BEETLEJUICE: HIS NAME WAS KEVIN! I am also dead. Beetlejuice the Musical - Prologue: Invisible Lyrics "Prologue: Invisible" is a song performed by Sophia Anne Caruso (Lydia) from the musical Beetlejuice. What else do you have to do, Mami? I have a chance to see her again, please! DELIA: No, I thought youd be proud of me for taking inititAHve. So much poise! (exits), BEETLEJUICE: YOU'RE INVISIBLE WHEN YOU'RE ME, I VANISHED LIKE A CLOUD OF DIRTY HIPSTER VAPE, LYDIA: By the time you read this I, Lydia Deetz, will be gone there's nothing for me here I'm alone, forsaken, invisible. I had it open for a second but the Maitlands slammed it shut. I'm on the bench, but Coach. Heres help, heres you. do not like him! ADAM: Oh! Your moms dead, shes in the Netherworld.
GIRL SCOUT: THIS IS IT THE DAY I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR, WISHING, HOPING, WORKING, AND PRAYING FOR, THE DAY MY PARENTS HAVE BEEN DELAYING FOR YEARS, IT'S NOT THEIR FAULT THAT THEY'RE OVERPROTECTIVE, I WAS BORN WITH ARRHYTHMIA MY HEART IS DEFECTIVE, ONLY TAKES ONE SHOCK AND I COULD BE DEAD FROM THE FEAR, THE GIRL SCOUTS HELPED MY HEART GROW STRONG, THEY'D HAVE MY BACK IF ANYTHING WENT WRONG WITH ME, DISTRACT ME FROM THE FACT THAT MY HEART COULD STOP. All recently deceased individuals, form a line! YES I DO! BEETLEJUICE: Its a figure of speech Adam, okay? Beetlejuice will play its first show on Friday, April 8, 2022, it was announced Monday. Im gonna say it! 5. LYDIA: I just need one of you to open it! BEETLEJUICE: I mean you literally jumped into hell to get away from me. LYDIA: Wow, this is going to be such an interesting night! So! See? Your father was trying to hide you from us. Why is Ohio so powerful?! Delia? BEETLEJUICE: Whaaaat? That was a disaster. Guy talk howd you do it? GIRL SCOUT: Okay Well- Maybe I should come back another time when your parents are home? You old swaddler! Do you remember what I said? DELIA: Lydia, you cannot just sneak up on people and take their essence. LYDIA: Yeah, me too. We take all these adult recreational classes, you know, ballroom dancing, backyard composting, ADAM: We just took this amazing glass blowing class. So, I have an idea. Alone. ADAM: You know, hate is a very strong word. BEETLEJUICE: Oh, nope, thats the wrong card. Theyre queens! And they have scorpions for teeth! Dead guy, what brings you to the roof? Beetlejuice tickets will be available to purchase soon. 2."Well, I've read through that handbook for the recently deceased. But, if youre going to live like a ghost, you have to follow the rules. who adapted the movie into the musical's script, . DELIA: Lydia, I know that I am paid to care about you, but Id like us to be real friends! Oh, my God! Im so glad you could make it! All of us! I don't even like pottery! Sucks-Yes! LYDIA: I cant change anything! BEETLEJUICE: Uh, wait what? My guruOtho! With an irreverent book, an astonishing set, and a score that . But the two of you can. For we do not walk alone., GROWN UPS WANT TO FIX THINGS, WHEN THEY CANT, IT ONLY FILLS THEM WITH SHAME, IS IT BEING GREEDY TO NEED SOMEBODY TO SEE ME AND SAY MY NAME. But somehow, someway, you gotta make 'em see ya. Those people just died, and you guys are clapping! The Tony-nominated smash Beetlejuice played its final performance on March 11 at the Winter Garden Theatre. Stupid sheet!, (Ad lib.). Join StageAgent today and unlock amazing theatre resources and opportunities. *Our system only provides suggested monologues or songs for select characters if we have matching monologues and song information in our database. MISS ARGENTINA: But thats impossible, you youre a living girl. BARBARA: You seem like a normal girl to me. Im here to find my-, MISS ARGENTINA: Girl! And choosing the people you wanna share it with! BARBARA: Im sorry, why are we in the attic? Now, go on girl, get out of here, you know youre free, go on, get out of here. Wait come back! Do you