Wielding the "main gun" almost as easily as a normal trooper would a rifle gives the ProtoMech a more flexible firing arc and makes training new pilots easier. In 1993 an expansion to the aforementioned boxed set was published as the sourcebook titled Solaris: The Reaches. If I were to give a rough estimate to go by I would say light mechs 8 meters, medium 9, heavy 10, assault 11. If one side has CBT minis and the other has the MWDA figs, it's going to look pretty stupid, but shouldn't affect gameplay. It keep them from shifting around too much and provides some protection. The printed size of a standard mapsheet is 22 inches by 18 inches (not 22 by 17 as many rulebooks suggest). A Gundam is 18 meters. So I went on and drew my own maps. The A Game of Armored Combat boxed set includes two unique, double-sided 18 x 22 full-color game maps, with maps called Grasslands #2, Grasslands #3, Desert #2 and Desert #3. When Task Force Serpent first encountered ProtoMechs during the Battle of Huntress, they were completely unknown, and the task force gave them designations in the field. Im mostly interested in the 3039 era mechs. Obviously a dropships hull and armour are going to be way thicker than those of a Mech's so if PRIMATIVE BTech armour can resist a modern AT round and only need to be a fingers width in thickness then god alone knows how tough say 30cm of that stuff would be and what it would take to wear it down. They're the white drawings to the right of the giant purple triangle. Includes the maps from Map Sets 5 and 6, plus Planetary Assault Maps 1 and 2 from BattleForce 2 and the BattleSpace map. A number of Map Sets and Map Set Compilations were published as supplements for the game, providing additional gaming maps with new hex-based terrain. Conversely, some Renegade Legion products contain mapsheets that were never officially published for BattleTech, but can be used for BattleTech nonetheless. 2. add battletech folder to exclusion list for windows defender. In 2017 Ulisses Spiele released a new, original BattleTech Starterbox boxed set (not to be confused with the previous "Einsteigerbox"). Beyond these it should be noted that some products like the Turning Points series typically include maps such as individual planetary maps for the worlds featured. EDIT: Just noticed above the BattleTech ships are the ships from freakin' WALL-E! Silent Running. They may become reluctant to leave their machine, and may even start to believe the ProtoMech is their own body.[14]. I have the tech prints (the old blueprint posters) for the wasp (or stinger I forget) the locust, the warhammer, marauder, and battlemaster if I remember right. The four of them together form the tournament map. Inner Sphere scientists also lacked the technical knowledge to recreate the special internal structure, armoring and heat sinks which went into ProtoMech construction, which would have resulted in bulkier, less-effective units. The K and D resculpt infantry are in true mech scale and you can compare them to DA infantry here. An Atlas is a head shorter than a Gundam at 16. [3], However, the problem of finding suitable pilots was harder to overcome. One of the major stumbling blocks was the need for EI in order to control the machine; even if it could be copied, the moral and ethical problems associated with the system would prevent widespread use. Of course CBT has never been about scale really but using the Clix as CBT probably wouldn't be too good of an idea. First created by Clan Smoke Jaguar, ProtoMechs were designed as a way for armored troops to deliver the firepower of a BattleMech to the battlefield without requiring a large amount of production resources. So run of 6. BattleTech - The Board Game of Armored Combat, Quote from: Stinger07 on 28 September 2012, 14:44:15, Quote from: roosterboy on 28 September 2012, 15:06:24, Quote from: Sigma on 28 September 2012, 14:49:10, Quote from: guardiandashi on 29 September 2012, 09:55:33, Quote from: RedMarauder on 29 September 2012, 08:33:53, Quote from: dmzline on 29 September 2012, 13:40:34, Quote from: cray on 14 September 2012, 14:57:25, Quote from: evilauthor on 29 September 2012, 10:40:26, Quote from: cray on 29 September 2012, 13:58:44, Quote from: DarthRads on 29 September 2012, 23:43:24, Quote from: Madcow9000 on 29 September 2012, 19:59:24, Quote from: Mattlov on 30 September 2012, 00:21:12, Quote from: PsihoKekec on 30 September 2012, 03:45:51, Quote from: Nebfer on 28 September 2012, 19:37:12, Quote from: evilauthor on 29 September 2012, 14:15:16, Quote from: Devens on 30 September 2012, 07:25:00, Artist, Writer, 3D Modeler Extraordinaire. C Calculon Emergency Comedy Hologram Validated User Basically, it needs to be big enough to fit the cockpit and engine/gyro. I was thrown for a loop noticing the Post Dated Check Loan at the bottom Im really surprised the X universe ships made it in here, That reminds me, I had forgotten just how fucking massive those G1 terraformer ships are. Btech scale jumps around less but tries to stay around 1:285 if it can. Re: Official height (dimensions) of Mechs and Vehicles? The downsides are it doesn't have hexes (unless you draw them) so we tend to use felt for Alpha Strike or inch movement. All the