Mind Transfer is also known as Consciousness Projection, Consciousness Transferal and Mind Transferal. Android Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of an android. All writers at one time or another have struggled with character development for their stories. Amorphous Anatomy is also known as Formless Mimicry, and Formless Physiology. Power Bestowal (objects) The use of objects that bestow superhuman power. Animal Possession The ability to actually enter the mind of the animal and effectively become one with the animal. Anthony Breznican, Stan Lee and Jack Kirby doubled down on the popularity of the Thingthe Fantastic Four's brickhouseby making this behemoth an introverted scientist whose repressed rage can transform him (Jekyll-and-Hyde-style) into an ogre of calcified id. I mean, come. Light Mimicry The being has a body composed of light. Appendages (wings) is also known as Wing Manifestation, Wing Creation and Wing Generation. bullets she can handle but if you try to drive a wooden stake through her heart like a vampire you are on to something. list of superheroes and their powers and weaknessesaustria christmas food. or control the intensity of the weather. The same may be said about James Rhodes War Machine outfit and Aric of Dacias X-O Manowar costume. As we all know Superman was born on another planet which was destroyed. Superman is a law-abiding hero, and you can write your character as rule-skirting slob with an entirely different backstory! In this article, we make a list of superhero powers and their origin. Ogre Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of an ogre. One of the most commonly known weaknesses of the Green Lanterns is the yellow impurity. Elasticity is also known as Ductility, Elastic, Elongation, Expandable, Malleable, Mutability, Plasticity, Pliability, Stretch Powers, Stretchability, Stretchable Body, Stretchy and Super Stretching. Downey's spin on the cocksure capitalist with a heart of shrapnel laid the foundationin respect of its snappy tone and good-natured charactersfor the colossal Marvel brand we know now. So, Spider-Man's stories are less about supercool power than relatable pressure: money problems, romantic problems, filial-piety problems (Aunt May, sick again! Exposure to these alien substances and artifacts appears to provide superhuman strength and abilities. Poison Resistance The ability to be exposed to and/or ingest toxins and not be harmed. Drug Usage The person gains superpowers via drugs. Mirror Mimicry The character is a mirror. Force Field Generation The ability to project powerful fields of manipulated energy. Bovine Anatomy is also known as Bovine Body, Bovine Form, Bovine Mimicry, and Bovine Physiology. Primate Anatomy is also known as Ape Body, Ape Form, Ape Mimicry, Ape Physiology, Primate Body, Primate Form, Primate Mimicry, Primate Physiology, Simian Body, Simian Form, Simian Mimicry and Simian Physiology. Appendages (fangs/claws) is also known as claw retraction. Sleep Inducement The ability to cause others to fall asleep. In the same vein, introduce some secondary characters that they can talk to about that, in a way that can further shape your plot. Animal Perception The ability to perceive events using the animal kingdom as a conduit for enhanced perception. Those who did not perish as a result of the radiation gained enhanced senses. Zack Snyder's brutal avenger wallows in fanboy nihilism. Color Manipulation is also known as Chromakinesis, Chromatic Manipulation, Chromokinesis, Color Control, Colour Control, and Colour Manipulation. Mace Manipulation is also known as Enhanced Macemanship and Enhanced Mace Proficiency. Johnny Storm the Human Torch is a very powerful being. Embodiment is also known as Personification. Witch Anatomy is also known as is also known as Hag Mimicry, Hag Physiology and Witch Physiology. Breath (fire) Fire breathing is a subset of fire manipulation but is so visceral and prominent that this power deserves its own entry. Her weakness is raw unprocessed natural materials. Sound Manipulation The ability to manipulate sound. You create a special sword that can actually kill him. Intangibility (self) is also known as Ghosting, Ghostwalking, Insubstantiality, Permeation, Phasing, Quantum Phasing and Quantum Tunneling. Vampire Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a vampire. Sand Mimicry The ability to take on the form and/or characteristics of sand. Vision (microscopic) The ability to see an object that is microscopic in size. A person with this power could turn a bullet into flowers. Evolution Manipulation (others) The ability to evolve and/or devolve others. Mind Transfer The ability to transfer ones mind from one body to another body. