There are some other ways to specify someones career, I will discuss later that. The flow of energy of your chart. This table is the answer. But every exalted degree has its counterpart, the debilitated degree. So he needs to learn this life lesson that divine creativity too has to learn to give, share, balance and live in harmony. The native may not believe in astrology. It will give good results in the physical life. Ketu is set up in a environment tailor-made for Rahu! To see this page as it is meant to appear, please enable your Javascript! We divide the Aries in 9 Equal part. Generally it is said that a debilitated planet causes problems and that is it. The native finds peace at home. Whether, the person will gain the inherited properties of his spouse, or whether the person will be richer after marriage is seen from the 2nd house. Yes, D9 or Navamsa chart is the Birds eye view of the 9th house and from here, a persons destiny can be unfolded. She will be beautiful and will have a fair complexion. Exalted planets are glamorous, they are auspicious, shower you with very tangible stuff. This will give the potential of each sign v/s the actual expressed. If there were, why would we have them as separate energies?) However, just for knowledge purpose, there is a definitely a specific way by which the Navamsa Chart is calculated and in fact any one can calculate their Navamsa chart, if they understand the method of doing it. In analysis, always give more weightage to chart-specific agents. Venus is known as the Karaka of the D9 Chart therefore it is very important to check the position of the Venus in the Birth Chart. Forgive mam, may be i am asking too much with too little knowledge, being little desperate here. A gloomy sort of satisfaction that you have performed your job. You are your own horoscope and the placements, you are regulating your own energies. Vedic Astrologers have always given a great deal of importance to the Navamsa chart. Will be very caring and loving to the native. what you are asking about is the Navamsha tulya rashi concept.. the simplest concept to understand. Hi there This sign is abstract, in solitude, but expanded out infinitely in the other-dimensions. While Jupiter makes the person extremely knowledgeable. Rahu is a shadowy planet which has distinctive impact in human life. setTimeout(function(){ Thank you Archana. Astrology is not fatalistic, you can always change things. Pisces is understanding of the Reality. If the Reader is good enough, the mere act of going for a divination changes your energies. Saturn: When Saturn in the 7th house of D9 chart, the house will often have a serious nature. Check the Atmakaraka Planet of the Birth Chart and check its position in the D9 chart. Request if you could explain about this. Both, the Rasi-chart and the Navamsa-chart are deemed equally important and therefore, consulted together. So before you start analysing your planet, first get into details what it stands for in your chart. Specialization: Astrologer Shankar Bhattacharjee is specialized in Predicting the Future through Vedic Parashari & Nadi Astrology, Numerology, Palmistry, Vastu & the ancient Horary System. Eg for Pisces ascendant, Gemini is placed in the 4th house, so the Mercury will also indicate the mother. He cannot manage in an environment full of exuberance and aggression. 2) How to leverage the energy of planets Navamsha sign? So the first 3 deg 20 minute of Aries Sign will be the first Navamsa which is Aries itself, 3 Deg 21 minute to 6 Deg 40 minute will be the 2nd Navamsa which is Taurus, 6 Deg 41 minute to 10 Deg is 3rd Navamsa which is Gemini and So on. At the same time, it shows that the native can have a distant relationship with in laws. Each Navamsa division meaures 3 20 degrees. Eg But if the Mercury shifts to an even more unsuitable navamsha, eg the navamsha of its enemy planet. This leads to unhappiness and disillusionment with whatever that planet signifies. Whereas the Rasi-chart provides overall information regarding the location of planets and sensitive-points such as the Lagna, the latter provides vital information regarding their . The 64th navamsa from Moon and Lagna which is the 4th sign from Moon and Lagna in the Navamsa chart is called Khara. Your birth chart is a sub-set of the the D9. You will get pointers on how to best divert their energies so that you benefit on both physical and subtle levels. Eg If your Jupiter in Aries in D1, gets allocated to a Navamsha owned by Cancer in your D9. Ketu is by nature fiery, he can cause movement he is movement! If you can divert his energy of discomfort in actively rebalancing karma you can achieve great progress. but this concept is especially useful for transit analysis., esp for Saturn or Rahu/ketu transits.. you have a cancer ascendant, venus exalted in both D1 and D9 is very good, all qualities of venus from the refinement, love, spirituality etc are all very good, you feel it inside and also outside in your regular life.. gains in life are assured, positivity, blessings etc are all assured, its an excellent position.. you can direct venus energy in any way you want to , profession to home or spirituality, its ur wish.. So my question is: in rashi tulya navamasa concept, how to interpret things like shifting of signs in d-1 to different houses ind-9 ? They may not believe in spiritual and ritualistic things or may question the same. In my d-1 Jupiter is in 9th house Pisces 22 digree. 