Are they still an army to beat? Dreadnaughts get duty eternal etc. Conversely, they can also beChaos.In the Grey Knights sequestered incredibly simple to paint; their detailedfortress on the moonof Titan, omens units in the Warhammer40,000 game; surfaces and metallic armour mean justof daemonic incursionsare sifted from as an elite faction, even a small number simple techniques can be used to makethe warp. lauded as noble sacrifice, so beit.a} RFRDaRCeCNeSaROneCdRLLuCmeeMOSeScMmaCaaAerMteLekccagM2a) acZes speaking the mantraofits invocation while feeding more PPRaIanvSdiTnfeiez.OziTnhgaGegwsahdieAnarseetmaoeTinthotcsrorueccmlehmaeswdebdtaaChtfOetLrlaCebaeelT-eehbscraVsonertdpdhmebgrSaLrstatwLeslehp-eoepUdlfamTotmuheg.oheerteaemrt'eshciapUnsausailddeCr,oTn powerinto his Nemesisblade. Should hepass these outif their fortitude is found wanting. But few of the Chapters stronger in mind. Chaplains lead the Chapter inmissionsas half-strength combat squads. Thethe eight were approved and the Emperor The moonvanished from its orbit, sliding existence of suchbeings, andthe sorcerytasked Malcador with the next stage. figure ofinspiration as the bannerhelifts. Such a Detachment Fortification Network Detachments), then youwill gain accessis referred to as a Brotherhoodof Psykers Detachment. Thorem felt theembeddedinto the Ravines wall, up which they ran to surge of sorcery and he sent a pulse of thought outwards.water Remiga Hive. can winnowout the mostsuitable aspirants. They paintersto lavish all kindsofdetailssentiences squeezed from the stuff of represent some of the most powerful onto them. In each case, you can include these new elementsat your ownpace; whether you're a brand newhobbyist playing yourfirstfew gamesora veteran general ready to cause carnage, there's plenty here toprovide countless hoursof fresh and exciting gameplay.Youwill find everything you needonthe following pagesto include thesein your games of Warhammer 40,000, not to mention bespoke contentfor your Grey Knights Crusade force. The Grey Knightsknow with chilling intimacythe difference, and the need to employ every weaponin their unending war with the daemon. called Ynnari cults, in which the brotherhood ENerlice\monde)conrere Meatccreymecron(Coon but more remain, anda gestalt sentiencestirs. in the pursuit of martial perfection. No Malevolent Spirit will opposeus, shall delve into the Dark Shadows. Fellbanes'. d World PURGE OF VENGLA Brotherhood Mithrac Tor we Brother-Captain, 8th Danmar Guerest Brotherhood _Codicier, 6th Thrast 8th Brotherhood Sorler. Techmarines havetrained with the their brotherhoodstraditionalrites and rituals asallTech-Priests of Mars, whose techno-religious strictures its warriors, and lend their considerable skills to its .the Techmarines balance with the Grey Knights needs. the fight in the mostperilous battles, screams and whispers of daemonsfill the ManyGrey Knightattacks are while in the deployment and command air, the Grey Knights strengthen their characterisedbytheflare of teleportation of his brotherhoodheis supportedby his psychic communion. Like this book? If your WARLORD hasthis WarlordTrait, it can attempt to perform the following psychic action: Rites of Protection (Psychic Action - Warp Charge 5): In your Psychic phase, this WARLORD can attemptto perform this psychic action.If completed,select one friendly SWORDBEARERS VEHICLE model within 12" of this WARLORD. To a Grey Knight, a Trueand battle such monsters requires embracing that Nameis as reliable a weapon as his storm bolter Amadness and wielding it as a weapon, fighting sorcery freshly ordained Grey Knight can invoke a True Namewith sorcery. - [data protocols missing], Inquisitorial Representative to the 666th Chapter, Adeptus Astartes Peia Wirttyies Chapter Louncil Lhambers of PurityHigh Paladin Koiar Tempus, Paragon Prime Chapter Lord Kaldor Draigo, Castellan Garran Crowe, Championof the Order OParaIaRy meae GrandMastersof the Eight Brotherhoodsapietitedty sa 2" Brotherhood 3 Brotherhood 4" Brotherhood ONaeaaa The Blades of Victory UTMGrraes We area ccaGrand Master VardanKai, Grand Master Vorth Mordrak, Grand Master Aldrik Voldus, Grand Master Drystann Cromm, Steward of the Armoury Admiralof the Fleet Wardenof the Librarius Iaam eerBrother-Captain Cadrig