Tony blames his self for Peter ending up in the hospital. Peter gets his revenge. The place smelt funny. While wondering San Francisco, trying to find a way home he meets an interesting man - Eddie Brock. I wish you would stop picking on me. Tony and Pepper take Peter and Morgan to the carnival. Tony shot Natasha a look that screamed they would be talking more about this later when Peter wasnt in hearing vicinity. Its like he sees only remembers half the picture. Happy was here in his apartment with his aunt May and they had no idea Peter was home. Marilyn Owens is just what he needs. Uhhhh, Tony drawled out. The kid was looking at him with a grin he was trying to hide. Peters new look was thanks to an ancient looking text that had been sitting on the counter of the kitchen bench at the tower. It splashed up and over the lip of the pot, smattering across the stove top. He never really gets to celebrate his birthday, either there was something more important to do, or they forget, or there was a tragic thing. Tony wants this to be the best Christmas party for Peter and bans peppermint from the tower forgetting that Peter isn't allergic. Proceed at the risk of your sanity. But pain leads to power, or so people say, and Agent Sola certainly is powerful. Who better to enlist help with than his best friend and guy in the chair? Peter had asked Tony not to embarrass him today. Peter breathed caught in his chest, mind tripping over the words like a broken record. If Peter were to guess, he would say he had been kidnapped for about four hours. Peter returns to school after the blip and forgets about his hidden scars until someone sees them when he's changing for gym class. Peter is having doubts and thinks Tony Regrets bringing him back from the dead. He forgot how protective Gerald could be. Peter scans the crowd, looking for the familiar faces that agreed to come to his competition but there is a row of empty seats and his heart sinks. He should have known that Doctor Stephen Strange would have made a loophole. It goes to hell in a hand basket. Adrenaline had Steve whipping his shield off and flinging it towards the intruder before his brain had time to process the action. Peter Parker gets forgotten on a Field Trip, his class leaving him behind at the Avengers Tower. Not following, walking you home. Short One Shot Hurt/No Comfort Angst Peter celebrates his 18th birthday in his apartment. Usually, Peter could diffuse the tension between them all and clear the air but not this time. Peter made a wounded noise in the back of his throat. It happens even more when Peter is out on patrol as Spiderman. Anyone know any fics where peter feels forgotten about, left out, or replaced post endgame? #bruce Now he sees May, George and Alex walking around as a happy family with no memory of who Peter was. Explore the latest videos from hashtags: #forgottenbirthday, #theforgottenbirthday, #avengersfanfiction . Pepper goes into labour in Tonys panic he forgets to tell Peter. He felt ashamed of the brief flicker of thought that rushed through him forgotten. The Avengers are kidnapped, intent to never let them see the light of day again. When he entered his laboratory, he saw somebody - stranger with Tony. His head was throbbing in his skull, and he could feel his heartbeat pulsing through his shoulder. He was Head of Security, not a babysitter. Your a mutant. Yeah, yeah, Ill let him know, Tony muttered. Stark you have a whole Medbay downstairs with actual trained doctors, Peter said. Only, he travels back further than he thinks and has to opportunity to meet Ben Parker for the first and last time. Everything comes to head when he forgets that a time was changed in his busy schedule leading to a meltdown. Who else. The Avengers forgot to bring Peter on a mission. She had loving parents, a roof over her head, and enough food to always satisfy her hunger. Who he was. That was the dumbest thing Ive ever seen you do.. Tony surprise peter with a live performance of Hamilton with the real cast for him and all the people he loves, and gives him very thoughtful gifts (such as filming the show so he and others could see it again and putting it on Netflix) Harley also gives Peter a promise ring. Peter groaned partly in embarrassment, partly in pain. Peter had seen it in action when a reporter had tried to sneak on to the property to get some photos and had been chased all the way back to the main road by a very angry alpaca. Maria looked curious as she gazed at Peter. How could he have forgotten about all the ridiculous protocol names that Tony had installed. If Tony couldnt be there to invite him, Peter was forgotten. . Tony Stark knew that Peter Parker was capable. Tony forget to send in paperwork to Peter's school about his internship and Peter faces suspension. Thor Odinson A security guard forgets who Peter Stark is and nearly causes an incident. "Shut up, we don't need a kid to-" Sam was cut off when Peter said. Peter tried to keep his face a smooth as possible as the group around him talked in Italian, the Avengers promising they would explain later. Peter could only stare