For example, the magnetic compass and other advances made it possible for navigators, who had previously been forced to rely on the Sun and the stars, to travel in bad weather and poor climates. Rise of Kingdoms is a game for iOS and Android with which you can enjoy the whole experience of a strategy game at your fingertips. 22 Feb. 2023 . Q: Which of the following is a phase of the Mightiest Governor event? By the year 1700, there were not two, but five important European empires with influence throughout the world: Spain, Portugal, England, France, and the Netherlands. They often involved elaborate scenery and costumes as well as music. A major threat to Elizabeth's security were various plots associated with Mary Stuart (15421587), queen of Scots (ruled Scotland, 154267). He lost his third and most beloved wife, Elizabeth of Valois, as she was delivering a baby daughter. went on a rampage that is now called the "German Fury" and sacked Rome. A: Greek . As he rode from Edinburgh to London in 1603, shortly after becoming king, he was met by a group of Puritans (members of the Anglican Church who advocated strict reforms). on a 12 second timer, and questions 11 - 15 are on a 10 second. After Boniface's death in 1303, Philip succeeded in having the seat of the papacy (office of the pope) moved from Rome, Italy, to Avignon, France. locations. They wanted to regain power that had been taken from them by Ferdinand and Isabella over the past twenty years. On April 9, 1609, King Philip III signed a decree of expulsion. King John IV (16041656; ruled 164056), founder of the Bragana dynasty, then took the Portuguese throne. In the New World, Spanish conquistadors accomplished the "taming of America" by subduing various Native American groups. Charles VIII's successor, Louis XII (14621515; ruled 14981515), joined Swiss troops and Ferdinand of Aragon to overthrow Sforza rule in Naples. The first successful English colony in North America was Jamestown, Virginia, which was started in 1607 during the reign of Elizabeth's successor, James I. Anglican settlers were later drawn to surrounding areas in Virginia, and in the 1620s Puritan colonists (a Protestant group) sought religious freedom by starting settlements in New England. During the Inquisition thousands of non-Christians were killed by mobs, while thousands more tried to save their own lives by converting to Christianity. He sought aid from the army in Ireland and from King James VI of Scotland. The majority of Moriscos were farm laborers, though many worked in trades such as the silk and leather industries. Under feudalism, which was based on an agricultural economy, distinct social classes were dependent on one another through a complex system of pledging loyalty in exchange for goods and services. 3. A brutal campaign against the Waldensians demolished twenty-two towns and killed four thousand people. This move shocked and offended most Christians in Europe, even many of Francis's longtime supporters. She was sold to the English, who then turned her over to the Inquisition, an official church court appointed to punish heretics (those who violate church laws), at the French city of Rouen. Royal Family of United Kingdom. The young boy learned the Spanish and Italian languages, and he spent his time reading mythology, history, and literature and admiring art. Yet Elizabeth is best remembered for her accomplishments, such as strengthening the Anglican Church and keeping government finances stable. In yet another change of mind, many noblemen began demanding that Charles's brother Ferdinand be named king. The right to the throne now went to Charles, her eldest son, who was only six years old. This included four kingdoms, six grand duchies . To accomplish this goal, he arranged for Henry to marry Anne of Cleves (15151557), sister of the duke of Cleves, ruler of a small territory in the Rhine River region of Germany. On the very day of Cromwell's death Henry married Catherine Howard (c. 15201542). In 1639 a French army invaded Catalonia, and in 1641 the Catalonians declared their independence from Spain and gave their allegiance to King Louis XIII of France. The geography and number of subkingdoms varied over time, but the term Francia eventually came to refer to . Tudor monarchs, beginning with Henry VII, played an important role in the English Renaissance. At that time he was feudal lord of a greater part of France, including Normandy, Brittany, and Anjou in the northwest and Aquitaine in the southwest. Unlike the other European countries that played a prominent role in the Renaissance period, Spain was heavily influenced by Africa and the Middle East. As both the Holy Roman Emperor and the king of Spain, Charlesat the age of twenty-twowas now the most powerful man in Christendom (the term then used for Europe). By this time most Spaniards were having second thoughts about the new king: Charles had never been to their country, and he could not even speak Spanish. Edward began to lose support, even in the house of York. Cromwell was eager to form an alliance against Charles V by joining England with one of the Protestant states in Germany. In the late fifteenth century Spain began to focus on the riches to be gained from ocean trade. The term "feudal system" is used by historians to describe a social-political structure which was a key feature of medieval Europe. Joanna retired to a castle in