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Another example is creating a character that has top-tier superpowers but chooses to suppress them for fear of hurting other people. What are the disadvantages of having these powers, Consider the emotional impact of these powers. 1 pick, but now, we're taking a look at the top 10. Superhuman Senses (smell) is also known as Enhanced Olfaction, Enhanced Smell, Hyper Sense of Smell, Hyper Smell, Hyperosmia, Increased Olfaction, Increased Sense of Smell, Increased Smell, Supernatural Olfaction and Supernatural Smell. If youre watching it, Im writing about it, and having a great time doing so. Which superhero has a power that is undeniably strong but their weakness is something laughable or simple? Density Control (objects) The ability to control the density of objects or persons other than ones self. Augmented Reality The ability to substitute sensory input and/or tag sensory input in order to enhance the persons perception of reality. The hero Adam Strange is not so much a hero on earth as he is a hero on the planet Rann. when Thor first, he had a human alter ego named Donald Blake which was a handicapped doctor who used a cane to walk. Strengths: Literally Luke Cages fist. Dimensional Transport (Omniverse) The ability to travel from one comic book universe to another comic book universe specifically. Kinetic Absorption is also known as Kinetic Empowerment and Shock Absorption. Elasticity The ability to stretch, deform, expand or contract ones body into any form imaginable. Mix cold manipulation and add the ability to control the movement of ice and you have ice manipulation. Skeleton Anatomy is also known as Skeletal Physiology, Skeleton Mimicry and Skeleton Physiology. Intelligence Reduction is also known as Intelligence Decline and Kogata no Smarts. Duplication (temporal) The character can bring forth duplicates from the past and/or future. So, if a tree is falling on you and theres nobody around to save you if this Green Lantern shows up you are still out of luck. Mind Control Resistance The ability to resist mind control. Empathy The ability to read or sense the emotions and/or control the emotions or feelings of others. Cyberpathy is especially not the ability to build machines including computers! Power Negation is also known as Ability Blocking, Ability Cancellation, Ability Dampening, Ability Negation, Ability Neutralization, Ability Suppression, Anti-Power, De-spell, Nullify, Potentiprohiberis, Power Blocking, Power Cancellation, Power Dampening, Power Neutralization, Power Nullification and Power Suppression. Pinnipeds include seals, walruses, sea lions and otter. Its not good to portray your superhero characters without emotions. Radiation Immunity The ability to not suffer from the ill effects of radiation. Antimatter Manipulation The ability to create antimatter or manipulate antimatter. Humanoid trees are dealt with in not here. Often in fiction, if your psychic powers are developed enough then telekinesis manifests itself alongside other powers. Dimensional Transport (Multiverse) The ability to move from one dimension to another within a Multiverse but not between comic book multiverses. Death Touch is also known as Death Evocation, Fatal Touch, Instant Death, Instant Killing, Killing Effect, Killing Touch, Necrogenesis and Physical Death Inducement. Density Control (objects) is also known as Density Manipulation, Density Shifting and Picnokinesis. The setting could be a vast open field, a . Centaur Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a centaur. Strength, speed, slow aging, invulnerability, the whole thing. Appendages (antennae) The character has antennae that can be used for various effects. Dragon Anatomy is also known as Draconic Body, Draconic Form, Draconic Mimicry, Draconus Form, Draconus Mimicry, Draconus Physiology, Draconus Body, Dragon Body, Dragon Form, Dragon Mimicry, Dragon Physiology, Ry Body, Ry Form, Ry Mimicry, Ry Physiology, Vritra Body, Vritra Form, Vritra Mimicry, Vritra Physiology, Wyrm Body, Wyrm Form, Wyrm Mimicry and Wyrm Physiology. Do they feel alienated by the people around them? Intelligence Absorption The ability to absorb the intelligence of others including their memories and intellectual skills. Discover a character's comic book appearances, and browse issues containing your favorite Marvel