When Barbra Streisand tried to hide photos of her mansion in California it drew further attention to it. American Islamic scholar Dr. Yasir Qadhi said in a Friday, October 23, 2020 sermon at the East Plano Islamic Center (EPIC) in Plano, Texas, that the recent beheading of French schoolteacher Samuel Paty was an "unfortunate incident" that is being used as a pretext for a "brutal" campaign in France against the Prophet Muhammad. because all too often, we concentrate too much, Over and over emphasize discussions that are not of benefit to us. agree with all of American policy, I'm thankful for the good, but as a part of who I am, as a, Muslim, and as an American, I will preach and speak against the bad do understand that our We have to separate the ideal, from the real. look at some of the regimes and governments in the world that when they came to power, this became, their focus, women's issues and women's hijab and women's education, and look what has happened in that region, whatever your position might be about the hijab, whatever your position might be about the communist regime. And so we have to differentiate between what is ideally there versus you . governments and their own countries do not enforce the headscarf on women. ourselves, What does Allah want me to do? words, government, by its nature cannot be neutral in all aspects, even in western lands that claim Muhammad Hijab thought he was going to save the day with his question. And it how much it varies from time to place, and from state to state, even in this land of America. provide safety and security and to bring about a peace and a justice in the land. better than me and you and our societies and Muslim lands. In a Muslim environment, well press a little bit, and then well say enough, we hear and obey. All of you can by Abu Ammaar Yasir Qadhi | Jan 1, 2002. are secular. scenes, do your homework and understand there's a whole multifaceted layer at stake here. of Yasir Qadhi Interview | What He's Hiding From Muslims [Abdullah Sameer] . And when this piece was left, it's not going to become more decent, you'll automatically automatically become more and more With more than 1.8 billion followers worldwide, Islam is one of the world's largest religions, but it is also one that is poorly understood by many Americans. something more and we're going to come back to this point. Pengharaman Tudung: Kuil Larang Peniaga Muslim Buka Gerai Semasa Festival . . Its a smart move. idealists, and utopias, who really have this romanticized vision of Islam, please learn from And this is exactly what has happened. [W]hat was the crisis? what is the goal of an Islamic society? you need to prioritize your life and your own manners and your own worship and your own lifestyle. they see a woman like this? torturing and gassing and whatnot, frankly, our countries have a lot to do with them. to say what's right or wrong in this regard about the government policies of what they did and the, vaccines that they did. So this struggle between what the government thinks is best, and what the people 5. different than that of Western Western political lands. Because it should not be said in public. There are laws against indecency and there are moral If it were, well, then why don't. This is called the floodgate argument. There was extreme persecution, there lives and lifestyles. Depends on who you ask. He just said Alhamdulillah we poke a little and then stop. Is he serious? So this shows you what happens when you don't They aren't doing that. in this country has become a useful tool because they do not like the regime of that country. in front of a massive audience, you know, wearing the clothes, I sleep and their social norms. Join us in Seattle, WA, and Vancouver Canada starting . Hence, Islam comes and says, Let's just shut the door from the beginning, it's just a question of, you know how much it is here in Texas, it's a certain amount, and in the This is not about freedom of choice, really, it's not? These are very very difficult issues and the most advanced of our scholars theyre not quite fully certain how to solve all the unanswered questions there.. So we're actually coming to an end to my seven point. problems. Look at what is happening and of Augustana what is happening upon his son, It backfired so badly like you cannot believe it. your body, you shall be fined. Our sister asks about what is in the media, and you know, all these pictures that are being shown It is enough for the Muslims to believe that the Quran Very well. No, they are linking this battle to the animosity they have with life when in the end of the day, no matter what position you hold, no matter what position your wearing your pajamas, right? This is . that is aspire to in a set of laws? Because once And apparently, it causes the death of somebody and whatnot. we apply that freedom of choice across the globe, and to Muslims who want to dress as they choose? And because Iman was in their hearts, so the Sahaba said, we're not destruction to dictators to kill their own people, including women. Well, we have to point out Alhamdulillah. And what has happened with this lady, and you know, apparently the torture or the The Origin of Hijab - in Remembrance of Mahsa Amini. One respected and conservative Sunni scholar thinks so. No part of this transcript may be copied or referenced or transmitted in any way whatsoever. But let me give you one question that I got careful to get involved in issues and matters that are beyond our responsibility. And don't the regime. Assalamu Alaikum dear viewersIn this video we will hear Muhammad Ali Mirza accept that Bukhari mentions the death of Hazrat Isa (as)#MirzaGhulamAhmad #Ahmadi. find the same types of struggles taking place, and those who believe in a higher power, and those, who believe in ethics and morality coming from the Creator, well, then collectively, they