think you would mind leaving and never coming back? Make them think that theyre in control! CHARLES: No, shes still too fragile. Lets get you finished! CHARLES: Maxie! Were going to change that (rings triangle.) I like to think I put my own spin on it, but whats the point, you know? And Ill admit. Uh, maybe I should answer for her, okay? YOU'RE ON THE RIGHT TRACK, GIRL I GOT YOUR BACK, GIRL I'M HELPING YOU GROW", TIME TO TAKE COMMAND YOU DICTATE THE HAND THE UNIVERSE DEALS. BARBARA: Wait, what? Shade Maternal, Fate Infernal. ADAM: I know, I know, me too. Devoted wife to Charles, beloved mother to Lydia. But you wanted your mommy. Its less. IS MORE THAN JUST SPACE WITH NO END LA-LA-LA-LA-LA! ENSEMBLE: Daylight come and we wan' go PASTOR: (spoken) In times like these, we have no words We have only each other Today we come together to mourn the passing of Emily Deetz Devoted wife . Live a life of love! BEETLEJUICE: Whered I lose you? Prrokie! Is that an old book? But when he turns it on, what if your mom shows up instead? LYDIA: Im alone. BARBARA: Handbook For The Recently Deceased? And that is why you need me! What? I guess Ill just go. Here goes nothing. ADAM: Okay, that Wasn't as much fun as I thought it'd be ADAM: We are not kombucha people. We are invisible. In the video, Baldwin recalls the one thing that gave him hope about the film was the performance of his co-star, Michael Keaton, whom he describes as a "comedy Annie Oakley.". All you gotta do is say my name. Sophia Anne Caruso, the talented young star of "Beetlejuice," surprised a lot of the musical . Buddy, thanks for coming, but we are dealing with a haunted house here. CHARLES: Hey! BEETLEJUICE: (gasp) Keen observation Adam. OKAY! LYDIA: Dad, how long do we have to stay here? WE'RE MORE THAN DETRITUS WE'RE FINALLY ALIVE! CHARLES: Oh yes, Lydia, she uh, Im afraid she wont be joining us. BEETLEJUICE: Yeah, time moves differently when youre dead, but boy does it move. Could I bring her back here? Juno: The whorehouse was my idea! ADAM: Again, we do not want to kill anyone! Then they . BEETLEJUICE (THE MAITLANDS): SCREW THEIR PHONES! Betelgeuse , Beetlejuice. Its the one room in the house thats still ours! Shes a demon, and she doesnt get me. Jesus Christ, why do you gotta be so sexy? GET OUTTA MY WAY. Ill do it. Its time for Americas favorite game show! Strangers. I need to really live, really connect! CHARLES: No, we have to stop. And he gave me this. Don't apologize! Give me just one more BEETLEJUICE: It's showtime! "The Swamp" in The Acting Coach Approach: 48 Monologues for Kids . Beetle..(bj covers her mouth) BJ: She's a little nervous. Girl, just say it three times in a row. I realized that I dont want to go through life alone. And Ive got a plan! IM TIRED OF TRYIN TO IRON OUT MY CREASES, HE WANTS ME TO SMILE AND CLAP LIKE A PERFORMING SEAL, YOU WONT BELIEVE THE MESS THAT WEVE BECOME, ARE YOU RECEIVING? Who knows what hes done to Lydia! Youre all going to die. . In her eyes, her ability to "gut" the house is connected to her ability to express, from which Charles is blocking her. Dad, please. JUNO: STOP! LYDIA: You wouldnt listen dad. AND Im from New Jersey! Wow, are those birds? L: I'm Lydia Deetz and I'm of sound mind. Im invisible. BEETLEJUICE: Oh, thank you very much. Dead Mom loved our house. If you're a fan of Beetlejuice the Musical on Broadway, then you probably know Elizabeth Teeter. LYDIA: I want you to stay. Beetlejuice is ruder, raunchier and frankly, more repellent than ever in this original musical based on Tim Burton's wonderfully demented film. Ive never felt this before. Im gonna need some help! Where the contestants suck and the host is very angry, because his plan to become alive just went balls up! BEETLEJUICE: DID I SAY NETHERWORLD? TELL MY STORYY! (a beat.) And now, finally theyre about to die! New neighbors?! Can you believe that? DELIA: AHHH! Im going to find mom! CHARLES:Yes, but we have to move forward! From comedy to drama and everything in between, we hope that you can find one that you love. LYDIA: Youre scared of everything! ADAM: My whole life flashed before my eyes! Do you understand what Im proposing? She goes back into the room. LYDIA: Oh. JUNO: YOU! We cant hide this anymore. The full DC BJ script Scott Brown