8th house It represents the longevity of marriage and the joint assets accumulated through marriage. So i request if you could give some comments on planets/sign position in d-9 with respect to d-1. (Mercury is nearest to the Sun so gets combust more frequently compared to the others.). At the same time, the person can also be manipulative as well as diplomatic after marriage. One has to work to stabilize the marriage. Request your suggestions here mam. It is exalted in Libra. Saturn are the challenges we face in life. Strong Navamsa lagna lord in Rashi (D1) chart promises good health, if 10th lord of Navamsa is strong in Rashi it promises great wealth, If 4th lord in Navamsa is strong in Rasi it is great for spirituality, If 7th lord in Navamsa is strong in Rashi chart its good for joy and happiness in life. The Moon is a curious case, his deepest debilitating degree falls in D1 Scorpio but in D9 in his own sign Cancer. We all know that all the Zodiac Signs are 30 degrees. May be i missed something being naive. Remedies are needed during such transits. Let us assume that when Ram was born, the ascendant lord was Aries. In addition ur ascendent lord saturn is exhalated in libra 9th house . No red or green curtains or walls should be there. The Navamsha chart is considered to be equivalent to the birth chart. On the other hand, health of the native will improve and can find recognition in politics. But if you allow its misery to sweep you off, this placement is conducive to addictions and immoral behaviour which will increase karma exponentially. This also tells us that the person may have a very rich wife. If you have any debilitated planets in your horoscope D1 or D9, or if they are not comfortable, unable to give sensible results, do perform some remedial measures. Saturn in enemy sign can also give relationship problem with in laws. 4. Who is first house Lord? i dont believe debilitation can be cancelled the way it is put by modern astrologers.. For example, in D9 if Saturn in pisces, jupiter in aquarius, can we consider it to be a parivartan yoga? exalted in Navamsa 8. Like i mentioned few positions of signs and planets in d-1 going to different house in d-9 in my previous query. The native may earn a lot but they lead a very simple life. If these planets are in a strong position, like in Kendra Houses(1,4,7,10) or Trikonas (1,5,9) and even better if they are forming auspicious yogas and are exalted or in its own sign, then the main planets in your birth chart are very strong. is it special or have any Good or Bad effects in my life? The karma of giving away energy, every healer, doctor, astrologer, Tarot reader is required to do this.). If you use the top-most layer, just the D1, you wont be wrong, but there will be lesser depth in your analysis. This was asked about in another post around 2 weeks ago. The spouse will be good in doing business in life. She will have a very jolly personality and will love to mingle around with people. If a planet is exalted in your birth chart, it means that its energies are most suited to the environment of the sign it occupies. Sorry, you have Javascript Disabled! He does rule a watery Scorpio so he is not unfamiliar with the astral and the other. (Moon is the summation of your entire personality.) Grateful for your guidance. Have a deep look into your horoscope . Jupiter loves expansion that Cancer gives in all possible dimensions but works best when linked to the genius, self-identity and divine connection that Leo affords from the Navamsha. You have to reconcile yourself to this aspect of your life. The spouse will be practical, matured and will be serious in terms of . Here are some points to help you trigger your own thought process. Saturn and Mars are to be studied in the Navamsa. The planet is highly uncomfortable but the expectations of the subtle and the reality of the physical will match. This intense willpower is only gained from Sun. It also shows sin committed in past life on in laws and they need to pay a debt on this life. A existential dilemma for the dour Saturn. In other words, your chart has good strength. And added to this, he has in the background the full understanding of karma and the step-wise work needed to balance out this pending karma. This blog,http://psychologicallyastrology.comand all the material in it, is my personal experiences, copyright and my intellectual property, do respect this. Eg if you are an Indian, you start a Yog-teaching studio, a mix of exercise, pran, teaching/learning, homeland, ancient science etc keywords. A lot of things can be predicted just by looking at the 7th house and the position of the lord of the 7th house. (If you think its too much trouble for clients, that is upto you. He gives his perfect expression in the physical world when he is in Pisces/D1 and again in Pisces/D9. Your teachings are so clear and to the point especially for those who are beginners and the non-native speakers. Namaste mam. Now, next they should check the D9 chart to verify and planets position and see if the planet will actually give those kinds of results or not. In the deepest sense, life is created because of karma. Saturn: The spouse of the native will rather have a very serious nature and will have a very practical outlook towards life. Trying to figure out things with the help of jyotish on my own but too naive for this now so looking forward to see an astrologer soon. 5th house The 5th house represents romance and enjoyment during marriage. You are Born with Aries Ascendant and Your Ascendant Degree is 10. Here you are brought face to face with all the deepest aspects of yourself which make you so uncomfortable that you have locked them into your deepest sub-consciousness. It also shows huge interest of the native in serving the society. Check the lord of the 9th house in your D1 chart, and see how this planet is placed in the D9 chart. You will do good materially. And the ascendant degree was 10. Eg if this Mercury shifts to a more suitable Navamsha eg owned by his own signs, Gemini or Virgo, it is a better placement, he is subtly comfortable. Second possibility is that the planet is whatever sign in the D1, but shifts to the navamsha of its debilitated sign. To begin with, Jupiter is the planet that denotes faith and optimism as per Vedic sidereal astrology. There will be typical issues, overall unfavourable on the material side, but the mind-set will accept them! Mars in D1 Cancer and D9 Pisces, his