Ive seen that happen. You need to stay with Gods Word and not try to get in my personal business. There are many factors that make up the growing apostasy and seduction of the church. True Revival in the Midst of Persecution The World Will Not Love True Revival imparting the anointing, apostolic covering ball cap This is what Bill and others in his movement teacha Church fully empowered, fully representing on earth the way things are in heavenjust like Jesus did, in exactly the same way. NEVER, means not for a single minute. This is called the millenium. Anyone who teaches that is wrong and mislead. Ivar said: No end of telling people the truth will change their hearts: I cannot understand why people dont crave truth as I do, nor understand the fascination for worshipping other people, be they Christian, or celebrity. I have heard a number of Bills teachings and always found them to be interesting and sometimes exciting interpretings of scripture. They like glitter, oil on hands, gold teeth, coins on the walls, weird personal prophecy etc. mystical schools Pure religion and undefiled before GOD The Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction and to keep oneself uncontaminated by the world. (James 1:27). His teaching is based on the belief that Christians can reign on Earth as Kings, without the King of Kings present. 2. Acts 4:12, HOME Prosperity Gospel Preachers. They are, Joel Osteen, Leroy Thompson, Kenneth Copeland and Creflo Dollar. She was born in Venda, Limpopo, where she got her primary and secondary education, as well as tertiary studies. five layer toke crawling around on hands and knees (also wearing a leash) I know that God is all powerful and can choose to reveal Himself to His sons and daughters in any way He wants to. Alphabetical Listing. But Im wondering how youre discerning every single manifestation (at least thats what it seems like) as being demonic. loaded with the revelation beer of heaven permiwhacked on the gospel of Jesus Christ Longing to be with the Messiah, who will come back and rescue you. Once again, Come out from among those who are destroying Creation and perverting that which is Spirit. But be aware of the high danger of deception. We can be sincere and we can be sincerely wrong. When such false teachers see true Christians exposing false teachers, they are up in arms: They say: Do not judge, because you (might) sin against the Holy Spirit. By far. God is infinite! We are not to strive for political power, worldly power. )Satan became the god of this world due to Adam's sin, "Adam committed high treason and sold . naughty stuff in Jesus name * Armageddon is the ongoing battle between the forces of light and darkness. You are supposed to know the truth, and to tell the truth. The Norwegian Christian Daily has quoted Johnson saying. smoking the Holy Spirit crack pipe in Papas pleasureland To rule in the midst of your enemies.I dont know bill johnson, and i did not say anything about political power. Indigenous Peoples Movement Satan can only make counterfeits of what God does but he most certainly cannot emulate Gods limitless power. Temptation. A party animal, entertainer, cool guy, close friend etc etc all the trendy stuff. > of the way that there step mother treat them and they decide to go on the laid-down lover of Jesus The Charlatan is the person who uses Christianity as a means of personal enrichment. I cant speak for the beliefs of the others you mention, since I dont know them, but I think you are very wrong in Judging Bill Johnson. Bernard Aaron Crabb Aaron Horton Aaron Lindsay Aaron Matti Aaron McManus Aaron Perdue Aaron Sherron Aaron Shust Aaron Snow Aaron Stutz Aaron Walter Aaron Williamson AB Platinum Ab Meerbeek Abby Abildness Abe Huber Abel Moreetsi Abemo Ezung Abi Stumvoll Abner Cavan Abner Chi Abraham Keller Abraham Olaleye Abraham Alex Tanuseputra NEW! I just See the fruits of the work of Todd Bentley, Rick joyner, Che Ahn, Bill Johnson and Otters and Start to Wonder wether the Devil would Accept so much damage to his Kingdom. Satans efforts to play wiser than God backfired. holy intoxication I have to question your true motives to be brutally frank. Jesus demonstrated the Kingdom of heaven on earth wherever He went. If you claim that your hand has never lead you into sin, than you are a liar and a hypocrite. You are not her to gain popularity, collect millions of dollar, and live a life in deception and indulgences. Please do not be insulted by everyone that do not agree with you. One of the most controversial tenets of the theology is the belief that secular or non-Christian society will never succeed, since, according to their beliefs, the only valid legislation, social theory, spiritual beliefs, and economic theory are those derived from the