Explain the Christian understanding of God as a good creator with a world fallen into sin and chaos. Use a variety of sources to complete these graphic organizers (your class notes and classwork, textbooks, etc). A. Stations The Jungle Upton Sinclair, Break In: Political Cartoons of the Progressive Era, Great Depression/New Deal Graphic Organizer (Key & Slides Included), Black Leaders of the Progressive Era - Wells Du Bois Washington, AMSCO U.S. History Graphic Organizer Chapter 19, 20, 21 (Progressivism), AMSCO AP U.S. History Graphic Organizer Complete Bundle Chapters 1-30, Progressive Era: Graphic Organizer & Crash Course Guide (Bundle), New York State (NYS) Enduring Issues Graphic Organizer and Sample Documents, The Progressive Era Group Activity Problems in American Society, THE PROGRESSIVE ERA Research Project | US American History Vocabulary Activity, SOCIAL STUDIES Projects & Activities | Geography | State, US, and World History. completed graphic organizers for the written task. Use these graphic organizers and the prompts (column titles, labels within the columns) to document the causes and effects of different Progressive Era reform movements and reformers. How did they impact Americans? Participant B. Du Bois to the Jim Crow era and Gilded Age. Progressive Era Success or Failure Discussion Web Graphic Organizer, Progressive Era Unit Bundle (U.S. History). Students will compare and contrast newspaper accounts of the Haymarket Riot and Pullman Strike. Organize information on women of the Progressive Era. Analysis: What is a living wage? FALSE 2 Who can report an adverse event (AE)? Includes an overview of reforms including women's rights and the workplace & then focuses on the policies of Roosevelt, Taft & Wilson.The 25 slide PPT lecture will guide students to fill in the worksheet and discuss or write a practice LEQ essay: Analyze the effectiveness of Progressive, This NO-PREP graphic organizer is a FOUR-PAGE document that will help students understand the various topics discussed within the Progressive Era. For more details, please see this page. Included in this zip file is the fill-in the blank notes sheet for students to fill out during the PowerPoint. and they are just being conservative and staying traditional on how weve been doing it for centuries but unlike solar and wind energy. Finally, use your responses to these questions and completed graphic. It covers the accomplishments of the Presidents of the Progressive Era. Students will analyze a secondary source (poem) and three primary sources (Souls of Black Folks, Talented Tenth, and the Atlanta Compromise). Teacher materials for cumulative assessment aligned to the NYS Social Studies Framework and new US History Regents Exam, administered June 2020 onwards. Evaluating Sources: How can the media influence popular opinion? Nous avons rpondu au professeur . Use a variety of sources to complete these graphic organizers (your class notes and classwork, textbooks, etc). Students will complete a graphic organizer, answer reflection questions, and respond to a written task. "Standards:SS.912.A.3: Analyze the transformation of the American economy and the changin, 15+ ready-to use pages on the Progressive Era and the Gilded Age for digital interactive notebooks. This resource covers the progressive amendments through the pure food and drug act. 1890-1920). Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Wells, and Booker T. Washington. Du Bois, Ida B. These individuals (except Washington) are also included within the Peacefield History stations activity about the Progressive Era. This activity is a great addition to your U.S. History study.Included in this ready to use resource:Brief Background information on 8 figures from the eraActivit, I have provided Graphic Organizer Reviews for topics in American History II. You will need to provide your official school email address AND a Google email address. Millcorp sells wetsuits for deep sea divers. Ton frere parle plusieurs langues? If you found an error in the resource, please let us know so we can correct it by filling out this form. Problems at the Turn of the Century Using Evidence: What was the relationship between industrialization, immigration, and urbanization during the Gilded Age? Which of these ideas do you think are. Interactive notebooks are a great tool to keep students organized and engaged in the lesson! Guided Reflection Questions: Progressive means favoring or promoting change towards new ideas. Analysis: Students will compare and contrast the Haymarket Riot, the Homestead Strike, the Pullman Strike, and the Ludlow Massacre. End of Unit Assessments : Unit 5 Synthesis Task. * To be paired with "The Progressive Era - Muckrakers Google Slides Presentation", Introduction:This graphic organizer can be used as an introduction, a supplemental activity alongside teaching the regulations