Gordon Pinsent, a veteran of Canada's film and television industry, has died at age 92.. On the other bank is a location called Transport Wreckage (300XP) which has some marauder enemies who will probably attack as you approach the river. I noticed Zoe only after I had resolved the power issue. Examine the ledger on the table to update the Frightened Engineer. If you dont save often and in different slots, it might be best to just forget about this quest until a patch fixes it. Leave Zoe's house and go through the door on your left. Christian Paul. Patricia Summersett. However, Stefan will reveal that he and Zoe used to watch the serial, The Masked Marketeer, together and that he was planning to surprise her with a genuine copy of the latest episode before she went missing. She will tell you she was kicked out from Edgewater for getting sick and stealing medicine. She can be convinced with a Persuade 15 or Intimidate 65 check. If you feel that diplomacy is for sissies, you can take a more hands-on approach to getting him to stand down. Attempt to use the terminal here to redirect power. With Tobson Reed out of the way, return to Adelaide at the Botanical Lab and give her the news (13200XP, Deserters Reputation, negative Board Reputation, Adelaide's Watch). A tide westering, moondrawn, in her wake. You first get this mission by talking to Grace at the entrance to the Botanical Lab, who youll probably come across while trying to get the power situation sorted. The combat music doesnt stop, and theres no way to start a conversation with her. These marauders will be hostile on sight. You will discover the Geothermal Power Plant (1200XP) along the way but keep going past it. Once there, read the two notes on the tables to the left and right of the door. You convinced Zoe to return to the Camp. \ 25 FEB-3 MARCH 2023 More adventures in \ } i " Back for the final series the Star Wars galaxy SRY. He will offer to join up with you so that he can get offworld and have the book translated. Fuck it. Of course, if youd rather be a bad guy and choose a side you can do so, youll just have to mercilessly slaughter the other side. updated Dec 6, 2018. You can find him on Twitter, Backloggd, and Letterboxd @OrangeFlavored. Just off this area is a kitchen with minor loot and a door back outside. A Few Kindred Spirits She's got the giant green quest objective marker over her head. A Few Kindred Spirits Quest - Find Zoe - The Outer Worlds 8,644 views Oct 25, 2019 A Few Kindred Spirits Quest - Find Zoe - The Outer Worlds shows you how to bring deserter Zoe. In the questA Few Kindred Spirits you can either: Persuade (10) or Intimidate (38): Allow you to push her to return. Loot the various corpses and then talk to the guard, Grace Romero. Continue northwest along the road, killing more marauders outside some buildings. She is concerned about members of her camp "wandering out" of it. newsletter, Destiny 2 power level guide, all caps and Powerful and Pinnacle gear sources explained, The best way to increase your Power level in Destiny 2s new Lightfall expansion, Marvel still doesnt know what to do with its most popular hero, Spider-Man, Spider-Man endures, almost in spite of many Spider-Man stories, Where to buy the Pokmon Go Plus Plus device, The new Pokmon Go sleep-tracking multitool will start shipping July 14, The official BTS Lego set is now available, I have never found myself so inexplicably attracted to a set of Lego Minifigs, Sign up for the Engage from a distance with your companion to whittle down the marauders numbers. Follow her there and speak with Grace to complete the quest. However, Grace is unable to go look for Zoe herself, as she is the only one at the Botanical Labs able to handle a gun and therefore defend the camp. Stefan is reluctant to part with the item and must be convinced with a Lie 10 or Persuade 10 check. Among the dead marauders is Guillaume Antrim, one of the subjects of a Fistful of Digits, so be sure to collect his finger (500XP). If you go up the stairs to its left, you can go through the door immediately to your left for some minor loot. Your email address will not be published. Thursday, Feb. 23. Take care as you climb out of the water because the hideout area is mined. She does not know where Zoe may have gone but suggests that the Stranger check her room or speak to Stefan Garcia, with whom Zoe used to be close. The other path leads up a hill at the top of which you'll find the Marauder Cave (300XP). Also, there's a certain height requirement - it won't trigger if you're . Some folks have managed to get her to talk, but cant get her to go back to the Botanical Lab no matter what they say. She can be convinced to rejoin the deserters and return to the Botanical Labs. Conversely you can kill her for 1500 XP and pick up her ring as proof she is dead. Former Employer Take them out, then quickly ready for another fight with the Marauders within the zone itself. Of course, it's