in horror as the Avengers filed into the gym and he slouched down as far as he could, hoping that they hadnt seen him. But Peter is there with him and he had forgotten that Peter was a walking, talking ray of hope. Tony forgets and walks in on Peter doing a live stream. He barged through the door, flying through the lobby until he came skidding into the back room with a bang. That girl not even showing up. Tony forgets about Peter's science fair and goes over to the Parker home to make things right. Y/n lives and works at hydra. Too bad they forgot about Spider-Man. It wasnt your fault, Peter said around his tears. How did you do it? Steve asked, making Tony turn. When the apocalypse breaks out, the Avengers are forced to run. Following on from What Would Tony Stark Do - Tony takes DUM-E to the park to feed the ducks and realizes that he forgot to invite Peter along. Why are you using WebMD?. : Peter, Harley and Tony goes to a fair for Peters birthday, Tony ask Peter to adopt him. Well, not all of it. Having tuned out their presence, Tony forgot that the media often follows him, looking for a scoop. But it isn't for Peter. Rebecca saire avengers fanfiction tony yells at peter peter was bitten by a radioactive spider at age 13 and is now 15.avengers: Source: Rock in his hands as he threw it on the water. All Tony wanted to do was spend his birthday with Peter Parker. In which the uprising star actor who plays Peter Parker aka Spider-M Harley Keener comes to visit the tower for a month or more. "Oh, Parker? Tony was furious that they seemed to have forgotten this when none of them had shown up. Tony doesn't know whether to be proud or pissed. Peter wakes up with black eye having no idea how he got it. An assassin who can do anything and more goes against the one thing that can save her. He turned away from Peter, unable to look his kid in the eye. This fic Until the Heart Stops Beating by inkinmyheartandonthepage is a great example, any like this are awesome!!!! (silver0wolf) wrote in avengers_search, 2017-08-27 22:30:00. silver0wolf silver0wolf avengers_search 2017-08 . It made Morgan want to sneeze as the scent left a sting in her nose.The uneasy feeling that usually settled in Morgan when she found herself in the medbay quickly vanished as she saw a familiar figure propped up on one of the beds. #tony Tony pursed his lips together. Tonys daughter. She had forgotten that thermoregulation went both ways. MJ had forgotten. Peter never should have been fighting. Tony forgets to mention to the Avengers not to use guns in a training session and Peter had a panic attack. Of-course it had to happen today. Problem is, they are nowhere to be found! I forgot to tell Aunt May that Miss Natasha was taking me dancing this afternoon.. Watch popular content from the following creators: Hi(@ily_avengers_2009), Lu (, fanfictionbookclub(@fanfictionbookclub), peter & stefan <3(@avenqerss.ang), <3(@mrvlp0vs) . This is the emergency you left on my voice mail., Kid, we need to revaluate your idea of what constitutes as an emergency, Tony said deadpanned. Bucky forgets and calls Peter 'Steve' during a battle leaving Peter to wonder if Bucky only hangs out with him because he reminds him of Steve. TURN THE CAR AROUND!. Tony gives Peter presents. She turned to stare at the sky where the jet was no longer visible and back to Peter, handing falling away from her face. . ,,What, no! No wonder Tony and Stephen never postponed lab day after a Spiderman was injured. Everytime his birthday goes it's always a sad memory of his past. We had to draw our personal hero. Tony shifted to stand beside Peter, throwing an arm around his shoulders and dragging him close. Peter forgets to tell Tony Stephen is teaching him magic and Tony gets jealous. He was tired and in pain. Tony can only stare in horror as a familiar face appears on the screen. Mum and I have to go to work.. He's great! Peter rolled his eyes. Pepper had then chimed in with an actual list, FRIDAY backing them up and then Tony had gotten side-tracked and Peter had to rush out the door for Happy to take him to school without a confirmation that Tony wouldnt embarrass him. From Ned Leeds: Hey MJ and I are debating the best cupcake flavor, wanna chime in?From Peter Parker: I am Suspicious. I wont let you down. Prompts are welcome. Tony looked back at Stephen; his expression deadpanned. Rated: - English - Hurt/Comfort/Family . Im not lying.. You want to make a good impression.. He had proved that he was more than just the suit when he lifted a building off himself (and Tony all but had a heart attack when he found that out) and stopped the Vulture in just his pyjamas. Go away! Summary: In the chaos of Tony snapping the gauntlet, rushing him to the nearest hospital and the reality of having saved the universe, the Avengers forgot to actually tell Peter that Tony had survived. I think Peter would appreciate the heads up so he can prepare. No badge, no entry., I never got one, Peter insisted. One that wont land me in jail. He clapped his hands together, rubbing his palms together. Peter sulked his way to the comic book store, hands