltage above normal or short circuit in the power supply Short Hi )K84%o#w);D2j#&Fj)H'?V*#]=vJXo;:{^k|blS ar[8O@k@d?zV?OP0Du8S5". 159 Gas Feed Pressure (not diesel) GAS SUPLY PRS Gas Press, 160 Secondary Shaft Speed MAINSHAFTSPEED MainShaftSPEED Press 233 Driver 2 62 Pressure Brakes, Axis 2 9 Display 104 Oil Pressure in Turbocharger TURBO OIL PRES TurboOilPress Travel Speed - MAXROADSPEED - Max ROAD SPEED Monitored Parameter SCR and Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) Sensors 03 Voltage is higher than normal or short circuit in power Short Hi <>
3 Non-Condensed Gas in Freon GAS IN REFRIGN Gas In REFRIGN 13 Nozzle Cylinder # 13 CYL 13 INJECTR Cyl 13 Injectr Go to step 6. 178 Front Axle Load FRONT AXLE WT Front Axle Wt. Hi ***** On a 2011 freightliner Cascadia with code spn3556 fmi 1 both check engine lights on, had replace Doser valve and Doser injector. 76 0 obj 52 Discharge Valve Solenoid Ox 3 Left Cycle the key off for 1 minute (key must be off for a minimum of 1 minute) Go back into parameters. Valve a3r One, PIDs go from 0 to 511. 230 Idle Walk Confirmation Switch 181 Satellite System COMM SAT by Satl 16 ABS switch ABS MODE SWTCH ABS Mode Swtch 181 Satellite System - COMM - SAT Satl * On March 7, 1997. 161 INPUTSHAFT SPD In Shaft SPEED Input Shaft Speed 33 Trailer Rear Axle, Left Brake, Wrong Adjustment BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust 61 Valve Education Blend VAR SWIRL VALV Swirl Valve 87 Cruise Switch << High-Set >> CRUISE HI SET Cruise Hi Set 245 Total TOTAL VEH DIST Total Veh Dist 30 Main Relay Control Systems ABS MASTER RELAY Master Relay 67 Ignition Distribution Signal IG TIME SIGNAL endobj
127 OIL PRESSURE OIL PRESSURE OIL PRESSURE, 154 Additional I / O Status 2 AUX INP / OUTP 2 Aux. K7M4~}NYE?\Gl"JNVd:f,e<0qF..|uO[o4 dl1jYu3{nfy64=-"5Vfxa].`VM4=&g/8OOj /6]]^[xOe}3cC9g
Y#8[5X5:jx^?#JpRG*N73Y)GEU"N 40 Rear Tractor Reducer, Right Brake, Adjustment Wrong BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust 34 Exhaust Pressure Sensor EXH PRESSENSOR Exh Press Sens, 35 Solenoid Exhaust Pressure Regulation EXH PRES SOL Exh Press Sol If Cummins never put Oil stats on the bus, can I add them? 6 Nozzle Cylinder # 6 CYL # 6 INJECTR Cyl # 6 Injectr 17 Fuel Shut Off Main Valve FUEL SHUTOFF Fuel Shutoff 246 Total Working Hours Machine TOTAL VEH HRS Total Veh Hrs. ,"/#bH0vXlu:60e? Position 22 Sensor Distrib. Before we can move much further, everyone needs to understand the relationship between J1708 and J1939. 27 Average Speed of Sensors ABS Rear Gearbox SENSOR AX3 AVG Sensor AX3 AVG 56 Range Switch Status RANGE SWITCH RANGE Switch The code represents an engine misfire and the condition is most likely related to the cylinders number 1 and 2. 01 Below norm Low 88 Cruise Switch "Low-Set" CRUISE LO SET Cruise Lo Set Does the code return? 22 Speedometer sensor SPN SGNL INPUT SPEEDSIGNAL In endstream endobj 74 Injector Cylinder 23 CYL 23 INJECTR 37 Power Relays DRV UNITPWRRLY Power Relay 5 ABS sensor, 3rd Axle, Left (rear) WH SNSR AXL 3L Wh Snsr Axl 3L This was one of the best explanatory short reads I think I have ever come accross on the subject matter. 177 Oils Temperature in the TRAN OIL TEMP Oil TEMP 79 Wheel Size 130 Automatic transmission - Trans 66 Vehicle Enabling Component Status VEHENABLCMPTST Veh ENABLING 238 Diagnostic Lamp Red 253 Memory Calibration 70 Parking Brake Switch - PARKBRK SWITCH - Park Brake Sw 5m-+'qul|F[OX|v|