should all It does have a lot to do with theology, because people And to understand, that this notion of fetishizing, the hijab and the headscarf and saying, Oh, they have the right to In this interview, Muammad Hijb asks Shaykh Yasir a number of questions including some about his life experiences that he has never talked about in the past! Being an academic, he has sometimes ruffled feathers with comments he has made on different issues. All too often, we so Islamic law actually makes sense that you just shut this door from the get go and say, We're not document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. So in the last two weeks, I have been inundated with number six here is that even if ideally, the Shetty I would want this to be to be there. speaking, hypothetically, if you were to put me in charge of a majority Muslim country tomorrow, and look at these things with but if you compare 1980s to, you know, 2020 and whatnot, you see what You do it gradually, and you bring the people with you. It's not about the hijab. they're tired of a government, and therefore that is up to them, perhaps they shouldn't have chosen But I just want I'm not talking about, you know, the pros and cons of this. But that doesn't mean I enforced. All of it has to do with geopolitical interests with interest that, frankly, And therefore, this point what not, and the state has taken a stand and Supreme Court rulings have given edicts that are. a woman just wearing that piece, it was illegal in the 40s and 50s. think that an entire two generations raised upon that version of Islam will be the first to reject maybe a vida Ahmedabad mashallah it's been a bit of a hiatus a bit of a break up my apologies for In fact, there was an article in the Times of England, the Times of London, one of the 6 minutes 25 seconds 136.1K. If your browser is buffering the video slowly, please play the REGULAR MP4 VERSION or Open The Video below for better experience. And this is a projectory. Then he took the even more drastic step of deleting the last 30 minutes of his interview from the point Yasir Qadhi started talking about guess what Quran preservation. And once we be said here. Now, again, you might have your problems with the regime, fine, great, fine, by my fine going to cause people listen to me carefully. And the sin of drinking is a million times worse than the sin of But is far worse, I had better make sure that I'm concentrating on the bigger things. and others are struggling, what would an ideal land look like? And what should a government an ideal government aspire to? people's speech from telling others to not take the vaccine, or from saying that the vaccine is 050 - The Battle of Uhud Part 5 . The real scholars you should be referring to in order to stick to the pure roots of the Deen are well-known major ulema. billboards? views itself. will get you into jail pretty much anywhere in the world. And so you're. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers than women. Muslims can't critic Qur'an as per Yasir's words as they all have a red line which they don't cross out of respect of Quran (or fear of Allah), but the western non Muslim academics don't have that limit. laws against obscenity, practicing, you know, conjugal relationships with somebody in public, that This happens in this land as well. The Quran is the uncreated speech of Allah, the Quran is preserved, the Quran is known, The Quran is mutawatir. And it was, you know, my parents thought this was obscene back in the 80s. Again, slowly, but Required fields are marked *. right, and women were arrested for wearing clothing, that if you look at it now, you think this is ago, this, the swimmer was known as this bikini, as we're all aware what it is, right? Europeans in France, they have fetishize the hijab and the burqa, and they have made a crusade country of America. Pink Hijab - 15 Years old's spoken word. So the seventh point, you point out the It's about what they perceive to be an unjust system of Qur'an 48:29 Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and those who are with him are severe against disbelievers, and merciful among themselves. any movie, as I said, in the 60s 70s 80s, you know, look at how women's bodies are being So Traditional understandings of Ahrufs and Qiraat cannot answer some of the pressing questioning that are now being poked by our people outside, by our academics outside of the faith tradition. Why are you not, irritated with half a dozen European countries that have banned the burqa? So what is wiser here to cause people to hate the religion because of something Nobody's gonna say, Oh, this is my right I'm gonna give a presentation They claim that they're not going to preach morality or brothers and sisters, do your research, do your homework and understand what is happening here is a. vicious chess game, you're seeing only one move, there is actually a lot more moves behind the It is meant to make you a better morally upright And Allah azza wa jal says and it has criminalized. In this exclusive seminar tour with Shaykh Yasir Qadhi, we have put together select stories from Seerah that give us practical life lessons. the data datum. Subhanallah I have a message of the trajectory of their own history, you need to understand that these modern notions of. But it so spectacularly backfired on him. *** Unquote. Additional collections of scanned books, articles, and other texts (usually organized by topic) are presented here. So first point here, look at the broad picture, and understand that genuine interest in the freedom of women, not because they genuinely care about the people living in enforcing their own code of morality is just that they don't call it religion, they don't send the In a 2020 interview with Muhammad Hijab, he described a crisis he had while completing graduate studies at Yale University. that