official TT sources stay within the same general size ranges that has always been the same. The complete set of Solaris arena maps was also included in the free PDF product, Experimental Technical Readout: Royal Fantasy. The best "official" thing is the size chart you can find in the Technical Readout: 3039. Or for something a little easier to work with: middle right edge. This is the first ship comparison drawing I've seen with BattleTech ships on it too! I do not see Traveller ships on there anywhere. [13] The connection between a pilot and their ProtoMech is much more direct than with BattleMechs: the pilots feel as though they "are" the machine, giving them unsurpassed control and speed. You must log in or register to reply here. Batter might be a bit messy, although you could make pancakes after, I suppose. I've been looking through all of My books for something that I'm no longer certain actually exists . This page was last edited on 24 February 2023, at 15:28. Besides six individual maps, the MapPack Flatlands Terrain Set was published that combined those six maps for a lower price. It's like saying "hey! [9], The Inner Sphere, however, showed little to no interest in developing their own ProtoMechs. The French gaming magazine Casus Belli, who had ties to the official publisher of the French edition of BattleTech (Jeux Descartes), published a BattleTech map in 1994 that is copyrighted to the magazine, but matches the style found in other BattleTech maps. The Problem with those Side by Side Graphs is that it's a 2D picture of a 3D Model. When there is, the CGLs tend to run a little larger. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. This page was last edited on 4 February 2023, at 22:56. I would like to point out that there is a height comparison for lights to assaults in the back of TRO 3039. they are compared to the height of a typical human. Additionally there is an unaddressed half hex column on the sides of the mapsheet that make up a "sixteenth column" when multiple mapsheets are tiled. They get bigger and bigger. That said, I've mostly seen references to 6mm scale in battletech forums and websites selling battletech terrain. A bunch of plastic, hexagonal terrain that you can build in different ways for every battle. The selection of maps comprised duplicate maps from the Map Pack: Alien Worlds on the front side and Map Pack: Deserts on the reverse. [7], Grassland A BattleMat Foothills #2 Rolling Hills #4, Grassland B BattleMat Forward Base Open Terrain #2, Grassland C BattleMat Rolling Hills #3 Foothills #1, Grassland D BattleMat Open Terrain #3 Streams, Grassland E BattleMat Lakes River CommCenter. This allowed maps to be included in some sourcebooks, too. Unlike classification, the distinction between Large and Small WarShips does have certain effects under the game rules. Not all mechs are the same. Create maps that suit your needs. As such their agility falls somewhere between infantry and 'Mechs: they can move through most buildings with minimal collateral damage and can go from a prone to standing position in seconds. The Mechwarrior: Dark age mechs and vehicles are significantly bigger then the Ral Partha/Iron Wind metal minis. I love this infographic. Your BattleTech News Roundup For January, 2023, Your BattleTech News Roundup For December, 2022, https://www.sarna.net/wiki/index.php?title=ProtoMech&oldid=911494. Taking over the Universe one mapsheet at a time. 3. The first sculpt Atlas goes only to the hip. To me, if they're close it's good enough. For nearly a day and a half we were an island of resistance in a sea of Falcon Green. German edition published in 1993 as "GeoTech III" (see below). For all their benefits though, ProtoMechs have several drawbacks (beyond that associated with using EI). when playing on other hex terrain), one "board" translates as 17 hexes for determining range. In the wake of the Dig, Defend, or Die 2018 Worldwide Event, a series of related PDF products was released by CGL that included the scenario's Terrain Set of four newly created maps under the "Map Pack" moniker. The Centurion mapsheets fold out to the equivalent of two BattleTech maps. Some use bulkier materials, some don't. They're Macross kits mounted on clix bases. Answer (1 of 2): Hard to answer. Thanks. [12], ProtoMechs mass between two to fifteen metric tons and stand anywhere from four to six meters in height, with the cockpit mounted in the upper chest. However, CGL reverted to paper maps by 2018 for cost reasons.[6]. I spend way too much time zooming in on stuff. evilauthor. 'Let the poetry of darkness be written henceforth!. Due to their size and tonnage, ProtoMech weapon loadouts are somewhere between that of battle armor and 'Mechs. Most of these terms have survived since the Age of Sail, and were updated to reflect the realities of space combat. When you consider that the empty interior of the 'Mech makes up the vast majority of its volume, and that a 'Mech is actually light enough for its volume to float, there's no rational reason why a 'Mech has to conform to a specific height limitation (either minimum or maximum) based on tonnage. Notably, while the term "Pocket WarShip" exists in BattleTech, it does not refer to WarShips but rather a subclass of DropShips equipped with capital-grade weaponry designed to engage WarShips. The known Clans to have used them are these: A ProtoMech phenotype was developed from the aerospace fighter phenotype by Clan Blood Spirit and Clan Cloud Cobra.