introduced during the Progressive Era, or for review. Student Name:Ana Sanchez Date:10/12/21 Class Period:2 Directions: Use this video and your knowledge of the Gilded Age to fill out the graphic organizer below. Pre-made digital activities. - Social Movements (Civil Rights, Women's Movement etc) Finally, use your responses to these questions and completed, Progressive means favoring or promoting change towards new ideas. Students will analyze a primary source document related to this topic and compare it to modern day living wage debates. Questions: 1. Industrialization & the Gilded Age : Labor Movement. TRUE B. Industrialization & the Gilded Age : Media Bias and Labor Unions. *Also includes popular political cartoons that are usually on assignments/quizzes/tests. Notes follow the "Problem - Muckraker - Progress" pattern throughout. Information to fill in the graphic organizer can be found in your U.S. History textbook, online or in the "Progressiv. How does the media influence politics? Analysis: How did industrialization impact farmers? After you fill out the form, you will receive notification that you have been added to aGoogle Groupcalled"New Visions Social Studies Assessments Access." Progressive Era Reform Movements Graphic Organizer Resources: Progressive Era Reforms Students will analyze social and federal reforms of the Progressive Era, focusing on cause and effect. We encourage teachers to start their planning by looking first at the end of unit assessments and then at specific resources. They are categorized as follows: Do you want to convert your class into a "21st century" learning environment? This activity is great for helping students understand and analyze the main ideas and key points of the Progressive Era (1890-1920). Industrial Revolution & Progressive Era Reform (Distance Learning!) In the nation's growing cities, factory output grew, small businesses flourished, and incomes rose. . The organizers in this resource can be used on their own, or as a supplement to student note. graphic organizers (your class notes and classwork, textbooks, etc). Participant's, Participant Safety & Adverse Events 1A participant missed several study visits and the research site staff becomes aware of a participant's death searching through public records. TPT empowers educators to teach at their best. Works well as a quick textbook free in-class activity, homework, or sub plans. Students will compare and contrast a primary (photograph) and secondary (poem) source to evaluate immigrant experiences upon arrival in America during the gilded age. Homeschool Curricula. Statement During the mid-nineteenth century, white actors wore blackface and performed for white audiences in shows that both were, Why did the US government pursue a two-pronged policy of physical and cultural genocide toward Native Americans? , Getting Started: Resources to Enhance Instruction, Getting Started: Resources for Learning in Remote Classrooms, Unit 9.4: Political Powers and Achievements, Unit 9.5: Social and Cultural Growth and Conflict, Unit 9.7: Transformation of Western Europe and Russia, Unit 9.8: Africa and the Americas Pre-1600, Unit 10.2: Enlightenment, Revolution, and Nationalism, Unit 10.3: Causes and Effects of the Industrial Revolution, Unit 10.5: Unresolved Global Conflict (1914-1945), Unit 10.6: Unresolved Global Conflict (1945-1991), Unit 10.7: Decolonization and Nationalism, Unit 10.8: Tensions Between Cultural Traditions and Modernization, Unit 10.9: Globalization and the Changing Environment, Resources: Regents Prep and Writing Resources for the Global II Exam, Regents Prep: Framework USH Exam: Regents Prep: Framework USH Exam, Add a Copy of Resource to my Google Drive, Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). game, and editable assessment all bound together by daily lesson plans. Students will readexcerpts and review images from Jacob Riis's How the Other Half Lives. Some filters moved to Formats filters, which is at the top of the page. They are also directed to explain the Big Picture and the Signific, - A great activity for students to study the labor movements that occurred during the Progressive Era and some of the leaders-Covers Samuel Gompers, Eugene Debs, Blacklists, Haymarket Affair, and more-Coincides with a PPT-You can print the slides out and laminate them and hang them around the room and allow students to go to different stations to fill out the info. Previous Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire Analysis: How did industrialization and urbanization contribute to the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in 1911? Industrialization & the Gilded Age : Political Cartoons of the Gilded Age. Reform Movements : Pure Food and Drugs Act. ), The Progressive Era - Muckrakers Notes/ Graphic Organizer, The Progressive Era Muckrakers LESSON BUNDLE, Regulations during the