Bible. to them, God is no more than a cool dude waving a peace sign, and a fellow goatee-wearing, earring-dangling beatnik with a good sense of humor. But when Jesus comes back, many claimed to be born-agains will get the ultimate shock of their life. I dont follow prosperity teachers. Thank you for sharing that with me, my friend! If not I would have been like a hired man, that either run away or corrupt my self when I am challenged. Ministries), Ian Andrews (International Association of Healing Ministries), LaNora Van Ardsall . I have heard a number of Bills teachings and always found them to be interesting and sometimes exciting interpretings of scripture. If you have compromised, and tell the rosy, glossy copy of the Gospel, the whole world will love you. The problem with following a copy-cat Jesus, is that such followers believe they are saved. If we are kings, we can not rule the earth before the King of Kings returns as King Messiah. Professor Avni was the Head of Archaeology Survey of Israel. So is God of the Bible behind this movement, or is it Satan? New Medical Codes for COVID Vaccination Status Raise Concerns Among Experts And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself. On may be, the carrot before the rabbit!, Am called LUZINDA the head of .Hendrickson ministry Ugandaand the Be not of those who are destroying HIS Creation(land, air, water, vegetation, creatures) and perverting that which is Spirit(Light, Truth, Life, Love, Peace, Hope, Mercy, Faith, .etc.)! The damage caused by these men and women to individuals, families, and the cause of Christ is beyond words. Then Jesus said to his disciples, Truly I tell you, it is hard for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven. There are many reasons why people think they are smarter and more wise than Jesus. You are supposed to be a hated being, persecuted by the Kingdom of darkness. But my family and friends would tesify it has been the best thing I ever did! drinking in the cemetery First African-American church, founded by Rev. I guess to insult you means one gets to have brute lies spoken about them. What were the sceptics saying on the morning of Pentecost? Ill just let it slide away. The Kingdom of God is RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE AND JOY IN THE HOLY SPIRIT. Gloria said: OUR WEBSITES. Copyright 2002-2023. People who loose control in Holy laughter have been filled with a false Holy Spirit, that comes from a the Kundalini cult within Hinduism. God says in Isaiah 66:3-5, I will choose their delusions. I believe that is the reason for so much confusion, false theology, and apostasy today. So miracles or a sign is no confirmation that God of the Bible is behind them. We sadly see this dangerous development in Sweden as well especially affecting our young people. farming, hiv/aids and women peace building programme which we can send them to Then Jesus said to his disciples, Truly I tell you, it is hard for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven. India. There have been no sign of repentance. I noticed you have made the comment more than once about your not owning anything. Bill Johnson and Rick Joyner are a couple of others. swimming in the fatty-ashes of the Lord Jesus 4. Here is a list of what all blasphemers have in common, whether or not they claim to be Christian: but in reality, in these last days it is they who are lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power; avoid such men as these (2 Timothy 3:1-5). Peace, in spite of the dis-ease(no-peace) that is of this world and its systems of religion, for the WHOLE world is under the control of the evil one indeed and Truth. Much emphasis on totally unecessary spiritual warfare, prayer houses etc. Its a false Holy Spirit. 2. monkey bliss bombs I am assuming that wherever Bill Johnson travels and teaches, he is invited there to do so by people who know him and his background. What did you cut your hand off?. Thank you for your reply. Ralph Douglas West is founder and senior pastor of The Church Without Walls in Houston, which has grown from 32 members to more than 24,000 families. I have seen cult-like behaviors arise recently in local bodies that teach this ideology and it is very concerning. Than it will be impossible to debate with you. pastor. But people like Johnson, do travel the World to preach, pray and anoint people who do not know His record. Kingdom Now theology states that Satan has ruled the world since the fall of Adam and Eve from Eden. If we hide or deny our sins, we become hypocrites. Cell no -9494539574. The pastor now owns a bulletproof Rolls-Royce Phantom, a $65 million G550 luxury jet, a Land Rover Discovery, and a Mercedes-Benz Gelandewagen. buttery, intoxicating glory If Ive upset you, Im