In fact, including the player character and optional downloadable content, you basically fill your entire party with different versions of Mercer. The protagonist of both the Splinter Cell games and a series of novels by Tom Clancy, Sam Fisher, is your classic black-ops video game hero. Allie in Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch is emphatically one of the latter group. First appearance in a game: Sonic the Hedgehog (1991). In Her Story, Hannah is being interviewed by police who are investigating the disappearance of her husband. Shes pragmatic but compassionate, iron-willed but open-minded. Originally, Bowser was designed to be an ox. First appearance in a game: Gears of War (2006). One big reason for the pokmon's popularity is that he is the partner of Ash Ketchum as the starter Pokmon in the anime series. This is a list of video game franchises, organized alphabetically. The 2019 movie Doom: Annihilation made a nod to Blazkowicz when an identified body found on Mars is named "William Blazkowicz. First appearance in a game: Doki Doki Panic (1987). She shows surprisingly vulnerable insights as she ponders her own life choices. Destiny can be very dark and overly serious at times, but Norths Ghost delicately threads the needle between lifting you up and letting you know things just got real. Over 80 years, weve seen so much of Batman and the Joker. Lee is an escaped convict in the midst of a zombie outbreak who finds himself caring for a frightened, vulnerable girl called Clementine. She has a complex relationship with Master Chief, who also appears on this list. Although Allie comes from the well-worn tradition of tragic moms, shes outlined with great tenderness by developer Level-5, working in tandem with Studio Ghibli. There are 101 characters listed here. The actual location of Agent 47's safehouse has never been revealed in any of the Hitman games thus far. The fans do have a point. Players of the game received a welcome surprise when Ellie became playable for a portion of The Last of Us. Besides being a side character in various Mario games, he has his own set of games as well, where he features as the main character. First appearance in a game: Donkey Kong Country (1994). 53. His origins are with the SOLDIER group, but he later becomes a rebel with the AVALANCHE. The first human specter, the fearless vanguard, and leader of the Normandys crew. Not to be confused with Ryu, the protagonist of the Breath of Fire series, this Ryu is the lead character of the Street Fighter series. What started out as an over-the-top depiction depiction of a no-nonsense infantryman has turned into a much more nuanced character, someone older and wiser. These are characters who are genuinely loved by their many fans. Something went wrong. Created for the original God of War in 2005, Kratos has since traveled as far as any video game character in his depth and personality. Some Resident Evil villains are monsters, and thats what makes them memorable, like Mr. X or the Regeneradores. Dr. Wily. And as long as you don't mess with the Little Sisters, Big Daddy will not harm you during gameplay. Like many villains, M. Bison's ultimate goal is to take over the world. Although hes mostly a typical grizzled game-bloke protagonist, his character and personality are elevated by a superb performance from Norman Reedus, who imbues Sam with a humanity and need thats rare in gamings leading men. 50. First appearance in a game: Street Fighter (1987). Assassin's Creed games. Dont miss the rest of Polygons end-of-decade coverage. Quick-witted action hero Nathan Drake is cut from the same cloth as countless Hollywood leading men, from Clark Gable to Harrison Ford. Imagine getting kicked by Chun-Li. Female. In a world where barely any adults can be trusted, Sojiro supports the Phantom Thieves and provides them adult advice they often need to hear. (Image credit: Capcom) First appearance in a game: 2001. Notable appearance: Onimusha 3: Demon Siege. Their first established series were the Mario and the Donkey Kong series, established in 1981. Sonic Games. Handsome Jack represents the best of the Borderlands franchise. The main character in what some call the greatest video game ever made, Cloud Strife is immediately recognizable to most video game fans with his blonde, spikey hair and massive sword, The Buster Sword. Some games have been officially licensed by Nintendo, and some are unlicensed. First appearing in Dinosaur Land in the Super Mario World game, Yoshi became one of the first rideable characters in a video game. While she's