Tordesillas, where she mourned her deceased husband until her own death in 1555. The Rise of Monarchies: France, England, and Spain Although the revolt did not end until 1648 with Dutch independence, the Spanish had many military victories in the Netherlands during Philip's reign. End of the Merovingian dynasty. Especially strong kings were Louis VI (called the Fat; 10811137; ruled 110837) and his son Louis VII (c. 11201180; ruled 113780). The other countries of Europe did not accept that all of the non-European world should be divided between Spain and Portugal. The plan called for the Armada to sail from Lisbon, Portugal, into the English Channel. England was also dragged into several unsuccessful naval campaigns against Spain and France during the course of the Thirty Years' War. Philip's only son, Carlos, was exhibiting bouts of severe mental instability. The pope also entered into the famous Concordat of Bologna with Francis the following year, 1516. Francis's violation of the treaty made another war with Spain inevitable. Like Ferdinand, they also feared that he would be more interested in expanding Habsburg territory and becoming Holy Roman Emperor than in ruling Spain. Retrieved February 22, 2023 from The great abbeys (churches connected with monasteries) were suppressed one by one in the next few years. Although it was a long and difficult journey across the entire Asian In May 1588 the Spanish Armada set out from Lisbon, but storms forced the fleet into La Corua in northwestern Spain. In 1150 a new group of Berber conquerors, the Almohades, came to Charles received funding for both the trip and the bribe. At the time of the Moorish invasion, Christianity was also the dominant religion on the Iberian Peninsula. The Mongolian empire fell apart at the end of the fourteenth century, and the rulers of the Persian and Muslim kingdoms closest to Europe no longer gave outsiders access to their territory. . Edward Tudor (15371553; ruled 154753) was the youngest, but as a male he had the strongest claim to be ruler. In the years after that, they were even better. The two great civilizations of the New World, the Aztecs and the Incas, were conquered by these explorers, who killed the native leaders and placed themselves in the existing top social class. In the sixteenth century, during the reign of King Charles I (Holy Roman Emperor Charles V), the Spanish empire spread east from Spain to include the kingdoms of Germany, Hungary, Bohemia, Naples, and Sicily. Charles's enemies, German Protestant princes who were seeking independence from the Holy Roman Empire, banded together in an elaborate alliance known as the Schmalkaldic League (see "Schmalkaldic League" in Chapter 5)., Pre-1600: World Events: Selected Occurrences Outside North America, Politics, Law, and the Military: Chronology. In May 1588 the Spanish Armada set out from Lisbon, but storms forced the fleet into La Corua in northwestern Spain. Merovingian Kingdom. Mary had widespread popular support, and she immediately began undoing the Reformation in two stages. Francia. The only way another country could reach the Indies would be by a western route. By the fifteenth century, however, many European states had gained independence and the empire was concentrated mainly in central Europe. Throughout the 1630s, Olivares tried to persuade the Catalans to surrender these privileges, but he did not succeed. But after the duke was defeated and killed in a battle in 1477, Louis was able to reunite Burgundy with France. Although Elizabeth had encountered numerous problems during her long reign, she showed an uncanny ability to retain the love of her people. The bulk of the preparatory work fell to Thomas Wolsey (c. 14751530), the royal almoner (one who distributes alms, or food and money, to the poor), who became Henry's war minister. When William Cecil died in 1598, Elizabeth snubbed Essex and awarded her highest council post to Robert Cecil. Assassinated in 1610 by a Catholic fanatic, Henry was followed by his young nine-year-old son Louis XIII (16011643; ruled 161043). In northern Italy, Spanish forces won victories against the French at Tournai, Lodi, Cremona, Genoa, and Alessandria. kingdom definition: 1. a country ruled by a king or queen: 2. an area that is controlled by a particular person or. Consequently, the earliest efforts at exploration by the English, Dutch, and French concentrated on lands unclaimed by either country, gives you the ability to cite reference entries and articles according to common styles from the Modern Language Association (MLA), The Chicago Manual of Style, and the American Psychological Association (APA). Catherine of Aragon died a natural death in the same year. James's court was a less happy place than Elizabeth's, however, because he suffered from financial difficulties and his favorite aides were unpopular with political leaders. Then, in a crowning victory, Philip's navy, under lvaro de Bzan (15261588), the marquis de Santa Cruz, smashed a combined English-French force off the coast of the Azores in 1582 and 1583. Instead, one had merely to sail west for a month or two, across the Atlantic Ocean, in order to reach the island of Japan. Francia or Frankia, later also called the Frankish Empire (Latin: imperium Francorum), was the territory inhabited and ruled by the Franks from the third to the tenth century.The Frankish realm was ruled as one polity subdivided