sorry, but I felt it needed saying. in our church apart from preaching the gospel of jesus christ we are doing the economic empowerment, training the members who to be rich in bible way just as it written in the book of 8:18 at the same time we have pastors felowship we train pastors in good gorvance. They are using it to reach the lost. God clearly demonstrated Who was in charge and booted Satan and one-third of the angels out of heaven (Ezekiel chapter 28; Genesis chapter 3; Isaiah chapter 14; Revelation chapter 12). There are many rich Christians. Hey. Very hard, but of course not totally impossible. Christ made the point that arguing is bringing division into the church. (LogOut/ The main problem that I see with prosperity gospel teachers is that they put the cart before the horse. When does the Kingdom come? Of course we will be persecuted, Jesus promised that, but he still gave us a commission and equipped us to carry it out. Thank you loveandtruth for your comments. What Christian Leaders and Pastors Need to Know - The Final Outcome of Practicing Contemplative Prayer LTRP Note: With the majority of Christian colleges and seminaries now bringing in contemplative spirituality via Spiritual Formation programs, and with Christian leaders such as Rick Warren and Beth Moore endorsing the movement . * The Antichrist is a spirit, not a person. religion is crap By David Dombrowski Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ: That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of [Read more] Alf Magnus is the head of Youth With a Mission in Northern Europe, and took 100 Norwegian Christian leaders on a mission to Toronto a few years ago. God does not bring punishment in form of natural calamities, storms, sickness and problems. You know of the persecution of the anabaptist about 200.000 were killed in Europe because the did not baptize children. Any riches he preached was the joy of knowing God and living with a constantly renewed mind just as the bible teaches. Birthplace: Noyon, France. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.. If the answer is yes, we better become aware of their classical ID-marks. Eating a spiritual meal is like eating Fish. However the following article is a close to defining what Kingdom Now theology teaches. Jesus warned us about massive deception just before He returns. The big thing with this list is that I asked people making recommendations to focus on preachers who aren't "big names." The preachers below lead churches across the spectrum in terms of sizesome big and some not so big. The truth is that they them selves sin against the Holy Spirit, by letting the wolfs come inside the shepherds flock. my god bless you. Even after you were saved. Prakasam Dt , A.P. Toronto Blessing ByGeorgi P. Vins(Pastor in USSR who spent 8 years in Soviet prison camps for his faith | Author ofThe Gospel in Bonds) Revival At the beginning of the 1960s, the Lord sent a spiritual revival among the Evangelical Baptists1 of the Soviet Union. For a better experience please change your browser to CHROME, FIREFOX, OPERA or Internet Explorer. blowing the Holy Ghost Your question regarding if God punishes trough natural calamities can be found both Yes and No in the Bible in the OT you would find several Yes, in the NT the teachings of Jesus would lead many to say No. Keep the good stuff and throw Away the Bones. whacked-out on Jesus Among these are Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I have handed over to Satan, so that they will be taught not to blaspheme (1 Timothy 1:18-20). Tell me how that shows Christs love, or builds unity in the body? Receive many Christian greetings in the most precious name of our Lord and savior Jesus. blitzed on the anointing I understand what the bible teaches about honor, but where are the passages about creating a culture? I am not going to claim to have any knowledge on the subject because I have never experienced it. Hes longing for our final attention he wants us totally surrendered to him he wants us to lean on him the lord wants that special relationship with you. The worldly systems are the creation of, and under the dominion of the god of this world, he who is the father of lies, he who has blinded the minds of those who believe not The Messiah! To whom it may concern: what you are going to read is a true story that has happened to me and my wife. the apostle wasnt negating their importance, he was just telling the church that there was more concerning their righteousness and identity that he could not yet teach them because they still did not have a form handle on the basics. Our church looks also for any exchange programme with you. In the area of health, we working on prevention, and care and support and, health centre establishment. How to Strengthen the Faith of Our Children & Grandchildren With 5-Minute Conversations by T.A. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. Ive also watched hours upon hours of his sermon videos and not once heard that mentioned. I only gave you scripture. toking the Ghost Correct docrine alone will not save one single person in fact those who really knew everything in detailed and warned everyone were well you know who they were. And be sure to thrown everyone with the gift of discernment under the buss. too drunk in the Spirit to drive Healing and Restoration at Blairmore House, Christians Together in the Highlands and Islands. I am not speaking sarcastically. He walk in the same spirit. throwing the mind through the Spirit Manifest Sons of God Jonathan Birt, son of Lord Birt, late of the BBC and now the government's transport guru, converted in 1997. indeed it IS a new-age spirit, preparing for antichrist. that we are all one body. Or growth based on deception like teaching of prosperity and Kingdom Dominion theology. Dont go beyond Gods Word. I do not know how much gold or money your have stored up. The subsequent evaluations that have been done reveal that projects have had significant impact in the community. You do not show scriptures that say to we are commanded to do what they did in the time of Acts when they shared everything in common. dreuling (slobbering) in the spirit He founded Cornerstone Church at Castle Hills in 1987. silly for da Lord And that's beside the specific topic of friendship cited earlier. Please do not be insulted by everyone that do not agree with you. General Butt Naked. The focus is on them because they are as Jesus is, and being divine, they can speak things into existence that were not, but only God can do that. The most important verse teachers like Bill Johnson use in a bid to catch you is: Already you have all you want! whacked up on the cross of Jesus Christ High Priest of bliss Earl Paulk, a major fixture in the Assemblies of God traveling-preacher circuit, is again mentioned as the possible inventor of the term "Kingdom Now Theology" (which is often used as a synonym . holy laughter hissing like snakes Jesus says And if your eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. He has the Word of Faith teachers as mentors. As I look through your web site I feel a collaboration is at hand. There is no end of this kind of deception. This is the most common topic. Those are far more important, and yet when they come, those in darkeness will no doubt find some scientific logical explanation for those! On detail he may possibly get it slightly off key, on this I could not be sure. Maybe one of the problems is that we can only discern whats happening outwardly when the Holy Spirit manifests like this, and not inside the person. Yours Gregor. I pray for you, that you would not diminish in peoples minds the power of Gods Holy Spirit to transform both spiritually and physically. We have been given the Bible as our reference, and our protection so we will not be lead astray. Prominent adherents of those ideologies include Calvinist Christian reconstructionism, Charismatic and Pentecostal Kingdom Now theology, and the New Apostolic Reformation. 4. Their terms and words would be filled with honor, respect, and humility for the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (John 8:42-44). For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. Many Pastors have tried their best to explain that this verse, does not mean what Jesus said: When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he had great wealth. I am an editor for Christian.com which is a social network dedicated to the christian community. David danced before the Lord and told his scolding wife that he would get even more undignified than that. They do not labor or spin. And what did Jesus say about the truth? Obama, the pope and Bill Johnson. There is a lot of talk about the Culture of Honor. If you would like your pastor or a church leader to begin receiving these mailings, please send the name and a valid mailing address to us at editors@lighthousetrails.com.The names and addresses on this list will remain confidential. If we see something strange, do we just assume its from Satan? I am not saying you shouldnt warn the sheep of false doctrine, by all means we are called as spiritual leaders to protect our brothers and sisters in Christ from such things. God of the Bible can not do everything. T. D. Jakes Program: Triumph Over Trials, The Potter's Touch with T.D. Thanks For the blogs, we should start a prayer chain for this man Jesus would like that, he died for him too. the gospel is pure laughter! How many prosperity teachers do you see claiming to love Jesus Christ and riding around in $100,000 Mercedes living in mansions while children are starving in poor countries? holy electrical buzz Photo courtesy: Thinkstockphotos.com. possessed by Mr. Bliss Chris, I urge you in love to leave this false movement. Simply, all other religions are impure, defiled and of this wicked, evil world! Their movement, which Christerson and Flory called "Independent Network Charismatic" or "INC" Christianity, has become one of the fastest-growing faith groups in the United States. Gibson was onstage January 5 at a "Prayer to Save America" event billed as a combination worship service and rally for Trump the day before congressional certification of the electoral votes. Apostolic finger (gesture with middle fingers), smoking Jehovahjuana And yes, these were real scenarios. If were not experiencing joy and real freedom when Jesus has paid the ultimate price for us, set us free from sin, restored us spiritually and physically, sealed us with the Holy Spirit, and repaired our relationship with the father, and declared us righteous apart from the law that requires works then maybe theres a problem. Once when we were going to the place of prayer, we were met by a slave girl who had a spirit by which she predicted the future. meth anointing (crystal meth) So a Church were everything is possible, will very easily fall prey to the Devils tactics. The Apostles didnt seem to mind and Luke liked the story so well, he put in the Book of Acts as a work that Jesus did through the Holy Spirit. Mark 13:13 So we really need to test the teaching. Jesus is my drug That ALL who follow Jesus will be hated by the whole World, and many called home to Heaven in their young age. https://ivarfjeld.wordpress.com/2012/10/02/andre-strom-warns-against-bill-johnson-and-todd-benthely/, https://ivarfjeld.wordpress.com/2011/11/04/worshiping-the-new-age-gods-of-the-air/, https://ivarfjeld.wordpress.com/2012/09/25/more-shocking-falsehood-found-inside-churches/. Many of the current GOP in high level positions, and some members of Trump's staff are actively trying to install dominionist doctrine into our laws. Apostolic Movement . Sins against the holy Spirit (and His movements, possibly) can Not Be forgiven in eternity. the real gospel, not the do-it-yourself kind, inhaling the Holy Ghost I realized the true love of God and became much closer to Christ and am a more loving person. It is really tragic and dangerous that thes false spirit are spreading troughout many denominations in Norway, as well as the whole Christian world. Praise the lord. He is very scriptural, Bible based and sees more healings and miracles and salvations than most others churches in Redding combined. You should be more careful in what you say Jesus says. i am pastor from INDIA i am working among the tribals and villagers and please do pray for us and we do pray for you and yopur ministry. These are People Full of Love for the Lost and Not for the devils works. Christians become "gods". But Satans days are numbered. You have become kingsand that without us! What if that person shaking is having an encounter with God and is being radically healed and shown his or her identity in Christ? It is not a sin to remain rich. Drunkenness is a sin. I heard similar types of criticism of certain popular worship churches and their original songs. Ivar said: Hopefully you will not sin with your eyes, nor sin with your hand. This is part of a completed and growing list found on the Preachers and Teachers page. So you want me to cut my hands off, Ivar? Dominionism Im trying to show you truth from Gods Word. If we are not careful the restraints of culture can strip of of our liberty and freedom in Christ. All who have endorsed a man like Todd Bentley as a Christian, have no discernment at all. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell.. It is called impartation, and given by laying of hands, or by praying for the same anointing. Jesus himself was often called demon possessed. Gods people is suffering defeat for a LACK OF KNOWLEDGE. Bill Johnson just held his much marketed meeting in the Norwegian pentecostal Church of Oslo. We are working in between trible people.like labadi, koya boya chunchu yerukala yanadi communites. Daniel 9:2 Thousands of years ago, Satan, a former anointed cherubim angel, was convinced he could raise his throne above the stars of God and make himself like the Most High. I guess you should pluck out your eyes and cut off your hands too? Because of them hundreds of thousands are being saved, healed and set free. If God were their Father, they would love and understand Jesus Christ. For there are many rebellious men, empty talkers and deceivers, especially those of the circumcision, who must be silenced because they are upsetting whole families, teaching things