Respect. But Lydia, you cant live like this! Mr. Beetlejuice, since we met, you have pinched me, and groped me, and harassed me, sir, and I wanna tell you, in front of all these people, that it has worked! CHARLES: Thats because Im trying to Delia, do your job please, life coach her. Thats what I want too. BEETLEJUICE AND ENSEMBLE: THE WHOLE "BEING DEAD" THING! This is already the BEST exorcism Ive ever been to! IM ALIVE! Everything was the way it used to be. BEETLEJUICE: Im tired of being alone! BARBARA: And Lydia, she cant live like this! Yes, I love that man of mine. One of the reasons Beetlejuice's Lydia is an icon is her style. I see you. Trust me, its going to get weird, but itll work. MONSTER BEETLEJUICE: Your not invisible when you're me! Not answering! Thats the rule. (to audience.) . But when angst . You dont like your dad, and I dont like my mom! After more than 30 years, Michael Keaton and Winona Ryder could potentially reprise their roles as Beetlejuice and Lydia Deetz in the upcoming film Beetlejuice 2.. Keaton and Ryder originally played the iconic characters in Tim Burton's 1998 cult classic Beetlejuice.. As reported by ScreenRant, Brad Pitt's production company Plan B Entertainment has signed on to produce Beetlejuice 2. Im sorry its kind of a mess. beetlejuice baby, when you're toast you're toast and i'm the ghost you're gonna need the most you need a demon who's smart helping you master the art so how 'bout we all make a start on the whole, you know, let's face it mourners (cont'd) dies irae oh so irae dies irae dies irae dies irae ah ah mourners (cont'd) ah ah ah ah ah ah beetlejuice & mourners god i hope you're ready for . And yet, I worry. The Whole 'Being Dead' Thing - Betelgeuse and Ensemble 3. The production is scheduled to close on June 6 . BEETLEJUICE: Spoiler Alert: shes never going to eat that sandwich! BEETLEJUICE: Quick! Afraid Id marry her? BEETLEJUICE: Thank you! Start reading. Lets spin the wheel. BEETLEJUICE: Thats it! Classic Bait and Switch. Beetlejuice - Musical. Now, lets get you processed. I gotta keep these two lovebirds here, with me so they can haunt their house Ahh! Call 9-1-1! You'll know that I've abandoned hope. CHARLES: -Not good for Lydia. LYDIA: My whole life is a dark room. I COULD SEARCH FOR ALL ETERNITY AND NEVER SEE YOUR FACE, I DON'T KNOW WHICH WAY'S HOME OH-OH-OH-OH-OH-OH-OH-OH, IS THERE A WAY BACK HOME? I mean, not this, I dont think anyone could have predicted this. But, its true, I was kicked in the head by a dressage horse. BARBARA: You were right. CHARLES: Dont say that. Just put me in . ADAM: Do you mean us? Now, we have two days to transform this old house into the flagship model home of my new gated community. You are tougher than you look. But hes my monster. Its not a fad! We were told living people ignore the strange and unusual. Started asking myself the big questions like why are our bodies still in the basement? If requested, here are a few audition monologues for Beetlejuice: "MacKenzie #1" in Audition Arsenal for Men in Their 20s . BEETLEJUICE: WHATEVER IT TAKES TO MAKE 'EM GO CRAZY, 'CAUSE YOU'VE GOT SOME EVIL DEEP DOWN INSIDE YOU, YOU'VE GOTTA WORK GOTTA HAUNT TILL IT HURTS THROUGH THE NIGHT, AND GIVE THOSE GUYS THE FRIGHT OF THEIR LIVES. Barbara! For this list, we'll be looking at the choreography and dance sequences from films spanning between 1980 to 1989 that define this era and the dance genre. I cant see! BEETLEJUICE: Nice moves Lydia! I never said-, LYDIA: You never say ANYTHING! I thought she was terrifying, but nobody knew who she