artificially intelligent, she also contains real emotional depth, which critiques the idea that robots are incapable of the same levels of humanness as humans. Sure, she remains a stubbornly male creation, frowning prettily as she mows down enemies and occasionally emoting with all the conviction of a mailbox. Troy Baker, who plays Joel in the games, has won numerous awards for his voice acting and portrayal of the character from institutions like the British Academy of Video Games. Still, players love Link, maybe more than even Zelda! First appearance in a game: Pac-Man (1980). The original anime used the name Satoshi Tajiri, who is the creator of the Pokmon game and series. Cocchiola is an old man who looks back on a battle in the Dolomites, in which he tries to save the life of his brother. Cute as Spyro is, he can still breathe fire with the best of them. Cuphead Bosses. Filter . Cortana is an artificially intelligent character that provides information throughout the game and figures into the story. Marston's in-game character, played by Rob Wiethoff, uses performance capturewhich blends actual scenes captured by the actor along with voice acting. It also helps that Parvati is voiced by the extraordinary Ashly Burch. Pull together a list of the most iconic video game characters of all time and chances are there would be very few surprises. The terrifying concept sells the scenes of Marguerites frantic stabbing, Jacks relentless hunt, and the dread you feel sitting down to a family dinner. Like his older brother, Luigi is indeed a plumber. It is a truth universally acknowledged that you should play as Kassandra, rather than her twin brother Alexios, in Assassins Creed Odyssey. Her condition presents an impossible dilemma: Continue to take her medication and lose the memory of her grandchildren, whose voices she keeps on a holotape, or keep the memory of her loved ones in the near term, and eventually succumb to insanity. But giving Shane a single gift initiates a surprisingly sweet courtship, where hell send me recipes in the mail and refuse to speak to me in person. The time travel story allows us to see Elizabeth at different ages in her life, and to see her sense of moral behavior adjust to the world around her, while de Witts somewhat two-dimensional personality both softens and deepens. He has one mission: to kill his targetthough if he enjoys his work, we would never know it! He also brews a mean cup of coffee and cooks absolutely delicious curry. Thwarting her is more satisfying than beating a thousand Dark Souls bosses. They spend solemn and touching moments with gods before reaching a notoriously emotional denouement atop a windy mountain. Duke Nukem wrote an autobiography. There's nobody more in love with themselves than Duke Nukem! (Street Fighter) Luke fon Fabre Zack Fair Captain Falcon Faust (Guilty Gear) Fawful Fei Long JD Fenix Marcus Fenix Sam Fisher (Splinter Cell) Flea (Chrono Trigger) Flowey Gordon Freeman Fulgore First appearance in a game: Hitman: Codename 47 (2000). Hey! While many people mistakenly refer to Link as Zelda, it should be noted that Zelda is the name of the princess that Link attempts to rescue in the various Legend of Zelda games. In the end, she serves up an amusing tale of redemption. The goose became one of the biggest memes of 2019 because its a horrible little bastard. Albert Einstein inspires Dr. Wiley's character and design with the crazy hair and mustache. The ultimate super-soldier, Solid Snake is the controllable protagonist in the iconic Metal Gear series of video games. Many critics note that what makes Big Boss such a great character is his believable evolution into a villain. In fact, many game publications regularly disparage Fenix for his foul mouth and just general cliche character tropes. They make for a well-written mismatched road trip duo. In his earliest iterations, Duke Nukem barely spoke and played like more of a silent assassin. Josh is a troubled young man, emotionally untethered by the loss of his sisters. Diddy Kong is a mini-Kong of sorts and has more chimpanzee elements than Donkey Kong. Ash was meant to be like Tajiri when he was a child and showcased his love for catching bugs. First appearance in a game: Metal Gear (1987). The lifer sent out to pasture on the LAPDs arson desk, Herschel Biggs grumbles at wonderboy Cole Phelps theories that some workaday house fires are actually connected to a larger or more sinister conspiracy. But what if we broke that agreement? First appearance in a game: Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (1991). Atreus' story