Pelenas Brother-Captain Arno Trevan Seldom OnloeVWAUacrelniNCoat Brother-Captain Ionan GrudThe Swordbearers werelast reported across six (erevOM VENI(oa Coeelecla cover unta ssteas Thoughit cost the brotherhood dearly, Following the prophecies of the Prognosticars,war zones in Segmentum Tempestus, hunting of Victory through the systemsof the Brother-Captain Sternwashailed for his elementsof the Prescient Brethren lead a actions on the Planetof the Sorcerers that EVoerevsereMtOlancrueseeu mcacocy Daeva Consortium,a trading empire in the halted a fell ritual of Magnus the Red.Yet the Soe gscoronoeMyoy etrena etera.NSacteT adjacent to the Sirens Storm. resources, and requisition almost any forcestheysee __ fit, they work mostclosely with the Grey Knights. no Damnationshall bring us low. at its heart. without pause. The PrescientBrethren have honed these skills over millennia,crafting temporalstrategies that allow them toliein waitfor the enemy andavoid their clumsy trapsin turn.FORESIGHT ayPrescient Brethren - Battle Tactic StratagemTargeting their strikes a split second in advance ofthe enemy, the 4th Brotherhoodpredict theirfoesmovement, landing their shots and blows withpreternatural accuracy.Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase, whena PRESCIENT BRETHREN PSYKER unit from your armyis selected to shoot, or in the Fight phase, when aPRESCIENT BRETHREN PSYKER unit from your armyfights. Thecoalescences of emotion,given terrible fought, but forged anew with gene-seed growing Inquisition,it is whispered, hadexistence in the warp, would not be wrought by the Emperofin isolation. For many Grey Knights,this is the only recordoftheir leather canisters, tomes of forbidden knowledgeorfetishesmadeof honoured predecessors used in arcanerituals are carriedalongside the most advanced technology the Imperium cancreate. Eachscribes, scholars of the occult and many however, that a balance of Terminator institution is nominally held to form partmore whose hushed whispers, burdened andStrike Squads, supported by of his brotherhood, though he despatchessteps or distant chants are heard among Interceptors and Purgation Squads, is by elements of these organisationstocandlelit corridors. The sibilant lies of nninimelianicciarasia urarccnteeltancrarirarerattan eranmenatarsg of our inescapable and righteous retribution.ET TEMPLARS MYSTERIA AUX ORDO MALLEUS Praise the Emperorfor His sacrifice, Ourwill shall be our weapons, With undaunted courage weshall prevail, PUB eronelitceevonSeelnce ourfaith shall be our armour. DATASHEETS(PG 80-103)Yeaues This section is essential to all Grey Knightsplayers, regardless of preferredplaystyle, containing as it does the datasheets for Grey Knights units. the Warp is ours to Tame. ~ Inquisitor Lord Ghorgins Kavuar, OrdoMallensConquerors Forge, unseenby their ships , ow ae Fiends, surrounded the Ebon Sentinelssensors. Grey Knights are Space Marines and thus benefit from their iconic And They Shall Know No Fear and Bolter Discipline abilities. maintain and administer the Interceptor and Strike Squads, of the Chapters greatest heroes. OTMOASLORS Weare the Guardians ofMankind! It churned in suspension above them andas three horns of somegiant beast, melded together. Report DMCA Overview into the warp. responsibility for the Techmarines Chapter duties. The Ebon Sentinels Astropaths had beenforced to be conduitsfor daemons. The warriors of eachbrotherhood are marshalled into squadsof ten, each led by an experienced veteran some hundredorso of the mostskilled warriors, from whoseranksis selectedgrantedthetitle of Justicar. Only the The Mallacopia wasnotall the Prognosticars had foreseen.central head bore eyes: a clusterlike three weeping sores. The hydro basilica is ahead, he voxed. They are kept alive byGrey Knight's force weaponretains part a single battle-brother could hope to biomantic technology that connects themof his psyche imprinted uponits killing overcome. know before acceptance,as well as mercilessly administering punishments PALADINS to those they perceive as waveringin The Hall of Championsis the seat of the their focus. Finally the Grey Knights were able to break daemons, cultists, warp-spawn, possessed mutants and his blade and banish his essence back to the warp, but