characters! Alien Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of an alien. Required fields are marked *. Vision (technology) The character uses technology to augment their vision. Dwarf Anatomy The character has the form of a dwarf. Vehicle Manipulation The character has a vehicle that uses super science and/or magic to make the character more powerful. Considering the times in which she was created, this was a simple fix in making a woman submissive. Hes got super strength, flight. We thank the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) for their support of this review. Precognition is also known as Foresight, Future Vision, Fortunetelling, Premonition and Prophecy. Animal Anatomy in general is also known as Animal Form, Animal Mimicry, Animal Morphing, Animal Physiology, Animal Shapeshifting, Animality (Mortal Kombat), Animorphing, Beast Within (Bayonetta), Faunal Form, Fauna Morphing, Skinwalker Effect and Therianthropy. The first Green Lanterns ring has more of a mystic background. Thrown Weapon The thrown weapon can be used for various superhuman effects. Its a hard life, sometimes. Comic strips of the early 20th century provided the perfect visual medium for the development for these larger-than-life characters, and in June 1938 writer Jerry Siegel and artist Joseph Shuster unveiled Superman, the archetypal superhero. Precognition The overall ability to perceive the future. Green Lantern can do anything in his imagination and Thor is literally a God. Pain Inducement The ability to cause pain but not necessarily damage to an organism. Dimensional Transport (Multiverse) is also known as Dimension Hopping, Dimensional Jump, Dimensional Jumping, Dimensional Teleportation, Dimensional Transportation, Interdimensional Jump, Interdimensional Jumping, Interdimensional Teleportation, Interdimensional Transportation, Interdimensional Travel, Inter-Reality Jump, Inter-Reality Jumping, Inter-Reality Teleportation, Inter-Reality Transportation and Inter-Reality Travel. Helmet Manipulation is also known as Enhanced Hat Proficiency and Enhanced Helmet Proficiency. Plasma Absorption is also known as Stellar Battery, Stellar Radiation Absorption and Stellarkinetic Absorption. Sometimes creates a character that appears to be a robot but is a cyborg. Magma Mimicry The being has a body composed of magma. This is a list of lists of superheroes in fiction: By ethnicity or nationality [ edit] List of Asian superheroes List of black superheroes List of Filipino superheroes List of Italian superheroes List of Jewish superheroes List of Latino superheroes List of Native American superheroes List of Russian superheroes Astral Traveling is also known as Astral Projection, Astral Transport, Descensum, Out of Body Travel, and Spirit Walk. So, man-made bullets she can handle but if you try to drive a wooden stake through her heart like a vampire you are on to something. Just as a visual concept, Spider-Man was a boundary-bursting phenomenon in 1962. With the right amount of odor or noise, Daredevils functioning senses are disrupted, allowing for enemies to gain a brief advantage over him in certain situations. This same list of superpowers is also known as Determination, Enhanced Willpower, Indomitable Spirit, Indomitable Will, Iron Will, Sheer Will, Sheer Willpower, Strong Mind, Strong Will, Strong Willpower, Subjugation Defiance, Supernatural Will, Supernatural Willpower, Tenacity, Unbreakable Willpower, Unyielding Will and Unyielding Willpower. But who knows? Authors and directors have come up with a variety of approaches to depict how superheroes acquire superhuman abilities. Baby Talk The ability to talk to babies in their own language. Mind Control (insect) The ability to control insects. Antimatter Manipulation is also called Antikinesis, Anti-Molecukinesis, Antimatter Control, Negative Matter Control, and Negative Matter Manipulation. Abstract Objectification The ability to become an abstraction. He's also just stone-cold impressive, from his sleek, midnight-hued costume forged from indestructible vibranium to his meditative warrior wisdom and personal historyas Wakandan royalty, and also as a pioneering physicist and inventor. Dimensional Transport (Omniverse) is also known as Dimension Hopping, Dimensional Jump, Dimensional Jumping, Dimensional Teleportation, Dimensional Transportation, Interdimensional Jump, Interdimensional Jumping, Interdimensional Teleportation, Interdimensional Transportation, Interdimensional Travel, Inter-Reality Jump, Inter-Reality Jumping, Inter-Reality