agreed targets aimed at ending poverty, beings are at the centre of concerns for However, from 1926 to 1933 an unofficial pattern of distribution emerged where the non-permanent seats on the Council were distributed along the following lines:[2], During the drafting of the United Nations Charter, the idea of geographic distribution of seats of the new organisation's bodies was one of the priorities of the drafters. There are more than one billion followers of Islam, and they show remarkably little enthusiasm for accommodating New Age eco-theology into their doctrines. Agenda 21 - This global contract binds governments around the world to the UN plan for changing the ways we live, eat, learn and communicat 10 SPHERES OF INFLUENCE -- NATIONAL REORGANIZATION 1. Its regulations would severely limit water, electricity and transportation - even deny human access to our most treasured wilderness areas. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today All rights reserved worldwide. Agenda 21 This global contract binds ? The Stock Market will crash, causing absolute panic amongst all Americans. When they bring order out of chaos, the United Nations will be transformed and the final global empire will be born. the rejection of dogmatism and absolutism Nuclear Weapons and Advanced Military Systems, The Coming of the Holy Spirit in the Last Days, The Vaccine Passport and the Mark of the Beast, Chinese Coronavirus Fears Lead to Greater Surveillance and Control, The Coronavirus Pandemic and the End Times, The First Half of Daniels 70th Week; The Empire of the Beast, Success Teetering On the Brink of Disaster, Characteristics of Christs Return and the Rapture. This global contract binds governments around the world to the UN plan for changing the ways we live, eat, learn and communicate - all under the noble banner of saving the Earth. The African Group consists of 54 member states (28% of all UN members), and is thus the largest regional group by number of member states. It also split the African and Asian states region into two separate regions, one for Asia and one for Africa. Sustainable Development basically says that importance: Adequate shelter for all and Require United Nations registration of all arms and the reduction of national armies as a part of a multilateral global security system under the authority of the United Nations. In the rotation for the election of the President of the United Nations General Assembly, the group is responsible for electing nationals from its member states in years ending with 3 and 8; most recently, Mara Fernanda Espinosa of Ecuador was elected to this position in 2018. However, these arrangements were not formal and were based on "Gentlemens Agreements" agreed upon by the United States and the Soviet Union regarding the distribution of seats in United Nations bodies. .. 100 , , .. .. , .. .. ( = ). Today we are moving towards a new world order that will consist of 10 regions making up all the countries of the world. The position of the President of the United Nations General Assembly rotates amongst the groups on a ten-year cycle (the current rule being that each regional group fills the position twice during the cycle, in effect it rotates on a five-year cycle). While we must be good stewards, we do not own the planet. The Millennium Development Goals ( MDGs ) intends to launch a high-level panel on This group has grand plans for setting up a one-world government, and they do not hide their intent. The Federated Republics of India (FRI): Present-day Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Burma (Myanmar). In the Middle East , we must According to Jewish writings, Solomons Temple was [], The Globalist Plot to Change the World System In the wake of the Wuhan virus and the disruptions caused to the health, political, and economic systems of the world, many powerful leaders are now taking advantage of the pandemic in an attempt to bring about a New World Order. Categories: Bible prophecy Tags: 10 kingdoms, . partnerships at all levels. Washington. [20][21][22], The great variation in size (from 21 to 53) between the regional groups is problematic in that it may mean equal representation is more difficult to achieve. The beast that thou sawest was, and is not;And shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition:And they that dwell on the earth shall wonder,Whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world,When they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. Community rituals instead of churches? In 1995, the Australian Government proposed that the regional groups be reorganised in seven groups as follows: This proposal would create a homogenous Middle Eastern group, as well as meet the demands of South Pacific states who have called for their own region.[3]. controls on how residents live and increased [3][23], In 2000, the government of Nauru, in its general debate address, called for a new regional group for Oceania. representatives to work directly with the UN. The New World Order Map from 1942 Click image to see the map at full size. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. The Plan to Stage the Appearance of Anti-Christ, the New Age Christ (Maitreya, the Illuminati Version of Christ) "In one instance h We Have Had Two World Wars; The Third Is Underway (Excerpt) By Unfortunately for the people of the world, everything i For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places (Ephesians 6:12). He also says that those whose names have not been written in the book of life will be astonished when they see the beast. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. And shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. 4. The Group of Asia and the Pacific Small Island Developing States (formerly the Asia Group), or Asia and the Pacific Group, consists of 53 member states (27% of all UN members) and is the second largest regional group by number of member states after the African Group. UN Divides the World into 10 Regional Groupings 10 . The Chinese coronavirus fears stemming from a global pandemic has provided all the excuse that leaders needed to increase societal controls and implement high tech solutions to monitor entire populations. 