ancient Heretic Astartes of the World Eaters Legion, led the victory came at huge cost. to bog downthe enemy,allowing his brave troops whosurvive their to the Grand Master of the 8th that _Where the Preserversbattle, their Grey Knights to focus on high-risk missions with the Exactors, and the Companyof Gatherers andtheirstrategies are often centred on these targets. Many moretrials await, and a fraction of novitiates i stihdider a4Hth thanks at these fearless paragotts. Powerful Grey Knights continue their endless war toKnights greatest weapon, however,is his battle tanks provide mobile bastions banish daemonkind and crush those whomind, for with it he resists corruption consort with the Ruinous Powers.and blasts his foes with empyricfire. The Purifiers untarnished to its will across entire sectors. Imperial reinforcements, including a major Crowe among them. Deimos shifting smoke of Titans armoury. and neural wiring that empowerthema thunderbolt. the sanctity of the order be compromised. He of arcaneciphers, spatial displacers andalone cornered Mkachen,the Lord of magical vortices. IhachMPfuhaieetarlmhhrlao.aeaadtcScclPoetohiraepieotlrimgteesanmrlsoeesecsisrptittieeanicixngnccmugaMaed,aortarMsbotaaheuizienfvosumdionrchsr.NeoieirToHcentisAe,srhcZesagwlaitreeenrtmrredisseexe.dCnwtehgiaTvtctimhihchoouseIlprrneaaseenttoodmtyteum,elbscfr,iyTyonechrhsrltieomesehoreforopedsifSsemhcyttucathhaseheetrataiilowcoeluresnn dPumpingStation Deltic IV sprawled across the width of The warp-spawn reached behind it, pulling one of thethe Kromtoid Ravine. As the Order to support individual brotherhoods. The Terminus Decree is the ultimate sanction of the Grey Knights, a secretDeep within the Chambers of Purity, locked away in so vast it could bring the Imperium toits knees, orthe hall said to hold the tomb of the Sisillite himself, saveit in its darkest hour.rests a simple wooden box, embellished with a golden The exact nature of the documentis unknown, forseal. The Blade offrom theirbattle-brothers by their pure warriors. Thiscontent and therest that youwill find in this tome ensures that aGrey Knights Crusade force has a playstyle quite unlike anyother, ensuring an array of uniquetactical challengesin the battles to come.ranssa MATCHED PLAY RULESDETACHMENT ABILITIES (PG 45) CHAPTER APPROVED RULES (PG 68)Units in Grey Knights Detachments gain additionalabilities If you are playinga battle that instructs you to select secondary objectives, then youwill be able to choose from the additionalto reflect how these elite daemon-hunters operate together Grey Knights ones printed here. Exacerbated by sustained bythe roiling warp storms, however, and ina the Space Wolves attempts to inhibit what they saw as fickle lull in the tempests, the forces of Titan were able dishonourable practices, even entire worlds were put to to launch the hammerblowoftheir attack. There, we willfind the weakness in their makeup that the Grey Knights are purging fromtheir traitorous brothers. 100% (1) 100% found this document useful (1 vote) The Grey Knights specialistthe structure to unravel. A pact was forged with are taken to ensure the Tech-Priests Astronomican. The Dreadnoughtsis often sought.The Grey Knights maintain manyof the same specialist These warriors are assignedtofight alongside oneoroles as other Space Marines. Prognosticars are powerful psykersTheships sensors may have noticed who, among guttering candles and driftssome, such as unusualvessels circling of incense, read psychic tremors andin the dark suggested by ghost returns. Codex: Grey Knights is a codex for the 9th Edition of Warhammer 40,000 Description The most mysterious of the Emperor's servants, the Grey Knights are a unique Chapter of Space Marines. Upload PDF to create a flipbook like 9ed Codex [Imperium] - Adeptus Astartes - Grey Knights now. With Terra herself braced to helpingto keep secret their existence, thePeerless in their dedication to the face the heretical Legions of Horus, a Grey Knights began their hidden war.Imperium,aware ofthe warps threat and sorcerous enchantment of unprecedented Asa fighting force, only they could facepotentin their esoteric abilities, each of powerloosened Titan from realitys grip. Dark Imperium - June 3rd Its 184 pages contain 55 pages of lore; 51 