into several regna (kingdoms or subkingdoms). His mother, Louise of Savoy (14761531), supervised his upbringing, and a strong bond developed between them. The king's announcement also offered a reward of 25,000 ducats (coins used in various European countries) for the capture of William of Orange. The troubled young man was finally locked away in a tower, where he went on a series of hunger strikes and died later in the year. Edmund Spenser dedicated his masterpiece, the epic poem The Faerie Queen, to Elizabeth, and dramas by William Shakespeare and his contemporaries rank among the highest achievements of the Elizabethan age. In 1630 the Netherlands seized some coastal towns in northern Brazil. France during the eleventh and early twelfth centuries. A kingdom is a piece of land that is ruled by a king or a queen.A kingdom is often called a monarchy, which means that one person, usually inheriting their position by birth or marriage, is the leader, or head of state.. Kingdoms are one of the earliest types of societies on Earth, dating back thousands of years. Elizabeth was highly educated. At the onset of the Great War in 1914, the land that Kurds have for nearly a millennium been calling Kurdistan was divided between the empires of the Ottomans and the Persians, and, more recently, that of the Russians. For a time Jews' property was seized, but they did not receive any further punishment. Capitalism is considered one of the major contributions of the Renaissance. At Bicocca in April 1522, the French suffered a major defeat and lost the duchy of Milan. Francis openly challenged Charles and Henry for election to the vacant throne of the Holy Roman Empire. Yet the Jews found Berber conquests even more threatening. or leaving the dominion of Castile. Although hostilities ended for a time, by 1551 the German princes had found another ally in the new king of France, Henry II (see "France" section previously in this chapter). The Project Gutenberg eBook of Critical and Historical Essays, Volume III (of 3), by Thomas Babington Macaulay This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. James was married to Anne of Denmark. Jane was proclaimed queen in 1553, but after only nine days she was imprisoned for high treason as a result of the plot to make her queen. The policy of the French monarchy was to suppress Protestantism at home while supporting it abroad as a counterbalance to Habsburg power. They had the support and advice of Isabella's priest, Francisco Jimnez de Cisneros (14361517), and Gonzalo Fernndez de Crdoba (14531515), the foremost military leader of his day. Although England was exhausted by the long conflict with France, the Tudor monarchs began a new dynasty after emerging victorious from the War of the Roses, a struggle between two families for the throne of England. Question Posted by Guest on May 8th 2020 Last Modified: Apr 15th 2021 France and Germany were both once part of what Kingdom? Claiming the French crown, he sent troops to aid the Spanish in 1512 and was determined to invade France. With the Comuneros fractured by internal bickering, the royal army easily crushed Acua's army at the Battle of Villalar in April 1521. T o F, the rise of the Ottoman Turks' empire between the thirteenth and fifteenth century and more. Others proposed measures such as genocide (mass killings of members of a specific group) as well as the less extreme solution of deportation to the New World. In 1577 Requesens was replaced by John of Austria. They also founded Portugal's overseas provinces in western and eastern Africa, India, Southeast Asia, and Brazil and poured the vast riches of the empire into the homeland. For this reason the conflict is known as the War of the Roses. The growing emphasis on capitalism and trade in Europe was probably the most influential factor in the drive for exploration. The Rise of the Modern (Idea of the) State DANIE F. M. STRAUSS A BSTRACT Some of the main contours of the development of Western society from ancient Greece and through the medieval era up to the rise of the modern state constitute the substance of this article. In order to reduce the influence of noblemen who had opposed their marriage, the monarchs placed municipal (city) and local governments under royal control. Moorish architects renewed cities with intricately decorated mosques, lush gardens, and paved streets. 15281576). coast of North America. In 1429 the country was dramatically energized by Joan of Arc (c. 14121431), who was known as the Maid of Orlans. The ruling dynasty of France during much of the Renaissance, the Valois gained the throne in 1328 when the last king of the Capetian dynasty died wit, War of the Spanish Succession, 170114, last of the general European wars caused by the efforts of King Louis XIV to extend French power. Joan was condemned to death for alleged heresy and witchcraft (use of supernatural powers to summon evil spirits). Tensions began in 1455 when Richard, the duke of York, tried to overthrow the weak and mentally disturbed King Henry VI (14211471; ruled 142261 and 147071). This policy continued for more than twenty years. "The Rise of Monarchies: France, England, and Spain In 613, the Franks were again united by Chlotar II, son of Chilperic, but the effects of the decades of divisions were still felt, undermining the stability of the kingdom and resulting in the escalation of internal struggles. Therefore, that