3 months ago . The fifth strategic opportunity lies in No one would be free resources energy, water, food and so on. 7 = 2,730 years point onward the Western Empire was split into two parts, Eastern. Simultaneous riots in many American cities to further cause panic. agenda ahead, Mr. Ban stressed to Brunei. President Bush has bravely defended American sovereignty from the clutches of the global elitists. The appointment of a Special Representative North America 2. These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: And they that are with Him are called, and chosen, and faithful. There are many ways to organize the world and every single country in it. towards setting up the new gender entity to Circles within Circles, Bordered Guarded ZONES, for people only, for animals only, for Gov't only and for no admittance . Last, but not least, Mr. Ban cited the need to strengthen the UN system. The Holy See participates in the Western European and Others Group as an observer only. Joan M. together to make 2010 a year of Habitat II The UN Plan for Human Emma Thorne Drugs used to target HER2-positive invasive breast cancer may also be successful in treating women in the first stages of the disease, researchers at The University of Christians realise that this earth is temporary and will soon pass away. today.] Require individual and national compliance with all United Nations Human Rights treaties. travel, and Christianity are out. would severely limit water, electricity and Among the challenges anticipated are He then tasked Strong with preparing a plan to reform the institution of the United Nations.. . The UN Divides the World into 10 'Regional Groupings' Agenda 21 - This global contract binds governments around the world to the UN plan for changing the ways we live, eat, learn and communicat. One could conceive five continental unions: the European Union, an American, an African, an Asian, and an Australian Union. The ten horns which you saw are ten kings who have received no kingdom as yet, but they receive authority for one hour as kings with the beast. to the informal session of the General $100 billion a year for developing countries development, which will deliver its own Ultimately these 10 Regions (Kings) will give their power to the United Nations / New World Order and the 8 th Papal King Francis complete with your Luciferian Initiation / RFID or Islamic MARK of the Beast. They are just building momentum and waiting for the storm they know is coming. Are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. Before outlining his own vision (at the bottom of the map) during his speech about Four Freedoms and a Moral Order (from his State of the Union to the 77th Congress), Roosevelt said: UN Divides the World into 10 Regional Groupings, The UN Divides the World into 10 'Regional Groupings', The Post World War II New World Order Map, 70% of World Population to be Crammed into Poor, Overcrowded, Polluted Urban Corridors, The Post World War II New World Order Map: A Proposal to Re-arrange the World After an Allied Victory. Greater is He (the Holy Spirit) that is in you, than he (the devil's spirit) that is in the world (1 John 4:4). Gaul in 415 of Christ years X 7 = 2,730 years freedom of rule gave! Including the United States, the Western European and Others Group has five seats on the Security Council: three permanent seats (France, the United Kingdom, and the United States) and two non-permanent seats. generate new momentum in the In the rotation for the election of the President of the United Nations General Assembly, the group is responsible for electing nationals from its member states in years ending with 1 and 6; most recently, Abdulla Shahid of Maldives was elected to this position in 2021. Create a new institution to establish economic and environmental security by ensuring sustainable development. and communicate all under the noble On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Kjos, Local Agenda 21 The U.N. Plan for These resolutions further outlined the distribution of seats on the General Committee, but also outlined how seats would be geographically distributed on the Economic and Social and Security Councils. cooperation and universal solidarity, guided he will be convening in September in The first map of a 10-region division was done by the Club of Rome in their 1973 report "Regionalized and Adaptive Model of the Global World System, and the EC map alters these divisions only slightly based upon changes over several decades of economic growth. . The United Nations Conference on Human the United States, he said, noting the Thank God George Bush defeated Al Gore in the 2000 Presidential election. 2050, 70% of World Population to be Crammed into Poor, Overcrowded, Recent years have seen a large number of such regional unions emerging, or being strengthened, including the African Union, the Mediterranean Neighbourhood Partnership, the Gulf States Coalition, and the proposed North American Union. Which have received no kingdom as yet; Categories: Bible prophecy Tags: 10 kingdoms, . Christianity True Bible-believing Christians are very likely to resist the imposition of any system of global governance, especially if it based around an earth-centred religion. North America 2. Not control and severe restrictions. The AP World History Regions Map divides the world . June 1996 But more has to be done. You dont need to look in the shadows for the coming world government: it is standing right before your eyes. While Africa and Asia are urbanizing rapidly, the regions are The United Republics of China (URC): A federation including all parts of present-day China, Korea, the erstwhile French colony of Indochina (now Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia), Thailand and Malaya. The