not going to be that easy. The area beyond is patrolled by a Mechanical Sentry. A great option in The Outer Worlds is a Sniper Build. Now youll need to negotiate the deal, just make sure to choose the dialogue options that compromise for both sides, and theyll come to an agreement eventually. The way I fixed this problem was I went to the Geothermal plant and did everything there but reverting the power supply. Contents 1 Background 2 Player Interactions 2.1 Related Quests 3 References Background Persuading her, will give you the option to talk about Stefan, and if you talked to him you can bring up the surprise episode he had prepared. I could kill her but it fails the mission. If you want to be really prepared and have a couple of thousand bits to spare, you can buy some Primal Leather from Stefan after getting your Deserters Reputation up. Well, she wont actually be fighting you but the bandits around her are none too pleased with you rolling up. Though I wasn't even on her quest, I'm on a quest to retrieve the fingers of 3 raider bosses and one of it was there, I just noticed some glitched NPC and was curious to learn how to fix it. You can unbar two doorways up here, after which you can continue up to find the third switch. To duplicate items in The Outer Worlds, simply follow the steps listed below. At this point, you can dismiss her but what would be the point? She'll want to know why you've agreed to help him - tell her that you need a power regulator. Head northeast from the Marauder Camp over a low hill. When they're taken care of, you can loot the area and use the Vending Machine here. Diverting power to Edgewater is the only way you can unlock the Mightier Than the Sword trophy. Return to Edgewater. When the marauder gang in the Abandoned Industrial Zone is defeated by the Stranger, Zoe expresses her admiration for their skills and asks them to teach her their ways. Please also read our Privacy Notice and Terms of Use, which became effective December 20, 2019. Now it's up to you if you wanna put this quest on the backburner, I wanted to. Zoe will be standing out in the open in the middle of the zone. Return to the road and there's a building immediately to your left with some minor loot. Tldr: I just fixed the ship, progressed into the story a bit and then returned there to see if she's back to normal and she was. If you check Reputation in your character information screen, you should have 75% positive Reputation with at least one faction who now "revere" you. Flaws are optional penalties that you can take that give you a permanent handicap in return for a Perk point. There's a bed here, if you're playing on Supernova difficulty, and a container in which to store stuff (such as excess consumables). If you have Engineering 25, you can install it yourself; otherwise, Ada will guide you. Go through the door and examine the device on the counter to advance the Illustrated Manual (3600XP). There is a trophy, Short Circuit, for scrapping thirty automechanical enemies using Shock damage. I cleared the town before taking the quest and the sheriffs quest, which has the same issue 3 meters away, I had the same glitch except I died after meeting zoe and killing my target, now they wont appear but the marker is there. She will tell you she was kicked out from Edgewater for getting sick and stealing medicine. Makes Space Suit's, Won't Travel is a side quest in Outer Worlds. Grace the sheriff wants to investigate,. There'll be several enemies to take down. Cross the river when you reach the nearby waterfall. Pick up the Power Regulator from behind her (1028 XP). Just beat her to death and you can complete the quest. However, perhaps you want even more control over your own adventure. Ask her who she's going to give the medicine to and you'll realise that you've probably made the right choice. Remember to select Max from your character screen and choose a Perk for him. its the wasteland. Return to ADA and have her take the Unreliable into orbit (5828XP). Return to where you entered and make your way around the back of the plant, collecting loot and looting bodies along the way. When the western group of primals are eliminated, you can claim your prize from the body of a Corporate Commander: the unique Light Machine Gun Ol' Reliable. So I just fuckin killed her. Sanjar will task you with finding Zora's performance review, so . When you come to a fork, turn right. Soon as I exited out of the conversation the option to talk to Zoe was back. Try reloading. Make a Persuade (15) check and he'll agree to step down in favour of Adelaide (1800XP). You can give him the two volumes you already have for 800 Bits and Deserters Reputation. As you arrive at the abandoned industrial zone, watch out for landmines littering the road in. Lost in transit while on a colonist ship bound for the furthest edge of the galaxy, you awake decades later only to find yourself in the midst of a deep conspiracy threatening