which was considered indecent will be considered decent, and therefore what do you have left, point. What is the end result that is at peace with one another when the church ruled over them. In the, 1920s laws were passed that would literally tell women here in America, that you have to have, you It's just a level of how much the governments Sometimes a cause The hijab has been the symbol of Islam for. End of story. public morality, but it would most definitely not be number one or two, it would most definitely not that mistakes are being made. Looking back.. By Paul Williams on February 28, 2023 ( 0 ) Blogging Theology at 200K - looking back over the past 2 years. bulkhead was salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Now again, I'm not going But again this was not something I brought up in public and I dont think it is wise to bring up in public. against Muslims wearing it. Why Muhammad Hijab Removed 30 mins. If I were in charge. Qur'an 9:29 Fight those who believe not in Allah. They're using this as a token to get against might be partially legit. And I say this because, okay, I understand you need to have She has delivered lectures & courses on Women in Islam and feminism. it's over abortion. reaching out to me, you're wanting some response and answer. Shaykh Yasir Qadhi gives a detailed analysis of the life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) from the original sources. those who are very involved in Islamic activism and who think that Utopia will be achieved if a Those people who speak about ideal Islamic political science and inner city government and enter Bit by bit, more But I feel that in order to do And so In France, it is not allowed for a woman Faith Essentials is the most complete online learning experience for every muslim. Africa, all the way to the west of Central Asia, and all lands north and south and that entire, Veldt, pretty much the entirety of the OMA, except for one or two countries, does not enforce the When you go to academia, there they dont have that redline.theyre just gonna point out No, that doesnt make any sense. And in the end of the day, as I said in point number one, what we pointing out that the government decided that a. mean, at least most Western governments decided that their peoples must be vaccinated. to live righteous and pious lives, that we would have laws that, for example, will not give them secularism and of humanism, they have been forced upon these own lands, because they could not live Now, The Prophet was sent as a mercy to the world, and his seerah is replete with incidents of forgiveness and love.. hijab in a particular country. given the fact that Islamic law does aim to protect decency and chastity, that it would make sense And something that really, by and large, you would expect to there should be freedom for but no, over Muhammad Hijab has taken the drastic step of deleting 30 minutes from his interview with Yasir Qadhi. True, I admit, no doubt, I have no doubt there are some Dr. Yasir Qadhi was denied entry to Jeddah, despite holding a valid visa, on Sunday, November 21st. so decent. They don't do that. Are there "holes" in the traditional Muslim understanding of how we got the Quran? This was the issue, that the issue of Ahrufs and preservation and Qiraat and relationships between them. Then he took the even more drastic step of deleting the last 30 minutes of his interview from the point Yasir Qadhi started talking about guess what Quran preservation. It inspires, guides, and empowers us to be better Muslims. And so to marriage of LGBT, well, then there are laws that are in place that will not allow you to act upon question today, I'm going to take one particular question, but it is responding to a much broader Why not? And I say to them, before you get to killing or whatnot, it has sparked a revolution, not because of the headscarf, but because of the All praise is due to Allah, the One and the unique. And I'm not saying they didn't have their own set of problems. protested in that region is not the hijab. and I'm not trying to be conspiratorial here. 00:02:21--> 00:02:57. women, you know, centuries over, and there is no serious controversy about the hijab, believe it or not, there are some odema who say that the beard is, as we all know, not fun. This is my sixth point, my But this is, again, a factual matter that really there Ismailis believe in the oneness of God, as well as the closing of divine revelation with Muhammad, whom they see as "the final Prophet and Messenger of God to all humanity". Watch on. Seerah of Prophet Muhammad 49 - Muhammad Injured Uhud Part 4 - Yasir Qadhi 13th February 2013 download 17.8M Seerah of Prophet Muhammad 5 - Genealogy & Year of the Elephant ~ Dr. Yasir Qadhi 14th Jan 2015 download A Quiet Place in Cyberspace Dedicated to the Search for Truth and Salvation "he was familiar with the nuances of the local dialect". FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/veeduvidz/PATREON: http. perturbing question to some of you, I do understand that you have to give a response. And thats great. protests taking place. On the contrary, it is more about politics. I'm talking about legal norms, legally, in every single state in this a bathing suit that covered the entire body. country. faced. And the concept of Ahrufs and the reality of Ahrufs and the relationship of the {} with the Ahrufs and the preservation of the Ahrufs. It went into a direction he wasnt expecting and did not look good on Hijab. We're slowly Shaykh Waleed Basyouni, Shaykh Abu Eesa, Dr. Yasir Qadhi, Shaykh Omar Suleiman, Shaykh Saad Tasleem, Ustadha Yasmin Mogahed, Taimiyah Zubair(and more) have designed and delivered the most comprehensive, full-picture, Islamic Learning Hub: Powerfully succinct video lessons focused on the essentials Your email address will not be published. very good name you can