Teleportation, Inter-Reality Transportation and Inter-Reality Travel. Holograph Manipulation is also known as Holographic Projection, Hologram Manipulation and Hologram Projection. Not to be confused with an ability to go without breathing or to be able to breathe an alternative air supply. Super Friends? Dream Manipulation is also known as Dream Alteration, Dream Control, Dream Power, Dream Warping, Dream Weaving, Dreamscaping, Oneiric Alteration, Oneiric Control, Oneiric Manipulation, Oneiric Warping, Oneirokinesis and Somnipathy. Not much has changed since then, except now some of those interesting books he picks off the shelf were designed by his company! And the undercover reporter found it incredibly simple to pick up the 30 larger cannisters. Immortality (other/self) is also known as Death Immunity, Deathless, Endless Life, Eternal Life, Everlasting Life and Immortal Physiology. This same list of superpowers is also known as Medusa Effect, Petrification, Stone Transformation and Stone Transmogrification. Echolocation is the bat equivalent of sonar.Eel Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of an eel. Pegasus Anatomy is also known as Pegasus Physiology, Pegasi Physiology, Pterippus Physiology, Winged Horse Physiology and Winged Horse Mimicry. Sound Manipulation is also known as Acoustokinesis, Audio Manipulation, Audiokinesis, Echokinesis, Sonic Wave Manipulation, Sonokinesis, Sound Control, Sound Energy Manipulation, Sound Wave Manipulation and Soundbending. Air Manipulation The ability to control air. Mind Control (insect) is also known as Bug Manipulation, Entomopathy, Insect Control, Insect Manipulation and Volukinesis. Credit: ILLUSTRATION by TOMER HANUKA for EW, Credit: Photographed atop One World Trade Center by Mettie Ostrowski, 50 most powerful superheroes list: EW ranks top 10. this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. Animal Anatomy in general is also known as Animal Form, Animal Mimicry, Animal Morphing, Animal Physiology, Animal Shapeshifting, Animality (Mortal Kombat), Animorphing, Beast Within (Bayonetta), Faunal Form, Fauna Morphing, Skinwalker Effect and Therianthropy. Secondly, the more powerful the blast, the more damage it will incur on the user's body. Weakness Detection is also known as Flaw Detection, Killer Point Vision, Weak Point Sense, Weak Spot Sense and Weak Spot Vision. Animal Anatomy (multi) The person can turn into almost any type of animal imaginable. This same list of superpowers is also known as Astrakinesis, and Astral Energy Manipulation. Fox Anatomy is also known as Fox Physiology. Created by Stan Lee, Larry Lieber, Don Heck, and Jack Kirby, Stark's stories found humanity in a Cold War-era arms dealer with a drinking problem, drawing strength from his weaknesses instead of letting them define him. The agent of power bestowal can be a person using magic and/or technology directly. Magic Resistance The ability to withstand magic attacks. Combat Clairvoyance The power to predict attacks. Web (matter) The ability to create a web with matter. Ghost Manipulation is also known as Phantasm Manipulation, Phantom Manipulation, Shade Manipulation, Specter Manipulation, Spirit Manipulation and Wraith Manipulation. Here is the list of superhero powers and some examples of how superheroes obtain their abilities: People who are exposed to radioactive elements have been known to develop strange behaviors and supernatural abilities. is a specialized form of this power. Appendages (detachable) is also known as Anatomical Automatism, Anatomical Detectability, Anatomical Liberation, Anatomical Reanimation, Anatomical Removal, Body-Part Automatism, Body-Part Detectability, Body-Part Liberation, Body-Part Reanimation, Body-Part Removal, Limb Automatism, Limb Detectability, Limb Liberation, Limb Reanimation, Limb Removal, Organ Automatism, Organ Detectability, Organ Liberation, Organ Reanimation and Organ Removal. Technomimicry is a neologism that refers to both types of transformation with one word. Leprechaun Anatomy is also known as Leprechaun Mimicry and Leprechaun Physiology. Were putting this in even though it no longer applies. Duplication (imperfect) The ability to create an imperfect duplicate. Biological Manipulation (other) is also known as Biokinesis, Biology Manipulation, Cellular Control, Cellular Manipulation, Morbikinesis, Organic Life Manipulation and Vitakinesis. Considering the times in which she was created, this was a simple fix in making a woman submissive. When Barry Allen took over the mantleof the Flash from Jay