When you earn enough stars to unlock the lesson, head back to the classroom to attend it. Bear in mind that the dragon has a lot of health, so this will likely be a long duel, but if you use this strategy, you are almost guaranteed to win. A duel then breaks out between Rakepick and the kids, with Rakepick . Jacob's sibling agreed and they both ran away to the Supermax part of the prison. Professor Patricia Rakepick (born between September 1955 and August 1956) was a Dark witch and a world-famous Curse-Breaker for Gringotts Wizarding Bank. In case you decide to doubt him, Bill will enter the room and free Jacob, so the outcome will be the same. - He was betrayed by his mentor - He was . Be careful as a couple . You will quickly realize that you are reliving some of your worst memories. [39] At night, Rakepick explained to Jacob's sibling all about the map. What will happen now? Rakepick was apparently made an official member of the non-teaching staff at Hogwarts by Dumbledore, seeing how she had the authority to award house points even prior to becoming a teacher. As part of her search for the Cursed Vaults, Rakepick interrogated the castle's ghosts, though this proved unfruitful. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery is the first game in which players can create their own character and experience life as a Hogwarts student. Severus Snape, her former schoolmate and enemy. Eventually, your friends and Jacob will get back on their feet, and if you decided to capture Rakepick, Merula will raise her wand, eager to have her revenge. She reiterated R's warning of them "owing a friend's life" and considered the debt collected before Disapparating. Funny thing is, no matter who you chose, shell say that the other one wouldve been a better choice. In the meantime, you decided to assemble a team that will go with you into the Black Lake to look for the . There, they were ambushed by a group of Dementors. Please subscribe :)Trapping rakepick in the vault and getting revenge. Here is all the location answer for Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Scavenger Hunt 2022: A broken down shop on Charing Cross Road. Bill will quickly go to free the ones that are trapped. Head to the Astronomy Tower to attend the second lesson of the chapter. During the prison's lockdown, she hid from the Dementors in an interrogation room and, at her own surprise, she was soon joined by Jacob's sibling. One of these encounters notably ended with Rakepick murdering Rowan Khanna. Each successful mini-task should award you some knowledge points, so try your best to complete them all. The fifth and final vault lies somewhere outside Hogwarts Castle, in the Black Lake but little is known about it and it remains a mystery. 888 270 Comments Dumbledore invited her to join him at Hogwarts the following school year so she could look into the Cursed Vaults situation; she accepted. [5], Patricia Rakepick pointing her wand at Verucca Buckthorn-Snyde, During the school year, Rakepick helped Jacob's sibling and a friend of theirs into Knockturn Alley where they could hopefully gain important information from, by faciliating their use of the Floo Network from the fireplace in the Headmaster's office. Spoilers will be present within the article. Unfortunately, its strings were damaged, so you asked him to take the lyre to Kirley for repairs. Professor Patricia Rakepick (born between September 1955 and August 1956) was a Dark witch and a world-famous Curse-Breaker for Gringotts Wizarding Bank. After a while, Rakepick will appear in front of you. This will mark the end of Chapter 42 of Year 6. Rakepick wanted to uncover the Dark wizard's true identity, and started her own investigation parallel to the one being conducted by Penny Haywood. At one point, when Rakepick arrived at the upstairs corridors, she heard Jacob's sibling talking to a man (who was in fact Peter Pettigrew) about the vault portrait and Peeves. As for the mini-tasks, successfully completing each of those will award you some Courage points. However, by the end of the next year, Rakepick's true intentions were revealed. She did not in fact care for her young charges in any way beyond their immediate or potential usefulness to her and willingly discarded them the moment she deemed them liabilities rather than assets. Trace the wand movement to cast the spell. With some luck on your side, you should be able to win after a few rounds. Proceed to the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom when you are ready. If your health ever drops below half, you can easily heal with Wiggenweld Potion, and since youre likely to have a significant attribute advantage, this will pretty much negate most of the damage dealt to you. [14] According to Rubeus Hagrid, the school's Keeper of Keys and Grounds during her student years, she disappeared from the castle for days at the time on more than one occasion. [4], However upon being imprisoned in Azkaban, her appearance changed drastically; she was forced to wear the black and grey-striped uniform of Azkaban prisoners, over her black cloak, with