When she eventually came back to the royal court to meet her now famous son, she did so with great pomp and ceremony befitting a princess of Egypt. It names the Queen of Sheba as the beautiful queen Makeda and identifies the land of Sheba as ancient Ethiopia. Queens have their own book of knowledge called Book of Sheba, wrote by David and Sheba, this was to program girls. But queen Sheba or our Ethiopian Queen has more than 3000 years age. The truth Jesus disciples receive brings with it freedom. In the Bible we are introduced to an unnamed queen from the land of Sheba who travels to Jerusalem to meet King Solomon (see 1 Kings 10; 2 Chronicles 9). Dig into the illuminating world of the Bible with a BAS All-Access membership. 2 He was in the beginning with God. Two years later, Jerome "Shorty" Freeman (who was a candidate for the Nation's presidency) left the BGDN, making the Black Disciples and the Black Gangster Disciples separate organizations. David Barksdale (born Donise David Barksdale; May 24, 1947 - September 2, 1974), also known as King David, was an American gangster and activist from Chicago, Illinois. Roman Crucifixion Methods Reveal the History of Crucifixion, 3 Pilgrimage Paths from Galilee to Jerusalem, was the queen of sheba black - seekanswer, https://books.google.com.ph/books?id=paA5AQAAMAAJ. David smiled and said, It happened as it should have., Hoover asked, Why do you say that David?. More than that, their eyes are opened to a greater understanding of the truth (cf. David was ordained King and Folk Nation was created off of GDs. Silence and Secrecy- No member is to discuss any matter of function to . John 14:6 New International Version (NIV) (Note: GD, BGD, and all other Folk sets are now under Growth and Development, but IGD doesnt Money, Mac, and Maintain). But the real reason is if a G goes into a room or in a mall or on a street, they are going to stay to the right because they have been taught right over left so it keeps Gs on one side and enemies on the other. She is a descendant of Cush who are the Ethiopians. 1 John 5:16 Lit sinning They kept tapping the panthers faces together until the white panther struck out at the black panther until it drew blood then the black panther struck back in defense but it was already hurt and Shebas panther after a while killed Hoovers. 1 John 5:6 Lit in The pitchfork was adopted as a symbol of war, also the points of the pitchfork became a standing creed; Mind, Body, and Soul. I am putting every bit I can find in this thread. Fifteen people were wounded, with no reported fatalities. Owner and Oak Parker Kalkidan Tesfaye . 11 And the testimony is this, that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. Barksdale is still revered by the Black Disciples. A pity records were always kept by these Kings and Queens by their scribes , then how is it possible that to this day no accurate truth to this stories of any earlier history. Hoover sat one day with King David and was talking about the different natures of man and a woman when Sheba came walking up with her panther. it was almost like it, she replied. The Bloods or Vice Lords or anybody else that rolls with them are our enemies and they deserve death. (WMC) - The Gangster Disci When Jesus said the truth would set them free, however, He was not talking about political freedom (though the following verses indicate thats how the Jews took it). Prosecutors accused U.S. Air Force Senior Airman Rico Williams of being the first one to start attacking Johnson in a six-minute beating that he had to endure to join the gang. The two rival gangsters united together to form the Black Gangster Disciple Nation (BGDN). - Chicago Sun-Times - May 27, 2008. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=David_Barksdale&oldid=1132392670, This page was last edited on 8 January 2023, at 17:36. A Gangster Disciple Queen is a female Gangster Disciple her role is just as important as the male Gangster Disciples. ancient history fascinating. Video lectures from world-renowned experts. Its called using the 3rd eye. You are from below; I am from above. Her kingdom is thought to have been in. Each issue of Biblical Archaeology Review features lavishly illustrated and easy-to-understand articles such as: Fascinating finds from the Hebrew Bible and New Testament periods, The latest scholarship by the world's greatest archaeologists and distinguished scholars, Stunning color photographs, informative maps, and diagrams, Reviews of the latest books on biblical archaeology, 45+ years of Biblical Archaeology Review, 20+ years of Bible Review online, providing critical interpretations of biblical texts. 1 John 5:2 Lit do James 2:17). 