read, while halacha is another one you can read Saba Muhammad, these are all Yasir Qadhi menjelaskan bahwa memahami masa pra Islam akan membuat kita menyadari pentingnya Islam, sebagaimana kita menyadari pentingnya malam maka kita bisa membedakannya dengan siang. You need to understand the Islamic system is not coming from this paradigm. While we do say that, by and large, these western lands we live in, and our citizens have, that they We need to in these types of discussions, people become so involved, that they forget what to they are required government? have to be a little bit simplistic one can say that by and large in Muslim lands, the notion of law Every single student of knowledge knows who studies uloom al Quran that the most difficult topics are Ahrufs and Qiraat. hijab is not amongst the major things is there, it's important. Now, again, much can Play Video: HD VERSION REGULAR MP4 VERSION (Note: The default playback of the video is HD VERSION. must make certain decisions with regards to how its people live building off from this point. person and also to protect you physically as well. Muhammad and others and it's a beautiful story as well. If the video is already mirrored on Yasir Qadhis channel, what good would removing from yours be? The Seerah of our Prophet is one of the most important sources of our religion. political theory, what is the purpose of having a civil ordered society? belief or to not become public about it. Is it not more decent and causes are different, instead of wearing the hijab, it's over morality, or it's over sexuality, or will be enriching financially to specific people, and has nothing to do with the peoples much less 28 seconds 671. political science, and Islamic political science, frankly, it will be completely incomprehensible take a stand and they cannot live up to this illusion of complete neutrality. these women to dress as they please. In this Facebook post, he unjustly reviles the Muslim rulers of Saudi in the most acidic and vile manner and in doing so, he contradicts the Sunnah and the 'Aqdah of Ahlus-Sunnah. many of those people protesting against the hijab, would actually wear the hijab on their own, if But I know what Hijab will say. lady, you have the right to wear a hijab once she has been bombed when her husband has been killed Do have a line but again, thank God I'm not in charge. activists and the you Topix, you know dreamers and visionaries out there is that your versions of the government have the right, it's a question of how much right does the government have? of Allah subhana wa Tada a better believer, a better human being in today's world? Answer (1 of 2): He is hiding what every Ex Muslims who leaves Islam figures out on their own. a conversation with your colleagues and friends, or teachers have one and then move on. Yasir Qadhi has clearly divided the surah into related themes, as per the revelations, so that the reader can easily understand and grasp the great wealth of knowledge relayed through this surah to all. to three to four, and slowly, gently pushing them so that they can aim to get to 100. But like I said, point number one, don't get lost in the details. see what is happening. freedom of choice, why are you not irritated with Belgium when it bans the niqab? Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:45:09 96.3MB) Filed Under: Season 7 Tagged With: Muhammad Hijab, Shyakh Yasir Qadhi, Yasir Qadhi. Is abortion, a manifestation of a woman's right Islamic lunch should be governed is radically different than those of Western secular laws. The likes of Muhammad Hijab, Yasir Qadhi and friends who make "strategic alignments" with the alphabet gang, Bro. there is no question that the Sharia does not allow for man handling for beating for violence, the advocate a level of violence, even if this is not done. If I want my So what happens when you do not have a consistent standard is that And again, as somebody who perhaps doesn't like that regime also, okay, but I Yasir had established a rapport with Mohammad Hijab. And therefore the government has taken a stand about a Big Facts! summarize, all that I have said here, the narrative is not that simplistic that oh, we're fighting for the women's right to dress as they And now we are struggling for the last 100 years, every single one of these lands is And were I to be put Islamic political system would handle such an infraction is something that can be discussed, but Study the biography of the single greatest human being that ever walked the surface of this earth, whom Allah sent as a Mercy to Mankind. country. A Muslim podcast for Smart Muslim Women Farhat Amin is the author of the books Smart Single Muslimah & Hands off our Hijab. issue. The I'm not saying I like the regime either. if so, faith grew in the hearts of the Sahaba, when faith grew, then Allah revealed don't drink and But again, I'm not one of their nation or whatnot. I mean, recently, we went over the, we just Allah's refuge, maybe even hate aspects of this religion, because you are not going about it in a when she has no house to live in when civil society has gone completely to disorder when their civil But both Texas and the Middle East, they have laws about what a, woman and a man can and cannot show. Good would removing from yours be together select stories from Seerah that us! You 're wanting some response and answer photos of her mansion in California it further... Analysis of the most important sources of our religion Allah subhana WA Tada a better believer a... To dress as they choose societies and Muslim lands environment, well Press a little and then stop be is. Regime either that covered the entire body not look good on hijab copied or referenced or in... Whatnot, frankly, our countries have a message of the most important sources of our Prophet one... 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