[25][26][27]. Although the MechWarrior: Dark Age clix game was designed as a miniatures game forgoing gaming maps in favor of miniature terrain, WizKids produced a number of mapsheets with the usual hex grid for various Solaris VII arenas. It's only 36" wide so you may need two pieces to cover larger tables, and over time it can wear a bit. A HumVee is as heavy and big as a tank!" . The benefit of using multiple smaller maps is variability by rotating and reorienting them, they are relatively inexpensive and available; Catalyst recently released Grasslands and Tukayyid map packs in addition to the ones in the three box sets. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Somewhere between dawdle and a Leviathan full of overkill. The Reinforcements: Clan Invasion boxed set includes one unique, double-sided 36 x 22 full-color game map focused on Twycross. Additionally, though the highly-advanced heat sinks used by ProtoMechs means they never build up heat from firing their weapons or moving, they are more adversely affected by extreme temperatures, including fire and Inferno ammunition, than 'Mechs. This can range from: "GUNDAM SIZE, BECAUSE GUNDAM" to: "Pilots are stored in Hammerspace compartments, dont question it." HA1-0F 2nd Donegal Guards The ability to give the pilot direct neural control eliminated the need for a gyroscope and full-sized cockpit. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Because of their size and the specialized nature of their construction and components, ProtoMechs cannot utilize XL engines, Endo-Steel, ferro-fibrous armor, Targeting Computers, Double Heat Sinks or MASC (though they do have access to a superior alternative to MASC, in the form of the ProtoMech Myomer Booster). Long story short, I like that battletech attempts to stay fairly hard sci fi in many ways instead of having an anything goes free for all. [11] Lyran Commonwealth,6th Donegal Guards-Nightstar. Press J to jump to the feed. The first all-new map set in nearly twenty years, Map Pack: Grasslands includes six double-sided maps providing twelve brand-new battlefields. The cheap option is going to a local fabric store and get some felt. ~Orin J. and printing them via Inked Gaming on a neoprene map (neoprene maps are totally worth it). My dad has recently gotten me into Battletech and we are planning a full scale campaign. You gotta fit a dude in the head. You have two different universes with two different design parameters. It was published for free. I feel like the mechs in this game are ridiculously tall for their weight. As published, BattleTech mapsheets have terrain, including vegetation, hydrologic features and topography marked. Classic BattleTech (board game)map Original 1984 Battledroidsmap The standard mapsheet layout has remained unchanged from the original Battledroidsedition through to the latest editions, though there have been cosmetic changes. Unlike the Hex Packs, they feature no additional content beyond a single double-sided map board each. The guy specifically asked for maps, not for instruction on not using them. Five additional hex maps were included. I see that someone drew a sketch of an Urbanmech and the humans in it are depicted as surprisingly large and proportional in comparison to the mech. 1st Battalion, 91st Royal Battlemech Regiment, 26th Light Brigade Combat Team, 61st Infantry Division, XXVII Corps, Eleventh Army, SLDF. Mechs are BIG. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Buy digital, crop and print on neoprene for about $100 all in. Per pg20 Total Warfare, 'Mechs "stand eight to fourteen meters tall". According to Strategic Operations, page 10, WarShip classes are roughly defined as follows: Other subclasses or designations exist, such as "troop cruiser" or "pursuit cruiser", though they can usually be placed in one of the above classes. Or, as the next source, there are 'Mech blueprints. Clix is played on N scale 1:160~ where a 1/16th of an inch is a scale foot. Kartenset 1: BattleForce & Scattered Woods, Kartenset 2: Desert Hills & Rolling Hills 1, Kartenset 5: Open Terrain 2 & CityTech Map, Kartenset 6: River Valley & Rolling Hills 2. It has no impact on gameplay. Independence Day. German edition published in 1993 as "GeoTech II" (see below). Taking over the Universe one mapsheet at a time, Konrad ' Hengist " Littman Highlander 732b. After the Great Refusal and the destruction of the Smoke Jaguars, many Clans launched raids on Huntress in order to acquire the technology for their own purposes. The clix minis may be the source of the confusion. Image size. GeoTech I, 1993 (German edition of Map Set 2), GeoTech II, 1993 (German edition of Map Set 3), GeoTech III, 1993 (German edition of Map Set 4), GeoTech IV, 1997 (German edition of Map Set 5). I always justify it with things like ff armor is bulkier than standard, xl engines are bulkier than standard. I use these and theyre a great investment, although I believe theres now a lot more accessible 3Dprinted solutions that fit directly over standard Battletech map hexes. FanPro product #35012, released in 2005. I dimly recall 12m. If so, does anyone have examples on hand for comparison. 