1. [3] The assassination attempt ended a truce that was in place at the time. The Eternal Word The trials were held in three groups; the trial of Hoover's group began on March 19, 1997. Rectangle containing two triangles with one darkened in on the back right shoulder of a female is an open queen, which means any G can have sex with her. His reason was, We have to keep a four directional war from taking place. But Solomon convinced him, Shorty Mac, and Dundee that he could create a set that would be entirely secret and could strike fear into all the enemies of the Nation. Created By Olivia Brown. Since 1989, after a decline in leadership caused friction between the two gangs, the BGDN has divided into different factions known today as the Gangster Disciples and the other being the Black Disciples. Severely injured in the attack were Cecil and Marissa's other three children nine-year-old Cecil Dotson Jr., five-year-old Cedric and two-month-old Ce'niyah. Thus the word god is used generically by many different religions to refer to their deity or invoked one.. GD new concepts fall under Growth and Development. Where is the land of Sheba? Jesus explains, Very truly I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. Being a slave to sin is the ultimate bondage. GOD The English word God is identical with the Anglo-Saxon word for good, and therefore it is believed that the name God refers to the divine goodness. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven. He was convicted on all counts and sentenced to six death sentences plus 120 years for the three children (his niece and nephews) that he attempted to kill. Six point star on right breast of female means she was brought in as an individual queen and she could be given to another G as a gift. With an estimated annual revenue in excess of $100 million from Chicagoland narcotics sales and street tax (its total . Solomon sends the firstborn sons of Israels elders with his son from Israel to Ethiopia, and the Ark of the Covenant travels with them. By 1966, Barksdale's gang absorbed several others and became known as the Black Disciple Nation. [13] In 1969, Hoover and Barksdale agreed to a ceasefire. Further information on the source of our word for God is listed below: Word origin: God Our word god goes back via Germanic to Indo-European, in which a corresponding ancestor form meant invoked one. The words only surviving non-Germanic relative is Sanskrit hu, invoke the gods, a form which appears in the Rig Veda, most ancient of Hindu scriptures: puru-hutas, much invoked, epithet of the rain-and-thunder god Indra. 17 All unrighteousness is sin, and there is a sin not leading to death. In fact, John 8:32 speaks of a higher form of knowledge than is capable of being learned in a classroom. Now, in reality, this story is to train Gs to want to find girls to become queens because they are the future of the Nation but how are they the future of the Nation? He was sentenced to three additional life terms in federal prison. a shipwright in Ballard. Malkah Sheba then moved to the south of Egypt. I will dig deeper into that whole thing, THANK YOU!!! why do historians try so hard to conceal African wealth and heritage? in Jerusalem..stepped design.. terraced Walk under the eyes of David. Practice all you learn. That way it makes it far easier to program a G to kill. Solomon made a vow that he would do whatever it took for him to extract revenge for the death of King David. Have a look around and see what we're about. [3], Notable incidents of gang-related violence, Indictment, incarceration and departure of Larry Hoover, Supreme Court of Tennessee at Jackson. Back in verse 25, the people asked Jesus who He was, and He responded, Just what I have been telling you from the beginning. There may be a tinge of exasperation in His response; He had repeatedly made known that He was the Messiah, the one they had anticipated for many years. The parade was criticized by the Fraternal Order of Police, and officers administering the event were forewarned about potential gang violence. Solomon is able to answer them all. 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Other acts of violence alleged as part of the conspiracy include a nightclub stabbing in East St. Louis, Illinois, a nonfatal shooting in Cape Girardeau and multiple unsuccessful murder plots. Unlike the Ethiopian tale, in the Islamic version, there is no suggestion that Solomon and Sheba had an intimate relationship. No other Folk person had any control in its creation or its development. Second, I dont believe any other book accept bible is the world, all the things says in bible in happening, read through new testament, so what Bible says about Queen of sheba is true. [4] The gang had expanded through the North and West Sides of Chicago, as well as Indianapolis, Minneapolis, Kansas City, Detroit, Milwaukee, Cincinnati, Birmingham and co-founder Hoover's birthplace of Jackson. [4][5] He was buried at Restvale Cemetery in Alsip, Illinois. This was the first form of the pitchfork. What about the hoopoe? The indictment also seek forfeiture of 34 different firearms seized as part of the investigation. 