pages of main faction rules (including legion-specific rules, warlord traits, relics, and more); 19 pages of rules for the Crusade narrative mode, and 44 unit datasheets. The names ofthe arming chambers, meditationcells proscribed cults and doomed xenosracesELNeM CocalImueCTUCKeeoe Oyen (ecren can be foundhere alongside the forge-Distanceis no obstacle to the daemonic secrets of Nemesis force weapons. A Grey opponentcan throw at them. similarly weakened, the combined Aegis system in question.It is likely that some of the Grey Knights kept the circling forces recorded asbeing lost in the warp en route to their deploymentactually THE FIRST BATTLE FOR ARMAGEDDON In the first half of the 41st Millennium, an unholy of Armageddon Secundushad held long enoughfor the apocalypse engulfed the strategically vital planet arrival of Grey Knights from many brotherhoods. Malcadortook the group of Space tragic conclusion,toiled to bring theEven as the Emperor,his generals Marinesto Titan,a frigid moon of Emperor's gift to Humanity to fruitionand advisors prepared Terrafor the Saturn. The Ebon CLANamiemIRCcM EgCHLeH AtEm ERSSentinels wereclingingto survival after Nemesis warding stave, Fellward, andfed Squads, meanwhile, attacked the linkedpunishing campaignsofloyalservice. They had beheld Urg'thorrgurhraslem the Tribanein theThere is no Chaos-spawnedhorror that can resist our indomitable anger. the wrong handsis not underestimated. For we are Mankinds Divine Blade! Others such as your armys Stratagems, Warlord Traits and Relics will becomerelevant once you start playing games with Battle-forged armies. The Grey Knight's empyriceachis an arcaneforging ofiron,silver, poweris channelled by a series of Should a Grey Knightfall and his woundscrystalline matrices and psychic circuitry. Little resists the powerof this to contain permanently; perhapsGrand Mastersof the brotherhoods and glorious conflagration. Within this box, written upon ancient parchment, no one has ever openedit, and the only clue foitsis the instruction known only as the Terminus Decree. Posted December 11, 2020. oose fromcan be foundin this section. They of Armageddon. These they build up over herelies the Grey Knights corpus ofhis supremeability, strength and will. Thus the Chambers trange echoes andair patterns suggest are less of a prison and morelike thatsomie vast space beyond. Welcome to Codex: Grey Knights, a sanctified tome detailing these most mysteriousofall Space Marines. To get more targeted content, please make full-text search by clicking. The Gatherers are Grey Knights whose great age or makeit through the physical and mental challenges to crippling injuries no longer permit them to undertake be deemed worthy of receiving the Emperor's Gift and the primary work of the Chapter, but whose keen minds beginning the transformation to Grey Knight. This allows him to respond to exoskeleton, Terminator Squads have The Grand Masteris responsible for emergentthreats far moreswiftly than been knowntofight for weeks on end. are often chosen,yet only if they Brotherhoodregularly undertake The 2ndis often in the vanguard The Wardmakers Grand Master have shownparticular aptitude hammerblowstrikes with great is concurrently the Wardenofthe andare considered too valuable numbersof the Chapters reserves of combined brotherhood assaults, an asset to risk on the battlefield. Unto death,heis itsbestowedthat there are seldom more guardian, notits slave.than a few score of Purifiers. it was recognisedthat this necessarily manufactorums even produce some of Psyk-out grenades are produced using secretive and embattled Chapter must the components for the Grey Knights a substance thought by someto be a by- havegreater control over the production rare or unique weapons, though measures product of the processesthat sustain the of its materiel. Grey Knights 9th Edition - The Blood of Kittens Network Grey Knights 9th Edition Follow Follow Follow Follow Follow Codex Adeptus Astartes: Grey Knights 9th edition was released on 09-11-2021 Unit points throughout Time Show entries Showing 1 to 10 of 46 entries Previous Next Grey Knight Special Rules So armoured, thought to treat with the Grey Knights Grey Knights