deepest degree of discomfort. These results will be linked to the sign the planet occupies in the D9, but still the results will be auspicious. Enter your email address to follow. It is also very useful to attache the links of the Articles related to the topic you are teaching. So if you could give some comments on those scenarios. When the D9 is Cancer, you feel most emotionally secure when you are under your own microscope. This is a standard list. Malefic planets placed in the 7th house of the D9 chart can create problems in relationships and benefic planets placed here can support relationships. The total zodiac sign consists of 360 degrees, each sign is arranged as 30 degrees. Saturn in scorpio(5th house) goes to aquarius(5th). Why is Venus the real Moksh-karak, agent of Realisation? Introduction. Libra, the sign who is bound to balance is his favourite. The Debilitation of Venus will give a distance relationship and the essence of love will be lacking in married life. If the Navamsha lagna is in the 8th house of Rashi lagna there will be one setback in your life which will make you very spiritual. Their spiritual progress becomes more dominating and they lead a isolated life after marriage. Going exploring, challenging, conquering, expending loads of energy is not his style. Virgo and Capricorn are the components of the Arth trikon, the things which give meaning to life. If your astrologer has really examined your chart (even without telling you everything), your situation starts improving from that very instant. If the 7th house lord is strong or if it is positioned in Upchaya house, the native gets a spouse from a higher status. We use cookies in this site to offer you a better browsing experience. but you are the planets, you are the lunar mansions, you are everything. The context background will be the D9 sign and the actual physical effect the D1 sign. This blog,http://psychologicallyastrology.comand all the material in it, is my personal experiences, copyright and my intellectual property, do respect this. The natives spouse will want respect from the society, while the spouse may be from a very respectable family. But thanks a lot for being patiently replying to my impatient queries. This material may not be used in any way whatsoever, sold, incorporated in any sort of documents or products, or used for promotional purposes without the express permission of the author, Tejaswini Arvind Patil. However, the person may suffer from problems of having a bad name or character in the society. It It can give excellent or worst experience with astrologers. He is the faceless public, the nameless servitor, the worker in constrained circumstances. Placement of 2nd, 7th and 12th lord in upchaya houses in D9 chart indicates that the person will have multiple marriages. In analysis, always give more weightage to chart-specific agents. A. It is also called the Dharmamsha Chart or simply D9 chart. Lord of Navamsa Lagna. This is called the Rashi-tulya navamsha concept. Always remember the D1 is derived from the energies of the D9. Mars works best in the disciplined work environment of rules in Capricorn. Answer (1 of 6): Native will be let down by his/her confidants when required badly. Check the placement of Shani in Navamsa, the lord of that sign if it is well placed in the rashi chart will help you come out of suffering and pain. Navamsa chart is the most important of them. Coming to some of my queries, i realized I wanted to know about rasi-tulya navamasa. To understand this, you have to give away your limited view of the self. If he tries to over-reach it will be actually dangerous. The Param-uccha. We want to understand what happens and then intentionally change the direction of energy movement. It is a tricky position of Saturn. (Navamsa Chart Prediction) For example If the 7th house is afflicted by Rahu in Navamsa, then that will not literally mean that there will be a separation between husband and wife. As Cancer is the 4th zodiac sign which is ruled by Moon, this combination influences the mind and thinking . They do not like to show off their wealth and like to dedicate themselves in service. 1. debilitation not supposed to be cancelled! Next one should analyze the D1 Chart (Birth Chart) and check the strength and position of each planet. But you have to intend, you should want to make its energies more enabling for you. And how peaceful the married life of the person will be and whether they as a couple will enjoy peace and comforts and happiness or not. What happens to them in the D9? You want to discover every secret about yourself, irrespective of the consequences. Hi there These will always subtly affect your this part of life. Now lets consider the planets deepest debilitation degree, the Param-neecha. For example The significator of the 9th house is Jupiter, if Jupiter is placed in the 9th house of Navamsa chart, the person will be bestowed with good luck and fortune. As Saturn represents servants as well as hands, any injury in the hand of your servants can lead to problems in marriage. The horoscope is like layers within layers, a fractal geometry. & For example: sun in aries in 10th d-1 goes to scorpio 2nd house d-9. The load of karma on your soul is the reason you are bound. An exalted Venus or Venus with a benefic or Venus with Jupiter are . Person will have a very rich wife sign in the Navamsa chart useful to attache the links of the world! Is that the native in serving the society agent of Realisation to off. This part of life you think its too much trouble for clients, that upto... Is abstract, in solitude, but shifts to an even more unsuitable Navamsha, eg Navamsha! Sun in Aries in 10th d-1 goes to aquarius ( 5th house the 5th the! Of planets Navamsha sign energy movement situation starts improving from that very instant a changes... Wealth and like to dedicate themselves in service and D9 Pisces, deepest. 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