in his pockets and feet dragging on the old broken concrete of New York streets. February 27, 2023 By restaurants on the water in st clair shores By restaurants on the water in st clair shores But it wasnt until he started to get to know Peter, to spend time with him, that he suddenly found himself feeling very paternal. Youre going?, Tony heart plummeted in his chest. And he remembered that Sam and T'Challa fought. Ever wondered what it would be like to date one of Earth's mightiest heros? Over the months that Peter had gotten to know Tony Stark (and Peter still had to pinch himself that he got to hang out with one of the most brilliant minds on this planet) Peter had learned that Tony Stark was, in a word, dramatic. Shall we continue?. #steve Peter scuttled across the wall, only one target in mind. She died because she was hit by a falling debris, Peter could have saved her. And did you think that it would have been wise to share that little bit of information? Tony huffed. Not that Tony minds. Every agent of HYDRA is acquainted with pain of some sort. Peter isn't entirely sure he wants to have a birthday party. Only the Avengers. . It's been a year, Peter is now eighteenth years old. This fic Until the Heart Stops Beating by inkinmyheartandonthepage is a great example, any like this are awesome!!!! Toby made pancakes with chocolate! Thanos, the stones, how did you do it? Steve asked, eyes trailing over Tonys armour that still clung to his skin. I thought you were getting ready at Tonys., May rolled her eyes fondly. There were no new notifications on his phone, just the photo of the New York Skyline that Peter had taken on one of his patrols. Peter jerked up, head snapping to the lab door. Peter forgets to tell Ned that the Avenger's are coming over for his birthday. Peter woke up thinking it was just a normal day - until May reminded him of his parents anniversary. Summary: When a series of robberies end in suicide, Tony Stark goes to investigate and finds more than he bargained for when he finds Peter Parker take an internship with the suspected the killer. We have to make him cards.. #peter But, we go to kinder together, Peter pouted. *SPOILERS* FRIDAY is down for repairs and Tony forgot to warn Peter. The word you are looking for is protected, Tony said, his hand landing on Peters shoulder. After breakfast, he went to his laboratory 'cause he had a lot of time. Have an awesome day! Tony worries about Peter and wonders why the kid hasn't taken up his offer to live in the tower only to forget he didn't actually offer. Peter's not sure he will be wanted there. . She had absolutely had not forgotten her nephews birthday. Tony thought he would have learned his lesson the last time he had forgotten that Peter and Wanda were, when left alone together, young. Yes, it was.. Peter swayed where he stood frozen in the middle of his room. Now he's missing and nobody can find him to tell him that Tony survived. Requests open again! Anthony, Marias voice broke up the moment. He heard movement on the other side and the door opened to reveal . Peter did not want to see Mr. Stark. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. What if shes an Avenger? If you dont get injured, Ill let you try on my suit.. Mum, my apologies. As Toby said, he'll destroy my life. He looked back to Thor, back to the screen and then back to Thor. He will have his Christmas Prince moment if it's the last thing he does. To save the universe from completely imploding in on itself, Peter had to sacrifice everything and everyone he loved. Please Mr. Stark! One day she had to bring Peter with her to the office in a haze of work, she forget about him. It was Peter's birthday, and everyone seemed to have forgotten about it! He had told her this. In the back of Tonys mind, a flicker of a conversation he had with Peter ages ago had his spine stiffening. ,,No! They were getting a tour of the tower before there would be a talk that involved all the Avengers and there would be a Q&A at the end. Part 2? Peter falls down the sewer chasing a criminal and forgets that he has no clean clothes. Peter begins to think the worst. Not even Ned or MJ knew what he was up too. Im sorry, Peter said again. #vision I dont know, maybe because you triggered a hibernation sequence and youve been asleep for three days, Tony quipped. They are living at the lake and lead a good life for the most part. Its the Tide Pod Challenge, MJ, Tony recognised, spoke up. Something a little extra in that bottle you failed to mention?. Peter forgets to keeps his own identity a secret and reveals it in the most Peter Parker way. The Avengers had forgotten. I saw that her floaties are still up here," Pepper asked. In the chaos of Tony snapping the gauntlet, rushing him to the nearest hospital and the reality of having saved the universe, the Avengers forgot to actually tell Peter that Tony had survived. Hmmm. Hes protracted.. The first installment of the 'Made of Iron' series, but can be read alone . Drama ensues. The longer Peter stared at it, the more he felt uneased by it. ,,'am Toby." Type username to filter posts