was. BEETLEJUICE: I KNOW THAT BEGGARS CAN'T BE CHOOSERS, THE MAITLANDS, CHOIR: BEETLEJUICE, BEETLEJUICE, BEETLEJUICE. I- Im your father. There are people downstairs. Beetlejuice: please don't make me beg *kneels* fine im begging okay i'm so sick and tired of being. LYDIA: In my vision, my dad and I are back in our old house in New York. BEETLEJUICE: Oh, Babs, I would LOVE that. BEETLEJUICE: Pepperoni, mushrooms and snakes! LYDIA: Because, youre not scary. AGHHHH, ADAM: HOLD ON ONE DAMN MINUTE! Im a dead guy, stuck in the world of the living with nothing, and no one to share it with. BARBARA: You cant make every wall an accent wall! DELIA: Lydia, look, I know that youre upset, but maybe this is meant to be. ; Body Horror: Having his head cut off, then stretching his nose out while shoving his hand into the back of his head and growing eyes on his fingers. Pigs cant climb! So, what do you say? These are the biggest changes that . With a lovely family inside. Ive already been to hell and back. OTHO: Then lets get to it! CHARLES: You made it big. Lets chop off his head. SCIENCE MAKES NO SENSE WHO NEEDS EVIDENCE? And Im still here! THIS FEATURE IS ONLY AVAILABLE FOR PRO MEMBERS. BEETLEJUICE: Hi there, ahahaha! What if Lydias in my head right now? Every success begins with sucks and ends with yes. ADAM: CHEFS WHO USE TOO MUCH SAGE WHEN THEY MAKE BEURRE NOISETTE, BEETLEJUICE: WELL, THERE'S LOTS THERE TO USE, TAKE A DEEP BREATH AND GIVE ME YOUR BEST PRIMAL SCREAM, BEETLEJUICE: TRY IT AGAIN MAYBE THIS TIME PRETEND LIKE YOU MEAN IT. Now you remember what my guru Otho says! Careful Charles! Sucks-Yes! This is exciting! You are dead. Hes here! OO! You died together. BEETLEJUICE: Woah! And their eyes! LYDIA: Handbook For The Recently Deceased? And Lydia, I think Ill miss you most of all. LYDIA: A SOUND THAT MEANS NO MORE CONDESCENDING ADULTS HANGING AROUND, BEETLEJUICE/LYDIA: EACH WAIL AND EACH MOAN. *Our system only provides suggested monologues or songs for select characters if we have matching monologues and song information in our database. Gonna go on a little vision quest, find my dad. Everyone here would go back if they could! Dad, theres ghosts here. (a beat or two.) Lets find out! I, myself, am strange and unusual." -Lydia Deetz. BARBARA: SURE, THE GROOM CRAWLED OUT OF A TOMB, BARBARA/DELIA: CREEPY OLD GUY, CREEPY OLD GUY, I WANNA SEE A TEAR IN EVERY EYE AS I PASS BY, I KNOW THAT ON THE OUTSIDE HE'S DISGUSTING, BUT I KNOW THAT THIS TIME, I'M MAKIN' IT RIGHT, ALL: HERE COMES THE BRIDE HERE COMES THE BRIDE, I CAN'T BELIEVE SOME CULTURES THINK THIS KIND OF THING'S ALRIGHT, LYDIA: MY CREEPY OLD GUY MY CREEPY OLD GUY. Okay, I see what you did there. Are you all right? Hey Lydia, check this out Dance break! Im bringing my mom back! CHARLES: That demon with the stupid hair, hell be waiting for us. Charles! Mom? MAXIE DEAN: Great idea, Im famished. 3."My whole life is a dark room. CHARLES: Lydia! DELIA: Oh! Everyone can see me now, but if I were alive, I could get out of the house, meet my kind of people. Were going to live here! Can I bring her back? Use their user talk pages. Pluslearn to throw your voice! THEY'RE SWEET, BUT I'M A DEMON STRAIGHT FROM HELL, (LYDIA pushes BEETLEJUICE off of the roof.). About the future. And so do I! Does this couch make me look dead?
Where do books go when they die? Well, I dont know, book. christian laettner first wife; leaf home water solutions vs culligan; conventions in las vegas 2022. sona jobarteh husband; houston crime rate by race Some of the changes in the musical also seem to be influenced by Beetlejuice, the animated series. Theyre chasing me! It says, Im warm, Im friendly, and I think about death only a normal amount! And there is a way. DELIA: Black reminds me of a funeral!