they should not teach for the sake of sordid gain (Titus 1:10-11). I respect that so much! I immediately knew I had judged wrongly. I my self own nothing. The main Hindu spirit that moves within Christianity is the Kundalini spirit. He chose to be mistreated along with the people of God rather than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a short time. Jesus preached the Gospel of the Kingdom and the apostles preached the gospel of the Kingdom. But if you cannot talk with people check out the fruit of their lives. blissed out on the God of ecstasy The post Pensacola Christian College Cancels Kings Singers Concert Over [Homosexual] Lifestyle' appeared first on Lighthouse Trails Research Project. Who can argue that the Apostle Paul was not the most effective preacher of the Word. He baptized people in the name of Father, son and BAM. The earth is the Lords and the fullness thereof, Evangelicalin, of, or according to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the literal teachings of the Holy Bible. (Evangelical preacher, writer and former warlord best known for his role during the First Liberian Civil War) 19. The Jesus I serve seems to be much more occupied about my heart than the money belt I am carrying. Birthdate: July 10, 1509. Bro. True Christians give, and do not expect returns. You said: A lying deceptive spirit has wormed its way into churches a religious spirit has formed were gods people are using grace as a get out of jail card but the lord sees all. Melchi = king and zadoc = Priest sorry about the spelling not my strong suit. chittemrajaiah. False prophet deceiver. drunken evangelism is dominion evangelism To this end, the church must be placed in order by coming under the authority of present-day apostles and prophets. The conference will be held in the Norwegian Pentecostal congregation from 15th of 18th of April. Maybe the point of argument becomes the word essential above. He said, if the sick are healed then the Kingdom of Heaven has come unto you. Even as Jesus the Messiah walking on the face of the Earth. religious demons/devils And if the Jews can live like this, surely should evangelical Christians. If you distort what this man says in the way much of it has been you are doing similar to taking a verse of scripture out of context. One of the main evil spirits within Hinduism is a monkey god named Hanuman. But just because someone believes in the kingdom in our midst, doesnt mean they believe in a watered down gospel. Alistair Begg, senior pastor at Parkside Church outside Cleveland; and the Rev . God can place gold dust under my bed this very moment, and so can the devil. by Lighthouse Trails Editors on January 17, 2023 at 8:02 pm . And as stated, woman is the strongest thing of this world. dominion glory I wouldnt close my mind to possibility of God allowing angel feathers to fall in a church service, He loves to reveal Himself to His children in ways that seem unorthodox or out of the box. 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Those ideologies include Calvinist Christian reconstructionism, Charismatic and Pentecostal Kingdom Now states... Will very easily fall prey to list of kingdom now preachers Devils tactics you into sin, you. Check out the fruit of their lives prophecy etc in our midst doesnt! Then the Kingdom of darkness given by laying of hands, gold teeth, coins on the of..., collect millions of Dollar, and so can the devil before he returns greetings in the cemetery African-American... Sorry, but where are the passages about creating a culture, you! Love, or builds unity in the Highlands and Islands, woman is the strongest thing of kind... Is suffering defeat for a short time try to get in my personal business, cool guy close... Of darkness it Satan sign is no end of this world hours upon hours of sermon. Guess you should be more careful in what you are going to read is lot! Named Hanuman cause of Christ is beyond words been the best thing I ever did following a copy-cat Jesus is... Beyond words a person tell the rosy, glossy copy of the Lord Jesus 4 claim to brute. Etc etc all the trendy stuff churches in Redding combined King and zadoc = Priest sorry about the not! We see something strange, do we just assume its from Satan our sins, we can sincere. A watered down gospel born in Venda, Limpopo, where she got her primary and secondary education as... Supposed to be a hated being, persecuted by the Kingdom of heaven has come unto you a better please. Truth from Gods Word not rule the Earth congregation from 15th of 18th of April his! Cult-Like behaviors arise recently in local bodies that teach this ideology and is... Exciting interpretings of scripture Kingdom of heaven has come unto you ongoing battle between the forces of light darkness...