21 Little children, guard yourselves from idols. The reasons being that IGD not only does the day to day street hustles but they also perform the need of assassinations because its easier to control a single set than it is to control the Nation as a whole. She is drawn to Jerusalem because of Solomon's fame, and she tests the king with hard questions. [] Who Is the Queen of Sheba in the Bible? Solomon was taught the languages of animals, and Allah subjected for Solomon the wind, blowing by his order towards the land upon which Allah have blessed Jerusalem. [22], On April 27, 2016, 32 members of Gangster Disciples were arrested on RICO charges by federal agents. Then later on, her people went astray again by being ingrateful to God, and He caused them to be scattered to different communities. 1 John 5:16 Or God will give him life, that is, to those who But the truth will set you free did not originate in academia; Jesus said it in John 8:32. In addition, the Gangster Disciples trafficked in large amounts of heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, illegal prescription drugs, and marijuana. Spiel man, Fran. Solomon introduced into the IGD a strict order of secrecy but also told his Gs to always claim, because it was a form of psychological mind games and it showed no fear to all whom encountered his Gs. The Biblical account of the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon ends there, but later Jewish, Christian and Islamic sources have elaborated the storyadding details to the famous queens visit. Formed in 1974 as a 60-man operation, the GD has matured into a centralized criminal organization with nearly 30,000 members in Chicago and spreading into at least 35 other States with several thousand more members. Death to those on the left under the 5. It travelled back to Sheba, cast the message onto the throne, and lurked to hear the decision. If a G has a tattoo of a 3 headed dragon, he is violating because now the dragon only has one head Hoover. They are the ones one the left and under the 5 and they are evil and evil should be in eternal darkness. Impressed by Solomons wisdomand by the riches of his kingdomshe proclaims, Your wisdom and prosperity far surpass the report that I had heard (1 Kings 10:7). The fact of the matter is the Gangster Disciple's of this country either by the "Ballot or the Bullet" will achieve world domination. Williams then ordered his gang members not to take him there. Bar Kribus explains: Their [Ethiopian] kings were seen as direct descendants of the House of David, rulers by divine right.. 2 By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and [e]observe His commandments. Drugs, family, clothes, to be popular, and money caused girls from 13 and up to want to be queens. Hoover said, I cant believe Shebas panther killed mine. Because mine was a male and should have been stronger than her female panther. They are still a G cause a G is a G and is always a G. Queen Sheba was raped and went to Solomon and told Solomon that two Vice Lords defiled her. The average IGD member has killed at least 2 times within the first 6 years. If you take They went to where the doughnut shop was located and found David on the sidewalk with 5 bullets in him so Hoover pulled out his gun and shot David in the left leg so he wouldnt be marked with the five but would be marked with the 6. Hoover is currently serving his sentence at the ADX Florence in Fremont County, Colorado. For years, the Supreme Gangsters had an outstanding war with the Devil's Disciples, led by David Barksdale. Solomon went to Hoover and told him the things he knew. The Queen of Sheba is mentioned as a queen that used to worship the Sun, and that Prophet Solomon was sent to her to make her know The One God. The Gangology Specialist Certification focuses on developing the students level of knowledge pertaining to street gang evolution, gang crime law, gang identification, communications, typology, personal safety, and the psychological and sociological impact street gangs have on society, as well as officer and public safety. Stacking is considered to be a great accomplishment for a G and it is customary to praise a G for learning to stack with dexterity. This is another form of manipulation, cause it makes a young person think hes got to try to live a mans life while hes a kid because in the streets; a lifetime is less than 20 years. Its such a gift to be able to know of this information without learning to read other languages. Some how I find He used outside methods to mold IGD and its members. If a person shows signs of remorse or guilt, he is given a street hustle as a job. The All-Access membership pass is the way to get to know the Bible through biblical archaeology. The following information on the origin of the word god will help to understand why we use it in our vernacular. Shebas panther was female and Hoovers panther was male, so Hoover said, David, lets cause the two panthers to fight and see which one will win.. Barksdale eventually grew sick of the bloodshed and proposed a merger with Larry Hoover, founder of the Supreme Gangsters, in 1973. The original Queen of Sheba was a monarch of the ancient kingdom of Sheba. Protect your knowledge, self, and other with force. The Gangster Disciples are active in over 100 cities and 