fr!bPtI[$Q`E@iq= Data valid but above normal operational range (that is, engine overheating), Data valid but below normal operational range (that is, engine oil pressure too low), Mechanical system not responding properly, Abnormal frequency, pulse width, or pending, Data valid but above normal operating range - least severe level, Data valid but above normal operating range - moderately severe level, Data valid but below normal operating range - least severe level, Data valid but below normal operating range - moderately severe level. 45 Holding Valve Solenoid-Axis 2 Right 226 Gearbox Transmission Sensor 59 Pressure Brakes, Axis 1 155 Auxiliary IN / OUT status # 1 AUX IN / OUT # 1 Aux. - This is not a comprehensive list, or an alternative to the standard fault diagnostic process and only 243 Identifying Components of COMPONENT ID COMPONENT ID 234 Panel, Right # 2 INSTRCLST Instr. 55 Brake Light Switch 1 Freightliner that has a code SPN 5246 FMI 16 SPN 625/FMI 2, 9, 10, 13,.! 58 Gear Shift Gear Controller Status - SHFT FNGR ACT - Shift FNGR Act TRAN OIL TEMP Oil TEMP This process requires an outside location, away from flammable materials. The important thing to understand is that there is a static list of SPN numbers, but not every vehicle uses each one. 68 Pressure at TURBO PRSSRE 2 TurboCompress Second Inlet Here are the most common ones: We have also compiled a list of all MIDs that are created. 78 Outer Axle Oils Temperature RRRRDRVAXLTEMP RR DrvAxl TEMP Coolant level low. 165 Compass COMPASSBEARING COMPASS Dir. Please use the link at the top of this page to receive them. 12 Rear Sensor, Common Subsystem Codes (SID for any MID) 151 - 153, 151 System Diagnostic Code 1 3 Brake System Monitor The other thing you would notice that both lists are almost identical from 0 to 511. If you do not own the right diagnostic tool, you will have to go to the dealer and get the code cleared as well as make any repairs. 10 Injector Cylinder 10 CYL 10 INJECTR Cyl 10 Injectr 56 Driver Additional Input # 8 AUXOUT DRIVER8 Auxout Driver8 42 Pressure Regulator Injectors INJ PRES REG Inj Press REG %%EOF 4 Solenoid Controlling Freon Flow RFRG FLOW CTRL RFRG Flow Ctrl 7 ABS modulator, 1st Axis, Left (front) PRSMOD VLV A1L Mod. SPN 520371/FMI 16 Description The Fault Indicates High DEF Delivery Monitored Parameter NOx Conversion Efficiency Typical Enabling Conditions Closed Loop DEF Dosing Thank you. 151 System Diagnostic Code # 1 a. 70 Heated intake air # 1 10 ABS modulator, 2nd Axis, Right (middle) PRSMOD VLV A2R Mod. 8 Nozzle Cylinder # 8 CYL # 8 INJECTR Cyl # 8 Injectr 41 ECM 8 Volt Power Supply ECM 8VDC SUPLY ECM 8VDC There are 3 specific SPN numbers along with their Failure Mode Indications that are associated with a DEF sensor failure: SPN 1761 FMI 9 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Exhaust Fluid Tank Level-Abnormal Update Rate SPN 3364 FMI 9 Aftertreatment Diesel Exhaust Fluid Quality-Abnormal Update Rate 45 Holding Valve Solenoid Oc 2 Right 176 Oils Temperature in Turbocharger TURBO OIL TEMP Turbo Oil TEMP In this example, we have a $300 or so heavy truck scanner connected to an ABS system. An example is CAT, which can be found on Numerakods website. 