information is unavailable for most content. In 1521, after Charles had become Holy Roman Emperor, he summoned Luther before the Imperial Diet at Worms, a meeting of representatives of states in the Holy Roman Empire held in Worms, Germany. The Renaissance also brought several technological innovations that made ocean exploration safer and therefore more likely to be undertaken. limit their power. He was a mem ber of the house of Lancaster, but after he married Elizabeth of York, the War of the Roses officially ended. final years were dominated by controversy surrounding one of her favorite courtiers (members of the court), Robert Devereux (15661601), earl of Essex. The end of the Mongol empire may have been the most significant factor that drove Europeans to the seas, but it was by no means the only one. The cities replaced fiefs as population centers. The king was a member of the house of Lancaster, and many blamed him for the loss of the Hundred In 1337 Edward claimed the right to the throne through his mother's lineignoring the Salic Lawand named himself king of France. Records such as reports from the Christian Council of Elvira in 313 show that Christians immediately began pressuring Jews to convert to Christianity. It helped shape world history as a whole, by giving rise to early forms of representative government. Many Moriscos paid considerable sums of money to Catholic Church officials so they could stay in the country. In 1470, with the support of King Louis XI of France (14231483, ruled 146183), the house of Lancaster managed to return Henry VI and Margaret to the throne. In what became known as New Spain (present-day Mexico), Hernn Corts (14851547) led Spanish forces against the ancient Aztec empire. Although the fiercest fighting over African colonies would not occur until the eighteenth century, English and French expeditions managed to take control of various slaving stations along the coast of Africa. Pole was an English aristocrat who had lived in Italy since Henry VIII's break with the papacy. Edward and his brother were soon murdered, and many suspected that Richard had killed them. The reign of Louis's grandson, Philip IV (called Philip the Fair; 12681314; ruled 12851314), marked the supremacy of the French monarchy. Tensions between Spain and the Ottomans had reached a peak in the mid-1500s. Francis had grown up in the court of King Louis XII and was called the dauphin. After the battle at Ceuta, Henry became obsessed with gaining access to exotic markets in Africa. By this time pandemonium had broken out in England, and Elizabeth's advisers urged her to prepare for the impending attack. Trait 3: +20% Hospital Recovery Rate. He was crowned King Edward VI at the age of ten, but he was too young to take the throne. The Spanish had rights to all lands west of the longitudinal Line of Demarcation, while Portugal could claim everything to the east. In the process, the colonizing pattern of European powers was altered greatly. These two buildings introduced to England the classical style of such Italian Renaissance architects as Andrea Palladio (15081580). the emperor's wishes. Children, slaves, and "good Christians" (those people who had sincerely converted to Christianity) numbering in the tens of thousands were allowed to remain in the country. For about twenty years the Netherlands maintained virtual control of Brazil and its sugar production, before being thrown out by an increasingly independent Brazilian population. Since the thirteenth century all Holy Roman Emperors had come from the house of Habsburg. Charlemagne's Rise to Power. He explored the St. Lawrence Rivergateway to the Great Lakesbut his voyages never took him farther west than the site of modernday Montreal, Canada. Ivan the Terrible. But the discovery of a The Renaissance spirit reached England in the fifteenth century, after the Hundred Years' War, a conflict with France over the control of the French throne. Hotels are a thing in Sri Lanka too and they come in many flavours. The following night the Spanish fleet commander, Alonso Prez de Guzmn, duke of Medina-Sidonia, made a serious mistake. Henry was not pleased with Cromwell's involvement in this episode and other court matters, so he had Cromwell executed later in the year. After. Cromwell therefore declared the marriage invalid shortly after he conducted the wedding Serfs started escaping to urban areas in search of work. The French Revolutionary and Napoleonic era. Egypt awakens, chaos awaits. $49.95 The Germanic Franks migrated into north-eastern France and what is now Belgium during the fourth and fifth centuries as the Roman empire was fading . Despite the objections of councilors like Thomas Howard II (14731554), the earl of Surrey, Henry went ahead with the invasion. Their efforts were inspired by the humanist ideals of questioning authority and valuing the worth of the individual (see "Humanists promote change" in Chapter 1, and "Humanism sparks Renaissance" in Chapter 8). The revised Book of Common Prayer also ordered the destruction of stone altars associated with the Catholic Mass (worship service in which communion is taken). In 1568, at the height of his Dutch troubles, Philip experienced several other misfortunes. To take on his duties as emperor Charles had to move to Aachen, Germany. She was burned at the stake in 1431. The dynasty expanded from Francia as far as modern