her hair mangy and greying, and her demeanour utterly defeated, having suffered in Azkaban for some time. One of the easiest ways to deal with the dragon is to simply use Defensive all the way through. we will duel with grindylow and rakepick, then trap her in the vault forever in Year 6 Chapter 42 The Final Vault Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery ! Apparently, the vault is located in an underwater cave behind the rocks. The same goes for mini-tasks since those will provide you with some extra Empathy points. According to Rubeus Hagrid, during her student years, she was rumoured to be friendly with the Marauders (Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Sirius Black, and James Potter), whom Patricia to some extent mentored in mischief-making. You can claim it in the Transfiguration section of your Hogwarts Record. Youll then get to use Legilimency on the door. Will Merula be able to recover from the effects of the Cruciatus Curse? After searching, Jacob's sibling wanted to try opening a door on the portrait wall, but Rakepick prevented them. You will ask the Merqueen if she will enter the vault with you. Merula will ask Ben if he knows of any spell that could help you clear the way. Patricia Rakepick is the main antagonist in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery. Vault of Ice. Skin colour Return to the Astronomy Tower once you acquire enough stars to unlock the lesson. The game is set between Harry Potter's birth and his enrollment at Hogwarts. [17] In the years that followed, she embarked on a number of daring expeditions to sites of historical sorcery, where she was in charge of breaking protective curses on old forgotten wizarding treasure and retrieving it. The huge dragon will appear in the painting, which will terrify most of your friends. Lioness[7] But all those things raised more questions. - Nothing. Shell point towards the lyre and give you a questioning look. As the game's main character, you select your House and appearance, develop relationships with students and more. The following part of the Walkthrough will feature images of the player character choosing to turn in Rakepick. Pending questions for this game: 2. Unfortunately, before you get the chance to explore the cave, you will be surrounded by a swarm of angry Grindylows. : Leaky Cauldron. This choice wont have any big impact on the story, so feel free to pick the option you prefer. Patricia Rakepick; Jacob (Hogwarts Mystery) Madam Rosmerta (Harry Potter) Kingsley Shacklebolt . If you decide to turn her in to the authorities, you will cast the Incarcerous Spell to subdue her. At some point, Rakepick was informed that Jacob's sibling had been asking the teachers about her, as well as researching the creatures of the Forbidden Forest. I will get to the final Cursed Vault before you! [16], Patricia Rakepick teaching Defence Against the Dark Arts in Classroom 3C, Rakepick took the job as Defence Against the Dark Arts professor, despite knowing the rumours of the position being cursed. [4], Already there when Jacob's sibling arrived for their lesson, Madam Rakepick, who by then had been informed by the staff that the pupil before her was quite gifted, decided to try and solidify their potential alliance by appealing to their shared experience of embarking on curse-breaking adventures and the understanding of the dangers involved. The Keeper of Keys and Grounds at the time, Rubeus Hagrid, also distrusted her, warning Jacob's sibling about the fact that she could be dangerous if crossed. In any case, Ben will suggest resealing the vault to prevent anyone from entering it again. Before going in, Jacob will ask you about the approach you should take. She later also tried to use the Killing Curse, which again requires a genuine willingness to kill and disregard for the life to be extinguished, on Ben Copper when he managed to actually hurt her during a duel. When Jacob was trapped in a portrait, Rakepick forcefully touched the centre column of the Vault, but instead of unlocking the supposed treasures inside, she was transported to the Forbidden Forest, ending the trip for her. You will thank the Merqueen for everything before she leaves. Recognising this as the same sleepwalking curse that had been unleashed on the school years ago, she visited the victims at the Hospital Wing: one was a young Gryffindor boy whose injuries were so severe that he was in no condition to provide her with any useful information; the other was a Ravenclaw girl named Tulip Karasu. She also admitted that she considered them a standout from the student at Hogwarts, by virtue of their considerable talents and their reasons for wanting to find the vaults, and encouraged their pursuit of them. Youll ask if everyone is ready for facing the final Cursed Vault. [18], In due course, Rakepick became the best Curse-Breaker at Gringotts, being promoted to the post of Head Curse-Breaker, a role she held by at least in the mid-to-late-1980s. Once everyone is back on their feet, youll take a good look at your surroundings. The task window will display