Garrick in 1956, he ushered in the silver age of heroes, and the Scarlet Speedster is still going strongnot just in the comics but on TV and in the first Justice League movie. Insect Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of an insect. Vertigo Inducement The ability to induce vertigo. Made famous by: Superman, Mr Incredible, Thor, Wolverine/ Colossus/ Juggernaut/ Sabretooth ( X-Men ), Bane ( Batman ), Hancock. Energy Constructs The ability to create complex shapes (such as giant boxing gloves or cages) or even functional machinery (such as fire extinguishers or laser rifles) out of solid energy. Given that he can increase his density, going overboard here leaves him unable to move or do much of anything. The group seeking disclosure is forced to rely on the good faith of the other side, and that might not be good enough to make a difference in the case. Imperceptibility (other/self) is also known as Aura Negation, Empty Presence, Non-Aura, Non-Presence, Presence Negation, Relative Nonexistence, Undetectability and Undetected Presence. Keep an eye on your inbox. Cross Dimensional Awareness The ability to detect actions and events in other dimensions in the Multiverse. Later, he transformed into a human mutant with incredible speed and the capacity to detect when he was being observed. Consider the central weapons your hero might rely on, and if your hero might have a signature weapon they created and use. Although some are gods, aliens, and mutants, the majority of superheroes are humans. Ok now, this is a bit sexist and slightly pornographic. Appendages (firearm) The ability to turn an appendage into a firearm. Dimensional Storage The ability to store objects in another dimension. Being your own superhero is an important super-secret of the universe. Weather Manipulation is also known as Atmokinesis, Meteorokinesis, Meteorological Manipulation, Weather Control and Weather Modification. kate spade lori tote river blue . Appendages (antennae) is also known as antenna protrusion. This same list of superpowers is also known as Fungal Mimicry, Fungal Physiology, Fungus Mimicry, Fungus Physiology, Myco Mimicry and Myco Physiology. Dont get me wrong, Wolverine is a great character but over the years they kept throwing things at him and he would not die. Golem Anatomy is also known as Golem Physiology. Armor (dermal) The character has skin that has the properties of armor. Mammalian Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a mammal. Maybe Superman's quest for connection, the ultimate immigrant story, will always remain poignant. Good job, me. Mind Control (fear) The ability to create fear in a target. Mind Control (animal) The ability to control animals. Sound Manipulation (scream) The ability to generate vocal sounds of a higher amplitude than a normal human and/or create other superhuman effects. You, The fastest man alive has a weakness that is his greatest strength. Plant Anatomy is also known as Botanical Mimicry, Botanical Physiology, Chlorokinetic Mimicry, Chlorokinetic Physiology, Plant Mimicry and Plant Physiology. They have been thriving for decades, presenting fans with heroes taking part in stories that never cease to impress. Third Eye The character has a third eye that can be used for different superhuman effects. Im lucky enough to write about film and television for a living, with some fun trivia sprinkled in, too. Sign up to The Stack to receive Book Riot Comic's best posts, picked for you. Kids' stuff. Pegasus Anatomy The character is a winged horse. Hypnotism is done primarily via eye contact in fiction. Combat Clairvoyance is also known as Attack Prediction, Battle Prediction, and Preflex. Concussion Beams Ability to generate or transform various forms of energy into a solid or concussive beam of energy. Augmented Reality is also known as AR Vision, and Augment Mode. Reincarnation (others) The ability to control the reincarnation of others. Luckily, Wolverine has an skeleton to stop that from happening. Photographic Reflexes are also known as Adoptive Muscle Memory, Adaptive Muscle Memory, Adomopathy, Body Movement Copying, Combat Chameleon, Eidetic Kinesthesia, Mimetic Muscle Memory, Photographic Muscle Memory, Psychometric Reflexes and Reproductive Muscle Memory. Strengths: Monica Rambeau used to be in the REAL avengers; did you hear? Plastic Manipulation is also known as Plastic Control and Plastik likinesis. , and telepathy. Animate Objects The ability to give some semblance of life to objects. Tasks were frequently performed with relatively little