to destroy the Halcyon colony. When you get to the settlement, you may find yourself overrun. As it happens, the only behaviour you can change is "Define Intruders as Spacer's Choice Automechanicals". The next building along is the Emerald Vale Community Centre (800XP). This area doesn't have a fast travel node, so you'll need to hoof it there on foot. Save your game and make your way around the back of the first building you come to. Leave the cave and follow the course of the river north. Not sure if you've solved it but sleep it off. Fast travel to your ship. Gender Tobson Reed will be waiting for you at the bottom. This will being you back to the second switch. All content, including text, images and other media, provided on this site are owned by GNUB D.O.O. You can talk to Max and exhaust his various conversation options to unlock his personal quest, The Empty Man. To the east of the Botanical Lab, theres a small settlement filled with marauders. Doc Maybell will engage you at close quarters with his unique Blad on Stik Trip Blade. Abernathy, whom you will find where you last saw him, gives 3500XP and Spacer's Choice Reputation. Part 1XP 1125----Part 2XP 1125----Part 3XP 1125 + 3000Bolter pistolDeserters Reputation. Something went wrong. A British writer covering indie and retro gaming, esports, and more. Beware of the Primal Behemoth nearby as they are quite tough to take on. There's some loot to be found here and you can go through a door at the back to find a locker room. There is a level 5 terminal on the desk. Go up the stairs and use the passcode on the terminal. What this really means is everything that falls under the Mind attribute (Intelligence and Perception) gets between -2 and -5, I think (depending on the current level). If you didn't speak to her earlier, you will find a couple of pages from her journal from which you will learn that she's gone to join up with the marauders (1875XP). The effect is "Permanently decreases the Mind Attributes by -1". Hard (Silver): Completed The Outer Worlds on hard difficulty. This will unlock the Ticket to Anywhere trophy. She can be found at Abandoned Industrial Zone Emerald Vale, Zoe Chandler Related Quests Destroyer of Worlds (Silver): Had maximum negative reputation with 3 factions. The Outer Worlds is a game entirely about player choice, letting you play however you want to on top of making plenty of world-altering decisions. Once there, go talk to Grace. Go left and you'll find a small building that you can enter. You can turn in the Experimental Anthrocillin to either Esther or Abernathy. Head through the door and turn left towards the power core. Board the Unreliable. Pages from her journal can be found inside and Page 22 will reveal that Zoe left the camp to join the marauders and become a bandit queen. I talked to her, realized i couldnt persuade her, then decided to pick the lockbox in front of her she got mad that I violated regulations(shes supposed to be a marauder) so I used my only skill that would work, intimidate. If you return to the wildlife exhibition room, you can go up the stairs. A practical use for it is to respec your character for the purpose of unlocking specific trophies. Talk to Zoe about why shes here. Fortnite Cold Blooded Coffers Location: Where To Find and How to Search. Zoe Chandler, on the marauders, abandoned industrial zone (Emerald Vale). But she wont come without a fight so be sure to go in ready to shoot. Home Outer Worlds Outer Worlds Zoe Bugged A Few Kindred Spirits Quest. She shows up as a red arrow on my compass. From here go right to a wildlife exhibition room. Access the terminal and read Alex Hawthorne's various logs and messages to initiate Weapons From the Void. Go through the door opposite to the security office and use the terminal to unlock the nearby sealed door. Telling her the truth does not cause any problems and rewards with with 4125xp and increased positive reputation with the Deserters faction, raising your status to Agreeable if you had none. Turn around and go back southeast until the road turns left. Just find a bed and sleep for 2 or 3 days. Zoe is hiding out with the marauders based in the abandoned industrial zone in the northeastern part of Emerald Vale. [4] She bartered much of her stash to the marauder gang in the Abandoned Industrial Zone and they allowed her to stay, becoming "practically their queen".[5]. Continue northeast until you come across the Abandoned Outpost (200XP). The Outer Worlds is an award-winning single-player first-person sci-fi RPG from Obsidian Entertainment and Private Division. Plus, the game gives you plenty of freedom to experience everything how and when you desire. Please check your email to find a confirmation email, and follow the steps to confirm your humanity. There is a level 25 locked door to your right that leads to a Workbench. 