the recommended attribute levels and the cost of the duel. Relationship information British or Irish[2] She then had an intense duel with Jacob's sibling, but was ultimately defeated by the Disarming Charm. One down, one to go. Rakepick continued, however, to request the assistance of Jacob's sibling, teaching them the Shield Charm to test their abilities and, getting impressive results, continued to offer guidance, such as lending them her own Niffler to help in the search for clues and eventually teaching them Arania Exumai in order to prepare them for a potential fight with Acromantulas. She will quickly grab your hand and drag you out of the nightmare. Fifth vault. While she was sorted into Gryffindor upon arriving at Hogwarts, Severus Snape noted her to be unusually cunning for a member of that house. She would tell them everything she knew about the real leader of R, if they help her to escape while keeping at bay the Dementors. After all, there was no treasure inside the vault. This duel shouldnt be very difficult since you will more than likely have an attribute advantage and will be able to defeat the Grindylow in a few rounds. Su ubicacin es un misterio pero se dice que est fuera de Hogwarts, probablemente bajo tierra. A cross between an attic and an old tea shop. Title(s) Indeed, many held her abilities in such a high regard that many considered her to be the best Curse-Breaker in the world. There is not much of a difference between this lesson and the regular classes, so simply treat it as such. There are three options to choose from. Once you arrive, Madam Rakepick will greet everyone and say a few words of encouragement. This will determine which species players will get of a specific animal type, but players can still choose which kind of animal they will unlock for their Patronus. Return to the classroom once you earn enough stars to unlock the lesson. The Register. Once you earn the fifth star, you will be tasked with drawing Star Chart. If you do that, youll receive a heartwarming reunion scene. [42], Rakepick met Jacob's sibling again when they were looking for people to practise Legilimency. Once the Merqueen is done inspecting the tribute items, you will ask if she finds them suitable. Garnish this potion with loneliness, a mirror, and two bloodlines chained to the Death Eaters. The rest of the merpeople will happily cheer at you. Among these teachers were Rolanda Hooch, whose contempt of Rakepick was such that she outright refused to voice her honest opinion on her in front of her pupils, and Pomona Sprout warned one of her students that Rakepick might be more even dangerous than she appeared at first glance. A: Dumbledore . From that moment on, it is known that Snape and Rakepick were engaging in a subtle battle of wits, and even used students to spy on one another. The name "Patricia" is a common female given name of Latin origin, and is derived from the Latin word "patrician", meaning "noble", and is the feminine form of the masculine given name Patrick. She will congratulate you on finding the final Cursed Vault. House Shell then confirm that shes been working with R all along. He and the friend you brought along will then attempt to open the door, but their efforts will prove futile. Thankfully, Jacob will stop her before she does something shell regret later. Albus Dumbledore was, at the time of Patricia's arrival at Hogwarts, the school's Head of Transfiguration under then Headmaster Armando Dippet, until he eventually succeeded the latter in said post at some point during her magical education. A cosy hut for a beloved Gameskeeper. You will try calling out to your friends, but unfortunately, no one will answer your call. In the end, however, Snape's suspicions were proven partially correct when she fooled Jacob's sibling into breaking into the office of Argus Filch for a wild goose chase, only to swoop in and retrieve something she herself had been looking for. But despite these traits, her true dark nature wasn't widely known. Upon arriving, you will be able to interact with some of the merpeople. [37], One time after Defence Against the Dark Arts class, Rakepick told Jacob's sibling there had been rumours of a portrait of a Cursed Vault hidden in Hogwarts. This vault appears after the cursed ice, safely contained within a locked . Youll notice Madam Rakepick near the door, smirking slyly at you. - An Acromantula! She had a reputation for ruthlessness and eliminating those that she believed to be her competition, widely known as someone not to be crossed. Hogwarts; Unknown length, wood and core[4] After all, you are incredibly close to finding the final vault, so theres no reason to give up now. Once you are done, she will smile at you and applaud. Madam Rakepick conferring with Jacob's sibling, Jacob's sibling sent Rakepick an owl, requesting another meeting at the Training Grounds; they were searching for a jewelled arrow head that belonged to the centaurs, and wanted Rakepick's advice on the matter. Once you are done, everyone will grab the vault portrait, and the portkey will do its magic. On