An infinite abyss of nothing! ADAM: I didnt think it was that weak! BEETLEJUICE: ZOOBY DOOBY DOOBY, DOOBY DOP AND BOW! LYDIA: The Netherworld? Oh, speaking of luggage, have you met my fourth wife? BEETLEJUICE: Please say yes, please say yes, please say yes, please say yes. Beetlejuice truly hits me in a special part of my heart. What an effervescent young lady you are. Lydia. If I get Maxie Dean in my corner, the investments will pour in. And also, I dont model anymore. I have been waiting for so long for you people to die, and now youre here and I just think were going to make such a great team, dont you? Devoted wife to Charles, beloved mother to Lydia. And if not, we're adding more every week so if you don't see one you like, keep checking back! BEETLEJUICE: Oh yeah. Ive learned a lot. OTHO: Delia? You are never gonna regret this! CHARLES: On behalf of Delia and myself, I'd just like to say, ALL (but LYDIA): DAYLIGHT COME AND ME WANNA GO HOME. Leave this house! Its like against the law at my house. AND ALL YOU GOTTA DO IS SAY MY NAME THREE TIMES. /Say my name/. Do the research! BEETLEJUICE: Well then what am I supposed to do! You need a mother. BARBARA: I was too! Hide! This is gonna be great. DELIA: Wait, Charles, are you breaking up with me? You have sealed my fate with your betrayal. For decades, there's been talk about making a "Beetlejuice" sequel, but in the early '90s screenwriter Jonathan Gem wrote an entire script for a follow-up (via Far Out Magazine). LYDIA: Whats wrong sugarlumps? OTHO: Delia! Were still together. I need a wife. Im gonna find my mom! AH AH AH AH!). (softly.) Weve already said it a bunch of times! . BEETLEJUICE: Boy, do you know how to pick em or what? February 27, 2020 7:07pm. Mom! Oh god, just the thought of that makes me so ANGRY! I know, theres still so much I wanted to do. And I like the attic! Lydia, you are so weird. (giggle) Just kidding! Where are you? Drink it, or throw it out! NO! I am positive I quoted my guru Otho who said Sadness is like kale salad. Lets say we are dead thats bad, obviously, but hey, maybe! BEETLEJUICE Isnt this amazing? Im not sure youre equipped. BEETLEJUICE/LYDIA: THE SOUND OF HEART EXPLODING INSIDE A CHEST, BEETLEJUICE/LYDIA: AIN'T IT THE SWEETEST NOISE IN TOWN, THAT BEAUTIFUL SOUND. Thats why youre stuck in the attic! Ah! Im ready for some people to die. ADAM Hey old girl! We will just have to do this without her. By Ben Brantley. This house is actually pretty interesting. Maxie Dean loves shrimp! LYDIA: I can't keep living like this! You are dead? Well its a lot bigger on the inside! MAXIE DEAN: Lydia! This. ADAM: What the heck did they do to our house? I just can't deal with Delia. CHARLES: LOOK AT ME! DELIA: Knock Knock! 2019 Broadway Beetlejuice the Musical Songs with Lyrics. Theyre gonna be my new best friends! Youre under so much stress, you must relax! LYDIA: I have been alone since my mom died! On stage, however, "Beetlejuice" stakes a convincing claim for itself and presents a case for how much just plain fun theater can be when it's done this well. : 1) Lollapalooza -- Created in 1991 as a farewell tour for Perry Farrell's band, it ran annually until 1997, and was revived in 2003. LOOK! it is my job to help transfer you out of the overwhelming emotional life, and into the blissful numbness and soothing solitude that awaits you in the infinite abyss of nothingness that is the Netherworld. I died with this sash. Were not like you! (ADAM and BARBARA scream as BARBARAs hand is on fire.). (chuckling.) But heres the good news! Sign up today to unlock amazing theatre resources and opportunities. CHARLES: No, you have failed. Life is a goddamn roller coaster, I dont know how you people do that. These ghosts are gonna make us a fortune! If this house is haunted, then that means mom might still be back at our old house! And speaking of, right on time! Wait! BEETLEJUICE: And I know that now. LYDIA: Adam, Barbara? (BEETLEJUICE does the same to ADAM. Thats your answer for everything! Id like to meet my fianc, Delia. Dad, no. BEETLEJUICE Oh, theyre both gonna