31 states, predominantly in the Midwestern and Southeastern United States, and remnants also maintain a significant presence in the U.S. prison system. Plan for reaction and follow through with your mission. One of the 9 year olds was white and one was black. Solomon formed IGD (The Cobra) after King Davids death. Other members who felt disrespected by Hoover's declining orders decided to get his attention again by instigating gang-related shootings toward the new GD's. I had wronged myself; and now I am submitted with Solomon to Allah, the Lord of existence., Your email address will not be published. This Bible History Daily feature was originally published on August 31, 2016. Queens come in as a factor to help control Gs and also to give incentive for young guys to want to join. Let me make this clear. She was Bathsheba. Many Ethiopians believe that the Ark of the Covenant resides within the Chapel of the Tablet next to the Church of Maryam Tsion in Aksum, Ethiopia. In From Gangster Disciple to The Blueprint: Growth & Developmen t, the BGD explain their history in their own words. Sheba is in Africa not Arabia.. Sheba is old swahili which means copper The land of Copper. Solomon handpicked all of his set in the beginning; he had no recruiter because he trusted no one. And there are three that testify on earth, the Spirit By age 13 . According to the Kebra Nagast, Queen Makeda travels to Jerusalem and has a love affair with King Solomon. Silence is golden so knowledge is the key. He was found guilty and sentenced to 28 years in prison. SO NOW WHICH WORD ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT. Today iam Reading Matt, and see where the Queen of Sheba was mentioned by Jesus! If you notice any glitches or visual bugs while browsing GoToQuiz, please report them! Jerome"Shorty"Freeman formed the Black Disciples, which are made up of members of the original Devil's Disciples. Pitchfork with tail on right buttocks of female means that she is a committed queen and no one but her G can have sex with her. (I am surprised to hear that about the Queen and King Solomon!!! He was a close friend of Fred Hampton. 1 John 5:1 Lit one who begets This means provide all you have to learning the code of Insane. I will put it to torture, or will slaughter it, except it could introduce an accepted reason of his absence. 6 This is the One who came by water and blood, Jesus Christ; not [g]with the water only, but [h]with the water and [i]with the blood. more lit - gangster disciples. [31], On August 22, 1995, after a 17-year undercover joint investigation by the Illinois Department of Corrections, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, Hoover was arrested for conspiracy, extortion, money laundering, drug-related offenses, and continuing to engage in a criminal enterprise. It was in this same year that King Davis died, Hoover then formed his branch of Disciples the Gangster Disciples. When kings enter a town, they turn the nobles of it into humiliated citizens, replied the astute queen, after a short while of thinking. In 1974, after the death of David Barksdale, Hoover was appointed the new president of the Black Gangster Disciple Nation. Anything written in the qaran cannot be trusted as it is satanic in nature..only that written in the Holy Bible as word of God can be trusted..there is NO allah, another name for satan,the liar, The story of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba as told in the Koran The 16 Laws of the Gangster Disciples are the rules and principles that were handed down by the organization's founder Larry Hoover through memoranda while he was imprisoned. [1] Over the course of his life Barksdale was arrested 25 times, but never convicted of any serious offense. We will find out whether you are truthful or being of the liars, retorted the just monarch, who ordered that a message should be written to that queen, calling her to submit peacefully to him. Shorty Mac created it in a simple form to give a G a way to sign his rank, now it has been modified to the extent of a very intricate form of communication for Gs. The design Under the control of King Solomon worked every builder and diver of the Satan, who constructed to him whatever he wished of chapels, statues, and cooking pots, removable ones and immobile huge others. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. 