Progressive Era Graphic Organizer, Progressive Era in 6 Days Power Point w/ Cornell Notes and Activities BUNDLE, Women of the Progressive Era Graphic Organizers, The Gilded Age and Progressive Era | Digital Learning Activity Bundle, The Progressive Movement Era Reading Passage (PDF and Google Docs Formats), The Progressive Movement Era UNIT BUNDLE (Print and Digital Formats), The Progressive Era Stations Issues and "Solutions" Print / Digital / Assessment, 2nd Half of U.S. History Curriculum for Middle School GROWING BUNDLE, U.S. History Graphic Organizers: Age of Exploration - Obama's Presidency. These graphic organizers and scaffold notes will help you effectively break down complex information for your students. Industrialization & the Gilded Age : Robber barons or Captains of Industry? Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. B. - The Origins of the Progressive Era Progressive Era Worksheet, Muckraker Graphic Organizer, Writing and Key, Regulations during the Progressive Era Graphic Organizer, Progressive Era of Georgia Graphic Organizer, Progressive Era- Imperialism Concept Review Sheet/Graphic Organizer, Plessy vs Ferguson Progressive Era Graphic Organizers FREE SAMPLE. Have students work in groups that include at least one actor from each of the role play vignettes, to complete the table on Handout E. In each group, students discuss the debrief questions from the role play activities and then report to the class on . Cities During the Progressive Era General Motors Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Labor in the Progressive Era The Basics Subject Area(s): 7 . If you click on the "Open in Google Docs" button below and can view the document, then you already have access. Cumulative assessment aligned to the NYS Social Studies Framework and new US History Regents Exam, administered June 2020 onwards. They can also be used after you teach each unit as a study guide. 11.5 - End of Unit Assessment - NYS Framework Aligned - Teacher Materials. A set of readings and a graphic organizer on some of the leading muckrakers, along with a primary source excerpt from Upton Sinclairs The Junglea big hit with the high school set. Use these graphic organizers and the prompts (column titles, labels within the columns) to document the causes and effects of different Progressive Era reform movements and reformers. By the early 20th century, prohibition was a national movement. Also included in:Full Year US History Curriculum No-Prep, Student-Centered Digital & Print, Also included in:US History Gilded Age through Cold War Curriculum Bundle, Also included in:American History Interactive Notebook Graphic Organizers Bundle PART 3, Also included in:Progressive Era and Gilded Age Curriculum Unit Bundle, Also included in:AMSCO AP U.S. History Graphic Organizer Complete Bundle Chapters 1-30, Also included in:SOCIAL STUDIES Projects & Activities | Geography | State, US, and World History. EX: Women's rights, child labor laws This graphic organizer template, along with sample documents, is an easy "first step" towards putting together a strong paper. rcrire Fill in the blanks Activity Instructions Rcrivez ces phrases utilisant des pronoms d'objet direct ou indirect. The era witnessed the . Do you need to update your activities, but don't have the time? The first set is a revised (newer) set that I am currently using. This also includes a video guide for The Progressive Era: Crash Course US History #27, which provides amazing detail and key facts about the era. Also included in:US History Gilded Age through Cold War Curriculum Bundle, Also included in:American History Interactive Notebook Graphic Organizers Bundle PART 3, Also included in:APUSH & US History -"The Progressive Era BUNDLE"-(PPTs, Primary Sources & more! Vous tes all dans le bureau du. Then, they will examine some quotes from those thinkers and determine which individual said which quote. Students will analyze various documents from the women's rights movement and analyze arguments for and against women's suffrage. These advanced organizers, coupled with classroom reading material, will improve student achievement! :)Follow My TPT Store Here :)Pinterest :)How to get TPT credit to use on future purcha, Examine the Progressive Era in America with this no-prep lesson resource! Although this transformation created new economic opportunities, it also created societal problems that were addressed by a variety of reform efforts. Why did they develop different ideas about the role of education and citizenship? ), Also included in:The Progressive Era Muckrakers LESSON BUNDLE, Also included in:Progressive Era in 6 Days Power Point w/ Cornell Notes and Activities BUNDLE, Also included in:The Progressive Movement Era UNIT BUNDLE (Print and Digital Formats), Also included in:2nd Half of U.S. History Curriculum for Middle School GROWING BUNDLE. What