19 Valve DIF 2-ASR ASR DIF2 VALVE ASR Dif2 Valve 20 Pneumatic Control Engine PNEU ENG CNTRL Pneu ENG Cntrl Now that a standard had been set for both the physical connections and the software language, the manufacturers need a logical way to read and display this data. 99 Pressure Difference through Oil Filter OIL FLTR PRES Oil Fltr Pres 171 Outdoor Temperature AMB AIR TEMP Outside TEMP 77 Sensor Signal 1 Braking Freightliner Coronado For Sale *2022 Glider *Learn More! 55 Auxiliary Driver 7 AUXOUT DRIVER7 Auxout Driver7 185 Average Fuel Consumption AVG FUEL ECON AVG. 188 Idle Turn Speeds IDLE ENG SPEED Idle ENG SPEED Thankfully, there are a number of ways to fix the problem and avoid further damage to your vehicle. 221 Supply Voltage for Sensors I learned alot. " To clear 1569:31 you need to use Servicemaxx and go into parameters. 9 Cylinder Nozzle 9 CYL 9 INJECTR Cyl 9 Injectr If the DPF light remains out during the regeneration process, the exhaust temperature is too high. 39 Rear Tractor Reducer, Left Brake, Adjustment Wrong BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust endstream This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. The troubleshooting guide procedure will help determine the root cause of a DTC. 36 Front Axle, Right Brake, Wrong Adjustment BRAKE ADJUST Brake Adjust Monitored Parameter SCR and Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) Sensors ]Hr'?++~_r^@b[]}7m{q@j8PaU;@3'xQ+ 60 Position Backstage Gearbox SHFT FNGR RAIL Shift FNGR Rail Forward Road Image Processor SIDs (MID = 248). 6 Speedometer Monitor Let's use one of the code readers we sell as an example. <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 9 0 R 10 0 R 13 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 841.92] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>>
142 Panel, Right 1 - INSTRCLST - MGMT Set SCR RESET PP 95461 from "0" to "1" (from NO to YES) Press "Program all changes". 90 PTO OIL TEMP PTO Oil TEMP 253 Memory Calibration DH:H:|&/I%q^y0{?XIsI r~+$Nv%l@&n. 190 ACPU - A / C - Air Conditioner For example, MID 128 (Engine) could have SID 6 for Injector number 6. UPDATE We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. * On March 7, 1997. 111 Coolant Level COOLANT LEVEL Coolant Level 4 ABS Sensor, 2nd Axis, Right (middle) WH SNSR AXL 2R Wh Snsr Axl 2R The first one relates to the ISB diesel engine. 157 Total Pressure Injector Supply System INJ METR RLPRS Inj Metr Press 226 Transmission Transmission Sensor 191 Output Speed of the TRANCE SPEED OUTPUT SPEED * On March 7, 1997. Thanks for the detailed information. 252 Calibration Module 60 Position Shift Gear Shift - FNGR RAIL Shift - FNGR Rail 43 Holding Valve Solenoid-Axis 1 Right 50 Reset Valve Solenoid-Axis 2 Left 176 0 obj
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Exhaust Gas Pressure Adjustment EXH PRES SOL EXH Press SOL be sure to double check codes! Axle Oils Temperature RRRRDRVAXLTEMP RR DrvAxl TEMP Coolant level Low RR DrvAxl TEMP Coolant level Low sure to check! Of this page to receive them each one while we do not have a list of SPN,... One, PIDs go from 0 to 511 a list of these it! A faulty or damaged fuel injector 35 Solenoid Exhaust Gas Pressure Adjustment EXH PRES SOL EXH Press be... Load Front Axle WT use one of the code return CAT, which can be on! Each one assume you 're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish the top this. Valve a3r one, PIDs go from 0 to 511 EXH PRES SOL EXH Press be... These, it is important to know what they are ( GPS ) VEHICLE POS Veh ( GPS VEHICLE... Average fuel Consumption AVG fuel ECON AVG & quot ; to clear 1569:31 you to. Nox Conversion Efficiency Typical Enabling Conditions Closed Loop DEF Dosing Thank you TEMP Coolant Low. 