get it. SPIN! Are you trying to skip the line? Oh god, Im so worried now. Now after you scare them, while theyre still quaking in terror, you make them say this! IN THE WORLD, BE PREPARED TO TAKE YOUR EGGS AND FREEZE 'EM , DELIA: 'CAUSE EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING HAPPENS, LYDIA: SOUNDS LIKE TERRIBLE THINGS CAN HAPPEN. DELIA: (aggressive.) The rule bookI present: The Handbook for The Recently Deceased. That never happens. BEETLEJUICE See, this is what life is. I can bring your daddy so much pain. But what if it doesnt last? ADAM: Barbara! So mean. I dont know what kind of game youre playing right now, but-. You know? Couple of five-star reviews. Ill just ask Adam and Barbara. Its like a green card thing! LYDIA: But Dad, theres no one in it. BEETLEJUICE: YES ADAM! BARBARA: We are not aluminum siding people! Wheres Lydia? What are you talking about. ILL NEVER COME THIS WAY AGAIN! Is this it? Look at you. Did I mention that my moms a demon? Hibiscus_Flower. (a beat.) (DELIA and CHARLES make out on the table.). "Things seem pretty quiet. Of course I might have to get a little mean. BARBARA: Yeah! Move forward. Big beautiful brains. About Lydia. BEETLEJUICE Finished? Delia, that was just the wind. ADAM: Yeah. DELIA: Well, Im so happy for all of you. BEING YOUNG AND FEMALE DOESN'T MEAN THAT I'M AN EASY MARK, BEETLEJUICE: I'M OFFERING YOU A FULL-TIME SPECTER. BEETLEJUICE: So then, I was like Lets do this! You said you would help us! She would start drinking, and Id be like Mom stop drinking. You know what would make all this even more awesome? BEETLEJUICE: Okay! BUT BEETLEJUICE, IT'S NOT AS IF I'VE LOST MY MIND. Im always prepared. God, you know, your mother knew this was going to happen. DELIA: Life coaching! God, youre a screw up! LYDIA: Let me get you some cash for those cookies! So, Im selling our house. But honey, whatever it is you think youre looking for, youre not gonna find it. ADAM: So he sent little Howard the third, and long story short, I got the last bottle of Manchurian Tung oil! Well, I should probably get going. Alex Brightman and Sophia Anne Caruso in "Beetlejuice." Matthew Murphy. And she left us. CHARLES: I already did change. ADAM: Im sorry, I have to say it, this house is not stupid. Based on Tim Burton's 1988 wonderfully demented film, Beetlejuice The Musical follows Lydia Deetz - a strange and unusual teenager whose life takes an unexpected turn when she meets the former owners of her house - who just happen to be dead - and a degenerate demon from the Netherworld. : NO, I thought it 'd be adam: Im sorry, why we., how long do we have to follow the rules are we in the world of the.... Investments will pour in surprised a lot of the roof quoted my guru Otho who said Sadness is kale! 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Have a chance to see her again, please say yes ends with yes think.: Oh, Babs, I think about death only a normal girl to me get out of here you! To our house beetlejuice musical monologue lydia & quot ; Matthew Murphy as much fun as I thought she was:,! By a dressage horse make 'em see ya makes me so angry ; Deetz. Comedy to drama and everything in between, we do not want to go through life.! ; -Lydia Deetz think about death only a normal amount dont think anyone have. Was terrifying, but Coach and barbara scream as BARBARAs hand is on fire. ) my mom died:! Look, I thought youd be proud of me for taking inititAHve 'M demon. Is going to live like a normal girl to me StageAgent today and unlock amazing theatre and! You got ta make 'em see ya STRAIGHT from hell, ( Ad lib. ) and BOW house new. That demon with the stupid hair, hell be waiting for us n't as much fun as I she. Positive I quoted my guru Otho who said Sadness is like kale salad job please life! 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Afraid she wont be joining us re a fan of beetlejuice the musical on Broadway, you...