Italy, Spain, and Hungary, and ruled the eponymous Carolingian Empire (800-887), the largest European political entity to exist until the 19th century. Elyot's dictionary (1538) was the first to provide English equivalents for all the words in the classical Latin vocabulary. Revolts broke out as soon as the king left the country. Joanna and Philip were proclaimed queen and king of Castile in 1504, but Ferdinand did not approve of the situation. Here, you can find the complete list of all questions used for the Preliminary, Midterm, and Final Exams. National sovereignty was restored by the revolution of 1640. official symbol of France, painted on his shield. The revolt was distracting Charles's attention, so the French were able to move into Navarre and wage war with Spain. France and Germany were both once part of what Kingdom? Henry was deeply disappointed when the title was bestowed on Charles, who became Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, in 1519. Instead, it was a series of conflicts mixed with periods of peace that began in 1337 and ended in 1453. execution of Louis XVI. Yet she also spent excessive amounts of money on the "Cult of Gloriana," staging grand pageants and spectacles to impress the English people. Prominent members of the royal family and the court frequently played roles in these productions. The light and quick English ships also had the advantage of being able to outmaneuver the bulky Spanish galleons. In the period following the discoveries and conquests of the Spanish and Portuguese, geographic expansion was accomplished by the English, French, and Dutch. In late 1520, Francis secretly backed an assault on Luxembourg (Such an action was not unusual during the Renaissance, when rulers constantly shifted strategies to promote their own interests.) Philip VI claimed he should rule because of the so-called Salic Law, which stated that the right to the throne must pass through a male line only. Essex had numerous clashes with two of the queen's most able ministers, William Cecil (15201598) and his son, Robert Cecil (15631612). The ones to avoid are the Arabia, Ottoman and Byzantine civilizations. The Franks began as a number of Germanic tribes that migrated from northern Europe into Gaul. Cranmer's first English-language Book of Common Prayer (text used in Anglican worship services) was introduced in 1549. More than 80,000 people were deported. In 1441 an expedition returned from the Rio de Ouro region of Africa with a cargo of captured slaves, thus beginning the African slave trade, which continued into the nineteenth century. They were usually connected with the Gym nasia, or schools for wrestling, and other exercises , and consisted of different apartments, generally separated from each other, and intermixed with other places of BAT 39 exercise ; so that it is probable they were adapted to the nature of the school of exercise to which they were joined. these difficulties, the new king, Philip IV (16051665; ruled 162165), continued his father's policy of turning over the government to a court favorite. Five years later Mary, who was now near death, named Elizabeth to be her successor. Renaissance ideas became dominant in England in the 1530s, during the reign of King Henry VIII. Land occupied by churches, monasteries (houses for men called monks, who dedicated themselves to the religious life), and One of the most important events of Henry VIII's reign was the closing of monasteries. At first the Capetians' control over the other duchies of France was mostly in name only because many were semi-independent kingdoms. For balanced civilizations, the Rome, Japan, China and Spain civilizations make the best option. Although he sailed as far as the Venezuelan coast, he never found the rich kingdoms of the Orient. In 1567 Philip introduced the Spanish Inquisition in the Netherlands and sent Fernando lvarez de Toledo, duke of Alba (c. 15071582), to crush the revolt. At various times these alliances involved the forces of the Holy Roman Empire, the Papal States (duchies in Italy controlled by the pope), and numerous Italian city-states, as well as mercenaries (hired soldiers) from other countries such as Switzerland. In 1534 he explored the Saint Lawrence Rivergateway to the Great Lakesin search of a passage to China. The siege has often been called the "German Fury" because the majority of the marauding soldiers were German Lutherans. William responded with a document that accused Philip of incest (having sexual relations with family members), adultery (having sexual relations outside marriage), and the murders of both Carlos and Elizabeth of Valois. Moorish farming techniques brought the dry land to life. The situation changed after 1474, however, when Pope Sixtus IV (14141484; reigned 147184) gave. He enjoyed delivering lectures on history and politics. They built the Great Mosque (Muslim house of worship) of Crdoba in 786 and the Alhambra (a grand palace) in Granada in the 1300s. Of Europe did not accept that all of the royal army easily crushed Acua 's army the! Near death, named Elizabeth to be gained from ocean trade Henry married Catherine (... Played roles in these productions been taken from them by Ferdinand and Isabella over the other of! Love of her people in two stages edward tudor ( 15371553 ; ruled 161043 ) architects renewed cities intricately! 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