2. Interesting how the largest BT ships are roughly the length of the shortest 40k ones. Under standard rules the mapsheet is also referred to as a unit of distance with the range of artillery pieces being originally expressed in terms of the number of mapsheets (or "boards") a given unit could fire. Captain; Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Somewhere between dawdle and a Leviathan full of overkill. The Luthien from 1993 included a loose double-sided map. FASA had another successful hex-based wargame series, Renegade Legion, that used similar maps to BattleTech to the point where the first map sets were advertised as supplements for both game lines simultaneously, in the fashion of a shared product. [1] Because of the somewhat diffuse criteria associated with each class and role, the classification is arbitrary and . When the BMR said Mechs averaged between 10 and 12 meters, I strongly took them at their word, meaning only a handful of designs broke the mold. Wizkids scale jumped all over the place (due mostly to the random booster element I guess?) For example, when the ProtoMech's arm is torn off, the pilot feels a great deal of pain, almost as their own arm had been ripped away. One side depicted part of Imperial City, the other Kado-guchi Valley. dropship/mech size comparison . German edition published in 1993 as "GeoTech I" (see below). If you're using Map Sheets, I remember a rule of 2 mechs per sheet. ProtoMechs nine tons and under are also not equipped with ejection systems, and cannot dump ammunition in an emergency. [1], The Clan's top scientists went to work on a radically different battlefield unit design that would combine elements of BattleMechs and those of Elemental Battle Armor. Beyond that, it's up to the designer to fit it all together in a manner that functions, regardless of how tall it ends up being. If both players are using them, it should work just fine. ProtoMechs can carry most of the same weapons and equipment as found on 'Mechs, although instead of carrying standard missile launchers they mount groups of missile tubes together. This page was last edited on 3 December 2022, at 07:42. The casting is excellent. (see Other maps below)The 25th Anniversary Introductory Box Set and Hex Pack: Lakes and Rivers were the first products to feature a new generation of thick, vinyl covered double-sided map boards from 2010 onwards. when just looking at the two together you know it's not true. Hardware-Handbuch 3031) was completely left out in this.The German version is printed as DIN A4, a standard European paper size . 8 to 14 m (see cray's post, above) is a really large variance; that more than allows for a LCT standing on another LCT's "shoulders" to be (barely) overtopped by an AS7. Thanks to you both, that does help. As luck would have it, the decision proved fortuitous: Clan aerospace pilots' small bodies allowed them to easily fit inside the cockpit of a ProtoMech, while their brains and circulatory systems, bred to withstand high-G maneuvering, could better endure the negative side effects associated with the EI system. In the classic BattleTech board game, as well as in most other games set in the BattleTech universe, the main gameplay takes place on a mapsheet with hexagonal playing fields. A high-quality neoprene map set focused on unusual biomes, with four double-sized, 34 x 22", double-sided BattleMats. "There's a difference between the soldier and his fight. Scale in battletech miniatures is an iffy thing, even within figures made within a similar time frame, I wouldn't fret about it too much. It sounds like a lot of 'mechs have very low densities, almost floating in water densities. P PTiKachu Damaramu will regret this Validated User Aug 2, 2008 #2 Mechwarrior clix are 1/144, whereas the classic Battletech minis are more like 1/300. I keep hearing about it but not dates. on: 15 September 2012, 21:08:30 . So 4v4/5v5 is two maps, 8v8/10v10 is four maps, 12v12/15v15 is six maps, etc. I can't cite a source, but I'm fairly certain 9.5m is way too short for a SHD. Every time I see it I see something I've never seen before! 1,471,925 C-bills Technical specifications 'Mech type Inner Sphere BattleMech Mass 30 tons Chassis Republic-R Armor Durallex Medium Engine Leenex 60 Communications System Dalban Interact Targeting Tracking System Dalban Urban Heat Sinks 11 single Speed 32 km/h Jump Jets Pitban 6000 Armament 1x AC/10 1x small laser BV (1.0) 454 BV (2.0) 504[1][2] A loose double-sided map board each and Small WarShips does have certain effects under the game.. Battletech mapsheets have terrain, including vegetation, hydrologic features and topography marked in mech... And 2 from BattleForce 2 and the BattleSpace map see Traveller ships on it too the shortest ones. Around 1:285 if it can and role, the MapPack Flatlands terrain set was published as the source! 4V4/5V5 is two maps, 12v12/15v15 is six maps for a better experience, enable. See Traveller ships on it too the place ( due mostly to equivalent. 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