5 And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend[a] it. There is a sin leading to death; I do not say that he should make request for this. This informational website gives a well elaborated & detailed episodes of King Solomon n Queen of Shebas meeting n their life ,which remains little in complete in Bible,well researched,it even gives the most likely location of the ark of the covenant, loved this site,keep it up, Imanuel Velikofsky in his book Overcoming the World If they were to become disciples of Jesus, they would know the truth of their condition and the truth about Christ, and Jesus would set them free. Tensions grew between the Black Disciples and other gangs such as the Black Stone Rangers. Two years later, Jerome "Shorty" Freeman (who was a candidate for the Nation's presidency) left the BGDN, making the Black Disciples and the Black Gangster Disciples separate organizations. David told Sheba to take her panther back to their castle and told a G to get the black panther removed and buried. by | Mar 24, 2021 | Uncategorized | 0 comments | Mar 24, 2021 | Uncategorized | 0 comments On July 22, 1978, an inmate riot at the Pontiac Correctional Center in Illinois resulted in the death of three corrections officers. He substantiates this with many if they were all loving. Expedition Claims Evidence of Queen of Sheba Found in Ethiopia, Ancient Jerusalem: The Village, the Town, the City. Those in ancient Ethiopia were fully aware of the Kingdom of Saba in southern Arabiaand sometimes even appropriated aspects of their culture. a carved stone bas relief cataloging the They believe that the Ark traveled with Solomons firstborn son, Menelik, from Jerusalem to the land of Sheba. The toddler had been spending the night with his father and siblings. Ages in chaos shows historically Vancouver Grand Masonic Day, October 16, 1999 In this account, King Solomon sent her a letter inviting her to worship his God. [34] Hoover was found guilty on all charges. 3d 799 | Casetext Search + Citator", "Inside America's Toughest Federal Prison", "Larry Hoover tries again for sentencing break, says he wants 'nothing to do' with Gangster Disciples", Gang Threat Analysis: The Black Disciples, National Drug Intelligence Center document on the Vice Lords, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Gangster_Disciples&oldid=1141154282, Drug trafficking, assault, firearms violations, fraud, homicide, money laundering, This page was last edited on 23 February 2023, at 16:58. his word has changed first by the Hebrew nation to Elohim , then by the Catholics which actually created the bible (72 books) in 395 ad and then by Martin Luther in 1611 66 books which all the bibles follow today in his format. In 1970, Barksdale was shot in his kidney and later pronounced dead in a hospital at the age of 27 in 1974. Barksdale was the founder of the Black Disciples. Most popular Gang abbreviations updated in May 2022 Enter for a chance to win an advanced reader's edition of LAST SUMMER ON STATE STREET by Toya Wolfe. those are the only word that came from Yahuwah our father in heaven. When the arrangements for the delegation of Sheba were made, a magnificent procession, headed by the queen herself, started off to Jerusalem. 4 In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. Every year there is a birthday celebration in his honor. Folk has different sets, this is the order: Solomon created IGD after Davids death; it was created to have a set dedicated to extracting vengeance for Davids death and also to police the other sets. Some rappers have publicized an allegiance to the Gangster Disciples.Rapper and Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta TV star Lil Scrappy has repeatedly mentioned GD Folk (as in the Gangster Disciples and the Folk Nation) in his tweets. [14][15] By the early 1970s, the BGDN dominated the Chicago gang scene. At that point in history, the Jews were under the rule of the Roman government. Who is the gangster disciple queen? Queen Sheba was a HAMITE which makes her a African. Years later, Prince Peter Paul perfected and modified stacking so you could sign stories and messages without speaking a word. Don't Miss:Politics QuizPersonality QuizHomeDon't forget, you can make your own quizzes at GoToQuiz! They dont want to say, but King Davids historical name was Pa-Seba (another story). 20 And we know that the Son of God has come, and has given us understanding so that we may know Him who is true; and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. Why I do not see it? Biblical [], [] Who Is the Queen of Sheba in the Bible? that you can create and share on your social network. in my young eyes I saw her as a mean and extremely bossy Queen a Sheba!! 1 John 5:8 A few late mss add in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit, and these three are one. Larry Hoover, also known as "King Larry," was born on November 30, 1950, in Jackson, Mississippi. 1 John 5:1 Or begotten It is the Spirit who testifies, because the Spirit is the truth. [5][Full citation needed][page . [30], On January 25, 2021, seven members of the gang throughout Naperville, Illinois, and Cape Girardeau, Missouri, were all arrested and charged with RICO-related federal charges. Skulls tattooed on left arm means he has killed for rank or 1 headed cobra or dragon with skulls in it tells how many Blood or Vice Lord was killed for rank. Even in prison, Hoover seemed to have great influence. 17 all unrighteousness is sin, and this life is in Africa not Arabia.. Sheba is his. Queen Makeda travels to Jerusalem because of solomon & # x27 ; s fame, this! Or begotten it is the truth, John 8:32 speaks of a higher form of than. 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