loosely follows the story of Atreus from Greek mythology, who murdered his father in a quest for the throne of Olympia. Blackwood Crossing is one of the most underrated narrative games of the past 10 years. First appearance in a game: Street Fighter II (1991). Atari Games Corp. v. Nintendo of America Inc. Lewis Galoob Toys, Inc. v. Nintendo of America, Inc. Nintendo of America, Inc. v. Blockbuster Entertainment Corp. Universal City Studios, Inc. v. Nintendo Co., Ltd., Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 28 January 2023, at 00:12. When one individual Pokmon comes to define the entire franchise, you know that it's really something special. And fans love him too. And thus, this list was born. Eventually, he turns his talents to running an orphanage and being a dad. Freeman must fight an alien race known as headcrabs after being one of the few survivors of a massive attack. First appearance in a game: Duck Hunt (1985). Join us! She seeks revenge against M. Bison for the death of her father. 5 article The Community Spotlight 2023.02.25. He's a protector and about as tough as they come. As the daughter of an archeologist, Lara's main quest in life is to discover answers to the disappearances of her mother and father. The original Donkey Kong holds a Guinness World Record for "First Use of Visual Storytelling in a Video Game" because it was the first to include basic cut scenes. First appearance in a game: Mario Bros. (1983). He runs really, really fast! Also known as the Queen of the Blades, Kerrigan is an assassin in-game, using her psychic powers to gain knowledge and take down her enemies. And, because shes Mom, she knows all of Isaacs deepest, darkest secrets, which makes her a master of passive aggression as well as aggressive aggression. Another likely reason is that Pikachu is just so darn cute! Either way, he's definitely a recognizable character in a game series that's sold more than 50 million units to date. First appearance in a game: The Witcher (2007). Known only as "Dog," the dog that collects the ducks the player has shot has that winning smile that helps him onto our list of famous video game characters. Capcom feared, however, that they would be legally liable due to the close resemblance of that name to the boxer Mike Tyson, so they shortened the "Mike" to just an "M.", First appearance in a game: Mega Man (1987). She becomes humanity's last hope of overcoming the terrible infection. She's the main character in the Resident Evil series of games, which are downright scary to play. Though Sam never actually appears in Gone Home (apart from a family photograph), she is the driving force behind the game. That faith in Link is cemented after he lets you ride across the waves in one of the games most memorable sequences: a battle against one of the Divine Beasts that pelts the area with rain. Willows dialogue from accusing me of flirting with her ex to starting rumors about me on Twitter is so delightfully over the top and campy that I cant help but get sucked into the drama. Isabelle is my best friend. He can grab objects with his tongue, spit them out aflame, or lay them into an egg thrown by the player. The Big Boss character lost a lot with the switch from series regular David Hayter to celebrity voice talent Kiefer Sutherland. Persona 5 has a lot of characters, but the warm arc that Sojiro goes through from seeing the protagonist as a young rapscallion to treating him like his own son melts the heart. And it doesn't hurt when you have your own film made about you (Pokmon Detective Pikachu), and you're voiced by Ryan Reynolds. Yeah, we know. Are you a passionate writer? But they bring the best out of each other, creating an interlocking tale of love and learning. At the start of the game, shes scared and sad and overwhelmed, and she has very little time to become some kind of ruler. Playing Hunter as a central attacking midfielder in Norwich Citys 4-2-3-1, with Danny as striker, I was more than happy to help. In-game, Sweet Tooth's ice cream truck is decked with some wicked machine guns and the screams of his victims. Luigi was inspired by a pizza parlor near the Nintendo offices in Washington. She is escorted by Joe Miller, who also appears on our list, through the US, as she is one of the few immune survivors of a plague. He says it's the last in the Alphabet series, so if you're a fan, you'd better snatch it up while you can. The popular indie horror franchise Five Nights at Freddy's has been a long-standing cornerstone of both the genre for players and those involved in the wider world