the subject of the arrowhead, she suggested that it might be buried somewhere inside the castle, reminding them that with magic, one could easily bury something without dirt or shovel. The other way to choose which Patronus players will unlock in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery is by having one Attribute level higher than the others. Realising she would not be able to escape Azkaban after all, Rakepick admitted it was over for her and adviced her former student to keep its qualities against R. After Jacob's sibling left her in supermax, Rakepick was found by the Dementors as the prison's lockdown was soon ended. She immediately struck them down and engaged in a brief fight with Alastor Moody, Jacob and some Hogwarts students. Hello everyone, welcome to our Walkthrough for Chapter Forty-Two of Year Six of Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery. You got Merula, Ben, Barnaby, and Jacob to join you, and thankfully, Kirley managed to repair the lyre, so you have everything you need to meet the Merqueen. - A Bowtruckle! Unable to do anything about it, you will turn your gaze away and wait for the inevitable. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery. Known to take immense pride in her status as a world-renowned Curse-Breaker, she was not a particularly modest person, as seen by her shameless flaunting of her position of trust and prestige, even to her peers, in order to attempt to place herself above them. [Source]. The game revolves around the player character's journey through life at the school. Pay attention to Bills question during the lesson. Her lessons for the fifth-year students, including Jacob's sibling, covered topics such as ghouls,[23] pixies,[24] Boggarts,[18] the Impediment Jinx,[25] hex-deflection,[26] the Tongue-Tying Curse,[27] the Trip Jinx,[28] Deprimo,[29] the Smokescreen Spell,[30] Lacarnum Inflamari,[31] the Reductor Curse,[32] the Snake-Vanishing Spell,[33] Everte Statum,[34] Densaugeo[35] and the Human-presence-revealing Spell. [21], Madam Rakepick and Professor Snape with the sleepwalking student, Afterwards, Rakepick was interrogating the school's house-elves when Severus Snape, the Potions Master at Hogwarts, came to her, saying he had found another sleepwalking student. Wary of her true intentions, when Albus Dumbledore invited her back to help break the curses plaging the school and its denizens, their old rivalry immediately reignited, and Snape immediately went about trying to uncover whatever ulterior motives she might have, suspecting that she wanted to use the Vaults to take control of Hogwarts. This will knock Rakepick down, but before youre able to apprehend her, shell say a few more words and Disapparate from the vault. Days later, Jacob's sibling asked her again, but she still refused to divulge anything. A: History of Magic There's lots of confiscated items here! Hopefully, you'll get the answers to them and find Jacob and free him. Gryffindor[8] In her third year, she chose at least two electives: Care of Magical Creatures[14] and Arithmancy. This is where one of the choices from the previous chapter will be referenced. And, as always, try to do all of the mini-tasks successfully in order to gain some additional Knowledge points. You and your friends will quickly use the opportunity to strike! Rakepick's character sheet indicates that she was modelled after actresses, She is the first Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor named in, Based on her Sorting, she may have been in the same year as Slytherin, In chapter 42 of year 6, her fate depends on the player, who can choose to trap her inside the. [9] She was invited back to the school during the 19871988 school year by Professor Dumbledore, the school's Headmaster, to help put an end to the threat posed by the Vaults. You also learned that the vault portrait is the portkey set to activate . Youll suddenly remember the Garroting Gas Snape gave you. The spell will work, and you will present the tribute to the Merqueen. There are two options to reply with. Hell then Disapparate from the vault, leaving you once again. Like many mobile games, Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery makes use of an "energy system" that is tied into the core gameplay. Harry Potter Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. But at least the curse is broken, your brother is somewhere and you're back at Hogwarts using a port key to leave the vault with everyone alive. There are bonus progress actions tied to Ben and your character. Defence Against the Dark Arts Professors at Hogwarts, Hogwarts students during the Marauders' era, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Magical Congress of the United States of America, Hungarian Horntail that guarded the Vault, "World Exclusive Interview with J K Rowling,", The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection, The Essential Defence Against the Dark Arts, Patricia Rakepick is one of the main antagonists in, In addition, she is one of the two Gryffindor antagonists shown in the universe, the other being.