5. She seems to be content with her situation, so it'll take some convincing to get her to return to her people. Hogwarts Legacy: How To Make Hermione Grangers Wand, Fortnite Falcon Scout: Where To Find and How To Use. Yeah I did all previous steps to the quest that lead up to her exact location. Things get sticky, though, because Zoe doesn't want to go back to the Botanical Lab. You need 25 Persuade to finish this quest. You'll have to fight off some pteroray enemies here. Had that too, the game sees her as a hostile while she isn't. Thankfully, both options only require a skill check of 5 to pass. Grace will want to hear the good news. She doesn't want to return to the camp, believing that she belongs with the marauders. So just sleep the shit out of her, checking if she's ok every 10 "times" you go to sleep. It won't trigger immediately - you'll have to stand on the edge for a few seconds before it is active. Talking to her will show that she traded Adrena-Time in order to join the confidence of the Marauders. General attribute loss or crippled legs should be rejected. You can Persuade or Intimidate him for an additional 300 Bits. If, Are Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer servers down currently? Go back down the ladder which will bring you out by the workbench. "The Outer Worlds" is a game that allows players a lot of room to strategize. Abandoned Industrial Zone, Emerald ValeBotanical Labs, Emerald Vale The shack next door to Stefan's belongs to Zoe. She suggested checking the shack where Zoe beds down for any hints at where she might have gone. When they are defeated, Zoe will appear in the street in the center of the area. He will mention that they were going to watch a serial, and she never showed up for it. If you head right from the road, you'll see some buildings on a hill above the settlement. Pickpocket her : You'll be able to obtain 7 units of adrenachronine. This quest will be prompted after you deal with the Iconoclasts the first time and clear up their radio signals. This will net you 4000 XP, Deserters Reputation and a Bolter Pistol. Now see Canids Cradle through and get the module. All I had to do was talk to Parvati. You may spot someone called Zoe Chandler while you're here who is the subject of a later quest. If you need any other help, make sure to check out our Outer Worlds guide wiki. Next Side quests Emerald Vale A Few Kindred Spirits Prev Side quests List of all side quest. Enter the site from its western end and thin numbers by sniping from a distance. When you take a step or two back, it will disappear as quickly as it appeared. Go through the door to the right. Intimidate values weve seen were between 30 and 46. Russell Yuen. The path soon splits. Here is where to find Zoe in The Outer Worlds A Few Kindred Spirits quest. Here's what you'll get for your troubles: That's all you need to know about completing the "Finding Zoe" sidequest in The Outer Worlds. The Outer Worlds Cheat Console Commands. If you have a 15 Persuade skill and mention that Stefan was planning to surprise her she'll agree to return (1875XP). NPCs are not able to Tinkering Information: With the Science skill, you can upgrade Weapons and Armor at a Workbench, The gear level will rise by 1 each time. Youll need either persuade or intimidate to convince her to go back. Required fields are marked *, Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute("id","a4b4bd3ea77ceffdfa68569ef76bb4d6");document.getElementById("f756645e86").setAttribute("id","comment"), The Outer Worlds Zoe Chandler Quest Guide. If you aren't that attached to her you can just kill her and then loot her ring and lie about it. There's some other loot that you can grab while you're in here and there's a terminal on the desk. Here is a screenshot of Zoe Chandler. This usually happens because theres a marauder or two hiding out somewhere nearby. 79 (after returning to the Deserters). She joined the Botanical Lab expecting outlaws and instead found a peaceful community, not to her liking. She'll tell you that you can divert power to the Deserters' Settlement which will update your quest. Go into the Cannery and use the elevator to report back to Tobson Reed (19800XP). He's a trader with a unique gun for sale (that you probably can't afford right now anyway). You may remember avoiding the Old Wreckage because of the dangerous wildlife. There is a single marauder in here along with some minor loot. Botanical labsAbandoned industrial zone It's even more intriguing when you can gain a bit more control over your experiences. Went to the ship to finish the main quest and wanted to kill some more easy targets (marauders). When they 're taken care of, you can give him the two notes on the tables to quest... Go back, it will disappear as quickly as it happens, the game her... Looting bodies along the way I fixed this problem was I went to the security office and use terminal. To convince her to go back down the ladder which will bring you out by the Workbench to! 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