in this community, By logging in to LiveJournal using a third-party service you accept LiveJournal's User agreement. Yelena locked eyes with Natasha. Peter was now cooped up in an art way, near the dumpsters. What did you just say? Tonys voice was sharp as he glared up at the ceiling. Tony is called out for a mission and forgets that he left Peter alone at the Compound with Loki whose on house arrest. Bucky lives in fear himself, hiding from his past, trying to get a grip on himself. Peter wonders off and finds Tony. Ned had forgotten. If the next words out of your mouth are not I can fix this you and I are going to going to have an issue.I can fix him, Stephen said. Every employee must show their badge. Something we're Tony decides to ignore, forget or just neglects Peter. Stabbing equals emergency. Requests are open! Peppers words were currently coming back to bite Tony in the ass and he knows hes going to get an earful about it later. Only the Avengers wouldn't notice a teenager disappear for three days. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. My Birthday Was Yesterday And Nobody Remembered. Tony scowled at the messages coming through the group chat and pocketed his phone without replying to them. They had taken him to Wakanda, Peter had fled when the opportunity arose but there had been no coming home. So, this is Peter, Peter is normal boy, he lives with his aunt May, but he also lives in the Stark Tower with every Avengers so as I said normal boy, normal life. He was now homeless. Please consider turning it on! Tony adopted peter as a son and has a good life with the Avengers at the tower. Steve was just beginning to see the depth of Peter and how remarkable the teenager was. Angrily. "You wouldn't listen to me sir. "Before I forget, did you remind Peter that Morgan cant swim? Were not doing this again, are we?. #sam The Avengers are touchy about people touching their things. Hulk was feeling pleased inside him, and Bruce was surprised by the feeling. An avengers training session ends up going horribly wrong when Tony remembers that Clint uses knock out drugs laced with peppermint. He only realized when Steve looked at him. Why are you following me home? Peter titled his head to one side. Tony and Stephen have remembered Peter and bring him home - but all the others see is a random kid stealing Tony's tech. #bucky The buried deep into his mind and took root until an idea blossomed. Morgan? He was all alone, May gone, his home taken over by some stranger. He didnt want anyone to stop him or talk him out of it. He stumbled back, his mouth opening and closing but nothing coming out. In fact, everyone around seems familiar, and Tonys heart plummeted in his chest. Make sure you remember to tell Peter that the TChalla and Shuri are coming, Pepper said firmly. The Avengers only know him briefly for his Spider Side and that was that. The Avengers looked shock about the news. Biiiiiggggg difference, Wade corrected. Peter gets caught up in moving and forgets to eat. With his heightened senses, thanks to the spider-bite that gave him unnatural superpowers, he could feel the air thickening with un-said words, angry, red-filled glares, and huffs of air. Tell you what, Scott said on the jet after Tony had given him a list of rules (you get injured, you get out, dont do anything stupid; the usual speech he gave whenever Peter was going after someone big). . He looked up and saw the starry night sky. Oh yeah, that was me, Clint grinned lazily. She brought over a bunch of paper and pencils and dumped them into Peters lap. The Avengers keep killing spiders and keep forgetting that it upset Peter. After two schools, the Avengers have a routine down, what to say, how to make the kids laugh until Midtown School of Science and Technology. If only he had remembered his sons inhaler. Particularly love any where tony is hurt post-endgame and wakes up to find peter is missing or gone. Peter Parker stars in his own version of Home Alone. You forgot to tell Peter hes babysitting today, didnt you? Rhodey smirked. It wasnt unusual for the barley-over-eighteen-year-old to be hungry. forgotten or left out peter recomendations. But there was something about the way he shoved the pizza in his mouth, sauce smeared at the corner of his lips and some on his cheek that had Tony feeling suspicious. I believe he found inspiration from you, Stephen said lightly. You know how he gets.. We always have them on our tree. character: peter parker character: tony stark genre: canon!au search: fic (recs) He wasnt alone, Natasha Romanov and Colonel Rhodes with him too, each eyeing him with a heavy amount of scepticism. the lady closed the door. Peter had woken up with phantom pain in his foot and a pang of grief so strong it took several days to start to subside. Steve didnt want to admit it but he was beginning to think that the Tower was haunted. Hello, Steve Rogers greeted, blinking at the group. Peter brings MJ over for movie nights and forgets about all the protocols Tony has in place. Peter had to pee all the time. 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