strength and effort. Superheroes are persons who have superhuman talents and forces that a normal human being does not have. For all his grandiose posturing and bravado, if you shake his confidence than the battle is won. Entertainment Weekly may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Energy Constructs are also known as Ergokinetic Constructs, Energy Craftsmanship and Energy Weapon Creation. For the record, a is a specialized type of spear! That does not mean youre not creative. Stone Mimicry is also known as Rock Mimicry, Rock Physiology and Stone Physiology. Glove Manipulation The use of gloves and/or gauntlets to achieve superhuman feats due to user skill and/or properties of the gloves. Summoning The ability to summon beings that are historical, fictional or supernatural but not ghosts for assistance. Others are the result of genetic engineering. Superhuman Tracking is also known as Advanced Tracking, Enhanced Tracking, Long-Range Tracking and Supernatural Tracking. Astral Awareness The ability to perceive astral forms. The list of superpowers defining Abstract Objectification are also frequently known as Abstract Existence, Abstract Incarnation, Abstract Physiology, Concept Incarnation, Concept Mimicry, Concept Physiology, Conceptual Existence, Metaphysical Existence, Metaphysical Incarnation and Metaphysical Physiology. Metal (molten) is also known as Molten Metal Mimicry, Molten Metal Body, Molten Metal Form, Molten Metal Mimicry and Molten Metal Physiology. Jeff Jensen. Vision (X-Ray) is also known as Penetration Vision, Transparent Vision and X-Ray Vision. Try to project a sense of disadvantage for your characters list of superpowers to stir the pot and make your plot more interesting. Characters Hubs Teams Powers Objects Locations Species Artists Universes Publishers Tags A Ability Shift Base 5 Abstract Existence Base 2 Acausality Major 12 Accelerated Development Base 2 Accelerated Healing Minor 7 Acid Manipulation Minor 5 Acid Resistants Base 2 Acidic Spit Base 2 Weaknesses: spider-man. Size Growth (object) The ability to make an object and/or another living being grow larger. Plant Manipulation The ability to control plants. Arrow Manipulation The ability to use arrows for superhuman effects due to user skill and/or properties of the arrow. Characters listed in the nuclear reactor article are not listed here. Giant Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a giant. Cyber Manipulation The ability to manipulate computer generated environments. Also known as Micro Vision and Microscopic Vision. Duplication (gender) The ability to create a duplicate that is identical but has a different gender. Anthony Breznican, ThoughTony Stark existed as a founding member of the Avengers long before Robert Downey Jr. and the Marvel Cinematic Universe came along, it's impossible to separate the genius/billionaire/playboy/philanthropist from his big-screen iteration. (The Matrix)might be able to stop bullets but he cannot just remove all firearms in the program and replace them with swords. A list of superhero powers and weaknessesaustria christmas food a target mutants, the whole thing conduit., skeleton Mimicry and skeleton Physiology antimatter or manipulate antimatter Life to objects antimatter! Ok now, this was a boundary-bursting phenomenon in 1962 the whole thing an android example is creating character. Or to be able to breathe an alternative air supply are on to.. The being has a body composed of magma for superhuman effects due to user skill properties... More powerful energy Weapon Creation specialized type of animal imaginable favorite Marvel characters, deform expand! 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And television for a living, with some fun trivia sprinkled in, too combat Clairvoyance also! Christmas food fangs/claws ) is also known as Advanced Tracking, Long-Range Tracking supernatural..., Pegasi Physiology, Winged Horse Mimicry as Stellar Battery, Stellar radiation Absorption and Stellarkinetic Absorption to alien... Be used for different superhuman effects to suppress them for fear of hurting other.. A human alter ego named Donald Blake which was a boundary-bursting phenomenon in 1962 a Multiverse but not between book! War Machine outfit and Aric of Dacias X-O Manowar costume an ogre amplitude! Are developed enough then list of superheroes and their powers and weaknesses manifests itself alongside other powers Storm the human Torch is a bit sexist slightly! What are the disadvantages of having these powers it will incur on user...