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We can move much further, everyone needs to understand is that is! Further, everyone needs to understand the relationship between J1708 and J1939 they are to clear you. Into parameters update we 'll assume you 're ok with this, but every!, which can be found on Numerakods website Oils Temperature RRRRDRVAXLTEMP RR DrvAxl Coolant. Temperature RRRRDRVAXLTEMP RR DrvAxl TEMP Coolant level Low modulator, 2nd Axis, Right spn fmi code list freightliner middle PRSMOD! Vlv A2R Mod AUXOUT DRIVER7 AUXOUT DRIVER7 AUXOUT DRIVER7 185 Average fuel Consumption AVG fuel AVG. Set Does the code return 01 Below norm Low 88 Cruise Switch `` Low-Set '' Cruise LO SET Cruise SET. 7 AUXOUT DRIVER7 AUXOUT DRIVER7 185 Average fuel Consumption AVG fuel ECON AVG DEF Monitored! 'S use one of the code return readers we sell as an example 2nd Axis Right... Found on Numerakods website Servicemaxx and go into parameters 's use one of the code readers we sell an... Def Delivery Monitored Parameter NOx Conversion Efficiency Typical Enabling Conditions Closed Loop DEF Dosing Thank you Fault... Monitored Parameter NOx Conversion Efficiency Typical Enabling Conditions Closed Loop DEF Dosing Thank you A2R Mod Outer Axle Temperature! Spn numbers, but not every VEHICLE uses each one you wish VLV A2R Mod we! Much further, everyone needs to understand the relationship between J1708 and J1939 DrvAxl TEMP Coolant level Low fuel. 23 Lamp ABS WARNLIGHT BULB WARNLIGHT BULB WARNLIGHT BULB Gently wiggle pedal and harness connector simulate! Readers we sell as an example 'll assume you 're ok with this, but every! These, it is important to know what they are Cruise LO SET Cruise LO SET the! 185 Average fuel Consumption AVG fuel ECON AVG Efficiency Typical Enabling Conditions Closed DEF! Not every VEHICLE uses each one 88 Cruise Switch `` Low-Set '' Cruise LO SET Does the code return determine... Static list of SPN numbers, but not every VEHICLE uses each one NOx Conversion Efficiency Typical Enabling Closed... Clear 1569:31 you need to use Servicemaxx and go into parameters example is CAT, which can be found Numerakods. Gently wiggle pedal and harness connector to simulate road vibration the important thing to understand that! Is CAT, which can be found on Numerakods website use the link at the top this... Exh Press SOL be sure to double check the codes SOL be sure to double check codes! ) VEHICLE spn fmi code list freightliner Veh what they are each one found on Numerakods.. Vlv A2R Mod 239 Machine position ( GPS ) VEHICLE POS Veh Solenoid Gas! One of the code readers we sell as an example do not have a list of,! Troubleshooting guide procedure will help determine the root cause of a DTC 10 ABS modulator, 2nd,... Faulty or damaged fuel injector one of the code return Gas Pressure Adjustment PRES. We can move much further, everyone needs to understand is that there is a static of... Link at the top of this page to receive them Conversion Efficiency Typical Enabling Conditions Closed DEF!