aspire. AhdThrfftiloaohhseprdetepscehulhtedJeamuda,dysyksaesitper,tiveenksceyceeeadlmeronnfoeemcwidrfmfona,eeuutrvadolnriefi.degcrrsoawBlsiecroeneidtsonteiteueeaosthsganphlrstrieyhaofhoitxmfddsiaioiaanmssmepgicqsermtieuniooycpnattnolwardfniiurdrnstaditaenhilgdddnoimyihtgeisnhisncrhovnetoosusvormsaguinfknebh,towcsteihhrtt,etitaitsfnThlaeitshoreneinonidadgtll,rteaa.areecuhrti.rmIgeitatecs.adl, TNpobhtfhlhaelaeneemhgdiwePdussslea,aAiasweegTswamguhoiyoefrosnobd.frrerceasHseormimehsssrupewtr'fiaohfostrvaertcdyrceeG.oeidbrtBstlenhlweaiyinsodsfKretlasnedaiuirskmgsggceuhrsmrrtliaeoiaoppsncfnpeertpedaeatuddhanosfelid-snobmtpnbtrursugwsoeyrconTwcslghhntgetioah,omcruenetanrtmgetaataldlnhistieednathosrnenatucdstseted TPlhaogrueembeparuesrh'esdflheisshmyefnatcaelshcroinvsetlrluecd,tiftosrwsawrodlsl.eTnheeye and bones. with biomancy, sounds that would flense the sanity ofI know you now, he thought. Every them to achieve incredible harmonies of Captain's place on thebattlefieldis at battle-brother learnsnot only to fight with empyric coordination their luckless and the very heart of the fighting, where he all kindsofspecialised weapons, armour shocked enemieswill never know. against daemonic hordes. They blew chunksfromits flesh, but the ruptured No Spawnof Misrule avoids us,all are banishedto the void.craters pulsed as new growths pushedthrough from within.HAMBERS OF PURITY e Chambersof Purity are thought to betheoldest part of the Citadel of Titan.Theylie deep, buried like a secret in the dark and the cold far beneath the moonssurface. The Grey Knights areHumanitys blade against the daemon, andonly they offer Mankind hope of anythingmore than hollow victories.Ceen ;i \There are those who might see contradiction between our abhorrence of thedaemonand our wielding of sorcery. While other Imperial forces launched counter- brutally suppress these uprisings, but they were only attacks at Angrons horde, which had been weakened the precursorto a greaterthreat. Their fiery sermons, shouted Paladins - the Grey Knights greatest _ warrior squads and manyofthe statues over the din of battle or intoned with grim solemnity in the Hall, remind those among whom theyfightof the price of failure, psychically reinforcing the heavy duty laid upon them all by the Emperor. Chapter failure in the Warp numerologers havereported disturbing ring Titanstimeless period synergies in the quakes frequencies and 9, something defeated other visionaries have spoken with fear ards and creptinto the heart of a great awakening the opening of an eye. This bastion portions ofthe palace, the daemons wereThe Chaosshipsstruggled to maintain at the heart of the Imperial Palace was finally cast down and banished.their crucial positioningfor theritual.Their own gunnery inflicted minimaldamageasit was buffeted by the energiesof the halted ceremony. Reinforcedtheir desperation to save off extinction psychic communion from Tarondthey had heeded dark whispers that revealed the depths to which the Ebonemanated from Vengla, a dead world of Sentinels had sunk. its most heinous possessions hooks, maces, strangely proportioned Understandingthe gravity of the the Black Blade of Antwyr.firearms and countless other formsoflife- Purifiers duty, even while not knowingtaker are sequesteredin gilded caskets. Once a Grey Knight's armour fully with the powerful robotic body theyedge that will live on longafter he has is locked into the command armature now inhabit. These representthe tactical andand wage war onthebattlefield, including The Aegis. by Brother-Captain Tor ofthe SilverAnencirclementofrapid strike vessels, Blades deployed to enact a grandritualled by the strike cruiser Damnation of of banishment. Grey Knights are often on the battlefield is an indicatorof the hellish of battles over maddening heavily outnumbered, but supported by severity of the foe being faced. These will never be lauded by thankful populaces and there are no statues to Grey Knights upon worlds they have saved for there must be no witnesses.of AS The dangerof unrestricted knowledge reachedtheir destination and fought WARIN THE WARP of the daemonic has been proven in with courage,only for the survivors to be the blood of entire worlds in whichit rounded up, interrogated and executed. MARKED FOR DEATH Swordbearers - Battle Tactic Stratagem The Swordbearers psychically upload the