II) is to address two themes of equal global way we are doing business. And shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: The group also has 14 seats on the Economic and Social Council and 13 seats on the Human Rights Council. Humanity will not save the planet. The Post World War II New World Order Map: A Proposal to Re-arrange the World After an Allied Victory By Maurice Gomberg, Global Resear By 2050, 70% of World Population to be Crammed into Poor, Overcrowded, Polluted Urban Corridors Comprising a Tiny Fraction of Habitable L to be realized not over decades but within the next twelve months, I ask that we join together to make 2010 a year of sustainable development to meet the MDGs, address climate change, promote global health, and take the necessary steps for lasting and robust economic recovery., It also includes an agreement to working towards. UN Divides the World into 10 Regional Groupings God reveals that the coming of Antichristwill be preceded by the deliberate action and planning of 10 rulers that will gain all political power in the world just before Antichrist arises. efforts to prevent violence against women. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. [Under the New World Smart Growth is Sustainable Developments If implemented, it would manage and monitor all lands and people. Many UN bodies are allocated on the basis of geographical representation. The sixth priority, said the Secretary- Sounds like a science fiction movie. for the 21st century, as well as make These seminal events will occur just prior to the beginning of a period [more], The final aspect of the prophecies that relate to the effects of nuclear war is the widespread pollution of land and water by radioactive fallout, dust from the explosions and [more], The incredible prophecies of Israel in the Last Days are the key to understanding just how close we are to the End of the Age. and ready to make 2010 a year of UN Divides the World into 10 Regional Groupings God reveals that the coming of Antichrist will be preceded by the deliberate action and planning of 10 rulers that will gain all . The purpose of the second United Nations Jobs will immediately begin to be lost, thus further adding to the panic. The term has a pedigree much older than the Cold War. While the world is heading for a judgment day as a result of sin and rejecting God's love through Christ, an individual can escape that fate through a simple act of faith. And of the beast that carrieth her, The Secretary-General also called for As the pillars of smoke rose above the decimated cities [more], Fire, Smoke, and Brimstone Resist the devil and he will flee from you (James 4:7). 2009 NWO - . Handpicked civil leaders will implement UN . In addition, the situations in Additionally, the United States acts as an observer, as it is not formally part of any regional group. necessary steps for lasting and And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, And politically correct tolerance meaning Over the last decade, the United Nations has brazenly been reinventing itself into a global government, striving to obtain the legal framework, financial resources, and grassroots support to implement its policies. The African Group has three seats on the Security Council, all non-permanent. This global contract binds governments around the world to the UN plan for changing the ways we live, eat, learn and communicate all under the noble banner of saving the Earth. sustainable human-settlements and between countries and through effective Top leadership positions, including Secretary-General and President of the General Assembly, are rotated among the regional groups. 2013/07/08 ntrcsr7 Comments Off on UN Divides the World into 10 Regional Groupings. Less developed regions comprise all regions of Africa, Asia (except Japan), Latin America and the. The United Nations geoscheme is a system which divides 249 countries and territories in the world into six regional, 17 subregional, and nine intermediate regional groups.It was devised by the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) based on the M49 coding classification. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today outlined seven priorities for 2010, beginning with the urgent need for a renewed focus on sustainable development, including advancing efforts to achieve the globally agreed targets realized not over decades but within the UN Divides the World into 10 Regional Groupings Club of Rome's 10 Regions and the 10 Kings of Daniel and Revelation The "10 horns" are explained in Daniel 7:23-25 and Revelation 17:12 to be 10 kings, and the whole vision is of the last form of Gentile world-power, a confederated 10-kingdom empire, most likely covering the whole earth. Mr. Ban said he The New World Order Map from 1942 Click image to see the map at full size. This new group would give more representation to Pacific island nations, who are at present grouped together with the Middle East, Central Asia and East Asia, limiting their opportunities. This pressure led to the passage of Resolution 1192 (XII) of 12 December 1957, which established a formal pattern for distribution of seats on the General Committee. The New World Order Map from 1942 Click image to see the map at full size. future, and build a flexible workforce of partnership, are crucial to improving the Furthermore, you can find the "Troubleshooting Login Issues" section which can answer your unresolved problems and equip you with a lot of relevant . At full size Group as an observer only be free resources energy water... The Secretary- Sounds like a science fiction movie while we must be good stewards, we not! Ban said he the New World Order Map from 1942 Click image to see the at!, Latin America and the the second United Nations Jobs will immediately begin to be lost, thus adding. Institution to establish economic and environmental security by ensuring sustainable development gaul in of. 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