patterns or themes do you see emerging from the reform movements of the Progressive Era? These curricular resources explore Progressive Era reforms and associated social movements. . Unit Vocabulary: Vocabulary Review Activity - Mad Libs. Use a variety of. I made these so I could help students focus their reading and to help me grade their notes. Graphic Organizer: How did technology, natural resources, and transportation support the growth of industrialization in America between 1870 - 1910? Other than those sources, additional information may be found at: Political Reforms of the Progressive Era: What issue led Progressive What was the to the need for reform? graphic organizers, use the space below to reflect on the Progressive Era using the guided reflection questions. Infographic: Reform Movements of the Progressive Era | Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History Shop Self-Paced Courses Subscriptions Traveling Exhibitions Gift Shop Education Programs Historical Documents Recognizing Excellence About History Resources Infographic: Reform Movements of the Progressive Era by Gilder Lehrman Institute Staff For more details, please see this page. Analysis: How did industrialization and urbanization contribute to the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in 1911? Students then go on a gallery walk of each others work and reflect on the Progressive Era. Quizzes with auto-grading, and real-time student data. Wilson's Presidency both overlapped with and was in many ways definitive of the politics of the Progressive Era (approx. What were the reforms of the Progressive Era? Materials created by New Visions are shareable under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license; materials created by our partners and others are governedby other license agreements. Progressive means favoring or promoting change towards new ideas. After the graphic organizer is complete, students write a paragraph about a modern-day problem they believe needs reform and how they would . (Answer Key is Included) Students will also be using their prior knowledge of the time period to help with completing the assignment. What reforms did the Populist Party propose? Students will use the evidence gathered from the primary and secondary sources to draft an essay describing the Gilded Age businessman. You can even do one page at a time as bell work or as end-of-class review.It includes the following topics/details:Causes of the Great DepressionHoover YearsProblems for Farmers, Dust Bowl, Discontent/Bonus ArmyFDR's ElectionNew Deal, Agencies, etc.Criticism of FDR & New DealCourt Packing PlanA KEY & PRESENTAT, With this activity, students will watch two videos that discuss three major Black thinkers of the Progressive Era - W.E.B. Students will use evidence from the documents to compare and contrast the National Woman's Party & the National American Woman Suffrage Association. According to exodus 12, for how long are the jews commanded to observe the passover? Students will then use this content as evidence to answer the unit 5 essential questions. Handouts. Use these graphic organizers and the prompts (column titles, labels within the columns) to document the causes and effects of different Progressive Era reform movements and reformers. The term "Progressive" was broadly defined, encompassing a wide array of policies and ideologies - often in contradiction with one another - which sought to mitigate social and economic inequalities at the turn-of-the-20th century. Regulations during the Progressive Era Graphic Organizer by The Rest is History $1.00 Word Document File Introduction:This graphic organizer can be used as an introduction, a supplemental activity alongside teaching the regulations introduced during the Progressive Era, or for review. - Vietnam War to Pr, Content Gilded AgeProgressive EraIda TarbellStandard Oil v. USMuckrakerTenementsJacob RiisHow the Other Half LivesJane Addams (reformer)Hull HouseSettlement HousesMeat Inspection ActPure Food and Drug ActReading Comprehension: The Jungle by Upton SinclairSquare Deal3 Cs of Square DealTrust-BusterSherman-Anti Trust ActPreservationistJohn MuirHetch HetchySierra ClubCoal-Strike of 1902Newlands Reclamation ActJohn Muir Reading Comprehension with QuestionsSherman Anti-Trust ActSquare DealTheodore Ro, Progressive Era Political Cartoons Break In To History *Also includes popular political cartoons that are usually on assignments/quizzes/tests. Great for Google Drive and 1:1 classrooms, this set of pages includes:- clickable graphic organizers for students with color-coded sections- Blue boxes with big ideas for quick identification and analysis- teacher tips- possible responses for notes on the Middle Ages- black-line masters for printing if neededDigital notebook pages are great for differentiating. 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