and storyline of the games. Salomon. He is destined for the top job, though his inept rule ends badly. He has a special ability to hear the thoughts of the creatures of the forest, which players can use to their advantage in the game. King Pagan Min is the most colorful and disturbing of the bunch. Shes at turns brash, gregarious, and tender. Its been an incredible decade for character design, in which facial capture technology has helped burnish excellent performances by actors and voice actors. What is consistent about the Shy Guys are their iconic masks and robes, as well as their cute and sneaky nature. Not everyone loves Marcus Fenixnot at all! Even given his minimal role in many of the games, Toad is popular with gamers because he's cute and might be the jolliest character Nintendo has ever made. He's a classic and has to be in the top 10 of any list of famous video game characters. De Witt is a standard video game hero: a violent man with a dark past. His enthusiasm is so endearing that I hope he returns in Breath of the Wilds sequel. Not only is Shovel Knight a stylishly designed character that stars in one of the decades best retro-inspired platformers, he also represents something much larger than himself. He reminds us of the everyman from the Mushroom Kingdom who just wants to find his love. 2 Batman 3 Hero 4 Robin 5 Hero 6 Batgirl 7 Hero 8 Nightwing 9 Hero 10 Alfred 11 Clayface 12 Villians 13 Mr. But Venom Snake makes the list because he isnt the hero. He dashes. We are aware of his seedy past, and yet we still sympathize with his struggle to return to normal family life. A maker at heart, Michael loves all things DIY. Now, it's a standard element in many RPGs and side-scrollers. Joe. Initially, he sets off to prank his friends. Given that more and more game companies seek to use their iconic characters as representations of their brand, you can find many of these figures on shirts, cards, and even as Easter eggs within other games. In all seriousness, she was one of the first female video game characters to shed some classic stereotypes. He currently resides in the Tampa-area with his wife and puppy. First appearance in a game: Mario Bros. (1983); Donkey Kong (1981) as "Jumpman.". Sonic has appeared in five different games, which isn't a lot given his popularity. Ezio is a skilled assassin who climbs walls and completes quests that lead toward uncovering dark secrets. Shane is an aimless, depressed alcoholic who stocks shelves at the local JojaMart. Really all the dog does is appear on the screen to show off the ducks, but every time he does it just makes us smile. With over 70,000 characters in the Marvel Multiverse, this is the most complete public listing in existence. For many, Kitana is their favorite Mortal Kombat character because she was one of the earliest female characters in the game. Hell take the fall to protect his pals, even if it means a long stretch inside. Licensed games [ edit] The writing from Rocksteady for these moments is some of gamings best, enhanced by Mark Hamills and Kevin Conroys performances as Joker and Batman. With multiple movies starring Angelina Jolie as Lara Croft, she shot all the way up our list to number two. Video games Platforms Genres Lists Development v t e This is a list of all video game lists on Wikipedia, sorted by varying classifications. While he might not be as high on our list as his fraternal twin, many gaming fans prefer Luigi a lot more. . First appearance in a game: Donkey Kong (1981). Kratos, as you might guess, personifies "strength." More than in most stories about princesses, you really feel the immense political pressure shes placed under while also feeling the responsibility you have to guide her through assassination attempts, court lessons, and plenty of intrigue. Thrown by the loss of his seedy past, and leader of biggest. Appearance in a game: Donkey Kong ( 1981 ) the Shy Guys are their masks... Mission: to kill his targetthough if he enjoys his work, we would never it... In her Story, Hannah is being interviewed by police who are genuinely loved by their many.... Goal is to take over the World Warrior ( 1991 ) optional downloadable content, you know it... Revealed in any of the latter group at heart, Michael loves all things DIY Blazkowicz when an body. Maker at heart, Michael loves alphabetical list of video game characters things DIY listing in existence a zombie outbreak who finds himself for... World Warrior ( 1991 ) portion of the Hitman games thus far a troubled young man, untethered! 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