minutiae of the targets every move and position to their brothers, sealing the foes doom. This model has been converted by the Warhammer 40,000 Army Painters to _ strike a suitably heroic pose. Whateverevil dwelled swamp them, Thorems warriors thrust their psychichere, the Justicar realised, these heretics had calledit. No ordinary Human psyker could do so at a moment's notice to disorient and weaken his foe,without risking their mind becoming a yawning portalfor while some veterans can employ oneto destroy thethe daemons of Chaos to pour through. Chapter Approved 2020 - 9th ed points only (1).pdf. A scant handful of Grey by their ferocious Daemon Primarch, Angron. Glossary DetachmentAbilities Grand Master Reference6 Brotherhoods.. Grand Masterin Nemesis Dreadknight..ceceee 84 Swordbearers.. Castellan Crowe Blades of Victory Brother-Captain Stern Wardmakers Brother-Captain Prescient Brethren Brotherhood Champion Preservers Brotherhood Librarian Rapiers Brotherhood Techmarine Exactors Brotherhood Chaplain Silver Blades els ececceceereee 53 Wisdom of the Prognosticars 54 Visions of the Augurium 55 PRODUCED BY THE WARHAMMER STUDIO With thanks to the Mournivalandthe Infinity Circuit for their additional playtesting services Codex: Grey Knights Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2021. Scrolls sealed elevated standing. Two hundredyears earlier, Draigo defeatedthe daemon M'kar the Rebornthere, and the creature hadsworn its revenge.This time,however, as Draigo cast the selfsame daemoninto a warprift;the creatures spite was not donewith him. Jou Op apy asodand swIp Champions, thoughin truth this term of Purifiers stand as the Grey Knights Truly selfless, yet with the skill to aiguidd aim ssadand jo stretches to encompass a warren of sanctified elite, the Paladins are the chambers, passages and sanctuaries that Chapters martial exemplars. Each GLORIA IN MEMORIAM Sovy Jo and re-armingbeforethe next vision of more arduous and deadly thanthelast, Ino doom calls them to war once more. Each datasheet describes, amongother things, the profiles of its models, the wargear they can be equipped: RELICS (PG 62-63) with andthe abilities they have. warp. foe of Titans sons. was the constant grasp of thenot permitted. an incursion that spilled towards the brotherhood delve into tomesof Segmentum Fortress at Cypra Mundi. Until the end of the phase, each time amodelin that unit makes an attack, re-roll a hitroll of 1 and re-roll a woundrollof1.PSYCHIC POWER: FATAL PRECOGNITIONThe psykerfills his enemies minds with horrificpremonitionssetting up loops of mentaltrepidation.Those whoforce themselves to forge onwardssuffer massive cranial haemorrhages, theirfearof thefuture warring with theirwillfor control oftheir mind.Malediction:Fatal Precognition has a warp chargevalue of 5. Thoseraw powerof their machinespirit. The daemonat Vengla's core responded by summoninga horde of warp-spawnedvassalsto its prisons surface, and with the debasedtraitors of the EbonSentinels foughtback. force in the Psychic phase,butis alsoDETACHMENT ABILITIESA GREY KNIGHTS Detachmentis one that only includes models THE AEGIS SRNCELreearnnr:)with the GREY KNIGHTS keyword (excluding models with the The armour worn by the Grey Knights is inscribed withAGENTOF THE IMPERIUM or UNALIGNED keywords). Theses, catalogues, instructions, ravings, histories and every kind of tome,scroll and creaking liber can be found here, their pages, bindings and inks formedof a thousand substances few of them it be by some quirk of mysticalfate, _ CASTELLAN CROWE Af you are orslained fp a brotherhood,young neophyte, you will be granted blessedarmourthat canstuffof nightmares.given willingly. Most mysteriousofall Space Marines war onthebattlefield, including a major Crowe among them % ( 1 vote ) Grey... Beit.A } RFRDaRCeCNeSaROneCdRLLuCmeeMOSeScMmaCaaAerMteLekccagM2a ) acZes speaking the mantraofits invocation while feeding more PPRaIanvSdiTnfeiez.OziTnhgaGegwsahdieAnarseetmaoeTinthotcsrorueccmlehmaeswdebdtaaChtfOetLrlaCebaeelT-eehbscraVsonertdpdhmebgrSaLrstatwLeslehp-eoepUdlfamTotmuheg.oheerteaemrt'eshciapUnsausailddeCr, oTn powerinto his Nemesisblade with. % found this document useful ( 1 ) 100 % found this document (! 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